+50|6599|Dragon Valley
I've NEVER seen one of those, but I'm very interested already! Not a bad price either. I might have to buy one around christmas, looks like a cool device built for gaming.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6779|Sea to globally-cooled sea
I changed only one thing for my keyboard.  I pop smoke with my shift cuz i got frustrated never being able to find the x.

I have the Logitech G5 mouse and I love it, mostly for the variable speed ingame.  man that kicks ass.

Left Mouse: Fire
Right Mouse: alt fire
scroll: select weapon (i never use it though)
click scroll wheel: zoom map
cock scroll wheel left and right:  page up and page down (for practically hands-free communication/voting)
side button: parachute

my left hand NEVER moves, so I never have to scramble to find a key.  IMO, I have the best setup so far on this thread
set your body ablaze

ReTox wrote:

Z - Forward
X - Back
S - Left
D - Right
Wow, that sounds impossible.

I use regular WASD, Mouse3 (scroll wheel button) is teamspeak, Mouse4 (back button) is weapon 3, Mouse5 (forward button) is weapon 2.

Last edited by xintegrityx (2006-11-30 18:29:12)

+86|6695|Winterpeg, Canada
I'm all default, stock hp keyboard that i've had for years (takes bashing well, very well), and my G5. Use the thumb button for map. I just always have to look at my map to see where my teamates are, gives me an idea of where the enemy is.
left = fire
right = jump
middle = secondary / scroll for weapons
button 4 (side) = prone
button 5 (side) = vent -talk

arrow keys = movement
right ctrl = sprint
right shift = sit (never use it)
space = pick up kits

works very well for me.. almost always use it for every FPS

i change crouch to e and enter vehicles to f because it makes prone spamming easier.
Don't rock no blings but my baseball cap
left mouse - shoot
right mouse -  run
push scroll wheel - ventrilo
side button1 - voice
side button2 - parachute

this is what i used when i first started playing cs 6 years ago.
Fed. Chairman (Ret.)

Kneegra wrote:

push scroll wheel - ventrilo
Most gamers like to do this but, I prefer to put the vent button on the keyboard like alt, or ctrl (like the original poster). I don't like having to take my finger off the trigger to talk, I see it as a big disadvantage. Any thoughts on this?

Edit: Oh yea, has anyone tried this?

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FR … 89-1398553

Last edited by Greenspan (2006-12-01 02:31:51)




I also use the scroll wheel for weapon select.  It has caused me to die a few times, but i can't hit the right number keys anyway.

It's an odd configuration, but it works for me
I use a Zboard with BF2 keyset.  In the end though i think once you're used to any set up its just as effective as any other.

Began FPS like killer21 using arrow keys because my brother did but he was left handed and I then found wasd gave more access to other keys.

That "fang" would probably suit me because its very similar to Zboard but the n52 looks a lot more erganomic.

(Amazon give a discount if you buy both together...what are you going to do with both of them! you only need one)
wasd - move
e - enter
r - reload
f - prone
ctrl - crouch
shift - run
< - explosives    (next to z and under a on European standard)
1 - knife
2 - pistol
space - jump/parachute

1 - fire
2 - zoom
mid - shockpadles/wrench
top thumb - nades
bottom thumb - main gun
(top right side+scroll changes sensitivity and bottom right side changes to win profile for my mouse)

Last edited by tupla_s (2006-12-02 11:00:52)

I'm a southpaw, so I've always used the numpad keys for my controls since doom. The controls have become more complex since those days, but between the number pad and the surrounding keys, I can get most things done.

For BF2 I use:

Forward/Back/Left/Right: 8/2/4/6
Sprint/Strafe Left/Right: Right Arrow/1/3
Jump/Crouch/Prone: Enter/0/Down Arrow
Spot/Use/Squad Chat: 5/*/ '/'
Pickup Kit/Reload/Command Chat: ./-/Left Arrow
Parachute/Secure Radio/Night Vision/Gas Mask: Up Arrow/Delete/7/9
That's for running around as infantry; vehicle layouts are similar.

Most other controls are default, or bound around home/end/ins/del, But you get the general idea.
I'm just surprised that so many lefties cripple themselves with the default layout...

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