My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Marinejuana wrote:

hmm, i guess im wrong now that i read the post again.

i didnt realize ~ denoted "recurring". i thought it meant "approximately." serves me right going 3 years without a math class.

can a number with infinitely recurring digits be proven to represent anything that actually exists? Isn't it impossible to determine if something is infinite? even though infinity is a clear theory im confused at how we could ever assign it as a value to something in the real world.
.333~ = 1/3

The problem is the system that is used. 1/3 is easy to understand where as a 0 followed by an infinite ammount of .333 is a lot harder.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6998|West Yorkshire, U.K
what a silly thread
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

10973 wrote:

even wiv all this algerba proof i still think 0.99~ isnt  1 if its recurring the 9s never stop therefore it will all ways be adding and 9 and will not end. 0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999... isnt 1 because it will always keep going  and wil not end. anything u add after the decimal point will never make the number go up unless u round. it will be very very close to one but never one. it cant be 1
1/3 = 0.333~ Correct?
3x 0.333~ = 0.999~ Correct?
3x 1/3 = 3/3 = 1 Correct?
0.999~ = 3/3 -> 0.999~ = 1 Correct?

Math is a science that is based on agreements. The way our mathematics work was invented and developed.
It is agreed that
1/3 = 0.333~
3x 0.333~ = 0.999~
3x 1/3 = 1
3x 0.333~ = 1
1/3 = 0.333~
EBC Member
+56|6968|Cambridge, England

10973 wrote:

0.33~ isnt 0.34 right... so y is 0.99~ eaqual to 1.00?
no, 0.33999999~ = 0.34
0.989~ = 9.99
7.5789~ =7.579
0.99~ =1

there is no argument here its maths you cannot argue maths
Do One Ya Mug !!!
instaed of talking about maths can we go and play battlefield?
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

jimmanycricket wrote:

10973 wrote:

0.33~ isnt 0.34 right... so y is 0.99~ eaqual to 1.00?
no, 0.33999999~ = 0.34
0.989~ = 9.99
7.5789~ =7.579
0.99~ =1

there is no argument here its maths you cannot argue maths
Just to clear up. ~ is used to represent an infinite ammount of the 9's and 3's on this thread.

0.333~ is not aproximately 0.333 it's 0.333...3
                                                                ^infinity of 3's

~ is often used to represent 'aproximately', but not on this thread.

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-11-30 11:10:23)

Stop reading this and look at my post
Ok, there's a much simpler way to do this:

10 - 9.99999* = ?

The answer is 0. infinite 0s, followed by 1.

You can't follow an infinite number of digits by a one, as its infinite! You'd run out of space in the universe. Thus, 0. inifinite 0s followed by 1 doesn't exist, so 10-9.9* = 0
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Talon wrote:

Ok, there's a much simpler way to do this:

10 - 9.99999* = ?

The answer is 0. infinite 0s, followed by 1.

You can't follow an infinite number of digits by a one, as its infinite! You'd run out of space in the universe. Thus, 0. inifinite 0s followed by 1 doesn't exist, so 10-9.9* = 0
Much simpler to just replace that 9.999~ with 30/3  (3.333~ = 10/3)
And better yet, use .999~ instead of 9.999~ (=3/3 [1/3 = .333~])

Onionpaste wrote:

If you subtract x from 10x, you get 9.00000~, as in the equation 10x - x = 9.00000~
Your problem is here, If x = .9999999 the 10x -x = 10.00000 not 9.00000
Aiming for the head
+88|6862|EUtopia | Austria

Gen. Payne wrote:

I remember there was something out there that could prove 1=2. I gotta try to find that.

Found it (it is, in fact, false; try to find the error, you may get karma)

                 a = b
               ab = b²
          - (ab) = - (b²)
          a²-ab = a² - b²
         a(a-b) = (a+b) (a-b)
                a = a+b
                a = 2a
                1 = 2
If a = b, then a² - b² necessarily means a² - a² = 0.
From now on we see that 0 = 0.

Has someone posted this before me?
I don't know.

As for the 0,999999~ thing...

After the comma, we got an infinite number of 9s - let's call that number "n"
By multiplying with 10, we move the comma for one decimal place which means that there are only "n-1" 9s behind the comma, followed by a 0 (means 9,9999~~0)
The solution is now 8,9999~1 (n-2 times 9 in between).
If you divide this by 9 again, you get back to 0,9999~ (n times 9 at the end).

This is the easiest solution. Get comfortable with the feeling that, as far as maths are concerned, "infinite minus one" indeed makes sense.
+1,716|7045|St. Andrews / Oslo

There WAS a fault in your reasoning:

when you multiply a number with 10, you get one less decimal.

x = 0.9999
10x = 9.999
9x = 8.9991    (9,999 - 0,9999)
x = 0.9999

no matter how many 9's you have after zero, you will always have one less when multiplying by 10.  Therfore X = 0.9999~ no matter what.
Aiming for the head
+88|6862|EUtopia | Austria
Hey, just something else came to my mind...

The real problem is that we do not have a digit in a number to show it's decreasing status - i mean we can define a number that basically never reaches 1 from a lower number like 0,9~ on - but can we do otherwise?
Why can't we, in this case, count backwards?

I'm puzzled.

Oh and what I have to add - since mathematics ain't nothing but an INVENTION of human beings, of course human beings set the rules.

Yes, and before I forget it - fractions are there for a reason - and there's also a reason why infinte numbers are called "irrational". People will never be able to use their ratio (, rationis) to understand them.
So to say, 0.9~ does not even exist.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Jenspm wrote:

There WAS a fault in your reasoning:

when you multiply a number with 10, you get one less decimal.

x = 0.9999
10x = 9.999
9x = 8.9991    (9,999 - 0,9999)
x = 0.9999

no matter how many 9's you have after zero, you will always have one less when multiplying by 10.  Therfore X = 0.9999~ no matter what.
1/3 = 0.333~
3x 0.333~ = 0.999~
3x 1/3 = 1
3x 0.333~ = 1
1/3 = 0.333~

Correct me if you see a mistake.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Stormscythe wrote:

Hey, just something else came to my mind...

The real problem is that we do not have a digit in a number to show it's decreasing status - i mean we can define a number that basically never reaches 1 from a lower number like 0,9~ on - but can we do otherwise?
Why can't we, in this case, count backwards?

I'm puzzled.

Oh and what I have to add - since mathematics ain't nothing but an INVENTION of human beings, of course human beings set the rules.

Yes, and before I forget it - fractions are there for a reason - and there's also a reason why infinte numbers are called "irrational". People will never be able to use their ratio (, rationis) to understand them.
So to say, 0.9~ does not even exist.
Quoted for effect.
EBC Member
+56|6968|Cambridge, England
Lets get one thing straight.

Infinity isnt a number


infinity/10 = infinity

infinity^2 = infinity

0.999*  x 10 = 9.9999* as just because it may seem like there is one less 9 there is still an infinite number of them.

9.999* = 10 end of Argument.

+1,716|7045|St. Andrews / Oslo

Gawwad wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

There WAS a fault in your reasoning:

when you multiply a number with 10, you get one less decimal.

x = 0.9999
10x = 9.999
9x = 8.9991    (9,999 - 0,9999)
x = 0.9999

no matter how many 9's you have after zero, you will always have one less when multiplying by 10.  Therfore X = 0.9999~ no matter what.
1/3 = 0.333~
3x 0.333~ = 0.999~
3x 1/3 = 1
3x 0.333~ = 1
1/3 = 0.333~

Correct me if you see a mistake.
the problem is... 1/3 is not the same as 0.333~

0,333~ = 3,33~/10 = 33,333~/100 witch again is not the same as 1/3

Onionpaste wrote:

Dunno if this has already been covered, if so, sorry for the spam, not intended.


Let's call .99999~ (that's a decimal followed by an infinite number of 9's) a variable x.

So that means that x = .9999~

So by that logic, 10x = 9.9999~

If you subtract x from 10x, you get 9.00000~, as in the equation 10x - x = 9.00000~

This means 9.0000~, or just 9 (I put the 0's there to show that all the 9's after decimal went away), equals 9x.
9x = 9

Divide each side by 9, and you get x = 1.

That means that x is equal to .99999~ and 1 at the same time.  Therefore, .99999~ = 1!

If any math majors have found some sort of error in this reasoning, do not hesitate to reply so I can debate it with you

i like your thinking
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
Unfortunately infinities aren't that simple. The Laws surrounding infinty don't just allow addition and subtraction like that. Your logic = broken.
EBC Member
+56|6968|Cambridge, England

Jenspm wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

There WAS a fault in your reasoning:

when you multiply a number with 10, you get one less decimal.

x = 0.9999
10x = 9.999
9x = 8.9991    (9,999 - 0,9999)
x = 0.9999

no matter how many 9's you have after zero, you will always have one less when multiplying by 10.  Therfore X = 0.9999~ no matter what.
1/3 = 0.333~
3x 0.333~ = 0.999~
3x 1/3 = 1
3x 0.333~ = 1
1/3 = 0.333~

Correct me if you see a mistake.
the problem is... 1/3 is not the same as 0.333~

0,333~ = 3,33~/10 = 33,333~/100 witch again is not the same as 1/3
Urm yes it is. 33.333*/100  = 11.111*/33.333* = 10/30 = 1/3
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6896|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
.999~ = 1, I am sure you can prove this with limits, but I don't have the time to explain this to people.  Anyway, .999~=1, and if you don't believe it you are uneducated in math and should learn more before you speak.
+1,716|7045|St. Andrews / Oslo

jimmanycricket wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

1/3 = 0.333~
3x 0.333~ = 0.999~
3x 1/3 = 1
3x 0.333~ = 1
1/3 = 0.333~

Correct me if you see a mistake.
the problem is... 1/3 is not the same as 0.333~

0,333~ = 3,33~/10 = 33,333~/100 witch again is not the same as 1/3
Urm yes it is. 33.333*/100  = 11.111*/33.333* = 10/30 = 1/3
Urm, no it is not.

look at it this way -

When you divide 100 by 33.333 you get 3,0003 something something (aka not a whole number).
When you divide 33.333 by 11.111 you get 3. a whole number; no infinities.

1/3 means that the "bottom number" is exactly 3 times as big as the "top number" (sorry, can't remember the names for these in english). 33.333 is exactly 3 times as big as 11.111. As I said above, 100 is not exactly three times as big as 3.33333~
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Jenspm wrote:

jimmanycricket wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

the problem is... 1/3 is not the same as 0.333~

0,333~ = 3,33~/10 = 33,333~/100 witch again is not the same as 1/3
Urm yes it is. 33.333*/100  = 11.111*/33.333* = 10/30 = 1/3
Urm, no it is not.

look at it this way -

When you divide 100 by 33.333 you get 3,0003 something something (aka not a whole number).
When you divide 33.333 by 11.111 you get 3. a whole number; no infinities.

1/3 means that the "bottom number" is exactly 3 times as big as the "top number" (sorry, can't remember the names for these in english). 33.333 is exactly 3 times as big as 11.111. As I said above, 100 is not exactly three times as big as 3.33333~
Why would you want to change the number we're talking about completely?
100/33.333~ can never equal to 1/3 nor 0.333~ or 3.333~

And 1/3 is 0.333~

I would like to know where you get your facts.
+1,716|7045|St. Andrews / Oslo

Gawwad wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

jimmanycricket wrote:

Urm yes it is. 33.333*/100  = 11.111*/33.333* = 10/30 = 1/3
Urm, no it is not.

look at it this way -

When you divide 100 by 33.333 you get 3,0003 something something (aka not a whole number).
When you divide 33.333 by 11.111 you get 3. a whole number; no infinities.

1/3 means that the "bottom number" is exactly 3 times as big as the "top number" (sorry, can't remember the names for these in english). 33.333 is exactly 3 times as big as 11.111. As I said above, 100 is not exactly three times as big as 3.33333~
Why would you want to change the number we're talking about completely?
100/33.333~ can never equal to 1/3 nor 0.333~ or 3.333~

And 1/3 is 0.333~

I would like to know where you get your facts.
I was trying to show that 33.33333~ x 3 IS NOT 100 and therfore 33.3333/100 IS NOT 1/3
+6|6840|northern virginia, US
who cares?
EBC Member
+56|6968|Cambridge, England
if 33.3* recuring  is what we aretaking about right, if you are taking about 33.33333 then that is whjere you are going wrong,

33.3333333 recuring x 3 =99.9999 recuring

and as aready proved in many, many ways 99.9999recuring =100

=> 33.3 recuring x 3  = 100

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