Connoisseur of Fine Wine
In BF2 there was no shortage of medics whoring points. People actually raced each other and bravely dove into enemy fire to revive someone. Now it seems like the medics don't want points. Whenever I play medic, especially on fall of Berlin, I revive more people than the top player kills. There is no points everywhere. When I die, my corpse is surrounded by medics, but no one seems to have the defibrillator unlocked. Now I've seen how crappy of a shot many of these people have, and reviving someone is worth just as many points as killing someone. Why not get those free points that are right in front of you? I just recently played in a squad with 5 other assault players, but was never revived once during the entire round. So I asked these people "Do you have the defibrillator unlocked?" and one of them replied "No, I get it with a field unlock."

What the fuck...

What is the point of playing a medic whore if you don't actually whore points? I can go several rounds without getting revived once. Do people simply not want points?

Please, bring back the whores.
I hear ya. I enjoy playing medic as well, and revive people quite frequently (when the opportunity is right). I don't know why we're a seemingly dying breed.
+12|6772|Your bathroom
In bf2 i jump into enemy fire and revive but i feel like im the only medic in the world
Real Хорошо
+826|6669|Adelaide, South Australia

BF2's Karkand is the place of Medic Whores. outside that, they are practically non-existent.
You are 100% correct.

I was playing like mad last night and revived everyone and because of this the ticket loss were decent despite us being outplayed that round.
But I hit the deck every now and again but I wasn't revived ONCE!

I always thank the person who revives me or gives me ammo and when someone acknowledges my actions I keep a close eye on them in case I can help 'em out again.

Alas, I'm swedish and only play european servers and I think you're from the US right?
Otherwise I would love to play a few rounds with you and we could at least keep each other alive.
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
I agree. I don't get revived very often in 2142, nobody's a medic. It'd be nice if calling for a medic only showed you people who had the defibrillator, but it's EA/DICE, so...
This topic seems to have no actual posts
weird you mention this, i actually pubbed karkand for the 1st time in a while and there were hardly any medics. just a bunch of claymore whoring bitches, so i left and went to my precious dalian.
(y do noobs feel the need to play sniper on IO karkand?)
Real Хорошо
+826|6669|Adelaide, South Australia

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

weird you mention this, i actually pubbed karkand for the 1st time in a while and there were hardly any medics. just a bunch of claymore whoring bitches, so i left and went to my precious dalian.
(y do noobs feel the need to play sniper on IO karkand?)
easy claymore kills.

even easier revives that way too, but
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6695|Doncaster, UK
Didn't you know, support whores are the new medic whores. Everyone's playing support because of the ridiculously accurate spray guns and neglect the medic tree.

Personally I have to say that I unlocked the assault tree up to the voss yesterday (been saving my unlocks) and I shall be playing medic a whole lot more now. It's a new avenue in a game which was rapidly becoming hum-drum.
You likey leaky?
+433|6828|In You Endo- Stoke
I have been medic whoring for the last few days getting my hours up for vet medic combat.There is always alot of people to revive on the titan but only a few medics on the titan at any one time.

The voss kicks ass,got it the other day better than the lambert!
People with all the Assault-toys unlocked seem to go with the Voss, the PK-74 rocket and the shotty, even though the latter is almost never used. Been killed by it three times over 70 hours. I play with the same, though I fancy the Baur, but I replace the shotty with the refibrillator. I suggest others do the same. Let's go whoring together.
+3|6804|The Netherlands
I play medic all the time, say 85% and i dont consider myself a whore but i do revive people all arround as much as i can. I have more revives as kills. But i do hear you on the lack of good medics arround i lay arround pomping my 'hey need a medic' button.
i noticed that, i enjoy being a medic but i am good at all the kits engineer being my favorite at teh moment, now i was on a server the other night defending a flag as an engineer with all my lovely toys when my teammate took one to the head, being a true team player and noticing he was a medic i picked up his kit to revive him only to be horrified to find that he had filled up his slots with the PK-74 rocket and the shotty, i just though what the fuck is the point as its like going to a redneck party with your girlfriend and not your sister, just not done, like honestly going a medic and suiting yourself up without a defibrillator = complete idiot in my book, ive noticed quite a lot of this with 2142 with medics and support, it just seems there are a lot more idiots playing 2142 than there were playing BF2 who dont know how to dish out ammo, revive ect. Ive actually lost count of the amount of teamkills ive had to do for ammo after asking for about the fifth time i just think fuck it and Boom ' head shot', if at the time im a medic i will return and revive him and type idiot learn to play or fuck off, its a pity you could not do the same as a medic, shout medic and on the fifth time if he doesn't respond jump up and shoot him and then die lol

Last edited by Rogue_granny (2006-11-30 03:56:10)

I always hated medic whores. Not real fighters. In BF2142 I avoided support like the plague - now I ONLY either play Support or Recon. I'm a real badge whore and career point fetishist though so I'm gonna start clocking up stats with Assault/Medic in the next few weeks.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-30 04:22:26)

The Medic Whore
i figure its because you dont get as many med packs.. and the fact that you only get one point for a defib
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
When I play assault I don't always equip the defibs. If there is another proficient medic in my squad, then I equip the herzog shotgun and smoke grenades (I have all assault unlocks btw). If I am on the titan I might switch up the shotty for the AR rockets and smoke for defibs.
+26|6540|Nethterlands (ZH)
Why i hesitate to play medic?
I like playing Titan and barely play conquest so maybe there is a difference in the why.
But when i see people humping the forcefields in the upper hallways, when they are not even down i know it's going to be 'one of these games'.
Because what's the result? Me shot in the back, because i try to stay with an assaulting team, but the enemy just attacks us from the lower corridors.
When you tell them on team-speak, that they should attack the lower corridors first, they do, but only so clumsy, that reviving isn't worth it, because they will be shot after the revive because no one in support is putting down their energy-shields.
Then i throw in a few smoke grenades so the team has some means of cover to get their act straight, but then they all seem to wonder why their graphics are fucked up and can see shit.
Then the team just disbands, and choose to lay snuggly in their own Titan where no bad person can touch them, because they are all behind their bulkheads shooting 40.000 bullets to the odd person that just bought BF 2142 and wonders what that big thingy is in the sky and decides to do a tour.

Give me a good team, and i do the five dollar sucky sucky all the way to the face of the earth for you, but I'm not reviving people that constantly fall on their own blade or wonder what that big noisy thing is that they seem to spawn with constantly and before they switch over to knife (because that takes up less screen-space).

And i think 'thank you' should have a key attached to it, often before i can hit Q and aim thank you i have a bullet up my ass again.
Dex Luther
Defib is always equipped when I play medic. The second slot is either shotgun or smoke, but there's no question... The defib HAS to come with me no matter what.

Too bad I can't revive myself because not many medics seem to think the same way. They'd rather have their shotty AND rocket attachments.

I find it funny. Back in the day people would complain about stupid medics reviving when they shouldn't (in the line of fire), but now people are missing it.

The few times I get revived is when I'm staring down the barrel of a walker or tank, then some how someone always thinks it's a good idea to revive me.

When on the titan or capping a spawn point and I die and the last enemy in the area has been taken out or retreated, then there's no medic to be found. Not even to give me a medic box to heal myself if needed.
I know what ya mean man, almost no one revives anymore... heck i have almost 400 revives, and i try to revive as much as i can but squads don't stick together very well in BF2142 which makes it hard...

I have seen many Assault players who only have the Baur tree unlocked or equipt both the rockets and shotgun... at least the medichub is standard... thank God...

BTW if EA would make the Revive Pin (8 revives IAR) worth 20 or 30 points i think more people would revive... (at the moment the revive pin is worth a measly 5 points.) so nobody even bothers... pricks...
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6823|Houston, Texas
I agree with JohnLeavitt about making the emergency rescue pin worth more money, you'd get more revives. As it seems to be for a lot of players these days, they play it for assault, only so they get to heal themself after a gunfight. They don't give 2 shits about anyone else. If you are dead calling for a medic, the little med icon on your HUD should only display if they are equiped with the defib. It's frustrating to see 15 medics around you, when in reality, a lot of them probably couldn't of helped you anyways.

As far as the guns, I have a 31.5% accuracy with the Baur, and only a 25% with the Voss. I also have 400 more kills with the Baur. I only use the Voss on higher populated servers, where I need the extra ammo.. and then, i'm going to want to use the Krylov if PAC. I equip with Defib and Rockets. The reload time on that shotgun is too slow to be usefull for me. If i'm out of ammo thats what my pistol is for. The ability to shoot the rockets above a target hiding behind cover is awesome, and helps win a lot more situations where people start hiding because they are hurt.

Last edited by alien-DSW-Gen (2006-11-30 07:16:46)

+59|6791|Los Angeles
I already got my expert assault. so im not using assault anymore. I use engineer or support
I think the Assault should have smoke grenades Standard equip, once they are unlocked... i was using the defib and smoke nades the other day, and i discovered that they are awesome for reviving ppl... u see a dead guy in a fire fight, you chuck a smoke for cover, then revive him... works really well. just a tip...

Last edited by JohnLeavitt (2006-11-30 07:20:00)

soup fly mod

word fancy...

i think the reason is that most people unlock support and recon first and don't get around to the assault kit until later.
Frosties > Cornflakes

They all evolved into support whores.


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