Heres an idea, dont focus on what your titled. You have your opinions as does everyone. Titles are pointless.commissargizz wrote:
What's with Americans? You are liberal or conservative? I'm a right wing, communist, anarchist, nihilist, liberal. Each has view that I agree with. I oppose the war in Iraq, so I'm a liberal, but I agree to war in Afghanistan, so I a Conservative. Someone please tell me where I should stand here?
I know but everyone says liberal this liberal's fucking annoying to labeled as simple as that. I wish these people would grow up.
As for the thread both the question and answer can be pursued as offense. As for presidents fighting in wars, why not? Doesn't the best generals lead from the front? Oh Bush isn't a general in CinC but he doesn't dictate how the war is fought his generals do that. Any way he wont be president soon so then he can fight. Can't he?
As for the thread both the question and answer can be pursued as offense. As for presidents fighting in wars, why not? Doesn't the best generals lead from the front? Oh Bush isn't a general in CinC but he doesn't dictate how the war is fought his generals do that. Any way he wont be president soon so then he can fight. Can't he?
Last edited by commissargizz (2006-11-29 14:49:01)
Actually if he wanted to fight, no he couldnt. The highest age to enlist is 42 for the U.S. Army.commissargizz wrote:
I know but everyone says liberal this liberal's fucking annoying to labeled as simple as that. I wish these people would grow up.
As for the thread both the question and answer can be pursued as offense. As for presidents fighting in wars, why not? Doesn't the best generals lead from the front? Oh Bush isn't a general in CinC but he doesn't dictate how the war is fought his generals do that. Any way he wont be president soon so then he can fight. Can't he?
Oh....well can he drive a relief truck, stretcher bearer, or he hand out sweets to the Iraqi children, no age limit on those is there??
Thanks for the info. In the English army they kick you out at 40
Thanks for the info. In the English army they kick you out at 40
why would his spokesman need to, you're all doing it for him, the press is nothing more than lib propaganda headquarters. this is hardly a newsworthy event, but of course they're thinking "if we report it this way we can make bush seem like mean old poo-poo head".GATOR591957 wrote:
For kracker and all you die hard Republicans, here is the article from the hill. You'll see Webb does not want to use it for political gain by his spokeswoman's response. Major difference in parties, not being used for political gains. … 12906.html
and i don't know what you'er saying with your last sentence
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-11-29 17:30:05)
Webb offered the first offense of answering the question?kr@cker wrote:
so asking how someone's child is doing is an insult?
Webb offered the first offense, Bush stood up for himself without turning it ugly, webb was the one politicizing a kind gesture for yet another lib "badge of honor", like homosexual statutory rape, inciting race riots, drowning hookers with oldsmobiles.........................
According to who? A source? Yea I buy it. Would you like to buy some prime real estate here in Florida is swamp er. marsh land.IRONCHEF wrote:
Did the news reports you read say that Bush was offended by Webb's remarks? No. Do the news reports say that Webb was offended by Bush's remarks? Yes. He wanted to slug Bush.
Do you really think the President wants Americans in a foreign land risking their lives longer than necessary? Of course he doesn't. The man didn't answer his question. Bush asked him again. Jesus man, the man's a Marine. Short and to the point. I bet he didn't have sensitivity timeouts when he was going thought boot.IRONCHEF wrote:
Ok, those FACTS show that someone was offensive. It's up to us to figure out what was offensive. Regardless of bias here, it's obvious that after Webb's reply "We want them to come home Mr President", Bush made the rude reply of "That's not what I asked..."
Yea, lying like Clinton was much better! Immature, condescending, Bush the asshole? Dude, do you live in California?IRONCHEF wrote:
How in any way is that not clear? Knowing how Bush responds to ANY and EVERY question that challenges his policies in an immature, condescending way, how is it not obvious that Bush was the asshole?
Wow. You're out there. Where, I don't know -but its out there. Bush Sr. ran for pres to get his son home? Do you think that W orchestrated 911 too? Sincere concern for soldier in your eyes is construed as a condescending dig? And now you fantasize about a physical assault on the President. And you call yourself an American? Hell, I didn't like Clintoon, but I never wished him physical harm. ever... Sick man. sick.IRONCHEF wrote:
Go ahead, role play. Do the conversation in your head. Put yourselves in their shoes knowing what you know about those two. Webb, ran for office as a real vet, opposing this foolish war, but isn't protecting his child from warfare like a coward would do for his son (Bush Sr), running for office so he can help get his son home the right way..through the voices of his constituents and the majority of the country. Then having the author of all of that shit ask how your boy is?...Then quip back at your respectful answer (get 'em home, mr president) with attitude? I'd have wanted to slug him too. It would have satisfied sooo many people to see that fist fight.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Politicians have the part of their brains removed that gives them the ability to speak direct straight talk. If you ever get the chance talk to one and ask a hard question then sit back and watch them not answer the question and make you feel like an ass for asking it. Weasel quibblers lol. Webb seems to have instinctively evaded without thinking of the consequences of appearing confrontational.usmarine2007 wrote:
I don't get it. Bush asked how his son, how volunteered to join the Marines, was doing, why not just answer the man?
He could have said "thanks for taking the time to check on my son with all the 300 million other people you have to worry about...."
Saying "I want to see my son because I care about him" is not an insult. It is a respectable response to "How is your son?". Anyone that says otherwise is stupid. Downright fucking stupid.
Bush was out of line by belittling webb's son afterwards.
Bush was out of line by belittling webb's son afterwards.
I think Webb thought he was being cool ... because imo dems get excited at cheap shots .. not that im a Bush/rep fan, but I think dems care more about winning than actually doing anything.
@ brinson, apparently both times clinton had his widdle temper tantrum and started poking fingers at people and whining like the brat he is when he doesn't have his press corp shield up he was "owning" wallace and, shoot, who was the other one he did that with earlier this year.
Why is that "LMFAO?" It is not funny, it is 100% retarded.Stealth42o wrote:
Because Webb being an educated man deduced quickly that he would not get an intelligent answer back.usmarine2007 wrote:
I don't get it. Bush asked how his son, how volunteered to join the Marines, was doing, why not just answer the man?LMFAO +1 for that!Marconius wrote:
"Webb should've said, 'Oh, you know, just busy dodging bullets and trying not to get killed fighting your war. How are your daughters doing in detox?'"
I find the back and forth attacks and defense of this issue retarded, plus they are over politicizing the issue.
Bush makes a mistake, and all of the right-wingers/cons will go to support him no matter how bad the mistake is, and we on the left are just given more ammunition to point out his faults and therefore any "faults" present in the defense remarks of Bush supporters. As said before, round and round we go...
And usmarine, that comment was a little bit of dark satire that rings with some heavy truth (the Bush daughters just got kicked out of Argentina for making total drunken asses of themselves) so try lightening up a bit.
Bush makes a mistake, and all of the right-wingers/cons will go to support him no matter how bad the mistake is, and we on the left are just given more ammunition to point out his faults and therefore any "faults" present in the defense remarks of Bush supporters. As said before, round and round we go...
And usmarine, that comment was a little bit of dark satire that rings with some heavy truth (the Bush daughters just got kicked out of Argentina for making total drunken asses of themselves) so try lightening up a bit.
He allowed his spokeswoman to answer because he did not want to inflate the situation any further. (my theory)kr@cker wrote:
why would his spokesman need to, you're all doing it for him, the press is nothing more than lib propaganda headquarters. this is hardly a newsworthy event, but of course they're thinking "if we report it this way we can make bush seem like mean old poo-poo head".GATOR591957 wrote:
For kracker and all you die hard Republicans, here is the article from the hill. You'll see Webb does not want to use it for political gain by his spokeswoman's response. Major difference in parties, not being used for political gains. … 12906.html
and i don't know what you'er saying with your last sentence
If you look at what "your" side is doing to the issue it is making excuses for an illiterate, pompous ass. You know just because he wears the Republican tag, it doesn't mean you have to agree with everything he says and does. Kracker you are much smarter than that.
The last sentence was referring to the fact this Democrat is not trying to use this issue for political gain. Contrary to the Republican side which uses every issue and even made up ones for political gain.
Off topic, odd how the gasoline prices are steadily climbing with the election over isn't it.
I don't see how the republicans are running around trying to gain from it, seems to be getting all the attention from the lib press powerhouses. and as i posted previously, i'm not putting too much stock into third party hearsay.
gas prices?
nope, not odd at all, believe that's been explained at length previously, what is odd however is how the press is no longer covering up how well the economy is doing
end of summer = companies stockpiling fuel reserves
prices drop
cold weather=increased demand for petroleum fuels
prices raise
warm weather= companies stockpiling fuel reserves
prices drop
summer travel time kicks in = increased demand for fuel
prices rise
new test well at record depth in late summer/early fall promising to double US oil reserves + leveling off of china demand = price drop
speculators throw some curveballs in here and there, but that's the basic formula
did you see a jump around thanksgiving?
gas prices?
nope, not odd at all, believe that's been explained at length previously, what is odd however is how the press is no longer covering up how well the economy is doing
end of summer = companies stockpiling fuel reserves
prices drop
cold weather=increased demand for petroleum fuels
prices raise
warm weather= companies stockpiling fuel reserves
prices drop
summer travel time kicks in = increased demand for fuel
prices rise
new test well at record depth in late summer/early fall promising to double US oil reserves + leveling off of china demand = price drop
speculators throw some curveballs in here and there, but that's the basic formula
did you see a jump around thanksgiving?
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-11-30 09:35:59)
Well I don't know about GA. but here in AZ the economy is not doing well at all. 42% of all homes closed in the last three years are in foreclosure. I have contacts in Colorado saying people are walking away from their mortgages. Seems like the interest free and balloon mortgages are catching up with people.
you can't judge an entire economy from a few accounts, in baltimore they're literally, no shit, giving away '06 civics with condo purchases. others are giving you all the appliances, and good top shelf shit too, including flat screens. I used to run into that alot when i traveled:
town a: mill town, most of the mills in the 50 - 70 year old range. suffers lay offs as mills are too expensive to operate "the economy sucks, washington is outsourcing all our jobs, waaaa waaa my union waa waaaa"
drive for 2 hours to next stop in alabama
town b: mill town, most of the mills in the 0-10 year old range, in the process of clearing out industrial parks for more mills "I just got brand new F-250!!! Had to get it cuz i couldn't tow my ski boat with my new GT convertible"
town a: mill town, most of the mills in the 50 - 70 year old range. suffers lay offs as mills are too expensive to operate "the economy sucks, washington is outsourcing all our jobs, waaaa waaa my union waa waaaa"
drive for 2 hours to next stop in alabama
town b: mill town, most of the mills in the 0-10 year old range, in the process of clearing out industrial parks for more mills "I just got brand new F-250!!! Had to get it cuz i couldn't tow my ski boat with my new GT convertible"