That split-s is killer. I was doing double immelmans thinking that was a split-s, and its good too, but combine the 2 and I was shaking alot of J-10's off my tail tonite. I managed to shoot down a few J-10's in the F35 too, and these were either 2nd LT or Colonel.
In the F35 its all about flying high and spamming the view buttons. I would catch them flying under me (usually opposite direction), then I pulled a hard split-s, and stalked them at about 50M elevation and 150M back on their tail, while flying in bomb mode. Switch to missiles, wait for flares, fire on a really solid tone, if you dont have a perfect shot, back off and fly high again. Sometimes I would only wound the J-10, then I would fly high again, wait for a perfect time to reload and do it again. These guys were getting sloppy on repairs, they were greedy over carrier kills (so I usually knew where they were going -- straight to airfield, or straight to carrier).
Anyways, hopefully this helps some people, its not impossible to down a really good J-10 pilot even in the shittiest plane. You just need to time your strikes perfect, which I learned from this thread.