Who cares if Obama's Pastor said jack shit? And I don't want to hear about "people who have huge influences on someone's life." My uncle uses the word "nigger," and I wholly disapprove... many of my teachers smoked pot (and were not so discreet about it either), but I don't... and many of my friends swear by Loose Change and Zeitgeist, but I don't...
Just because a preacher says these things doesn't mean anyone in his congregation has to believe him, and I'd imagine that Obama is well versed enough in US history and the current political system to make up his own opinions. It's really, really frustrating that something like this is viewed as a "serious threat."
And what if we hear that Obama also watched Loose Change, or read any of the countless published materials claiming the US was involved with 9/11? Would we automatically assume he believes them? That's ludicrous. Under that belief, we are to assume that ignorance is bliss... "Why even bother looking at that garbage!?" We should instead be actively pursuing knowledge, using all means necessary, even information which seems to have a bias against our personal opinion.
And to Sniper3:
The facts are there, blacks in the USA do commit more violent crimes per capita than do whites, but a more telling statistic may me the relation to socio-economic state to crime... and the socio-economic state of African-Americans is still the victim of racism, both now and in centuries past. If you were implying that by design (literally, as far as you and anyone who believes in Intelligent Design is concerned... figuratively, as far as I and the rest of us who believe in Evolution are concerned), black people are more violent, then that is racist of you... and also makes me wonder where in the bible you get that opinion from?