The worst thing is that u guys believe in mass media..That way the brain wash will go on...In European free media the talk is about 1.200000 Iraqis died since the start of Operation:Bush can kiss my ass!
Its always about terrorists and jihadist...But what about fightiing for freedom under the cause of a strickt occupying force? Ever thaught about f.e Argentina and brazil invade US homeland, i bet u guys would be first to scream war on the unholy devil!!
The Year of the Cow!
What does this have to do with the OP?

I agree to a point.  The problem here is that Iraq was "labeled" as a threat to her own people and others. 

Our government decided that someone had to step in, but that is a different arguement.

The OP was talking about an increase in violence during 2008 because of a drawdown of troop levels and the possibility to affect the outcome of

the presidential election.  Seems very plausible to me.  If they want US troops out of there, they will increase their efforts to ensure a

Democrat wimp makes it into office.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)

dayarath wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

That's because the terrorist need the US troops there for continued employment .. they need a Prez that will keep our troops there. By ensuring death and destruction they might influence American voters.
You forgot oil, you're only there because of oil.
That sure has worked out well hasn't it?

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/16/world … ;ref=world

Hmmmm, guess not.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Bagel_Bites wrote:

It's not really a "surge" anyway. Whatever happened to "overwhelming force" from Gulf War I? I like that one much better.
That would be Rumsfeld. He's what happened to that.

And we had overwhelming force...just not adequate manpower for consolidation and reconstruction. At Rummy's direction, of course.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

All of our other failures in Iraq stemmed from this fundamental neglect of a basic requirement: Our soldiers and Marines reached Baghdad without orders or strategic guidance. We became the dog that caught the fire truck. The tragedy is that it didn't have to be that way: One thing our military knows how to do is plan.

But the relevant staffs were prevented from doing so. Ideologues and avaricious friends of the administration wanted the war for their own reasons, and they didn't intend to alarm Congress with high cost estimates. So they trusted the perfumed tales of a convicted criminal, Ahmad Chalabi, rather than the professional views of the last honorable generals then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had not yet removed.

Even on the purely military side, the White House put its faith in hopeless gimmicks, such as "Shock and Awe," convincing itself that ground troops were an afterthought. Of course, it was the old-fashioned grunts, tankers, gunners and supply sergeants who had to get us to Baghdad.
http://www.nypost.com/seven/03202008/po … htm?page=0
Xbone Stormsurgezz


The worst thing is that u guys believe in mass media..That way the brain wash will go on...In European free media the talk is about 1.200000 Iraqis died since the start of Operation:Bush can kiss my ass!
Its always about terrorists and jihadist...But what about fightiing for freedom under the cause of a strickt occupying force? Ever thaught about f.e Argentina and brazil invade US homeland, i bet u guys would be first to scream war on the unholy devil!!
So those freedom fighters coming from Iran are helping the Iraqi's? Go read more books, then you will understand.
GunSlinger OIF II

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:


The worst thing is that u guys believe in mass media..That way the brain wash will go on...In European free media the talk is about 1.200000 Iraqis died since the start of Operation:Bush can kiss my ass!
Its always about terrorists and jihadist...But what about fightiing for freedom under the cause of a strickt occupying force? Ever thaught about f.e Argentina and brazil invade US homeland, i bet u guys would be first to scream war on the unholy devil!!
So those freedom fighters coming from Iran are helping the Iraqi's? Go read more books, then you will understand.
dont feed the apes

Kmarion wrote:

All of our other failures in Iraq stemmed from this fundamental neglect of a basic requirement: Our soldiers and Marines reached Baghdad without orders or strategic guidance. We became the dog that caught the fire truck. The tragedy is that it didn't have to be that way: One thing our military knows how to do is plan.

But the relevant staffs were prevented from doing so. Ideologues and avaricious friends of the administration wanted the war for their own reasons, and they didn't intend to alarm Congress with high cost estimates. So they trusted the perfumed tales of a convicted criminal, Ahmad Chalabi, rather than the professional views of the last honorable generals then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had not yet removed.

Even on the purely military side, the White House put its faith in hopeless gimmicks, such as "Shock and Awe," convincing itself that ground troops were an afterthought. Of course, it was the old-fashioned grunts, tankers, gunners and supply sergeants who had to get us to Baghdad.
http://www.nypost.com/seven/03202008/po … htm?page=0
When our battalion was mobilizing and preparing for the pending deployment, one of our companies (bravo) were attached to another battalion in the brigade, a tank battalion.   They gave us their Carlie company.  We were brads, they were tanks.   Thinking that they wouldnt need the brads, the tankers that took our bravo company left the vehicles in the motor pool while they went wheels up.  stupid.  we were wondering why they wouldnt take the tracks.  but, two weeks after arriving in theater, that changed.  ended up getting them sent over.  I dont know if this is interesting or not, just felt like it touches on the story you posted. this was one year after the invasion.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2008-03-21 12:26:57)

. . .

Spark wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I dont support withdrawal from Iraq, but I didnt support invasion either.
This is my position as well.
Ditto... and,

I never acknowledge this to usmarine2005 in some other thread long ago, simply because I lost interest in the thread topic which happens a lot to me, but he said that Iraqi's are somewhat to blame for the ongoing mess, not the war, the aftermath he meant. He said they could have used the money pouring in, constructively, yet they didn't/they are not. And, in a way he is quite right. I mean look at Japan. That is a perfect historical case model for what the U.S. will do. And, I mean will do! A defeated country is just that defeated and its social and economic order has been decimated. It needs to be re-built. Terrorism simply delays the effort to restore decency, social order, economic systems/stability, commonly used infrastructure (water, sewer, electric, schools, etc) and so forth.

Rummy thanks... and what's wrong the Iraqi's? Don't they understand, can't they get more involved in their own situation? Security by force with guns in the hands of Iraqi's - armed against the foreign influenced insurgency groups - is the only solution (yet that isn't really happening, so we have to pick up all the slack). Reality Newsflash to Iraqi's & Muslims : the US will rebuild your country and ultimately become your Allie - if you let it and assume we are there (now, our continued presence is) on your behalf - so pinch in and throughout all mainstream/people based support for any and all insurgency groups, terror mindsets, avant-guard Koteb radical philosophies, etc... the war to remove Saddam is over and done (its legitimacy as a point of argumentation is purely moot) the effort the rebuild is still on and it's not going well - you need to step up and join the effort in a bigger way.

If you think we wont re-build a country, an once "enemy" territory, you're a dunce. In a way the Iraqi mindset; commonly shared values/worldviews; are influencing their collective judgment in a negative way. Who cares if were the Imperium, Rome, the thought to-be plunderers, Vikings, etc & whoever...  it is as silly for them to consider us forever enemy combatants/a hostile invading force as it would be for us to consider them forever enemy combatants. Did I say consider Japan as a case & point? Oh, well...

Last edited by topal63 (2008-03-21 13:07:51)

+133|6450|Bloomington Indiana

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

08 is going to be bloody
youre not helping my level of excitement
GunSlinger OIF II

Schwarzelungen wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

08 is going to be bloody
youre not helping my level of excitement
more stuff to talk about
+133|6450|Bloomington Indiana

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Schwarzelungen wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

08 is going to be bloody
youre not helping my level of excitement
more stuff to talk about
thats true.
especially with 35M as my MOS

Last edited by Schwarzelungen (2008-03-21 13:33:47)

Too legit to quit
+48|6269|Tampa, Florida

topal63 wrote:

Spark wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I dont support withdrawal from Iraq, but I didnt support invasion either.
This is my position as well.
Ditto... and,

I never acknowledge this to usmarine2005 in some other thread long ago, simply because I lost interest in the thread topic which happens a lot to me, but he said that Iraqi's are somewhat to blame for the ongoing mess, not the war, the aftermath he meant. He said they could have used the money pouring in, constructively, yet they didn't/they are not. And, in a way he is quite right. I mean look at Japan. That is a perfect historical case model for what the U.S. will do. And, I mean will do! A defeated country is just that defeated and its social and economic order has been decimated. It needs to be re-built. Terrorism simply delays the effort to restore decency, social order, economic systems/stability, commonly used infrastructure (water, sewer, electric, schools, etc) and so forth.

Rummy thanks... and what's wrong the Iraqi's? Don't they understand, can't they get more involved in their own situation? Security by force with guns in the hands of Iraqi's - armed against the foreign influenced insurgency groups - is the only solution (yet that isn't really happening, so we have to pick up all the slack). Reality Newsflash to Iraqi's & Muslims : the US will rebuild your country and ultimately become your Allie - if you let it and assume we are there (now, our continued presence is) on your behalf - so pinch in and throughout all mainstream/people based support for any and all insurgency groups, terror mindsets, avant-guard Koteb radical philosophies, etc... the war to remove Saddam is over and done (its legitimacy as a point of argumentation is purely moot) the effort the rebuild is still on and it's not going well - you need to step up and join the effort in a bigger way.

If you think we wont re-build a country, an once "enemy" territory, you're a dunce. In a way the Iraqi mindset; commonly shared values/worldviews; are influencing their collective judgment in a negative way. Who cares if were the Imperium, Rome, the thought to-be plunderers, Vikings, etc & whoever...  it is as silly for them to consider us forever enemy combatants/a hostile invading force as it would be for us to consider them forever enemy combatants. Did I say consider Japan as a case & point? Oh, well...

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