Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

Tough call.  You have to be able to trust herafter this, whuich is very hard.  If you can't trust her after this, there's your answer.

DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT be all lovey and forgive and say, "i love you too much to throw it away now" THAT is an open notice that you will probably forgive if it happens again.

Me personally, i'd fucking dump her ass, fast quick ,and qwithout emotion, but that's me.

If you want to keep it going, the best thing would be to tell her that:

you can forgive her, and it won't be a weapon in which you'd throw it in her face in a fight.  But you cannot forget it, ever.  If she cheats again, she can be damn sure that her shit will be on the lawn when she shows up.  She has ruined all trust, SHE FUCKED UP, the situation is in YOUR HANDS.  Any bitchy comments from her on this sitautioon is immediate termination of relationship.  She can still be herself, and has every right to do as she pleases in this relationship.  But if she wants it to work, she WILL have to EARN trust back, and owes that to you for this betrayal. <-that doesnt sound like forgiveness, but I say it's reaosnable.  You did forgive her for cheating, but there is no way you can really trust her for now.

Do not be kind about this, do not be mean. Be very stern and to the point.  don't get angry or raise your voice, that gets no where.  Search within yourself.  Love easily blinds reason and common sense.  So far, making it work, from an outsiders point of view, is not unreasonable.

After this though, she should realise that hanging out with him over there, doesn't work, and that's no longer gonna happen.

You also have to make sure that you actually can forgive her.  Plus, this is alot of bullshit to bring into a fresh relationship.  In a couple of months old relationship, usually the people are too busy enjoying a fresh relationaship to cheat.  THIS fact is very odd.

Alot to wiegh in.

Also sounds like she still has feelings for her boyfriend a bit.  Confront her with that.  Tell her it isn't gonna work until she sorts her own feelings out. SHE too has to be sure.
mostly afk
+480|6863|CH/BR - in UK

[Jett-CC]-Megadeth_Fan wrote:

mikkel wrote:

Ditch the bitch.

Not only does she, completely sober and aware of the consequences, decide to fuck her ex-boyfriend, but she threatens to leave you when you go to do something about it?

You don't just "slip up" and fuck a someone if you're faithfully engaged in a relationship. It just does not happen unless you're horribly intoxicated.
I'm going to have to agree... I just hope you get through this. I feel really sorry for you, and I know it hurts like hell when you can't trust someone anymore. But hey: she had the guts to tell you. That has to count for something, right?

Should have ducked
+394|6800|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Leave her.

I had the same type of thing with one of my ex's. We got into a fight and didn't talk for over 2 weeks and when it had all calmed down we got to talking and I had founf out that she had slept with one of her ex's. She begged me to forgive her and I did for a time, but the thought kept coming into my head. After I had broke up with her I had found out she had done it another time.

Once she cheats she will do it again.

Oh and about that I made a mistake bs, you don't just trip, loose all your clothes and slip it to someone, she wanted it. She just got out oh a 6yr relationship, she wants to play the field, of dicks.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North

konfusion wrote:

[Jett-CC]-Megadeth_Fan wrote:

mikkel wrote:

Ditch the bitch.

Not only does she, completely sober and aware of the consequences, decide to fuck her ex-boyfriend, but she threatens to leave you when you go to do something about it?

You don't just "slip up" and fuck a someone if you're faithfully engaged in a relationship. It just does not happen unless you're horribly intoxicated.
I'm going to have to agree... I just hope you get through this. I feel really sorry for you, and I know it hurts like hell when you can't trust someone anymore. But hey: she had the guts to tell you. That has to count for something, right?


SgtHeihn wrote:

Oh and about that I made a mistake bs, you don't just trip, loose all your clothes and slip it to someone, she wanted it. She just got out oh a 6yr relationship, she wants to play the field, of dicks.
i agree with both of these statements
+100|6812|State of RETOXification
I have never cheated in any relationship... close once but stopped myself.  For me it's a matter of self respect.  No matter how drunk, stoned, upset whatever I won't cross that line.

I had a girlfriend who cheated on me once, she came to me with a face full of tears and told me she was out with her friends and saw her ex at a bar, they started talking and it went from there.  I dumped her ass and never looked back.  Her own father called me a stand-up guy for doing it!

That's me though, I hate infidelity.  If you want to have an open relationship that is one thing but once a cheater is caught, no matter how much remorse there truly is, I can't help feeling there will always be that shadow of doubt... always.

Trust is as strong as steel until it is broken, after that it's like egg shells till the end of time.   Just my .02.
they suddenly had sex... lol... She needs to be kicked to the curb... for your sanity...

It Will happen again... If not with you... with her next guy and then guy after that...
Love is the answer
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada
Forgive her.. if she does it again, leave her forever..
+3,611|6934|London, England
That's why you treat every girl as a Ho until you are sure, not the other way round

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

they suddenly had sex... lol... She needs to be kicked to the curb... for your sanity...

It Will happen again... If not with you... with her next guy and then guy after that...
That's not true at all, she might be like that, she might not. Do what Lt.Victim says above and forgive her, if it happens again then dump her and don't look back.

White-Fusion wrote:

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

they suddenly had sex... lol... She needs to be kicked to the curb... for your sanity...

It Will happen again... If not with you... with her next guy and then guy after that...
That's not true at all, she might be like that, she might not. Do what Lt.Victim says above and forgive her, if it happens again then dump her and don't look back.
Why take that chance again? She has already shown total disregard for his feelings once. It's pretty obvious how she feels.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
Sorry to hear this happened, Uber.  Having been cheated on by a girl I absolutely adored, I have an idea what you're feeling right now. 

“She said that she will tell me when she knows if she can continue this.”  I have issues with that statement.  She cheated on you, so YOU, not her, are going to decide if this relationship continues.  She’s given away the right to have a say in this anymore. 

When I was cheated on, I still loved her, but the hurt was so bad things could never be the same.  I wasn’t smart enough to just make a clean break and work on getting over it.  Instead I held out hope she would come back to me.  She never did and she cheated on the guy that she was with after me.  BUT all women are unique and are not necessarily serial cheaters. 

If you love and her and think you can make it work, go for it.  I give props to anyone who can make a relationship work after something like this, but I couldn’t do it.

mikkel wrote:

Ditch the bitch.

Not only does she, completely sober and aware of the consequences, decide to fuck her ex-boyfriend, but she threatens to leave you when you go to do something about it?

You don't just "slip up" and fuck a someone if you're faithfully engaged in a relationship. It just does not happen unless you're horribly intoxicated.
Fantasies are always better off unrealised...  Look after your youngin and yourself.  You can/will do better.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Teh Ultimate Lurker
+16|6887|Kansas City

psychotoxic187 wrote:

White-Fusion wrote:

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

they suddenly had sex... lol... She needs to be kicked to the curb... for your sanity...

It Will happen again... If not with you... with her next guy and then guy after that...
That's not true at all, she might be like that, she might not. Do what Lt.Victim says above and forgive her, if it happens again then dump her and don't look back.
Why take that chance again? She has already shown total disregard for his feelings once. It's pretty obvious how she feels.
cheat on me once, shame on you
cheat on me twice, shame on me
mostly afk
+480|6863|CH/BR - in UK

geNius wrote:
Have some sympathy...

Yeah, I'd like to add: don't let yourself be tread on. She's in the wrong, so she shouldn't be treating you like you did something you shouldn't have, ok?

i would get rid of her and never have anything to do with her again
dont be nasty about it but if she has done it once she will do it again
you have probably heard everybody saying that there are plenty of fish in the sea blah blah blah
but you have to think can you really trust her anymore are you going to worry about what she is doing when she is out with here friends etc
its a hard choice mate but after a girlfriend done something similar to me she was out the door and even though she tried getting me back i refused and Iam glad that i went through that heartache cause i just got married to a wonderfull woman
+32|6425|London UK
i think this is rather appropriate when i say:

Wow man, sucks to be you.

Every cloud has a silver lining, look at this one...  You found out the most awesome women of your dreams is infact not so awesome and is a dirty little slut for sleeping with her drunk ex-boyfriend, think of the the advantages:

You save money, you will find you no longer work your ass off all week only to buy shit you dont want for her on the weekends

You can throw out those stupid ass cushions (god fuckign damn it i hate them)

You have more time to spend with your kids

And last but not all, at least your found out now insted of 5 years down the line.

Take no prisoners, fuck her apologey it takes 2 tango, fuck the bitch, fuck the lies, and be mad at her not the ex-boyfriend.

Give her a chance to prove herself, but at the same time don't be afraid to dump her and get as much ex-sex as you can
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Women are all crazy, they really enjoy messing men up.
This one is double crazy - dump her ASAP - if she were serious about you she wouldn't have cheated.
I can't be bothered with the 'I'll tell him I slept with my ex to check his reaction' mind-games either.
Fuck Israel
It's pronounced Knuck, like in Knuckle!!
when she told me she was at her ex's house i would have been there to pick her up immediately!  what the hell do you think is going to happen if your girl is staying at her ex's?  are you serious?  what kind of woman is she to even think that it would be alright for her to stay there?  bro, you shouldn't have let her stay there.  but by the sounds of it, it was bound to happen anyway if she had the notion of staying there.  you cannot tell me that she didn't think of the possibilities if she stayed there.  dump this broad,  if my wife/girlfriend/whatever cheated on me, DONE!  Fuck her dude.
It's pronounced Knuck, like in Knuckle!!
she planned this big time.  fuck her.
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon
she obviously doesn't give a single shit about you.  her going to an ex's house to sleep over shows the she has absolutely no respect for you.  her fucking her ex is an unforgiveable act.  you may love her, she may love you, but she will never respect you, you will always be a joke to her, a door mat.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6637|New Haven, CT

mikkel wrote:

Ditch the bitch.

Not only does she, completely sober and aware of the consequences, decide to fuck her ex-boyfriend, but she threatens to leave you when you go to do something about it?

You don't just "slip up" and fuck a someone if you're faithfully engaged in a relationship. It just does not happen unless you're horribly intoxicated.
Brilliant advice.
+133|6609|Bloomington Indiana
shit....definitely the most appropriate girl problem thread this sight has seen.

duder. i feel ya. having this happen is the shittiest thing that can happen to you ever. what you need to look at now is how you can trust her. of course.....she cheated on you...bad call. theres nothing we can say on this website to help you through this in all honesty....its hard.

its a battle you need to get trough with her and yourself.....ive had girlfriends do this to me in my past....problem was the guys were my "best friends". so of course i didnt keep things up with the girl

im so sorry this happened and i wish you my best.       things will work out in the end. keep the faith.
Dropped on request
Just get an abortion.

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