From what I heard on "4 Corners" ( very high standard Aussie current affairs program), the Superhornet cannot win air superiority over the fighter jets our close neigbours have. Australia has generally had air superiority over its close neighbours. The fighter they compared the FA18 with was the SU30 ( i think, the documentary was on a few months ago)
Compared to the Superhornet, the SU 30 was much faster, had a higher ceiling, a longer range, and a rear facing radar.
The only advantages of the FA18 was the slight stealth capabilities ( although the experts on the show denied they were that effective as the weapons and fuel tanks were still exposed), and a long range weapon system that could launch missiles high distances away from their target.
Another advantage of the SU30 was that it you could buy 2 of them for the price of 1 Superhornet.
4corners wrote:
In the skies over Russia one of the world’s most advanced and lethal fighter aircraft displays its fearful capabilities.
The new generation Sukhoi fighters are causing enormous consternation in Western military circles and they will soon be operating in Australia’s so called "sphere of influence".
WING COMMANDER CHRIS MILLS (RTD), DEFENCE AIR WARFARE STRATEGIST 2001-07: It’s a formidable weapon, flies higher, faster, further, it turns better and it's got better weapons.
When the previous defence minister told the defence forces that they were buying the Superhornets ( without any consultation) they actually laughed, until they realised he wasnt joking.
We should break the deal as we will still pay the the manufacturer a deal break fee ( not sure what its actually called). At least we wouldnt pay billions for an inferior fighter.
If you are interested in looking at the story I watched you can see it on … efault.htm goes for a while but very interesting.
Edit : I dont think this would strain our relationship with the US.
Last edited by Burwhale the Avenger (2008-02-19 05:03:22)