I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7092|Cologne, Germany

lowing wrote:

prudence, awareness, a settting aside of PC and stop NOT engaging in both for fear of A. retailiation, B. hurting someones feelings.

Every one of you say, "oh, this does not affect ME"...well here is the thing, my opinions are covering a little bigger scope than just,YOU.

The internet is full of articles that disagree with all of you, like I said I am not writting these, even ex-muslims are trying to tell you what is happening and has happened with regards to Islam.

you live in a city in Europe where almost 25% are Muslim??  Ya, Europe will be fine.
prudence ? awareness ? those are just words, lowing. What are we supposed to do, that is what I am asking of you.
Burn down mosques ? Protest muslim immigration into europe ? These people of muslim faith are living among us according to our laws, some of which include freedom of religion, and anti-discrimination. Landmarks of a free and democratic society, as you'll probably agree with me.

I assure you, awareness is as high as it has ever been. And those who break our laws will be hunted down and punished. But at the same time, we have an obligation to not discriminate against those who follow our laws, and live according to the rules that our society has put forward for itself.

If you say that your opinion covers more than just my personal scope, what's that supposed to mean ? That you speak for all westerners ?
Total muslim population in europe is around 0,5%. Are you really suggesting these people present a danger to our way of life, laws, cultures and traditions ?

I agree, the internet is full of articles, warning of "eurabia" and how the muslims are supposedly taking over europe, and setting up sharia rule.
But when you look behind the stories, most of them turn out to be complete bullshit, exaggerated paranoia, aimed at promoting fear and hatred towards minorities.

Europe today is overwhelmingly secular. No religion carries much weight in the decisions that our lawmakers take, and for good reason.
Separation of church and state is what we practise, and I see no reason why this is supposed to change because of a tiny minority of muslims who do not have sufficient political representation to get anything done anyway.
As I said, 4 out of 613 MP's in germany are of muslim faith. I wouldn't exactly call that voting power.

it is true, I live in a city in europe where 12% are muslim. And guess what, the sky is not falling down. Law enforcement and public services are still functioning, people pay their taxes. sharia law is not a part of our code of law.
Of course, there are areas where non-muslims and muslims don't get along well, but those are usually based on racial and religious stereotyping, lack of open-mindedness and prejudice. On both sides, I might add.

I have no fear for our political culture or democracy in germany. Those are very well established among the population, including muslims.

As far as the cultural impact of islam is concerned, well, what can you do ? Europe is a diverse continent. People come here from all over the world, and bring parts of their culture with them. That's simply part of evolution. America wouldn't be what it is today without the immigrants, wouldn't you agree ?
+231|6624|Kyiv, Ukraine

B.Schuss wrote:

I have no fear for our political culture or democracy in germany. Those are very well established among the population, including muslims.

As far as the cultural impact of islam is concerned, well, what can you do ? Europe is a diverse continent. People come here from all over the world, and bring parts of their culture with them. That's simply part of evolution. America wouldn't be what it is today without the immigrants, wouldn't you agree ?
Having lived in a nearby city for 4 years (Kaiserslautern...well, not that near), all I can say is thank G*d for Muslims.

After a night of riding the monkey jump bus, where else are you going to find something to top off your stomach at 4am than the local (often illegally opened) doener kebab stand?  (If the police walk by, and the kebab is in your hand, but you haven't paid yet, its free Those sausages they sell at the gas stations just suck.  I would have prefered Taco Bell, but then Iowing would be saying I was a pro-Mexican appeaser.

And my 3 years in Romania...without Turkish money and merchandising know-how, there would be no American-style shopping malls in that hell-hole of a city called Bucharest.  I owe what's left of my sanity to Muslims.

I find it really funny how this Eurabia myth is just continually perpetuated by people that have never stepped foot in Europe.  I've lived here 8 years now and have never had an issue with muslims.  Gypsies drive me nuts, but even blanket hate regarding them is somewhat off-base (they throw a hell of a 3 day party, but watch your wallet).

GorillaTicTacs wrote:

I find it really funny how this Eurabia myth is just continually perpetuated by people that have never stepped foot in Europe.  I've lived here 8 years now and have never had an issue with muslims.  Gypsies drive me nuts, but even blanket hate regarding them is somewhat off-base (they throw a hell of a 3 day party, but watch your wallet).
You mean there are still some Gypsies left in Romania? I thought they were all over here now...
I hunt criminals down for a living

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

hmm never even heard about this and I live here,

most Dutch care the same amount about Christianity and Islam aka zero procent.
http://www.katholieknederland.nl/actual … r2008.html

Vastenaktie wrote:

Vastenaktie noemt veertigdagentijd 'christelijke ramadan'

Hilversum (Van onze redactie) 6 februari 2008 - Het campagneteam van de jaarlijkse Vastenaktie heeft ervoor gekozen de katholieke Vastentijd uit te leggen in moslimtermen. Zo wordt er in het vandaag op Aswoensdag verspreide persbericht gesproken over de ‘christelijke ramadan’.

Eigen traditie in verdrukking
“Door alle aandacht voor de islam lijkt onze eigen traditie in de verdrukking te raken”, zegt campagneleider Martin van der Kuil. “Daarom hebben wij er bewust voor gekozen om de veertigdagentijd ‘christelijke ramadan’ te noemen. De onwetendheid over de voorbereidingstijd op Pasen groeit, maar iedereen weet wel wat de ramadan is. Dat komt omdat de media weinig oog voor de vasten hebben. Wel voor carnaval, maar niet voor datgene wat erop volgt.”
GunSlinger OIF II
ok, now for the rest of us.
Vastenaktie names forty day time 'Christian ramadan'

Hilversum (Van our editing) 6 February 2008 - The campaign team of the annual Vastenaktie has for it chosen the Catholic fast time from in muslim terms to lay.  As becomes there in it today on Aswoensdag scattered press message spoken over the 'Christian ramadan'. 

Own tradition in oppression "Through all attention for the islam appears our own tradition in the oppression to hit", says campaign leader Martin van of the Pit.  "About that we chose about it conscious for to name the forty day time 'Christian ramadan'.  The ignorance over the preparations time on Easter grows, but everybody know is well what the ramadan.  That comes because the media little eye for the fast have.  Well for carnival, but not for what on it follows." 

...courtesy of freetranslation.com. lol

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-14 06:58:34)

I think I realise what they were doing: they were pissed off that nobody gives a flying fuck about Christianity anymore so they released a story that would get them into the news, thus giving their religion and the lenten fast some media exposure... I must try that myself next time I want some attention.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-14 07:00:12)

+2,382|6929|The North, beyond the wall.
I sighed in real life.
What is wrong with you lowing? Seriously. Get a grip on your own politics that trying to pathetically point a whole continents flaws.

Edit: Cam isn't gypsy just the English word for "Romani"? the true word for Europoean nomads?

Yo anyone got any figures for the Muslim population of Yugoslavia BEFORE the war and possibly after? I googled it but got a load of nonsence to sift though.

Last edited by ShowMeTheMonkey (2008-02-14 07:38:48)


ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

Edit: Cam isn't gypsy just the English word for "Romani"? the true word for Europoean nomads?
Not sure. The Irish Travellers (Tinkers) are gypsies that are genetically distinct from the Romani.
I couldn't help it. I wikied it:
Seems that they are either Muslim or Orthadox christian.


Last edited by ShowMeTheMonkey (2008-02-14 07:50:03)

Cowboy from Hell
Another Islam thread, lol.
Anyone else picture lowing as a 'Travis Bickle' style paranoid psychotic who stares in the mirror all day practicing his gun draw and waiting for the 'Muslim apocalypse'?

Just kidding lowing but seriously come back to reality ...didn't you guys in the States tell us the same thing about those darned commies about 30 years ago? I'm notice I'm still not speaking Russian!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6851|132 and Bush

CameronPoe wrote:

ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

Edit: Cam isn't gypsy just the English word for "Romani"? the true word for Europoean nomads?
Not sure. The Irish Travellers (Tinkers) are gypsies that are genetically distinct from the Romani.
If Borat has taught us anything it's that a gypsy is a mid-west American women who sales trinkets at a garage sale.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6714|Tyne & Wear, England

Kmarion wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

Edit: Cam isn't gypsy just the English word for "Romani"? the true word for Europoean nomads?
Not sure. The Irish Travellers (Tinkers) are gypsies that are genetically distinct from the Romani.
If Borat has taught us anything it's that a gypsy is a mid-west American women who sales trinkets at a garage sale.
I was going to post that video but thought it inappropriate, but now youve prompted me.

God that scene cracks me up, *Changes member title*
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
+226|6993|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Lowin unlike America, in the UK ministers aren't swearing oaths on the qu'ran as they enter office AFAIK. or have you Forgot about Keith Ellison? next step Sharia Law in Congress!!! OH NOES!!!!!! wake up Lowing the United Islamic State of America is just around the corner stop appeasing them!!
Support fanatic :-)

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

This is getting pathetic lowing ... of course we are influenced by the Islamic religion and arab culture like we are influenced by Christianity and all other religions that are being practiced around Europe - same goes for Asian culture, US culture, African culture and even Oseanic culture ... unlike the US Europe is a blend of many cultures and religions that also is able to coexist at a reasonable level.

This may strike you as a big surprice even though it has been posted repeatably: We have a much greater Islamic populace in Europe than in the US and still we don't see this as a problem or a threat.

And lowing ... when did one European newspaper reflect the entire believes of the European populace ?
never...............when does ANY newspaper reflect the entire beliefs of ANY populace???
So why do constantly use one source at a time backing up your arguments ? ... and why do you never answer all comments in a post ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Mr. Bigglesworth

CameronPoe wrote:

KylieTastic wrote:

I doubt its even true in the Netherlands, but in the UK if Ramadan is better known than Lent (which I doubt) its only because Christianity is on the way out and not that Islam is on the way in.

Not sure how it is in the US lowing but over here the tabloids print this stuff just to stir, not because it hold any weight at all
QFT. Christianity is ON THE WAY OUT. Atheism is ON THE WAY IN and it's HERE TO STAY. Church attendance numbers have fallen so far they're practically tunnelling through the ground. 15 years ago it was practically illegal to open shops on the Sabbath here in Ireland. Now it's one of the biggest shopping days of the week.
The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
+3,135|6989|The Hague, Netherlands

rawls2 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

KylieTastic wrote:

I doubt its even true in the Netherlands, but in the UK if Ramadan is better known than Lent (which I doubt) its only because Christianity is on the way out and not that Islam is on the way in.

Not sure how it is in the US lowing but over here the tabloids print this stuff just to stir, not because it hold any weight at all
QFT. Christianity is ON THE WAY OUT. Atheism is ON THE WAY IN and it's HERE TO STAY. Church attendance numbers have fallen so far they're practically tunnelling through the ground. 15 years ago it was practically illegal to open shops on the Sabbath here in Ireland. Now it's one of the biggest shopping days of the week.
The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
why pray for our souls

we choose our own path.
sorry you feel that way

rawls2 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

KylieTastic wrote:

I doubt its even true in the Netherlands, but in the UK if Ramadan is better known than Lent (which I doubt) its only because Christianity is on the way out and not that Islam is on the way in.

Not sure how it is in the US lowing but over here the tabloids print this stuff just to stir, not because it hold any weight at all
QFT. Christianity is ON THE WAY OUT. Atheism is ON THE WAY IN and it's HERE TO STAY. Church attendance numbers have fallen so far they're practically tunnelling through the ground. 15 years ago it was practically illegal to open shops on the Sabbath here in Ireland. Now it's one of the biggest shopping days of the week.
The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
Everyone is wrong and right at the same time, I don't think it matters in what you believe as long as you're doing good and trying to help others as much as you can. Nor christianity, atheism, Islam or anything else is needed for that.
inane little opines
be nice
+2,646|6704|The Twilight Zone
No Arabs in Slovenia but a lot of Albanians and they steal!!

rawls2 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

KylieTastic wrote:

I doubt its even true in the Netherlands, but in the UK if Ramadan is better known than Lent (which I doubt) its only because Christianity is on the way out and not that Islam is on the way in.

Not sure how it is in the US lowing but over here the tabloids print this stuff just to stir, not because it hold any weight at all
QFT. Christianity is ON THE WAY OUT. Atheism is ON THE WAY IN and it's HERE TO STAY. Church attendance numbers have fallen so far they're practically tunnelling through the ground. 15 years ago it was practically illegal to open shops on the Sabbath here in Ireland. Now it's one of the biggest shopping days of the week.
The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
I think the only response to that post is .... L O L
Mr. Bigglesworth
Don't forget your summer clothe when you leave.

Last edited by rawls2 (2008-02-14 16:02:22)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6788|Long Island, New York

rawls2 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

KylieTastic wrote:

I doubt its even true in the Netherlands, but in the UK if Ramadan is better known than Lent (which I doubt) its only because Christianity is on the way out and not that Islam is on the way in.

Not sure how it is in the US lowing but over here the tabloids print this stuff just to stir, not because it hold any weight at all
QFT. Christianity is ON THE WAY OUT. Atheism is ON THE WAY IN and it's HERE TO STAY. Church attendance numbers have fallen so far they're practically tunnelling through the ground. 15 years ago it was practically illegal to open shops on the Sabbath here in Ireland. Now it's one of the biggest shopping days of the week.
The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at this sentence. I'm a religious (although not highly religious) person, but this...this is just funny.

Reminds me of in 2006 when that guy said that a nuke war would break out on September 12th or something like that. Well, we're still here.
Mr. Bigglesworth

Poseidon wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

QFT. Christianity is ON THE WAY OUT. Atheism is ON THE WAY IN and it's HERE TO STAY. Church attendance numbers have fallen so far they're practically tunnelling through the ground. 15 years ago it was practically illegal to open shops on the Sabbath here in Ireland. Now it's one of the biggest shopping days of the week.
The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at this sentence. I'm a religious (although not highly religious) person, but this...this is just funny.

Reminds me of in 2006 when that guy said that a nuke war would break out on September 12th or something like that. Well, we're still here.
It may be a bit dramatic..lol...but I stand by the message.

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