Friends, Americans, comrades, LEND ME YOUR EARS!
I come to bury capitalism, NOT to praise it. The capitalist regime has long oppressed the proletariat. I come to tell you: NO MORE! Even as I write to you, a select few (myself included) are plotting the destruction of this regime, and the rise of a new, glorious utopia:

Under Uncle Sam, the proletariat have been downtrodden, the cries of the workingman have been ignored, and just look at his beard. His beard, the very symbol of the power of the capitalist pig over the everyday and the tyranny he rains down upon them. Recolor him red, and Uncle Sam IS the devil! The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the rich stay rich, while the poor stay poor. The indwelling virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of remuneration!
Myself and my close advisors, comrades, have devised brilliant strategy to remove the taint of the capitalist pigs, and to restore glory to living in the US&A to the proletariat!
PHASE I: Restoring power to the people
Below you will find a basic schematic of our plans to retake this land for the people.

Diagram courtesy of Comrade UnlimitedDeath, with slight editing by Comrade Miggle
The battle plans shall involve FOUR major steps:
These are the Soviets:
Aside from ruling over soviets, the Underczars have duties as well.
Comrade HurricaИe - War Czar and Head Caliph
Comrade Miggle - Propaganda Czar
Comrade Surgeons - Foreign Affairs Czar
Comrade Slauther - Red Guard Czar
Comrade Flaming - Internal Security Czar
Comrade simminator - Counter-Insurgency Czar
Comrade Lavadisk - Defender of Roosveltigrad, special administrative region.
And at the top of all this is myself, the ÜBERCZAR.
No comrades, this is not the end. This is the beginning of a beautiful time; a time when the common American will wake up and be allowed to provide service for his nation with neither shirts nor shoes nor pants. A time in which the Überczar rules, a time of grand beginnings and high tides. A time for...
Comrade التعريفات (Squiggles) - Middel East Correspondent and Re-Education Czar
Comrade Sydney - Submarine Commander
Comrade Redhedd - Dolphin Team Leader
MUCH LATER EDIT: Red Guards image relinked in its former glory
I come to bury capitalism, NOT to praise it. The capitalist regime has long oppressed the proletariat. I come to tell you: NO MORE! Even as I write to you, a select few (myself included) are plotting the destruction of this regime, and the rise of a new, glorious utopia:

Under Uncle Sam, the proletariat have been downtrodden, the cries of the workingman have been ignored, and just look at his beard. His beard, the very symbol of the power of the capitalist pig over the everyday and the tyranny he rains down upon them. Recolor him red, and Uncle Sam IS the devil! The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the rich stay rich, while the poor stay poor. The indwelling virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of remuneration!
Myself and my close advisors, comrades, have devised brilliant strategy to remove the taint of the capitalist pigs, and to restore glory to living in the US&A to the proletariat!
PHASE I: Restoring power to the people
Below you will find a basic schematic of our plans to retake this land for the people.

Diagram courtesy of Comrade UnlimitedDeath, with slight editing by Comrade Miggle
The battle plans shall involve FOUR major steps:
- The recruitment of the proletariat. Let them take part in reclaiming the land for themselves.
- Once an army of the workingman has been assembled, they will proceed to turn the remnants of the capitalist American military towards our cause. Comrade HurricaИe shall himself storm the Pentagon with the army of Washingtonian commoners, and will assume command of most of the military there. All other remnants shall change allegiances or face imminent destruction.
- After securing their own locales, all armies (with the exception of those on the East Coast) shall proceed westward, towards Cheyenne Mountain, A.K.A. NORAD, A.K.A. Capitalist Asshole Command.
- With destruction of NORAD, Soviet US&A shall triumph over capitalist US&A!
So it shall be. In Soviet US&A, all comrades shall be allowed to give service to their nation, with or without shirts, shoes, and/or pants*. The proletariat are not restricted by the capitalistic morals of the USA. In the words of the immaculate Soviet JF&K:Comrade HurricaИe wrote:
* Note: On a side note, comrades who go pantless can also give service to themselves, if one catches my driftIn our new nation, there shall be some new regions established, with each being ruled by a regional czar or a "Underczar". Following is a map of said regions.SOVIET JF&K wrote:
"Ask not what your country can do for YOU, but what YOU can do for YOUR COUNTRY!"

- Northeast Soviet: The smallest of the soviets, it is home to the extremely important propaganda generation facilities. Headed by Comrade Miggle in Bostnobyl.
- Middle East Soviet: The most prosperous of the soviets, it is home to Kennedigrad (formerly New York City), St. Comradesburg (formerly Philadelphia), and Czargrad (formerly Washington, D.C.). It is protected by Comrade Slauther, who also heads the Red Guard Division, in Kennedigrad.
Aforementioned Red Guards in action
- Southeast Soviet: Ruled over by the illustrious liberator of the Mississippi, Comrade Canadian. Home to what was once the Deep South in capitalist USA, now home to Castrograd (formerly Miami), a city devoted to our fellow believer in Cuba. Also, has annexed Alaska as its own territory. Centered in Summitgrad, formerly Atlanta.
- Southwest Soviet: Home to Walker, (Formerly) Texas Ranger, the Southwest Soviet borders with Mexico. With its capital in Fenixgrad (formerly Phoenix), the Southeast Soviet contains several cities important to the survival of Soviet US&A. For example, Hardingrad (formerly Las Vegas), Flamingrad (formerly Dallas), and St. Schwarzenburg (formerly Los Angeles). As a result of the border with Mexico, there shall be an influx of delicious Mexican food. I HAVE FORESEEN IT.
- Northwest Soviet: Center of operations of Comrade Poseidon. Capital is what used to be Seattle, now St. Reagansburg.
- Midwest Soviet: Last, though definitely not least, we reach the largest of the soviets. Headed by Comrade simminator from his palace high atop the Gateway Arch in St. Lincolnsburg, the Midwest Soviet's area stretches from former Ohio to former Colorado. This soviet provides most of Soviet US&A's food from its farms. Home to NOGRAD, the facility to replace capitalist NORAD, and Roosveltigrad, a special administrative region that used to be known as "Denver".
Aside from ruling over soviets, the Underczars have duties as well.
Comrade HurricaИe - War Czar and Head Caliph
Comrade Miggle - Propaganda Czar
Comrade Surgeons - Foreign Affairs Czar
Comrade Slauther - Red Guard Czar
Comrade Flaming - Internal Security Czar
Comrade simminator - Counter-Insurgency Czar
Comrade Lavadisk - Defender of Roosveltigrad, special administrative region.
And at the top of all this is myself, the ÜBERCZAR.
No comrades, this is not the end. This is the beginning of a beautiful time; a time when the common American will wake up and be allowed to provide service for his nation with neither shirts nor shoes nor pants. A time in which the Überczar rules, a time of grand beginnings and high tides. A time for...
Comrade التعريفات (Squiggles) - Middel East Correspondent and Re-Education Czar
Comrade Sydney - Submarine Commander
Comrade Redhedd - Dolphin Team Leader
MUCH LATER EDIT: Red Guards image relinked in its former glory
Last edited by cowami (2009-05-29 13:22:38)