I am thinking of purchasing a new video card and was wondering if anyone here has or know about the Geforce 7950 Card.
Before anyone tells me to not waste my money because its AGP, save your breath I just got this computer for $300 and with a new card i am hoping to play bf2 maxed out and crysis on medium at least i hope.
My system specs are:
1500 RAM corsair Ddr2 XMS (will probably purchase an addt'l 1500 for crysis)
160 gb hard drive Hitachi I believe
fatality sound card
lg 196W 19" widescreen monitor
AGP 8x mobo
Pentium 4 3.06 ghz processor
Here is a link for the card i want: http://www.xfxforce.com/web/product/lis … Id=1006137
what do you guys think is this a good buy?
will it handle crysis on medium-high graphics?
I am new to computer tech stuff so will appreciate any input on this..
Before anyone tells me to not waste my money because its AGP, save your breath I just got this computer for $300 and with a new card i am hoping to play bf2 maxed out and crysis on medium at least i hope.
My system specs are:
1500 RAM corsair Ddr2 XMS (will probably purchase an addt'l 1500 for crysis)
160 gb hard drive Hitachi I believe
fatality sound card
lg 196W 19" widescreen monitor
AGP 8x mobo
Pentium 4 3.06 ghz processor
Here is a link for the card i want: http://www.xfxforce.com/web/product/lis … Id=1006137
what do you guys think is this a good buy?
will it handle crysis on medium-high graphics?
I am new to computer tech stuff so will appreciate any input on this..