i don't claim to be the best heli pilot out there but i'm pretty good, i'm good at flying, i'm good at gunning and i'm good with the tv missile. almost every single time i get into a heli though, i'm lumbered with the worst co-pilots around! why? why do they get in and before i've even taken off, then overheat the guns? why do they shoot tv missiles at flags 800m away? why the fuck do they jump out at the slightest missile lock then tk punish me because i'm taking evasive action from impending missiles heading my way? why do i have to repeat "Hostile chopper, identified" over and over again because they're too busy trying to gun down a tank?what makes it worse is if my chopper gets blown to bits they respawn back at the heli pad with me, get back in and it starts all over again... *sigh*

i'm just fed up with bad co pilots, so i have started to knife my co-pilots when we respawn if they're really bad. i don't believe this should even be punishable, in a real war they would be shot on sight by their commanding officers!

Last edited by _oO.WasTeD.TimE.Oo_ (2005-12-29 01:10:13)

+5|7060|USA, Where Dumb people Rule
I'm with you and although I crush the enemy as a blackhawk gunner (like most do), I truly suck at some helo's in the gunner position.  Not easy but I am not a stupid gunner and I do not ride the short bus.

There are some stupid ones out there.

Last edited by mgtd1138 (2005-12-29 01:16:01)

Zee Tank Skank
+80|7018|MoVal So-Cal
I hate those people. When im co-pilot (which is most of the time) I stay with the pilot until the bitter end and  i save my missles for choppers and anti-air vehicals.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I pilot myself and only let people i know hop in. Fuck it i've had had enough. Lol
dont u hate it when ur co-pilot just does nothing? ive been piloting for a long time, what does most of my co-pilots do? not even shooting the enemy down below. but some pilots cant pilot, they swing left and right even when theres no missile lock, and they crash while doing an attacking run. EA should have a training system and number of flight hours in the training b4 sum1 can get into chopper or plane
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7061|Malaga, España
i,m a pretty good Chopper pilot... not a perfect one but, its not easy to shoot me outta the air with a Stinger/IGLA ... but for that also i need a good Gunner that can handle TV rocket...not those fucktards that seem to be sleeping .... coz when i,m locked i can do pretty cool manourvers....to get rid of a shitty rocket...only planes can shoot me down or enemey choppers....but when i,m a gunner....the pilot seem to be a fucktard that makes loop a loop and dont fucking play supportive for the team...no they crash in to the ground coz of there stupidity and then i fucking jump out so i can punish the fucktard for not being co-operative
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7073|Gold Coast, Australia
Amen to that. When that happens to me, i just fly to about 200 feet and do flips, most of the time they will bail out at about 150 feet in mid-flip, and i just fly away and look for a lone soldier that i will trial for they're gunning skill.

I used to be a great gunner on the demo, and ppl would ask me to gun with them, (i was a chopper gunner seat whore). But ever since i started playing RANKED servers and started playing for the badges ect. i've dropped to *above average*
Raiders of the Lost Bear

and i love your siggy so much you're welcome to gun for me anyday. Just look like her in the gunner's seat.
I feel you man, I HATE those situations, and I too, when I see someone suck, I take the sniper class and snipe them out of the chopper.

I'm not average, I'm not good, I'm REALLY good with chopper, although I did encounter better than me at several points. A bad gunner is a real pain in the ass, worst is when you're right in front of infantry and spot them, they won't notice it...heck, even tanks. They try to tv guide but they miserably fail at it.

I say, people who keep going into the choppers and planes and aren't good at it, should really STOP IT.

I hope EA does something drastic about it for the next battlefield. Make everyone go to a flightschool before stepping into choppers/planes. ANd not a "tutorial", I mean some HARD stuff. And you'd get some kind of special key...and once you tag a chopper, anyone that had less points than you in that "flightschool" can't enter the chopper as pilot for a limited time.

edit: and I was about to say "until you die" but then everyone would tk you :p

Last edited by Vartan (2005-12-29 02:37:40)

Mass Media Casualty

I am a gunner rather that a pilot. I'm good at flying, although I don't trust myself. I'm a shit-load better than a lot of the pilots I have trusted before though.

Mostly, I look from the other side of the fence. I sometimes get blamed for being a bad gunner, by letting a tank get away when apparently he was right in front of us. This usually mean that my pilot goes in for a sweep of the tank with his missiles and misses. Meanwhile, in TV land, I can't see a thing. I may see the tank for a fraction of a second, but that dosn't help.

Pilots: the TV missile is the best thing for taking out tanks! Use your rockets for infantry or light transports, but if you line up a good or semi-decent line of sight for me, I will blow the motherfucker to smithereens in one shot. I'm sorry, yes that means you will only get kill assists, and I will be awarded the kills, but GET OVER IT!

Also pissess me off with jet-bomber piltos wanting to be fighters while I'm struck pretty much blind and very very dizzy, but that's another story/rant.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Fly with me, im compitent
Base Rapist
I love to gun, in the bomber, BH, or attack chopper(I prefer the Mi-28, pow pow pow).

Half the time the pilots are stupid, like blackhawk pilots that try and cap flags.... lets see... hover over a flag and ask to be shot at... I am great with the gun, but I can't kill a tank with it. or if something is behind us, or if some sniper decides to put one between the pilots eyes.

And the pilots that don't communicate to you to be to in tv guided. Most of the time I spend in the gun look for threats left and right. I can't pay attention to whats ahead all the time. My favorite is when its 64 player server you go flying over and the gun just annilates an entire line of troops.

The other problem is bomber pilots flying to fast or not lining you up for shots, or then complaining about stealing their bomb kills.

I love the blackhawk though, I can lay down a line of fire that is surgical. Friendlys can be 10m away and I won't even damage them.
bad touch

burp gun=copoilt dream (Havok)

and if you get a right copoilt for the SU, those driver kills will rack up fast
Usual Suspect
Most of the time i dont just have the bad ones also blind ones, sometimes i have to hover 2-3 seconds to my blind gunner actually see the target. i dont get it they have better sight and in the end im the one that see the enemy first. There are great gunners out there and some of em save my ass more than few times and i owe them my thanks.

_oO.WasTeD.TimE.Oo_ wrote:

i don't claim to be the best heli pilot out there but i'm pretty good, i'm good at flying, i'm good at gunning and i'm good with the tv missile. almost every single time i get into a heli though, i'm lumbered with the worst co-pilots around! why? why do they get in and before i've even taken off, then overheat the guns? why do they shoot tv missiles at flags 800m away? why the fuck do they jump out at the slightest missile lock then tk punish me because i'm taking evasive action from impending missiles heading my way? why do i have to repeat "Hostile chopper, identified" over and over again because they're too busy trying to gun down a tank?what makes it worse is if my chopper gets blown to bits they respawn back at the heli pad with me, get back in and it starts all over again... *sigh*

i'm just fed up with bad co pilots, so i have started to knife my co-pilots when we respawn if they're really bad. i don't believe this should even be punishable, in a real war they would be shot on sight by their commanding officers!
only one advantage : play on different server
i have in my fav only servers where are pretty good people in it
of course there are some news which havent experiences, but most of the time i have good copilots

if you are really good, they realize really fast that you helping them to get points and then act really as profesionals
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7061|Malaga, España
best way to have a good Chopper flight is being in the same squad as the pilot/Gunner and use the MIC ffs.

i had that once really great i was te gunner he flies he was really fucking good.
his Job : Stay in the air, and tanke out enemie choppers or enemy armors
My Job: TV guided and gun down infantry

we used the mic and thats a big advantage for fast response..
He: Mate, we got locked can u spot the AA defence and take it out.
well i saw the ocupied stinger and smashed an Rocket into it
He: Enemy tank in front of use
well i thanks to him i quit the main gun to take out the walking infantry and shot the tank if he didnt said that i didn,t really noticed the tank .
Me: Enemy Transport chopper left side....well he aimed for it the stupid fucktards in the BH where indeed capping an flag the most dumbest thing to do when there is an combat chopper around cos an hovering fully loaded BH is a perfect target for the TV guided missile....
Me: Combat Chopper behind of us (i change views sometimes to look that there around for enemy choppers)
He: well he took it down and went back for repairments and resupply..

so Mic using 2 member squad in a Helicopter is the best way to have work together.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Agree... That's reason why I'm mostly flying choppers alone or with persons who I know. Nothing is so annoying than gunner who don't shoot or if he/she shoot he/she miss it and mostly it not even close to hit (they can't hit even tank which not moving) and at the same time I know that I could destroy that enemy chopper without that gunner but when there's that noob sitting as gunner I can't switch to gunner seat and shoot that chopper (or tank or anything) down and I must use my missiles but because I must go to close combat and that my gunner is mostly so noob that he/she can't even hit with MG enemy chopper have huge advantage (except if gunner and/or pilot is total noob). When I'm flying alone I know what I'm doing and I know that I can do that all well and if I have bad day I can blame only myself. And I have tip for you all. If some one come to chopper with you, try to go as gunner because most of people can fly better than shoot (of course if they crash with 1st tree from helipad it's impossible to shoot anything ) and tell them keep distance from enemy chopper and tanks because then you have time to turn your TV missile and really don't matter how good shoots that pilot give for you. But if that pilot won't keep distance and he/she can't give you good shoot there's almost nothing to do.

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

best way to have a good Chopper flight is being in the same squad as the pilot/Gunner and use the MIC ffs.

i had that once really great i was te gunner he flies he was really fucking good.
his Job : Stay in the air, and tanke out enemie choppers or enemy armors
My Job: TV guided and gun down infantry

we used the mic and thats a big advantage for fast response..
He: Mate, we got locked can u spot the AA defence and take it out.
well i saw the ocupied stinger and smashed an Rocket into it
He: Enemy tank in front of use
well i thanks to him i quit the main gun to take out the walking infantry and shot the tank if he didnt said that i didn,t really noticed the tank .
Me: Enemy Transport chopper left side....well he aimed for it the stupid fucktards in the BH where indeed capping an flag the most dumbest thing to do when there is an combat chopper around cos an hovering fully loaded BH is a perfect target for the TV guided missile....
Me: Combat Chopper behind of us (i change views sometimes to look that there around for enemy choppers)
He: well he took it down and went back for repairments and resupply..

so Mic using 2 member squad in a Helicopter is the best way to have work together.
Have we met? :p

Or if we didn't, this is a very good point, because I had the exact same thing, I was a pilot, and I had an american gunner. We were in the same squad and literally owning the thin air. And yes, I did often ask him where were the AAs shooting at us, etc...

The mic is a great weapon
Joined BF2s in November 2005
+133|7041|Doncaster, England

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

best way to have a good Chopper flight is being in the same squad as the pilot/Gunner and use the MIC ffs.
It's the only way.
When I am in the gunner seat I spot for the pilot, thats my job.
Pilots have enough to do without babysitting.
I have only ever found a hand full of really good pilots, and I have changed squads to stay with them after we have spawned back and they tell me to get in.
Sitting in the gunner seat is easy compared to flying, I don't know why so many people suck at it.

supa_fly52 wrote:

Amen to that. When that happens to me, i just fly to about 200 feet and do flips, most of the time they will bail out at about 150 feet in mid-flip, and i just fly away and look for a lone soldier that i will trial for they're gunning skill.

I used to be a great gunner on the demo, and ppl would ask me to gun with them, (i was a chopper gunner seat whore). But ever since i started playing RANKED servers and started playing for the badges ect. i've dropped to *above average*

get a fucking grip
gunners who dont take down enemy chopper with TV = dead losses (its NOT the pilots part at all)

and: if your are a bad pilot (like me), dont fly. if you are a good gunner (i am), dont fly. if you are bad on both seats, stay out of a chopper...

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

best way to have a good Chopper flight is being in the same squad as the pilot/Gunner and use the MIC ffs.
good advice, i still haven't managed to get a mic/headset although i've been meaning to for a little while now. i just hope that deaf co-pilots don't get added to the list afterwards... -_- my friends use mics when i play with them but i hardly ever hear what they're saying due to my teams spotting everything, do you find many people actually listen to you on the mic? (friends aside)
Ambitious but Rubbish

paranoid101 wrote:

_oO.WasTeD.TimE.Oo_ wrote:

i don't claim to be the best heli pilot out there but i'm pretty good, i'm good at flying, i'm good at gunning and i'm good with the tv missile. almost every single time i get into a heli though, i'm lumbered with the worst co-pilots around! why? why do they get in and before i've even taken off, then overheat the guns? why do they shoot tv missiles at flags 800m away? why the fuck do they jump out at the slightest missile lock then tk punish me because i'm taking evasive action from impending missiles heading my way? why do i have to repeat "Hostile chopper, identified" over and over again because they're too busy trying to gun down a tank?what makes it worse is if my chopper gets blown to bits they respawn back at the heli pad with me, get back in and it starts all over again... *sigh*

i'm just fed up with bad co pilots, so i have started to knife my co-pilots when we respawn if they're really bad. i don't believe this should even be punishable, in a real war they would be shot on sight by their commanding officers!
I know were your coming from if you have a bad gunner.

But to TK people just to get rid of them, make you a hell of alot worse than them, i mean look at all the posts on this forum about being TK for Choppers and people getting pissed off with it all going on.

How do you feel when your TK for a chopper?

So yes a i agree people who can't use the Gunner seat should learn in single player.

But remember these people have also payed for this game and should be able to play and not be TK just couse you think there no good.

This goes for all the other people who do this, its as bad as TKing for the chopper in the first place.

I mean getting TK just so some one can get in the chopper first is bad or flying the gunner out of bounds or crashing just cause your mates not in with you.

But are you now going to start TKing just cause we think that are gunner not very good.

Please think about it and what can start happening.

After all it's not your chopper.

Before you say anything, yes I can fly and gun in chopper's, i just don't use them much because of all the TK going on.

Flame away


Last edited by paranoid101 (2005-12-29 17:20:52)

+0|7056|New Brunswick Canada

Answeller wrote:

Most of the time i dont just have the bad ones also blind ones, sometimes i have to hover 2-3 seconds to my blind gunner actually see the target. i dont get it they have better sight and in the end im the one that see the enemy first. There are great gunners out there and some of em save my ass more than few times and i owe them my thanks.
I had a horrible gunner he sat for almost the whole round and didn't shoot a thing, I am a good gunner (assuming pilot knows how to line up a shot). I am a good attack helo pilot  ( have a hard time hitting things with the rockets though getting better) I line up gunners and let the team points roll in, I am a great BH pilot and it is possible to cap flags just don't have a freakin cobra on your ass ( a plane wont usually get you on public servers anyway) all ground enemies are taken care of by gunners and nades, I am a good dogfighter but a horrible solo bomber. I however totally agree with flight school (since i have gone through it in real life) for Battlefield games
I was in Mash City the other day and was piloting the Blackhawk.. I had a group of 2 gunners came in and we shreeded every MEC in sight... 38 driver kill assist and a shit load of special abiltity points later we got 1,2,3 in the round... re installed my faith that there are SOME good gunnners out there

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