Cougar wrote:,2933,317447,00.html
So Mohammed is about to overtake Jack as the most popular baby name in the U.K. However, how is this allowed? I mean, naming your children Mohammed? If you can't name a teddy bear Mohammed, then why can you name a kid Mohammed?
Also, why is his face not allowed to be shown...ever? It seems that you would want people to be able to recognize and or relate to Mohammed whenever seen (like Jesus for Christians, Buddha for Buddhists and so on) not make him hide is face and never be shown...
I find the whole Mohammed thing and the Muslim religion to be incredibly difficult and confusing, please explain.
Yeah, I know that this has been coming for a while - but it's still a stupid headline.
Hell, they actually even state that it includes all iterations of Muhammad (that being the most popular, actually, I believe), yet iterations of Jack are not included in that figure - seems like a stupid disparity to me, and thus makes this a statistical comparison nightmare full of idiocy and with a possible view to scaremonger.
But now that's out of the way, on to your questions!
However, how is this allowed?Because people are actually allowed to name their children whatever they want, I do suppose.
I mean, naming your children Mohammed?Do you mean that? And if you do, that's been perfectly acceptable for... well, for as long as that name's existed.
If you can't name a teddy bear Mohammed, then why can you name a kid Mohammed?That was a very stupid reaction and if you actually bother to go and ask any Muslim about that, they'd say that was a ridiculous situation. Also, please take note that Muhammad was a name before Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) the prophet came to this Earth. Oh, and if one was a Shi'ah Muslim (~10% of Muslims) and didn't believe in the four 'rightly-guided khalifahs' but instead thought of 'Ali as the rightful first Imam, then Muhammad al-Mahdi would probably be your last Imam who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Indeed, being called Muhammad is actually seen as a privilege and an honour.
Also, why is his face not allowed to be shown...ever?Same reason as Allah can never be depicted (and so calligraphy is used to decorate mosques instead of pictures of Allah) - that is, he is too great to be depicted and the human hand could not display his glory. In simple terms, it shows respect.
That's about it, really.
If you've ever got any more questions about Islam, don't hesitate to ask!
All the best,
EDIT: Spelling.
Last edited by TheDarkRaven (2007-12-19 10:31:09)