[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
mayweather is a camper...
Say wat!?

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

No, for the fight to be reminisant of that, the fight would have gone like this.  Hatton is beating the crap out of Mayweather when a French and Spanish boxer run in the ring and save his arse.  Afterwards the French boxer, as well as saving Mayweather's arse, gives him a statue of lady holding some books and a candle but this still doesn't stop Mayweather spending the rest of his career calling his saviour a "cheese eatinng surrender monkey" and pointlessly renaming foodstuffs like chipped potatoes to "freedom fries". 

Hatton takes the defeat on the chin, afterall he was winning until those other two boxers showed up, and he goes on to never lose again unlike Mayweather who goes down hill.  Firstly he shys away from fighting a German champion, showing up late and then incorrectly taking the credit for the German's deafat.  It got worse though when Floyd went on to fight a Vietnamese boxer and got owned.  Despite the unanimous decsion, Mayweather still says it was a draw. 

Anyway both fighters are now a tag team touring Iraq,  Hatton is basically wiping up after Mayweather in the middle east and giving him some kind of credibility back....
lol... best analogy ever!

Mayweather won due to his superior stamina, simple as, I only saw the last 3 rounds but by that point Hatton looked dead on his feet and Mayweather just looked slightly tired.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

A mate of mine said Sky Sports said the Mafia had a huge bet on Mayweather? Anyone hear anything about that, or is he talking out of his ass?
insert clever title here

ghettoperson wrote:

A mate of mine said Sky Sports said the Mafia had a huge bet on Mayweather? Anyone hear anything about that, or is he talking out of his ass?
I would guess he is talking out his ass.  Even if they did have a bet on him, it wouldn't be getting discussed on T.V.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6631|Gogledd Cymru

Fallschirmjager10 wrote:

No I'm not black, and yes Hatton got "owned"
Nope, Graham Earl got owned by Amir Khan, Hatton didn't get owned.

ghettoperson wrote:

A mate of mine said Sky Sports said the Mafia had a huge bet on Mayweather? Anyone hear anything about that, or is he talking out of his ass?
It wouldn't surprise me with the dodgy ref tactics.
+60|6778|miami FL
mayweather benefits from fighting low and running away he cannot fight like men and runs like a bitch and I am not a brit
I knew he would win
+354|6400|Basel, Switzerland

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

mayweather is a camper...
Yeah, terrorists ftl :\
+550|6780|Amsterdam, NY
Cry Moar Plox
+2,382|6820|The North, beyond the wall.

SgtSlauther wrote:

Cry Moar Plox
People are discussing it, nobody is crying.

Take your retarded leetspeak elsewhere.
+13|6466| Bay Area Calif. USA
Ref...Mafia  come on !!!  Just MAN up   your boy was whipped   (out smarted) Even Hatton doesnt sound like an 8 year old bitchin   give him credit for that.
+550|6780|Amsterdam, NY

BlackKoala wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

Oh and why the fuck are people doing the whole U.S vs U.K thing, its just silly.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p1710721

Mekstizzle wrote:

Whoever loses, their country sucks. Agree?
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 8#p1712768

Sam wrote:

I'm going to give you so much shit when Hatton wins
+2,382|6820|The North, beyond the wall.
Just goes to show Black people are better at Boxing. Seriously.

jord wrote:

Just goes to show Americans are better at Boxing. Seriously.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6631|Gogledd Cymru

Fallschirmjager10 wrote:

jord wrote:

Just goes to show Americans are better at Boxing. Seriously.
Lennox Lewis > Tyson
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6680|Long Island, New York

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

No, for the fight to be reminisant of that, the fight would have gone like this.  Hatton is beating the crap out of Mayweather when a French and Spanish boxer run in the ring and save his arse.  Afterwards the French boxer, as well as saving Mayweather's arse, gives him a statue of lady holding some books and a candle but this still doesn't stop Mayweather spending the rest of his career calling his saviour a "cheese eatinng surrender monkey" and pointlessly renaming foodstuffs like chipped potatoes to "freedom fries". 

Hatton takes the defeat on the chin, afterall he was winning until those other two boxers showed up, and he goes on to never lose again unlike Mayweather who goes down hill.  Firstly he shys away from fighting a German champion, showing up late and then incorrectly taking the credit for the German's deafat.  It got worse though when Floyd went on to fight a Vietnamese boxer and got owned.  Despite the unanimous decsion, Mayweather still says it was a draw. 

Anyway both fighters are now a tag team touring Iraq,  Hatton is basically wiping up after Mayweather in the middle east and giving him some kind of credibility back....
You =


jord wrote:

Just goes to show Black people are better at Boxing. Seriously.
The majority of American sports too. Baseball's homerun leader (Hank Aaron, Bonds can go die) is black. Basketball's greatest player is black. Football's greatest WR is black (Jerry Rice). Pretty much every sport except Hockey (even though Jarome Iginla is black) and Tennis.

wah1188 wrote:


Hatton got fucked up!
Jesus Ken do you just post to annoy people because your doing a good fucking job.

Seriously, it's like most of you don't want us to have our glory. If Hatton won you'd ALL be fucking shoving it in our faces. Now that he lost MOST of you are making excuses and literally crying about it online.

Last edited by Poseidon (2007-12-09 10:46:14)


Poseidon wrote:

Seriously, it's like most of you don't want us to have our glory. If Hatton won you'd ALL be fucking shoving it in our faces. Now that he lost MOST of you are making excuses and literally crying about it online.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6743|132 and Bush

Looking through this thread I have seen "dodgy refs", "Mayweather runs like a bitch", "Americans suck at being fans because they don't sing", and "the Mafia involvement". I wanted to see a good fight with a clear winner. It was apparent by they eighth round that Hatton was falling into a trap. I admire Ricky's sportsmanship, if only his "superior" fans would follow suit.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I am all that is MOD!

bennisboy wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

A mate of mine said Sky Sports said the Mafia had a huge bet on Mayweather? Anyone hear anything about that, or is he talking out of his ass?
It wouldn't surprise me with the dodgy ref tactics.
Did those dodgy referee tactics include knocking Hatton to the ground?  Say what you want about the refs, people have been saying boxing is corrupt for years.  That doesn't take away from the fact that Hatton got KO'd, not to mention PBF winning on points on all three judges' cards.

Stop whining.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6692|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

Kmarion wrote:

Looking through this thread I have seen "dodgy refs", "Mayweather runs like a bitch", "Americans suck at being fans because they don't sing", and "the Mafia involvement". I wanted to see a good fight with a clear winner. It was apparent by they eighth round that Hatton was falling into a trap. I admire Ricky's sportsmanship, if only his "superior" fans would follow suit.
I concede that Hatton got beat fair and square within the rules of boxing.  I concede that Hatton's gameplan failed and Mayweather's worked. I even concede that Mayweather was too good defensively for Hatton to trouble him BUT that does not mean I can not be subjective about the fight.  The referee did spoil it a little, it may well be biaised but virtually everybody involved in boxing aid the ref had a bad night.  On a point of the fans, I just don't see the point of winning or taking part if you don't have fun doing it. 

Personally the fight wasn't UK vs USA anyway as for me it was more man of the people vs arrogant twat.  The man next door against the privelleged snob.  Homer vs Monty Burns if you like.  To put it another way, if it has been a likeable American against a British cock like Prince Nasim I would be supporting the American.
+123|6606| Heaven
The best boxer won, who cares what country he came from. And yes the previous guy who posted earlier, boxing is not what it was.
No I didn't see the fight and I didn't care who won as long as it was a good fight.
Was it???
Lennox Lewis is Canadian hehehehehehe
+123|6606| Heaven
To put it another way, if it has been a likeable American against a British cock like Prince Nasim I would be supporting the American.

I am all that is MOD!

I wanted Hatton to win too.  In fact I lost money on it.  The ref simply didn't let Hatton constantly clinch and punch like he does so effectively.  That doesn't equal dodgy tactics, it equals the ref wanting a boxing match.

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