+8|7071|Battlefield in australia
i play violent games just like the rest of you and watch movies that contain violence (i do play and watch non-violent stuff too) and have noticed that i tolerate real life violence and display aggressive tendancies in real life situations to a higher level than i used too.

do you believe that your exposure to violent games and other violent media increases your real life aggression and decreses your emotional response to real life violence.

here an phycological observation:

http://www.youngmedia.org.au/mediachild … derson.htm
+25|7077|Yorkshire, UK.
Istudied Media Sociology @ uni. That is all avout this sort of thing. There is a lot of sociological study about this. Generally it is concluded that the vast majority of people are no more violent after playing a game, etc... than they would be otherwise. There are always exceptions to the rule tho....
'twice cooked beef!'
the current research shows that children can exhibit more violent behavior after being exposed to violent film, tv, or videogames. however, this generally does not affect adults to the same degree.

speaking from personal experience, a lifetime of violent videogames has not desensitized me to real violence. when i saw some footage from afghanistan and iraq [helicopter kills, victims of shellings, etc] i was severely disturbed by it.

desensitising is a natural defense mechanism. it is uncomfortable to be severely disturbed, so after repeated exposure to the real life violence, it didn't bother me anymore. i had become numb to it. that is a far cry, however, from wanting to go out and actually kill people.
+3|7049|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
I think I've become more calm over the last 5 years. Probably becuse of all the violence in the games and movies. They stop the urge to see violence somewhere else, like in real life.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

actually, I use video games to relief the stress and I am usually less aggressive after having played a couple of rounds BF2. But I have only been playing video games since I was 18 or so, so I guess my ability to differentiate between real life and a video game had been secured by that time.
Same goes for violent movies or the news, btw.

Accordingly, I'd say that violent media in general ( video games, violent movies, violent TV ) can have a bad influence on kids and treenagers. It is certainly up to the parents to make a responsible decision if their child is "mature" enough to withstand that kind of influence.

apart from that, I am with krappy on this. We all have been desentisised by the constant display of violence in the news, at least to a certain extent. Still, images of victims of war bother me. And I take a bit of pride in that.
I think I have the best post for this argument. I did a report on this back in high school. This is the actual link for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Im sure it will explain itself http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/gvc.htm#Violence
+8|7071|Battlefield in australia
in response to the comments on violent media and video games there seems to be an overwhelming majority of people who believe that this form of material has a minimal or non significant effect. as a student of psychology i have researched this area and have to disagree with the current opinions. it is in human nature to not want to accept the belief that something we frequently or excessively participate in is bad for us. for example smokers do not want to believe that smoking can kill them and some have the response that "well you have to go sometime" or "it wont happen to me". in this mentality why would people who enjoy and engage in frequent to high use of violent material admit to themselves or others that what they enjoy and do is bad for their mental health with no intention to stop?

the information stating a negative effect of violent media and games is not stating that an individual who engages in moderate use or even high excessive use will go out and commit murder or highly violent crimes but that the tendency to engage in this for of crimal activity is a genetic predisposition within an individual. however the research supporting adverse effects is focusing on the increase of aggression in daily experience such as increased road rage, lower tolerance for others and high levels of irritabiltity in social and personal situations. from personal experiences with individuals who i have met prior to engagement in high usage of violent video games to now i have seen an increase in aggression in all these areas as well as a decrease in concentration, attention and motivation.

violent material is something that is within our society and can not be eliminated such as news broadcasts and real life street violence, however why expose ourselves or more importantly our kids to more violent material than needed. after all, childern model a large majority of the behaviour they are exposed to and personally i think this is a terrible example to be setting for future generations.

kristy (friend of mike blades)
I agree that it may make you feel more gressive but as the numbers have shown aparently people are able to exert some form of self control otherwise these numbers would be off the charts.
I think no.
But kids need to talk to WWII veterans, or any veteran.
I sat there for three hours listening to my Great Uncle about North Africa and D-Day, hanging onto every word.
It is scary to look into a mans eyes, and that what he saw over 60 years ago still affect him now.

So if people are exposed to true violence then they are very much against it.
Horseman 77
In my experince I usaully laugh a lot. Rarely do I get mad. You get to hunt down, shoot and kill the people who piss u off. If anything its gratifiying.

Sure. After I'm done playing a violent video game, I'm tempted to get my BFG 9000 and plasma rifle from my gun safe and go on a demon-killing rampage at the local shopping mall.
+8|7071|Battlefield in australia

Horseman 77 wrote:

In my experince I usaully laugh a lot. Rarely do I get mad. You get to hunt down, shoot and kill the people who piss u off. If anything its gratifiying.
this quote is a perfect example of the situational aggressiveness mentioned earlier. the line 'laugh a lot' indicates a desensitisation to the violent material. violence does not have to be purely real for it to disturb people it is actually quite the opposite with any material real or fiction supose to create a feeling of unsettledness. in addition with portrail of violent material being so realistic these days there really is no visual difference than knowing it is fantasy.

furthermore the line 'shoot and kill the people who piss you off' is another example of the situational aggression, as the characters are only 2D and can not literally be 'the people' who piss you off as its the player who animates the character and essentially its the player who annoys you and hence the person you are attacking. this is a clear demonstration of situational aggression.

finally the most notable and for me the most disturbing is the fact that an individual can find gratification in displaying situational aggression upon other people. the line between fantasy and reality is becoming increasingly blurred with the increased exposure to violent material of people of all ages.

MikeBlades wrote:

i play violent games just like the rest of you and watch movies that contain violence (i do play and watch non-violent stuff too) and have noticed that i tolerate real life violence and display aggressive tendancies in real life situations to a higher level than i used too.

do you believe that your exposure to violent games and other violent media increases your real life aggression and decreses your emotional response to real life violence.

here an phycological observation:

http://www.youngmedia.org.au/mediachild … derson.htm
yes i agree, because i can be honest that video games have made me more violent and more tolerable to seeing violence. Nothing seems to affect me, any of you who have ever seen "faces of death" will prob agree that it is the most gruesome thing to watch, yet it has no effect on me
For those of you unfarmiliar with the title. "faces of death" is a collection of footage of real-life deaths that include amateur video of accidents resulting in deaths, currrent war time footage, executions like the ones in iraq where the victims are beheaded. it is definitley not for the faint-hearted.

As for games, i do get angry easily (unfortunatley), such as someone calls me a name or something- i make it my mission to continually hunt down the individual so i can feel better knowing i have got 'revenge'.
so you can imagine that bf2 is a game that makes me quite angry, i dont know how many times ive punched the keyboard or swore at the monitor, i feel like if i dont do this then the anger will just bury itself in me.

In real-life, im actually a nice guy, just that i can 'snap' in some situtations. If im in a fight, the idea of getting any sort of weapon and attacking does not register as a bad idea in my head.

The reason i believe its gaming thats the cause. well i have a pretty good life and i dont have much to complain about. But when im playing games i can become physically angry. I guess some people are affected by games and others it does not. i wouldnt agree on some ban on violent games as u may often read about, its really down to the player to know when the game is becoming more then just a game and stop.

Now id like to finish on a light note
im not this bad thankfully, but if theres people like this out there, then video games must def be causing something...
I think it doesn't have any affect if you'll be more aggressive or not, ofcourse there are always acceptions ( However I spell that ). Personally I play games since I was 6 years old, now I'm 16. I'm still calm and you need to try very very hard to get me mad, I'm a very calm dude, although I been playing violent games for 10 years.
Aussie Outlaw
I'm less agressive with games. I used to get into so many fights. But now i take it out on BF2
Playing games with violence is all that keeps me from blowing shit up in real life. It's a great stress relief. However, I think kids can very easily be affected by violence in games. Not to a columbine type level, but definitely more of a general proclivity towards violence, and a somewhat numbing of the senses, if you will.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7100|The Hague, Holland
Im a very calm guy, I rather laugh and make jokes with my friends then to beat some guy senseless.
Peace Man !
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7073|The Netherlands
NO and if you say they do i punch an kick you
+383|7037|The Netherlands
Well, i never got into a fight before i started playing bf1942, which was around march 2003. I ve been playing 1942, dc,  bfv and bf2 for 2 years now with an average of about 100 hours a month, thats 2.000+ hours of violent computer games in the last 2 years and i didnt get into any fights recently. 
I play & watch everything. And I dont feel violent, and never been in any *serious* fights. And I would never try to execute someone, If it was not for a very good reason...
Yeah, im peaceful. BTW, how can a game like BF2 make you wanna fight? I understand if Tekken 3 is dangerous to younger children, but BF2?
I think a videogame can be an exellent vent for tension & violent anger. More likely to do more harm than good, though I do not think its good for children to play violent games.
Before games it was television that made kids violent this is a debate which will never end.
Don't touch the pom-pom!
I'm not sure. I tend to like to pick people up or trip them over, maybe reverse stuff with arm locks, but if they start complaining w=then I'll stop. i find most of the Year 7s (I'm year 8) actaully enjoy being swung around. If they complain I'll put them down. Of course, I don't want to do any harm, I just like slamming one of my friends into the fence, though he did get revenge by jumping on my back. I flipped him over
I've noticed that ive gotten more "grumpy" and my fuse for idiocy has shortened alot. Sometimes i wanna pull out my PKM and Mo down that little idiot in the corner attention seeking!!

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