
What does this section need?

New competitions, with greater indepth on the process8%8% - 5
A better structure inside this forums section.9%9% - 6
More and better tutorials.20%20% - 13
A better section 'Managment'.1%1% - 1
A thorough clean-up.11%11% - 7
All of the above.30%30% - 19
Nothing.8%8% - 5
Null Vote.9%9% - 6
Total: 62

Bernadictus wrote:

This section is becoming more and more focussed around a group of people. That is not a positive development, because this section turns into a group which outsiders might consider threatening.
If you vote please have the fricking balls to mention your choice. Anonymous voting is annoying and useless. Your votes will not be accounted for in the end.

I voted: All of the above.
+2,382|6852|The North, beyond the wall.

Bernadictus wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

This section is becoming more and more focussed around a group of people. That is not a positive development, because this section turns into a group which outsiders might consider threatening.
If you vote please have the fricking balls to mention your choice. Anonymous voting is annoying and useless. Your votes will not be accounted for in the end.

I voted: All of the above.
WTF!? People can vote without having to say for what they voted. You don't need an in depth commentary for each vote. Calm down.

Nice, you quoted yourself there berny I voted for a thorough clean up. You're right though, it's like that with those fancy D&ST lot. I do indeed feel threatened. /hides.
Real Хорошо
+826|6693|Adelaide, South Australia

Moar stickies:

[*]PS Tutorials (On or Off-site)
[*]Gimp Tutorials (On or Off-site)
[*]Links page to good fonts

[*]Link to where I can find a nice Hi-rez pic of the Assassin's Creed guy standing in the bell tower.
Edit: I'm 100% serious on this last one. I've been raiding searches for a good one, but cannot find even one with him in the tower

Last edited by Fenris_GreyClaw (2007-07-30 06:29:14)


jord wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

This section is becoming more and more focussed around a group of people. That is not a positive development, because this section turns into a group which outsiders might consider threatening.
If you vote please have the fricking balls to mention your choice. Anonymous voting is annoying and useless. Your votes will not be accounted for in the end.

I voted: All of the above.
WTF!? People can vote without having to say for what they voted. You don't need an in depth commentary for each vote. Calm down.
See, here you miss the point. And as Alex pointed it out. We are becoming a D&ST section, with a same attitude. And people that vote anonymously have not vote. You can construct a vote, only those that vote anonymously do not posses the skill or will to defend/explain their attitude.
Latter Alcoholic
k I voted "more and better tutorials"

People here may not have the skill to write such tutorials, but perhaps base ideas on link to tutorials etc.

Would be quite good, I'm looking to increase my PS skills

Some graphics mods. *cough*

I vote for more competitions. We could have maybe a best photo (nature, sunset, people etc) competition. Thats always fun, plus maybe chuy will give a badge to the winner
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6798|Birmingham, UK
All of the above.

And managment is usually spelt management.

Last edited by TheDarkRaven (2007-07-30 07:19:59)

+1,716|6906|St. Andrews / Oslo

I really, really, really loved the Graphic of the Week thing you had going.

Switching the SotW with that would be awesome, as it wouldn't be a comp, but a way to teach people how to do stuff.

My idea for a second try at GotW:

As you are in the graphic business, I think you should make a thread with a veeeeery simplified version of a logo request you could get. Kind of like the cup of tea, but a little more in depth (modern? Lot's of cafés or just one? traditional logo? etc etc). People PM you what they enter and after a week, you make a thread with the results, without a poll, and post what you think about all of them, as you are in the business and know what companies want.

Then, people can comment on the logo's, ask people how they made them, give tips, etc.

Everyone learns, no-one is afraid of entering, there is no entry limit which makes people rush to be in the first 10, and those who are willing to go into this business learn how logo's should be made. You could also have flyers, banners, and posters.
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico

A better structure inside this forums section.

To all that are contributing to this topic: Thank you for your replies and feedback on what you want! Keep it going.
+354|6432|Basel, Switzerland
K, I voted for more competitions. There was a WotM once but it just died. I tried to start a logo thing but nobody wants it I guess.

Maybe a sub-forum for tutorials?
'Light 'em up!'

PORN! But since I don't spend very often in the GFX department I nulled, but if I had to say anything it would be More Tutorials.
[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits
i voted for all of the above.

more competitions would be cool.  free-hand, photo's et all (as well as the ones we have already).  tidying up with some sub forums would be cool,  personally im cool without any tut's coz i never bother reading them but i imagine most peeps would like more therefore that was applicable too thinking about the whole (im good like that).  maybe a sub forum for people who want to show off a kinda portfolio of there stuff ( but only if there are enuff people with good pictures for show i guess, coz other wise it will look like a shonky version of DA lol.)

All of the above. Oh, and cowbell. I gotta have more cowbell!

Seriously though, this section has all the makings to be a great one.
I need around tree fiddy.
aka [DBS]Mitch92uK
+192|6409|United Kingdom
I agree and from what i see it's just a few people's work within this section.

Don's right, this section could be a lot better
I voted all of the above
+36|6402|Estados Unidos
I voted for null vote.
Wiki Contributor

Entertayner wrote:

Some graphics mods. *cough*
Ooooooooooooh ------> Vote Gooners For Graphic Mod Status
That's how I roll, BITCH!

Nothing as most of the above already exist. But if I have to chose one, I would say more tutorials. Because there are only 2-3, I think.

Gooners wrote:

Entertayner wrote:

Some graphics mods. *cough*
Ooooooooooooh ------> Vote Gooners For Graphic Mod Status
Fuck you.
biggie smalls
+72|6627|Ontario, Canada
voted more and better tutorials
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Ambitious but Rubbish
Beer, Black Jack and Hookers

No I really would like to see more tutorials, also does anyone use Coral Photoshop that's the one I have and would like to also see so tutorials on that one as well as Photo shop
online bf2s mek evasion
what about a comp to design a logo for the BF2s graphics 'department'?

and then comps to design one for each of the other individual sections?

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