Afrika_18 wrote:

Ize lmao at all U morons respondin' t' dis post.  Now I KNOWZ y'all doan have any skill.  Y' know why?  Cuz any1 who responz t' a trollz post is jus' a fish, man!!  Y'all a bunch a muthafukkin fish!!  An I jus' reeled y'all in, an sucked ya' into my li'l world an' I"m heeya at my job, rofflmfao atcha'all!!  FISH DOAN HAVE ANY SKILL!!  BUT TROLLERS DO!  IN FACT, I GOT ABOUT 4 PAGES WORTH 'A SKILL OUT THE INITIAL POST!!  THANKS FOR THE RESPONSES FISHIES!!

Oh yea...almos' fo'got: y'all reddy 4 da pump?
Trolls are not appreciated on BF2s ... if you want to be a part of the BF2s community, then please follow the forum rules when you return, and lose the ghetto-speak.

To everyone else:  do not post racial stereotypes, racial language, and other such hate language on BF2s.