Anger is a gift
+174|6671|Sin City

Here's my idea:

When an asshole on death row runs out of appeals and it's time for the State to carry out the sentence, run it live on Pay per view. It would be like a 3 hour special, starting with what the guy did, showing the testimony in court along with the verdict and the sentencing. Family's on both sides could be interviewed and give their opinions, tell their stories and such. Then you go outside and let all the lib's protesting with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (for some reason, they only seem to give a shit when the prisoner is black....but whatever....) or Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore or whoever is on the bandwagon that week get up on a soapbox and get some camera time.  Finally, show interviews with the prisoner if willing to provide them, then let justice be served. Half the money could go to the victim's family and give the other half to the prison,  charity, youth programs to keep kids off dope or whatever.

Last edited by D6717C (2007-07-17 14:42:26)


D6717C wrote:

Here's my idea:

When an asshole on death row runs out of appeals and it's time for the State to carry out the sentence, run it live on Pay per view. It would be like a 3 hour special, starting with what the guy did, showing the testimony in court along with the verdict and the sentencing. Family's on both sides could be interviewed and give their opionions, tell their stories and such. Then you go outside and let all the lib's protesting with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (for some reason, they only seem to give a shit when the prisoner is black....but whatever....) or Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore or whoever is on the bandwagon that week get up on a soapbox and get some camera time.  Finally, show interviews with the prisoner if willing to provide them, then let justice be served. Half the money could go to the victim's family and give the other half to the prison,  charity, youth programs to keep kids off dope or whatever.
I have said this since i was small, then everyone would watch this and go "Right, no more crime for me"
God Status
+26|6264|Mildura, Aus
awesome idea
Anger is a gift
+174|6671|Sin City

White-Fusion wrote:

D6717C wrote:

Here's my idea:

When an asshole on death row runs out of appeals and it's time for the State to carry out the sentence, run it live on Pay per view. It would be like a 3 hour special, starting with what the guy did, showing the testimony in court along with the verdict and the sentencing. Family's on both sides could be interviewed and give their opinions, tell their stories and such. Then you go outside and let all the lib's protesting with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (for some reason, they only seem to give a shit when the prisoner is black....but whatever....) or Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore or whoever is on the bandwagon that week get up on a soapbox and get some camera time.  Finally, show interviews with the prisoner if willing to provide them, then let justice be served. Half the money could go to the victim's family and give the other half to the prison,  charity, youth programs to keep kids off dope or whatever.
I have said this since i was small, then everyone would watch this and go "Right, no more crime for me"
Exactly. Especially in States where they still use the electric chair or gas chamber. Very unpleasant.  But it would make you think twice about raping that 7 year old and throwing her in a ditch.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
what if evidence later turns up which clears the person that was just executed?

Would you feel guilty about that wank you had over his/her death?

Death penalty is never right.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Anger is a gift
+174|6671|Sin City

m3thod wrote:

what if evidence later turns up which clears the person that was just executed?

Would you feel guilty about that wank you had over his/her death?

Death penalty is never right.
That has the makings of another 3 hour special....

You can't think of ONE instance where the punishment is justified? Would you feel the same if your family were the victims? And maybe you were witness to the crime?
I am all that is MOD!

D6717C wrote:

Exactly. Especially in States where they still use the electric chair or gas chamber. Very unpleasant.  But it would make you think twice about raping that 7 year old and throwing her in a ditch.
Because, clearly people who rape and kill people think ONCE about the crime they are about to commit.  Then (according to you) they would think again, and say, "Nah, don't want to be on TV, I saw that last guy...".  Hahaha nice logic bud.
+3,611|6659|London, England

D6717C wrote:

m3thod wrote:

what if evidence later turns up which clears the person that was just executed?

Would you feel guilty about that wank you had over his/her death?

Death penalty is never right.
That has the makings of another 3 hour special....

You can't think of ONE instance where the punishment is justified? Would you feel the same if your family were the victims? And maybe you were witness to the crime?
No, he's saying what if you televise an execution which you so lovingly watched, only to find out that the guy was innocent.

That would be rare but not impossible. That's the risk of the death penalty, you have to make sure your Justice system is capable of doing its Job. Looking at how Celebrities and Politicians get one rule of law compaired to normal people, i feel that the Justice system is inadequate to deal out death sentences. It's annoying because i really would like to see Rapists and Murderers go down.

Well that's what i feel about the UK justice system.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6723|United States of America
Why not go the whole nine yards? After they're executed, you have to draw and quarter them, then chop off the head and put it on a pike on top of London Bridge as a warning to behave.

What you described seriously sounds like the executions of olde (<<<that's how old they are that the spelling is even archaic). There's no reason for us to make executions public once again; we've already been down that route.
Anger is a gift
+174|6671|Sin City


D6717C wrote:

Exactly. Especially in States where they still use the electric chair or gas chamber. Very unpleasant.  But it would make you think twice about raping that 7 year old and throwing her in a ditch.
Because, clearly people who rape and kill people think ONCE about the crime they are about to commit.  Then (according to you) they would think again, and say, "Nah, don't want to be on TV, I saw that last guy...".  Hahaha nice logic bud.
First of all, rapists and child molesters think about that shit all the time. They can't help it. The kind of thing it COULD prevent is the random asshole that goes into a 7-11 to rob it, and for no reason puts a bullet in the back of the head of the clerk that offered no resistance whatsoever. However, your opinion on this doesn't suprise me if you reside in California.
An eye for an eye and we would all be blind

who are we to decide who lives and dies?
I am all that is MOD!

D6717C wrote:


D6717C wrote:

Exactly. Especially in States where they still use the electric chair or gas chamber. Very unpleasant.  But it would make you think twice about raping that 7 year old and throwing her in a ditch.
Because, clearly people who rape and kill people think ONCE about the crime they are about to commit.  Then (according to you) they would think again, and say, "Nah, don't want to be on TV, I saw that last guy...".  Hahaha nice logic bud.
First of all, rapists and child molesters think about that shit all the time. They can't help it. The kind of thing it COULD prevent is the random asshole that goes into a 7-11 to rob it, and for no reason puts a bullet in the back of the head of the clerk that offered no resistance whatsoever. However, your opinion on this doesn't suprise me if you reside in California.
Yeah, and rapists and child molesters still commit the crimes because they have fucking mental issues.  They lack (for the most part) rational thought.  It wouldn't prevent the random asshole that goes into the 7-11, because that is completely random - not based on thought.

Live executions as a means of deterrence is a laughable argument at best.  The only things it might accomplish is some sort of closure for the victims/plaintiffs and some bizarro pleasure for the viewer.

What does residing in California have to do with my views on live executions?  I support the death penalty in cases where the subject has been shown to be a truly deviant mind unable to interact positively with society - that's it.  Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, people of those ilk.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-07-17 15:18:21)

Lock Up Your Daughters, The Scottish Have Arrived

Balok77 wrote:

An eye for an eye and we would all be blind

who are we to decide who lives and dies?
By their deeds shall you know them
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

D6717C wrote:

m3thod wrote:

what if evidence later turns up which clears the person that was just executed?

Would you feel guilty about that wank you had over his/her death?

Death penalty is never right.
That has the makings of another 3 hour special....

You can't think of ONE instance where the punishment is justified? Would you feel the same if your family were the victims? And maybe you were witness to the crime?
It's for the justice system to deal with.

I do not believe in taking life under any circumstance.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
O Canada
+1,596|6443|North Carolina

D6717C wrote:

Here's my idea:

When an asshole on death row runs out of appeals and it's time for the State to carry out the sentence, run it live on Pay per view. It would be like a 3 hour special, starting with what the guy did, showing the testimony in court along with the verdict and the sentencing. Family's on both sides could be interviewed and give their opinions, tell their stories and such. Then you go outside and let all the lib's protesting with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (for some reason, they only seem to give a shit when the prisoner is black....but whatever....) or Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore or whoever is on the bandwagon that week get up on a soapbox and get some camera time.  Finally, show interviews with the prisoner if willing to provide them, then let justice be served. Half the money could go to the victim's family and give the other half to the prison,  charity, youth programs to keep kids off dope or whatever.
Sounds ok to me, but just remember that not all "liberals" are against the death penalty.

Likewise, not all conservatives are in favor of it.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
In this US this guy would have prob been fried.


Read and ponder.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Anger is a gift
+174|6671|Sin City

m3thod wrote:

D6717C wrote:

m3thod wrote:

what if evidence later turns up which clears the person that was just executed?

Would you feel guilty about that wank you had over his/her death?

Death penalty is never right.
That has the makings of another 3 hour special....

You can't think of ONE instance where the punishment is justified? Would you feel the same if your family were the victims? And maybe you were witness to the crime?
It's for the justice system to deal with.

I do not believe in taking life under any circumstance.
Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I just wonder if having a loved one be a victim would change your view. Not that I would ever hope that on anyone, just wondering. There is honestly no way to say unless it happened.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6567|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
Public executions belong in the middle ages.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6501|Tyne & Wear, England
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the death penalty does not deter people from committing crimes??

I don't care what you say, but any person who commits a murder is quite clearly insane.  I personally think that someone who has such mental issues lacks the rationality to even think about the consequences of murder i.e. the death penalty.

They have a clear lack of regard for another persons life, so why should they care for their own.

A lot of the time, a murder takes place in the heat of the moment when all other thoughts go out of the window.

The death penalty is redundant, it does not work.

Last edited by KILLSWITCH (2007-07-17 15:42:03)

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
i dont agree with the death penalty, but hey, its not me doing it and its not me getting killed.  As for televising it, yeah, seems like a good idea to help prevent murders.  Then again, if the death of the criminal is "humane" it wont seem to bad to people and it wont stop murders.  Just an idea.
O Canada
+1,596|6443|North Carolina


Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the death penalty does not deter people from committing crimes??
For the most part, it doesn't.  I think this is because violent crimes are usually committed when people are either very angry, high, or desperate.

However, I think it would be a deterrent for white collar crime.  We wouldn't see anymore Enron-style corruption scandals if major embezzlement schemes were punishable by death.

Hang the corporate fuckers!


I don't care what you say, but any person who commits a murder is quite clearly insane.  I personally think that someone who has such mental issues lacks the rationality to even think about the consequences of murder i.e. the death penalty.

They have a clear lack of regard for another persons life, so why should they care for their own.

A lot of the time, a murder usually takes place in the heat of the moment when all other thoughts go out of the window.

The death penalty is redundant, it does not work.
*shrugs*  It would work if we made it cheaper.  A bullet to the head works just as well as lethal injection, but it's much cheaper.  "Cruel and unusual" my ass....
Hooray Beer!
+94|6608|United States
Death row inmates should be put to death within a year of their death row sentence. Our prison system is a huge drain on tax payers money, and I for one, don't like the idea of my hard earned money feeding a child rapist in prison or supplying him with new clothes. If death row inmates have been proven guilty without a doubt  (Video camera and/or witnesses, personal confession, etc.) then they need to be put to death. They don't need to sit on death row for five years waiting to die. The average cost per inmate, per year in the prison system of the United States is right at $20,000.
Anger is a gift
+174|6671|Sin City


D6717C wrote:


Because, clearly people who rape and kill people think ONCE about the crime they are about to commit.  Then (according to you) they would think again, and say, "Nah, don't want to be on TV, I saw that last guy...".  Hahaha nice logic bud.
First of all, rapists and child molesters think about that shit all the time. They can't help it. The kind of thing it COULD prevent is the random asshole that goes into a 7-11 to rob it, and for no reason puts a bullet in the back of the head of the clerk that offered no resistance whatsoever. However, your opinion on this doesn't suprise me if you reside in California.
Yeah, and rapists and child molesters still commit the crimes because they have fucking mental issues.  They lack (for the most part) rational thought.  It wouldn't prevent the random asshole that goes into the 7-11, because that is completely random - not based on thought.

Live executions as a means of deterrence is a laughable argument at best.  The only things it might accomplish is some sort of closure for the victims/plaintiffs and some bizarro pleasure for the viewer.

What does residing in California have to do with my views on live executions?  I support the death penalty in cases where the subject has been shown to be a truly deviant mind unable to interact positively with society - that's it.  Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, people of those ilk.
So you are in favor of the death penalty in certian situations but against live executions. Fair enough, I can respect that.
I am all that is MOD!

D6717C wrote:


D6717C wrote:

First of all, rapists and child molesters think about that shit all the time. They can't help it. The kind of thing it COULD prevent is the random asshole that goes into a 7-11 to rob it, and for no reason puts a bullet in the back of the head of the clerk that offered no resistance whatsoever. However, your opinion on this doesn't suprise me if you reside in California.
Yeah, and rapists and child molesters still commit the crimes because they have fucking mental issues.  They lack (for the most part) rational thought.  It wouldn't prevent the random asshole that goes into the 7-11, because that is completely random - not based on thought.

Live executions as a means of deterrence is a laughable argument at best.  The only things it might accomplish is some sort of closure for the victims/plaintiffs and some bizarro pleasure for the viewer.

What does residing in California have to do with my views on live executions?  I support the death penalty in cases where the subject has been shown to be a truly deviant mind unable to interact positively with society - that's it.  Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, people of those ilk.
So you are in favor of the death penalty in certian situations but against live executions. Fair enough, I can respect that.
To be quite honest, I'm not against live executions either.  If people want to film it, a company wants to produce and transmit it, and people want to watch it, so be it.  I just don't see it impacting the crime rate.
Anger is a gift
+174|6671|Sin City

BeerzGod wrote:

Death row inmates should be put to death within a year of their death row sentence. Our prison system is a huge drain on tax payers money, and I for one, don't like the idea of my hard earned money feeding a child rapist in prison or supplying him with new clothes. If death row inmates have been proven guilty without a doubt  (Video camera and/or witnesses, personal confession, etc.) then they need to be put to death. They don't need to sit on death row for five years waiting to die. The average cost per inmate, per year in the prison system of the United States is right at $20,000.
That's a good point. And what about the guys that straight up WANT to be put to death? And they have lawyers and protesters filing appeals and motions to stay the execution. If the guy has been sentenced, and is mentally competent to decide to accept the punishment then get it over with.

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