Boardering on emo I know, but a lot of shit (bad shit) has happened to me lately, it made me look at things and evaluate how much I've enjoyed myself so far. I guess its all about putting things into perspective, you can give the old "but think about all the starving africans" or " Those celebs have all the money they want, I have enough to scrape by" or " Loved ones mean everything to me," there's so many aspects to consider.
Have you been as outgoing as you want to be? Too outgoing? Been yourself? etc. etc. I'm interested in what people have to say. You might be surprised how high or how low you actually rate yor life.
1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest.
Have you been as outgoing as you want to be? Too outgoing? Been yourself? etc. etc. I'm interested in what people have to say. You might be surprised how high or how low you actually rate yor life.
1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest.
I know fucking karate