
krazed wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Mitch wrote:

people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
We'll nuke there asses, and we can send HUGE ones too cause theres no that big of a distance.
...... Your Kidding right?

Canadians can Travel around the world and get respect, Americans travel around the world and get spit on..
wrong, i get told off alot when i go to the states, so i pretend to be american when visiting, usualy safer.  why can't i meet more friendly americans when i go there
I think he refers to going around the world, to other countries *besides* the US.  If what you say is true, it is for that reason that the US gets spit on.

Braddock wrote:

Mitch wrote:

people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
Have you ever left the United States? In Ireland Canadians are welcomed warmly and treated with respect and hospitality, many people regard Canadians to be like 'Americans with all the bad qualities knocked out of them'! When I've been on my travels around Europe I've seen noticeably warmer responses to Canadians compared with Americans.

I hate to tell you Mitch but being American aint too cool outside America at the moment, unless you're in Albania where they love you for some reason.
So you guys are prejudice?
16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida

Braddock wrote:

Mitch wrote:

people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
Have you ever left the United States? In Ireland Canadians are welcomed warmly and treated with respect and hospitality, many people regard Canadians to be like 'Americans with all the bad qualities knocked out of them'! When I've been on my travels around Europe I've seen noticeably warmer responses to Canadians compared with Americans.

I hate to tell you Mitch but being American aint too cool outside America at the moment, unless you're in Albania where they love you for some reason.
Lol yeah i was kinda being sarcastic.
15 more years! 15 more years!
-Harper Methinks it was a good time to leave canada when I did.... the only downside is that Kevin Rudd is about to be elected in Australia.

krazed wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Mitch wrote:

people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
We'll nuke there asses, and we can send HUGE ones too cause theres no that big of a distance.
...... Your Kidding right?

Canadians can Travel around the world and get respect, Americans travel around the world and get spit on..
wrong, i get told off alot when i go to the states, so i pretend to be american when visiting, usualy safer.  why can't i meet more friendly americans when i go there
that's because your not traveling to the right countries....americans are the only ones that don't respect us....and anywhere else in the world we are very ,,and i say VERY respected...
btw,,i say this by experience...because,,guess what..i am in the Canadian forces...and ive traveled a bit,,,and i can tell you i've been greeted like family every were!!!!!!!!!

usmarine2005 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Mitch wrote:

people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
Have you ever left the United States? In Ireland Canadians are welcomed warmly and treated with respect and hospitality, many people regard Canadians to be like 'Americans with all the bad qualities knocked out of them'! When I've been on my travels around Europe I've seen noticeably warmer responses to Canadians compared with Americans.

I hate to tell you Mitch but being American aint too cool outside America at the moment, unless you're in Albania where they love you for some reason.
So you guys are prejudice?
I'm not but Ireland has always had a problem with prejudice and racism, I'm sure it has creeped into the generations of Irish Americans and you may have noticed this? I just have good natured arguments with Americans for shits and giggles and then buy them drinks afterward ...nearly had a fight in Paris with a guy from Texas but drink saved the day!

Mitch wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

hehe - Tabloid headlines FTW!!

Canada has announced plans for six naval patrol vessels and a deep-water port in the north to assert its claim to territorial waters in the Arctic.  Other countries, including the US, say the waters are international territory.
people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
We'll nuke there asses, and we can send HUGE ones too cause theres no that big of a distance.
first off no people don't like americans more and 2 if you nuke us (you do got more nukes then we gut interceptor missiles) you would cut off power to your eastern states, and the vast amounts of oil we GIVE to you would be unavailable.  not to mention the lumber that you rely on will be unavailable to you and my favorite one is most of our rivers flow south so fallout would go into your water tables and you would be giving birth to even stupider children AND crops will die and so would you......

so go ahead and nuke us if your actually that stupid
biggie smalls
+72|6766|Ontario, Canada

danbourg wrote:

krazed wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

...... Your Kidding right?

Canadians can Travel around the world and get respect, Americans travel around the world and get spit on..
wrong, i get told off alot when i go to the states, so i pretend to be american when visiting, usualy safer.  why can't i meet more friendly americans when i go there
that's because your not traveling to the right countries....americans are the only ones that don't respect us....and anywhere else in the world we are very ,,and i say VERY respected...
btw,,i say this by experience...because,,guess what..i am in the Canadian forces...and ive traveled a bit,,,and i can tell you i've been greeted like family every were!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, when I went to Detroit, omg, I went into Big-Boy and the waiter was mad because we didn't tip her enough. She threw our tip on the floor and ran back somewhere.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"

d4rkst4r wrote:

danbourg wrote:

krazed wrote:

wrong, i get told off alot when i go to the states, so i pretend to be american when visiting, usualy safer.  why can't i meet more friendly americans when i go there
that's because your not traveling to the right countries....americans are the only ones that don't respect us....and anywhere else in the world we are very ,,and i say VERY respected...
btw,,i say this by experience...because,,guess what..i am in the Canadian forces...and ive traveled a bit,,,and i can tell you i've been greeted like family every were!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, when I went to Detroit, omg, I went into Big-Boy and the waiter was mad because we didn't tip her enough. She threw our tip on the floor and ran back somewhere.
Detroit is the gutter of the world.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6836|Little blue planet, milky way

LT.Victim wrote:

Twist wrote:

*sigh* Another claim on Danish islands ?
I thought the Cannucks were starting to realize that their military forces are inferior to just about ANY other force in the world... Maybe excepting Andorra or Lichtenstein, but I'm not even sure that THOSE nations wont be able to kick Canadas collective arses if they needed to.
Let them just save their petty cash and NOT buy new patrol boats seeing as it wont make any difference.
I don't get it, your making fun of our Military, and then when we try and make it bigger and better, you tell us not too..

You sir are a fucking Idiot.

And 6 ships is alot for Canada..  And before you Forget, before WWI and WWII we only had a Handful of ships, but by the end of the wars, we had the 3 largest Navy in the World...

And the Price tag is 3 Billion because they aren't just normal Navy Ships, they are also Ice-breakers...
YOU, sir, apparently have already forgotten the LAST claim Canada laid on the Danish islands near Greenland, are YOU willing to face yet ANOTHER international disaster waging war against your ALLIES while already engaged in other "police actions" (I wont get into that argument here).
As for the "purchase", look at what they're PROPOSING to buy.. it's a joke. A deep water port in the ARCTIC, even the Russians have given up on the ARctic most of the year anyway.... The ONLY ones "contesting" ANY of that territory is Denmark. The "owner" of greenland. Canadas ALLY. Why the f*** would you need a deep water port in a non-populated area to "reclaim territorial waters" which by EVERYONE else is recognized as international waters, Canadian territorial waters and Danish territorial waters ? You wouldn't, that's the answer.
And then spend 1500 million dollars to build a freggin port in the middle of nowhere ? That's DUMB. what about maintenace cost ? Operating expenses ?
And the other "half" of the 3bn (actually 3000 million, but then again, that's another discussion which I wont take here) canadian dollars is to buy 6 "patrol vessels", which are of little or no use in any other capacity, and are very difficult to move ot other parts of the world if needed elsewhere. Add to that that there's little or no need for 6 patrol vessels there. "to protect natural resources"... Yeah right. If it was about the tankers who drop their ballast of crude or whatever, then how about buying a couple of airplanes, and base them out of some of the currently exisiting airports in Ottawa ? And if "naval patrolling" is needed, then in fact ships ARE present in the area... If nothing else, then the Danish fleet always have a couple of corvettes in the area who'll probably be more than happy to provide assistance to it's allies if the need arises, but will more likely SINK the new "patrol vessels" is they happen to be near the Danish waters without express prior permission. And as an added bonus, to using planes, there's no need to build a new port, and the planes can patrol a MUCH larger area, they're cheaper, and easier to move around if priorities change, and maintenance is much lower than on ships and ports, plus the commercial value of an airport would probably be a lot higher than a port that's only open about 3 months of the year. What EXACTLY is it that those ships will accomplish that a few planes cant ? Collecting water samples those 3 months of the year there's no ice there ?

If you had bothered to actually understand the situation a little better, you would probably understand that an additional spending on MILITARY and an additional spending on "patrol vessels" are two entirely different political subjects, which is probably why the project passed procurement (I'm only assuming it has), without raising any eyebrows. increased military spending may be unpopular, but it IS what you're suggesting, right ?
So why not call a horse a horse and go out and buy some hardware that can be used to do something OTHER than just annoy your allies ? Presumably because "someone" is looking to see if they can save a little face from the LAST embarrasing encounter in the arctic, not to futher the Canadian military. THAT'S why I save, save the cash... It's a sucky choice for Canada, and it will ultimately achieve nothing.

d4rkst4r wrote:

danbourg wrote:

krazed wrote:

wrong, i get told off alot when i go to the states, so i pretend to be american when visiting, usualy safer.  why can't i meet more friendly americans when i go there
that's because your not traveling to the right countries....americans are the only ones that don't respect us....and anywhere else in the world we are very ,,and i say VERY respected...
btw,,i say this by experience...because,,guess what..i am in the Canadian forces...and ive traveled a bit,,,and i can tell you i've been greeted like family every were!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, when I went to Detroit, omg, I went into Big-Boy and the waiter was mad because we didn't tip her enough. She threw our tip on the floor and ran back somewhere.
Did you tip her with Canadian currency? 
biggie smalls
+72|6766|Ontario, Canada
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"

The problem with declaring war on Canada would be that you'd declare war on the US as well. Canada would have to be the aggressor...
Le fuck?

You gon' get raped.
+46|6840|Middle of nowhere, California

krazed wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Mitch wrote:

people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
We'll nuke there asses, and we can send HUGE ones too cause theres no that big of a distance.
...... Your Kidding right?

Canadians can Travel around the world and get respect, Americans travel around the world and get spit on..
wrong, i get told off alot when i go to the states, so i pretend to be american when visiting, usualy safer.  why can't i meet more friendly americans when i go there
What parts of the US did u go to, if it was the big cities like New York or LA, then thats y they were such assholes...
+44|6657|New York
Sounds like a piss poor waste of money on Canada's part tbh.
You guys are missing to whole point here. Why would we spend any money on our military? WE are already defended by the most powerful and richest  military around. That's right the USA. You youngsters that have absolutely no clue about the world need not reply. You are not taught anything in school about any other country unless you are at war with, or were at war with. If it helps the US, then they'll get involved, and they might teach it in school. WE are your largest importer and trader.With the amount of goods  we provide the US, be it OIL,FOOD,LUMBER or you name the product, do you honestly think the US would allow someone to attack us. Have one of OUR beers first, think about it, then reply. I'm not 14 yrs old, I've lived in the States long enough, and I'm glad I'm home now. I don't say this to annoy any of you, just to let you know, whether you like it or not, "YOUR government would NEVER let another country even think about attacking Canada". So to the OP, we don't need a bigger military. Ours is parked just south of the 49th. O.K, flame away!
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

usmarine2005 wrote:

Canada is too nice to rule the world.  Even thought they own a shitload of guns, they don't even lock their doors......according to Mr. Moore that is.
yeah, that was a classic bit wasn't it? Michael Moore is an amazing piece of shit.
Moosehead is a rather nice Canadian drop, I must say.

Is there much illegal fishing in that part of the world?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North

Pubic wrote:

Moosehead is a rather nice Canadian drop, I must say.

Is there much illegal fishing in that part of the world?
lots, by the "natives" that have a "right" to destroy the land
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6952|Montreal, Qc, Canada
Harper is the second Bush... And everybody in canada knew it, but they still voted for him !!!!

Last edited by Andoura (2007-07-11 10:47:21)

+4|6774|Montreal, Quebec

manitobapaintballa wrote:

Mitch wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

hehe - Tabloid headlines FTW!!
people like america more then they like canada. If i were canada, i would take all the respect they have already and keep there cool.
We'll nuke there asses, and we can send HUGE ones too cause theres no that big of a distance.
first off no people don't like americans more and 2 if you nuke us (you do got more nukes then we gut interceptor missiles) you would cut off power to your eastern states, and the vast amounts of oil we GIVE to you would be unavailable.  not to mention the lumber that you rely on will be unavailable to you and my favorite one is most of our rivers flow south so fallout would go into your water tables and you would be giving birth to even stupider children AND crops will die and so would you......

so go ahead and nuke us if your actually that stupid
What you are saying is made of win my friend
+23|6787|British Columbia, Canada
I'm never gonna be allies with usa.
+3,611|6934|London, England
Countries are so stupid. Why the hell do they even need this? Like 99% of that country is just uninhabited forest and ice anyway. Same goes for Russia bitching about Chechnya (what the hell is all of Eastern Russia for? All their cities are in European Russia) and Kashmir and all that too.
Who honestly cares about insignificant pieces of land that contribute towards nothing.

Iran and Iraq went over war over some waterway. A FUCKING WATERWAY?

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2007-07-11 11:23:56)

Sniper Whore
Bush will probably nuke you.... what a retard

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