Lol why do you people complain about the grenade launcher so much...

I enjoy playing with infantry weapons, the nade launcher is a great tool and if you can use then by all means do. I won't complain

Same with bunny hopping. If it keeps you alive then by all means...

Last edited by Esker (2005-12-18 16:47:20)

same old crap u will find it in any online game, use a tank ur a whore, heli, jet, c4 a car whore..blah blah kill someone with a gl whore or noob total bulshit! yeah we all hate it when we get killed constantly by gl or jets or slicks...its our lack of skill or luck thats the prob!!!......and thats why so many moan and name call!!!  dont hear snipers being called whores do ya!...but if ur a medic then ur stats padder!!! if a gl saves ur ass do you call him a noob? what the f*ck do you lot want? bolt action rifles and sharp sticks for everyone with no tanks etc..i use to play as a demo man on team fortress classic and was called a spammer cos i configed me keys to be able to throw all nades mervs and bombs hell i was facing 6 or more guys and took most of em out before they got one moaned about bazooka guys using the zooka to jump!!!!...shoot the F*CK up and live with it U GOT OWEND by a gl just like i have many times....look at ur stats u prolly been killed more times by a jet or slick than fact u  prolly got more suicides than deaths by gl........merry xmas all!!
+2|7048| U.S.A.
Umm.... your not considered a noob tuber if you use 50%....your just a whinning bitch.

This happened to me:
I spawned, had the assualt gun at Karkand, an American soldier came down..took me out. No problem, I spawn BAM! on the ground from the grenade.....I said no problem he ran torwds me to take the spawn. I spawn again BANG! on the ground again....getting alittle mad.    Spawn again and run on to the east ally then  head twords the American base.... round the corner then BANG! on the ground for the 4th time and  I killed him too.

He called me a noob tuber(I killed him by giving him 10 bullets to the

(While this was happening I watched him kill others with it in the top left corner.)

Then I made a vote to kick him, and in literally 20 seconds, he was gone.

SOOOO funny to watch him hell at us "WHAT DID I DO??? YOU NOOBS!!!"

Last edited by chickenmuncher (2005-12-18 17:08:32)

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7103|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Fahrenheit wrote:

same old crap u will find it in any online game, use a tank ur a whore, heli, jet, c4 a car whore..blah blah kill someone with a gl whore or noob total bulshit! yeah we all hate it when we get killed constantly by gl or jets or slicks...its our lack of skill or luck thats the prob!!!......and thats why so many moan and name call!!!  dont hear snipers being called whores do ya!...but if ur a medic then ur stats padder!!! if a gl saves ur ass do you call him a noob? what the f*ck do you lot want? bolt action rifles and sharp sticks for everyone with no tanks etc..i use to play as a demo man on team fortress classic and was called a spammer cos i configed me keys to be able to throw all nades mervs and bombs hell i was facing 6 or more guys and took most of em out before they got one moaned about bazooka guys using the zooka to jump!!!!...shoot the F*CK up and live with it U GOT OWEND by a gl just like i have many times....look at ur stats u prolly been killed more times by a jet or slick than fact u  prolly got more suicides than deaths by gl........merry xmas all!!

Well said, well spoken!

A little excerpt from wrote:

With this weapon system......allow[sic] the enemy to mass for destruction, but not for an attack. The M203 gives the individual fire team and squad the ability to cover their frontage similar to what the company can do with mortars.

Practice, practice, practice. That is what is required to become proficient with the M203. The low velocity 40 MM round is more susceptible to wind and therefore requires more practice then say, the M16 in windy weather. Watching inexperienced Marines fire this weapon engrains the notion that this is not as simple as it looks, however, once a Marine catches on to sighting and aligning the weapon, the accuracy increases dramatically. The hardest part to firing this weapon is getting rounds to fire. I am not sure of the cost per round, but in my reserve unit there is always a limited supply, resulting in a lack of sufficient practice for the Marines who carry this weapon.

Not every Marine in the rifle company will carry this weapon. In the infantry units, only the Team Leaders in each squad carries this system. Each Marine is assigned a specific weapon. Initially the Marine carries the M16. The average Marine carries the M16 for a majority of his career. As they gain in seniority and experience (and a position is available to move into), the Marine would then move to a M249 SAW. Finally, upon reaching the position of Team Leader, they would be assigned an M203.

With seniority and experience comes the responsibility of mastering a new weapon system.  I say mastering and not just learning, because the Marine must become a master of the weapon in order to function as a highly effective team member, reacting to all situations appropriately. Marines don't want to rely on other Marines who "almost" know something.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-12-21 11:10:29)

+6|7031|In a van down by the river
The n00b t00b is only a n00b weapon when you use it in certain circumstances.  Like when you are point blank and you shoot the n00b t00b at the ground, jump and don't get killed.  Yeah thats being a n00b.  You should always die when you use it point blank, simple as that.  Shooting a sniper 100 meters away with the n00b t00b, is not n00bish.
+1|7034|Austin Texas
my first thought is:You got a rubberneck?

2nd If your useing and admiting to using a m203 round at 200meter, you sir are the worst of the worst. Skill? Not hardly. Spam? Uh yea. If you'll notice on the top of the noob tube is a RIFLE!! WOW neeto misquito! Guess what? ITS SOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE IS TO FIRE BULLETS FROM 1-1000METERS.(not sure max range maybe 1500)anyways, skill my friend is knowing the sniper is there, rolling out and busting a round right down his scope.
The grenade launcher is very very handy weapon. This is how i like to use it. (One on one) Only rifle if i have line of sight, grenade launcher if he's behind something.(Two or More) Grenade launcher into the main body of the group, and rifle bursts to finish them off. Never waste a round on one person. Now i have had the launcher out and no time to switch...but i always feel like i cheated myself if i get a kill.
  Let me tell you why u like the "GL" as u call it. The grenade launcher does great damage and you dont need to be so accutate. You can just spam it out there. You really get more of a psychlogical effect with it. People think there dead instantly. I use to think like that, then i learned the guy holding the grenade launch most likely isnt a good shot. Sometimes Im right sometimes Im wrong. Tell you what tho ive made alot of guys miss and they paid the price.

Oh and if you had a rubberneck you could suck your self, which is pretty much what you doing makeing a tread bragging about what ranges you can spam. Have a nice day.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7103|Orlando, FL - Age 43

./Kruxmove wrote:

Tell you what tho ive made alot of guys miss and they paid the price.
That's definitely a drawback in CQC. That’s when the handy rifle, pistol or knife comes out though.

A little off topic, but this would be a wonderful addition to the game.

fdcp_elmo wrote:

people who use the nade launcher from a distance are cool.
but all those asses who shoot it allmost right in front of them in combination with bunnyhopping are the noob tubers and i hate them.
nothing left to say but agreed

Last edited by insanemotherfucker (2005-12-21 13:00:48)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7055|MA, USA
Look folks:  A kill is a kill.  As long is it isn't hacking the game, or using an exploit, it's all good.  You may say, "Any clown can use that weapon, it doesn't require any skill."  My reply would be, "Then good for the folks who use it.  They should certainly be racking up some good kills."

Let's talk a little bit about skill. 

Let's say you spend ten years learning Karate, and some guy jumps out of an alley with a pistol and demands your wallet.  I'd be willing to bet you have more martial skill than that guy.  Are you going to fuck around and use that 'skill' on him?  Only if you're an idiot.  There's a pretty good chance he can move that index finger faster than you can play Karate kid, and if he does, all that skill ends up in a puddle on the ground.

Long ago folks used the longbow as a long range anti-infantry weapon.  Then along came the musket.  Longbowmen were, by all accounts, more skilled.  They were more accurate, and had better range.  Nevertheless, Armies were tripping over themselves to get musketmen.  Why?  Because you could train a musketman in a quarter of the time it took to train a longbowman, and you didn't have to pay them as much.  You line up a shitload of them, point them at the enemy and fire.  They may not hit the guy they were aiming at, but they hit something....and that something ain't happy.  Any army stupid enough to rely on the superior skills of thier longbowmen get their asses handed to them.  In the end, skill gives way to utility and speed.  Anyone who doesn't take the point dies. 

So take the point.  If someone can use that weapon to get lots of kills without any skill, I say, "Damn, that's a powerful weapon."  Maybe some of the 'skilled' people should use it and see just how skilled they really are.

Darth_Fleder:  There's a whole thread about Mk 19 in the game.

Nice pic.  Blue tipped rounds = training rounds....basically flashbangs.  Not much concussive force.
The Disconnected
If you got the skills you described, then i respect you too. But those noobs running over S@K only tubing everyone they see (worse: camping and tubing :-! )are pissing me off. They're sitting in their corners and WHAM without a sound, or even a little little sign you're dead... tubed. It's just unfair, why can't they use the standard firing mode? It takes a lot more skill!

Darth_Fleder wrote:

I just adapt.
Preach it, brother.

Improvise, adapt, overcome.
I have been pissed because I got ownd by a bunny hopping grenade launching idiot!!  But that was at the time I got ownd.  The fact is that this is a war game and when you are in you do what you gotta do.  If you get killed over and over by the same person doing the same thing, who is the idiot?  Change your game plan.  Bunny hopping is irritating but if I was getting fragged in RL and thought that jumping around like an idiot would keep me breathing and get the other guy dead, I would be a jumping idiot. 

Just get your WAR ON!!
Back from the Dead.

fdcp_elmo wrote:

people who use the nade launcher from a distance are cool.
but all those asses who shoot it allmost right in front of them in combination with bunnyhopping are the noob tubers and i hate them.
I agree. If you hit me from 40 feet away, Congratulations. If you pop arround a corner, bunnyhopp, nade me and yourself, your are a n00b t00ber. Simple Enough.
+0|7027|Uk - England - Colchester

As you're so up on the Noob tube, i just thought i'd point how hilarious it is that my KD ratio is btr than yours .

Soz......couldn't resist it....LMAO
N[] ratio of 5,67 ???

win team joining? *cough*
cant think of another explanation......seriously....1 out of 32/64 cant make you win 6 times more than you lose......

couldn t resist too i guess....
Jet Rammer
+4|7024|Debris From Space

Darth_Fleder wrote:

./Kruxmove wrote:

Tell you what tho ive made alot of guys miss and they paid the price.
That's definitely a drawback in CQC. That’s when the handy rifle, pistol or knife comes out though.

A little off topic, but this would be a wonderful addition to the game. … 20MK19.jpg
Is that a SUPER N00b Tube?? It must be judging by the size of the ammo.

DeathCalibre wrote:

Let me get this straight...

* It is okay to use a tank to clear out enemies.
* It is okay to use an Attack Helicopter to dismantle enemy squads.
* It is fine to bomb enemy camps with the F-18's.
* It's cool to use APC's to clear up enemy soldiers...

... but it isn't okay to use the Grenade Launcher at any time?

Give me a fucking break. To all the people who have a whine when someone pwns your sorry ass with the Grenade Launcher, think about your own bias' before accusing someone of being a n00b. I am just miniscules away from my 1st Sergeant promotion and the Grenade Launcher has been my favourite weapon of choice, followed closely by the standard Assault rifle firing mode.

They say "everyone" is good with the GL. I beg to differ. EVERYONE can shoot the thing at close range and get a kill - but not without killing themselves too.

Can everyone lob a GL shot 200 metres+ and take out an enemy sniper? Can everyone turn 180 degrees and launch a shot in the air to have it land SMACK on top of the car that just whizzed past you which is now hundreds of metres down on the road? Can everyone launch it high into a building and take out that enemy soldier who has the advantage of height over you?

I think bloody not. I poured hours and hours into using the GL - into MASTERING the GL, and it has paid off. Everytime someone has a whine about someone else using the Grenade Launcher, I just lay it into them even more.

I am not a close range GL soldier. But I use it just as much as I do the standard firing mode. (Check my stats - I'm currently in the top 4000 for the Launcher and I'm still just a Gunnery Sergeant.)

At the end of the day, I think people who accuse of n00b tubing are just trying to help themselves sleep at night. If it is SO bloody easy - go ahead and use it on that n00b tuber. See how well you do. I know that I for one will welcome any challenge from a GL player - heck, I RESPECT the GL Players.

As of yet - (Probably because I'm in Australia) I haven't met anyone who is consistently accurate with GL. I would like to meet my match though.

n00b tube? I think not - whatever helps you sleep at night, princess.
What a noob tuber
+0|7027|Uk - England - Colchester

ArMaG3dD0n wrote:

N[] ratio of 5,67 ???

win team joining? *cough*
cant think of another explanation......seriously....1 out of 32/64 cant make you win 6 times more than you lose......

couldn t resist too i guess....
yeh soz dude. lol. I guess i did a bit, but hey how else would you get the War College Ribbon.

btw, Darth, i'm not having a go at you or trying to mock you. I'm just trying to make you see that it's just as good to get practice with other weapons, you can do just as good.

I'm sure ur a kool dude i just don't agree with the whole noob tube thing.
I am also that good with the GL.  Just to let you know
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7138|Cologne, Germany

wow. another topic about the tube...

I had hoped we were through with this....
Umm yeah i read the first post, and couldn't be bothered to read the other 2 pages, so I just thought i'd comment on that first page.

Anyways, as for "everyone is good with noob-tubes" and you dis-aggreed with that? I agree with that.  I SUCK with the noob-tube (then again, I've only used it for 11 minutes out of 95 hours).  I must admit, dying once by a noob-tube is fine...Maybe twice...3-times, yeah...but any more than that and it really starts to get on yer tits.  Simply because if you're 1 on 1, DAO-12 or G3 vs Noob-tube... The noob-tube will always win.  1 shot kill.

Just my 2 cents, sure I don't like it, but I don't complain
oh and I certainly don't use it
(self-satisfaction factor is WAYYYY more important than stats and ranks)
Didnt Do it

I know not everyone here will agree with me and thats ok its a freeworld i just hate when you have groups of guys just using the GLs and nothing else at point blanc but thats their choice i will always respect the guy more if he runs at me and shoots me dead with his gun
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7141|Bryan/College Station, TX

B.Schuss wrote:

wow. another topic about the tube...

I had hoped we were through with this....
The average forum junky has the memory of a gnat. A topic that was dicussed a mere month ago is long forgotten and reborn as yet again more mindless chatter on pointless opinions over a game balance concept older than some of the forumers.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7106|Marathon, Florida Keys
me personally, would like to uninstall bf2 from the computers from everyone who has noob tube as their most used weapon.
Thread Ender
+58|7021|New Hampshire
I think I might stop my GL whoring and start firing SRAWs directly at peoples feet.  I believe that this way, people will PRAY that we all go back to using GL's.  Who's with me? lol

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