The problem is too many middle men and no direct point of contact for the consumer when things go wrong.
Computers and there programs are the only thing I have ever seen paying customers defend when they break or fail to do what they where bought to do.

If you bought a car and the Air-con packed up, you'd be fooked of, if you bought a mobile that after 6 months and 15 new batteries still didn’t hold charge. You'd hit the roof!!!!.

Why does everyone see PC's etc as being exempt the value for money thinking??, You all PAID for BF2, you all paid for the STATS system!, people PAY for the servers!!!, EA is not providing a service that people PAID for!!!(be that directly or through someone they appointed to oversee it).

As for BF2 being all so amazing and complex, it there fricken JOB to do this!!!, I would expect people who are dabbling in any profession to be amazed at what full blown pro's can do!.

Saying all that I have played more bf2 in the last week than I have all year!!, im not to worried about the stats issue's, I don’t think the game is that bad ATM but my point is people are entitled to a opinion.

I think Suicidal has a good point!!
+405|6783|A W S M F O X

Tushers wrote:

bf2 all i play i didn't care about the bugs just worked around em, once my bf2 was on the fritz called in and got to their local help line after waiting on hold for an hour and i couldn't under stand em
EA has no common sense
EA could of made the best game in the fucking world but they sloughed off
EA has shitty patches that release more bug like another member said they want the gamers money not their approval

EA has potential they dont use it...thats why i hate EA
Devil May Cry 3 and Strikers 1944 were the best games made.
There's a difference between companies plagued by the general issues that come as defaults to large corporations and the way EA handles themselves.  Don't kid yourselves.  As much as we complain, we will still buy the Battlefield series, and they know it.  Every time they screw something up for the true gaming population, they acquire double the amount of new players, attracted by the very things we hate.

They care not about the game, but about financial gains.  It will only get worse.
Well as usual I'm here a few million pages late, and I just don't feel like reading all of this.  I will continue with my current views of DICE, more than EA, until they come out with a patch that fixes more things than it breaks. 1.2 = fail, 1.3 = fail,  1.4 = draw, 1.41 = a completely unnecessary failure 1.5? = probably won't happen and the loathing continues.
WE THE CUSTOMERS HAVE A RIGHT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT EA_DICE WE PAY THEM ALOTTTT OF MONEY FOR THE SERVERS-GAMES-ADD ON GAMES_....................THEY REALLY NEED TO GET THEIR CRAP TOGETHER>>>>>>>>>>>I GUARANTEE THEY WILL LOSE IN THE END WHEN QUAKE WARS COMEOUT.................................EA RELEASES THEIR CRAP PATCH PATCH_UNIINSTALL THE WJHOLE GAME INSTALL NEW PATCH---------------------do i sence a pattern here..........................atleast  quake wars is held out until they get it right not like EA realeses a crap game without actually trying to fix most of it at the beginning
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
I think that I should finally start using a clan prefix when I play: FuckEA
Since day One.

Blehm98 wrote:

the primary reason bf2 is still played is becuase there isn't anything out there that is the same.  If something similar came out with less bugs then it would own bf2.
As you said there is nothing similar to Bf2. All other games are futuristic or WW2 and no modern combat !

Futuristic games: UT 2k4, 2142
Modern combat: CSS maybe ? But its not the same as Bf2 as its a war with vehicles !!!
99 Problems . . .
+187|6602|Pennsyltucky wrote:

Yes i do believe BF2 is worth it in the end, its great fun to play.
Does Blizzard make perfect games then? No, of course not. But i can guarantee you EA wont bring out a patch for a 10-year-old game of theirs, like Blizzard did for Diablo2. Why, i would even bet EA will never even need to, their games wont last 10 years.

And at least Blizzard is fixing their game with their patches, while EA's patches often create new bugs.
I've bought a lot of EA products over the years.  My experience was that they were always the most demanding games systems-wise, had good graphics, came with little to no documentation and half the time not even worth buying.

The other half?  Look at Need for Speed Most Wanted.  That was like the 3rd generation NSF in what 4-5 years?  When they released NFS:Carbon the forums went nuts because it was no where near the same game NSF:MW was and almost everyone was dissapointed.

EA in the mean time got all of us (NSF players) to buy 3-4 titles at $40-50 when they first came out.  Plus of course then you have to spend another $25 for the Primus guide.

With Battlefield 2 I think I'm getting my money's worth.  I didn't buy it until Feb 2007 when it was $20 plus $20 each for SF & the AF/EF Combo booster.  That's a total of $60 US.  My Stats say I have 570 hours.  Lets say 600 hours if my stats ever update (yes I play 4 hrs a day).  That's 10 cents an hour.

If I go to the bar and play a round of Golden-Tee Golf it'll cost me $4 and take about 15-20 minutes.

I've gotten my money's worth out of this one.  Know what else ? When they drop 2142 to $20 if our servers are still running it I'll buy it.

I will never again pay $40 - $50 for an EA game.

Pirana6 wrote:

I DO think it's their biggest concern and I don't think it'll take a few hours to fix. Look how long it took to fix the 1,000,000 point leaderboard hack. Look how long it takes them to get a patch out. With a huge, complicated game like this (like most games coming out now) it takes a long time to go through a find the problem. They have to, not only fix it but also make sure they don't ruin anything else (for example, what if they made it so nobody could access unlocks, wouldn't that suck).
It's NOT their biggest concern, Then it would be fixed by now, period. We aint taking about recoding the whole game. If it's software that have changed somehow, then go 1 step back to when it was working. If it's hardware or net related, then find the fault, and fix it.  And yes, you're right about the long time for previous fixes, BUT that don't makes it right!. Ofcourse i understand that things like patches and such will take time, EA don't make so much money of bf2 anymore, so naturally they don't put so many resources on this game.  (What's worse is that it have never been better before either, even when game was new).

But what's angers me even more, is the total lack of INFORMATION from EA.. If it's like you said, that they probably already noticed the problem before most of us noticed it, then WHY didn't they inform the users? And EVEN now there is no "official" note? (or have i missed something). Why don't for example use the "advertising space" window that pops up when game starts to notify thats something is wrong and "we are working on a fix, go to for more info.

Pirana6 wrote:

I think you're missing the point of my thread. I DO believe that the way EA is handling this isn't the best, but let me ask you one question: DOES the good outweigh the bad with BF2? They have been making attempts to fix it. This situation would be A LOT worse if they had released it then NO patches.
Like so many others already stated, you PAYED for a thing, a thing that was broken when released and still has flaws. You seems to think because it could be worse, then we should be happy that it's not worse and don't complain. I think instead it's nessesary to complain, or else nothing would be fixed.

Pirana6 wrote:

I think you're missing the point of my thread. I DO believe that the way EA is handling this isn't the best, but let me ask you one question: DOES the good outweigh the bad with BF2? They have been making attempts to fix it. This situation would be A LOT worse if they had released it then NO patches.
Would it be worse? I don't remember that many probs with the earlier versions, but maybe I was too nubcakes then or it is so long ago I just can't remember.  I think 1.12 was about the last patch that was half way decent.  By that I mean it fixed more things than it broke, but I could be wrong.

1.2 Had the aircraft that never came back to earth without a pilot.

1.3 Nonstop Fing client and server crashes which caused zero points to go through. Vehicle drops used to get in buildings and block airfields.

1.4 More glitches for people to hide in.  Tank, AT rockets, jet missiles that hit but do zero damage even when the person attacked can tell they were           hit.

1.41  Fixed an almost nonexistent server crash. Such a high priority thing to fix that our server has crashed more running 1.41 than it ever did on 1.4.  And to top it off, to fix that nonexistent crash they added more wall glitches to the game.

Not to mention all of the nerfing and overpowering of the weapons in these patches when what actually needed fixed was overlooked.

I'm going to have to find that thread that talks about having more than one version installed.  Then I could verify if the older versions were better.

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