I've noticed that i see multible posts about "spawn camping" .
People complain by saying "he spawn camped us to win" or hes a spawn camping whore'
or the best one yet > The whole team spawn camped us and wouldint let us out ,they should give us a fair chance to win . LOL

OK' for all the battle hardened BF2 players out there "lets have a laugh togehter" and teach these "new guys" some TACTICS.

1, definition of a "spawn point"
A spawn point is the place or point in which a player enters the playing field providing that the team has "control" or "holds" the "spawn point" for that team.

2, Now lets use  the Karkand 64 man size map and assuming that the round just started and there are a total of 64 players there.
thats 32 players on each side hell bent on geting their share of points.
Now you have on USMC side 3 guys that have the LAV and a M1A abrams tank.
They "spawn" at their home base flag to obtain their armour and proceed to move "forward" to the first flag that MEC side holds at this time .

3, Now looking at the map from the USMC side the armour is moving forward "which thats what armour should be doing" at this point in time .
The MEC side team has the job of trying to "defend" all the flags ' as well trying to defend the very first and closest flag near the USMC side .
So' almost all the the MEC side players  "spawn" at that that  flag trying like hell to hold it.

4, Now heres where the USMC needs to make atleast 1 flag neutral  and obtain it for the USMC side at this VERY VITAL TIME.
Now remember guys  that USMC tickets are blinking because the USMC side holds no flags at this time.
So its important to optain 1 flag atleast to get the tickets to stop counting double against the USMC.

Its at this time for the MEC side to faulter or succeed at defending this "spawn point. and basicly the  "gateway" to the rest of the map .
Now MEC side players have alot of options open them right now , they can spawn with mines/tubes/C-4/what evers .

6, USMC side moves in on first flag nearest their spawn points and proceeds to kill as many as he can or proceed to the next flag "which by the way looks like a deserted whore house after the cops busted in"
now' its this time the USMC side LAV or Tank has the choice of killing any thing  at that first flag' .
Now we all know where the MEC side players spawn at and its generaly by chance you get MEC side players spawning in any certain place on that control point .

7, USMC side decides to stay and  "camp" this first flag and try to hold back the "torant or players" that spawn like mad at this flag .
Now this USMC side player with his LAV proceeds to kill (MEC) people that are running around that flag and "SHOOTING AT USMC PLAYERS"  which is considered the "ENEMY" < thats what they(MEC) should be doing or trying to do .

8, the LAV at this flag is very important and can cause alot of damage to these MEC side players in a short period of time .
Its that LAV's time to shine and try to hold back all those players who are hell bent on keeping that flag (mec)
so that the USMC side players that have spawned on the right side cannon  "spawn point"  and being infantry.

9, Now it dosint take a brain surgeon to figure out  if the LAV is targeting the MEC side players that are spawning to keep control of the flag  and the LAV is suceeding in killing most of them ' then the USMC sie can advance and take control of that first flag .

Now finaly !  realy want to know what the hell is "spawn camping" ?

10, definition of  the so called  "spawn camper accusing people"   
He or she is that is playing bf2 and they are incapible of any or little "thought processing capabilitys"
and continues to spawn at the incorrect spawn point with the incorrect weapon .

11, definition of a  "spawn camper" >  THERE IS NO SUCH THING !

I hope some of you thoughtless playing  bf2 players out there have learned somthing  here.
You must "out-smart" your opponent . thats what this game is all about and of course team play will most genaraly win the  round any day on any map that bf2 offers.
Spawn camping can be considered just that when they are sitting at the spawn for no strategical or team benefit.

For example, quite often, the USMC will not capture the hotel flag at all. They will sit on it forever killing, but never capturing. The fast kills more than outweigh the ticket countdown. Sometimes, to make the situation worse, they will neutral or capture square so as to give no options but to spawn hotel. This is an artificial situation for the sole purpose of point farming that goes against the intent of the map design, which is meant to be an eventual progress into the city as far as the USMC are talented enough to take it.

Holding a spawn to facilitate the capture of a flag is a legitimate tactic. Sitting on a spawn for the sole purpose of increasing your score is not.
Where in the rules of bf2 does it state that I have to take that flag first?? I'll always go for a back flag first.  And if my teammates in armor are doing their job they will be killin everything that moves at hotel, distracting them till we have a foothold elswhere.  This opens up a second front to this WAR game we are playing. Thia splits the enemy up an makes the other points easier to cap.  It is called strategy.  Good post Vikinglover.
The Kid
If MEC spawns all AT guys with DAOs, and takes out all 3 armors, and then moves as a group to the US spawn, at the same time 2 squad leaders get into a humvee and drive to the US base, have people spawn AT, take out the armor again, and then have everyone on the team position 2 (or more, depending on the players) at a time at EACH spawn point (all the places people have a % chance to respawn) and lock down the US team completely, that's spawncamping. 

If US takes all the MEC flags except Hotel, and then positions 3-5 people at each of the 4 hotel spawnpoints, not trying to take the ONLY flag MEC has, that's spawncamping.  Clear?

Sud wrote:

Spawn camping can be considered just that when they are sitting at the spawn for no strategical or team benefit.

For example, quite often, the USMC will not capture the hotel flag at all. They will sit on it forever killing, but never capturing. The fast kills more than outweigh the ticket countdown. Sometimes, to make the situation worse, they will neutral or capture square so as to give no options but to spawn hotel. This is an artificial situation for the sole purpose of point farming that goes against the intent of the map design, which is meant to be an eventual progress into the city as far as the USMC are talented enough to take it.

Holding a spawn to facilitate the capture of a flag is a legitimate tactic. Sitting on a spawn for the sole purpose of increasing your score is not.
ok your example. yes is point farming kinda. i often sit outside a flag zone in armor "spawning" but my intention is containment untill the infintry can get up there. unfortunatly this may last for a while. As for your opening comment spawning an uncapable (i think thats what you where talking about) reduces the opposing teams tickets. as long at there is no other flag to cap i see it as a viable tactic. now if on karkand and mec only has one flag its dumb to see this type of action but on the same note if its sucessfull then the US team is still at fault for not spawning some where else.

Last edited by ronin1942 (2005-12-15 14:57:51)

+27|7073|Atlanta, GA USA
Sud:  No one is forcing the MEC players to continue to spawn at Hotel.  There are a number of other bases on Karkand besides Hotel and Square.
RedFiercare:  The first situation is not spawncamping.  What else is the MEC supposed to do?  Back off and allow the US to regroup?  Since they can't capture the base, they are doing the only thing left to insure the win.  The second case, I would have to say, would be spawncamping or point farming.  They should just cap the flag and be done with it.
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|7147|Germany / Saxony

RedFiercare wrote:

If MEC spawns all AT guys with DAOs, and takes out all 3 armors, and then moves as a group to the US spawn, at the same time 2 squad leaders get into a humvee and drive to the US base, have people spawn AT, take out the armor again, and then have everyone on the team position 2 (or more, depending on the players) at a time at EACH spawn point (all the places people have a % chance to respawn) and lock down the US team completely, that's spawncamping.
No, that´s just "winning"...

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
+0|7040|New Brunswick Canada

atlvolunteer wrote:

Sud:  No one is forcing the MEC players to continue to spawn at Hotel.  There are a number of other bases on Karkand besides Hotel and Square.
RedFiercare:  The first situation is not spawncamping.  What else is the MEC supposed to do?  Back off and allow the US to regroup?  Since they can't capture the base, they are doing the only thing left to insure the win.  The second case, I would have to say, would be spawncamping or point farming.  They should just cap the flag and be done with it.
I agree completely, sure US gets pissed off and annoyed but chances are SOMEONE will have to spawn in a decent place and start fighting back,better yet be a sniper and pick off at the AT's standing around or capture something, while everyone is staying at the main base
if the USMC dont have a spawn and its late in the game the way i see it is, holding off further us attacks is being smart and not spawn camping, this is WAR there are no rules to war.
this is WAR there are no rules to war.
Yes, there are. It's called the Geneva Convetion.
Really, there isn't any such thing as your typical "Spawn Camper". A Spawn Camper is a person who camps a spawn (generally uncappable, like the USMC spawns in Karkand) for no strategic or team benefit. However, this goes two ways:

First, if the Spawn Camper is running around like a bat outta hell owning people to the point where they reach first place on their score, they're doing a major service for their team by A) Blowing away enemy tickets by the second and B) keeping frustrated enemies attacking him, essentially making the other team launch an attack on their own spawn point. As such, Spawn Campers can often help their team by camping spawns (especially if they decide to drop a C4 here and there to cripple the enemy commander).

The other thing that could happen is if the "Spawn Camper" is a total noob and keeps getting blown away by respawning enemies. This guy is of no strategic value anywhere on the battlefield; if he can't get the jump on people who are respawning, he doesn't stand a chance anywhere else in the battle. The only way he'd be of any strategic value at all is if he just disconnected from the server and traded in his BF2 for a copy of Halo or some other equally linear shooter.
Where in the rules of bf2 does it state that I have to take that flag first??
Nowhere at all, that's actually a very good tactic. The idea I was trying to get across is that the flags are completely ignored in favor of the proper playing of the game. If hotel and square are the only spawn points left, that's fine, but you should be actually trying to CAPTURE the final two (or making a cerifiable effort to actually do so). I see teams literally not even go into the flag area (except after an enemy) in favor to just sit on the spawns. They don't want the game to be won, they want points. In my eyes, that's against the intent of the game.

As for your opening comment spawning an uncapable (i think thats what you where talking about) reduces the opposing teams tickets. as long at there is no other flag to cap i see it as a viable tactic.
This is correct. In this case, the only way you can win the game is to reduce the enemy tickets to 0, so spawn camping them is your only option once you have all flags. In my opinion, uncapturable bases SHOULD NOT EXIST for this very reason. If you look at Karkand, one of the major inbalances with it is that the USMC can capture factory and essentially have two bases spawning vehicles, MEC can not do the same thing, gas station always remains USMC control. This is nowhere in the realm of balanced map design, completely unfair.
Dude, VikingLover, thank you very much for your efforts, but they will be pointless.  These guys who believe in "spawncamping" will never understand what you are trying to make clear to them.  Its very easy to see their self confrontation.  You see, they contradict themselves when they say that "camping" a spawn only to get kills has no strategic or team benefit.  The only thing I can think of that has no team benefit, besides not playing at all, is being killed.  Killing the enemy is always for team benefit and you can call killing the enemy your strategy.

As USMC I have sat through many rounds of Karkand right up by the West USMC arty and just "camped".  One in particular I remeber.  MEC kept running out, I kept killin 'em.  The M1A1 and I repaired each other and we were never killed.  USMC infantry snuck to the south bases and captured three of them probably three minutes to the end of he match, but we won the round.  I ended up with about 45 kills and the M1A1 with about 70.  I would call that team benefit.  We were hit by countless AT weapons, incuding T-90 and LAV, but were always successful at retreating, repairing and returning to the slaughter.  Not only would I consider that a win, but a complete annihilation of an incompetent opposing force.

If you're getting "spawncamped", its not the "spawncamper".  Its you.  So please, the next time you think you are being "spawncamped", take a deep breath and realize that you can kill that guy.  You can kill him and his buddies if you choose the right method.  After all, they chose the correct method to kill you and if they can do it, so can you.

On the subject of fairness.  I have said this before and I say it now.  There are players out there that think there is some kind of unwritten decency code that all players should abide by so that everyone has a fair chance.  There is not.  Kill or be killed.

Last edited by Lawk (2005-12-15 16:27:38)

Another one of these posts.  I see what you are saying VIKING-LOVER1, and I half agree. 

This topic covers way too much to be simplified to yes and no.  There are times it is genuine spawn camping, and there are times its just idiots whining.  The difference is the intent of the action.

On capturable (CAP) flags.  I say its a reward for good tactics to camp where people spawn, generally speaking its a tactical location to go prone anyway, **so long as at least one person is trying to get the flag**, otherwise you really aren't contributing to your army's goal (which is the main purpose of these theoretical battles) instead you are furthering your own purposes (don't be so greedy).

If one person is capping the flag you are "camping" you are being tactical by providing cover fire.  If you aren't covering anybody and just lone wolfing without capturing a flag, you are spawn camping.

Another situation on Karkand.  The USMC has taken all but one flag very rapidly, 200 MEC tickets left.  USMC now controls all the armor, MEC commander has no more artillery or UAV or anything.  USMC has surrounded the MEC with everything at their only flag.  Is there a chance that MEC could fight their way out?  Sure, but where do they go from there.  The odds are better that USMC will trounce them.

If the USMC now having the clear upper hand rushes them and caps their flag killing MEC where they spawn to facilitate their capture of the last objective, then it isn't "spawn camping".  If the USMC continues the one sided fight of just railing the MEC from the safety of their armor until the last ticket ticks away without any intent of capping the flag its "spawn camping".  The general difference is one finishes the fight, one prolongs the fight to give the winning team easier points than actual fighting.  Now here is where people differ, some say its part of the game you shouldn't suck so bad to get into that situation (not very sportsman like, but who needs friends when you get points), others wouldn't back off and let them out, they would cap the flag and move on to the next round.

A different situation altogether arises with both teams having uncappable (NOCAP) flags.  I don't think it’s very sportsmanlike to enter these bases as anything other than spec ops with the tactical intent of destroying the other teams command assets.  Otherwise it’s just like MEC on Karkand, you are leaving your objective, take and hold the location, to chase "shadows" (we all know where the other team is coming from and where they spawn). 

I think its fair game, if you are within reasonable distance of your objectives (flags) that if you can see it you should shoot at it on Karkand as MEC you don't need to take the tank much outside city limits to be able to shoot most of what you want to, that isn't camping when you shoot what you see from within city limits.  It's when you leave the city with the tank to go shoot the other team at their NOCAP flag before their armor respawns that is campish, you know where they are without guarantee they are there.

Another issue altogether is vehicle theft (how this relates comes in later).  Some say it's fair to steal unguarded vehicles.  I think that is true, if the vehicles are on CAP flags.  If the vehicles are on NOCAP flags, like the USMC vehicles on Karkand (my sincerest apologies for exhausting this example, but it’s the only map I know). 

The USMC armor is there, unoccupied in the USMC base.  Realistically (game realism depends largely on how participating players play) would a USMC tank drive to reasonably close to battling range at an enemy city and then hop out at a gas station to take a piss?  I think not by all rights unoccupied USMC tanks on Karkand shouldn't even be there, if the tanks were they would already have USMC in them. 

This is another player dependent issue.  Most people prefer the unsportsmanlike option, its there in the game so I can take it (fair, but ruins the realism aspect).  I wish dice would have made the game so people would spawn in the armor, but they didn't, so it can be stolen, but I don't believe it should be stolen (sportsmanship blah blah blah)  I believe it should be blown up by the spec ops player there only for the purpose to blow up the UAV and such, that happened to encounter an enemy on the way.  Everybody knows where those vehicles are, which realistically they shouldn't, but they steal them when they can (realistically doesn't make sense how it happened) and then go off on a spawn killing rampage (they aren't completing any objectives, just abusing the poor game setup).

But all that crap I mentioned above depends largely on how you want to play the game.  Just realize if you do some of the aforementioned things, people will complain because they don't agree with your gameplay philosophy, and most of us can't find low latency servers where there isn't at least one person doing something we largely disagree with.  Like using the m203 as the only weapon on an assault rifle (It's an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment, not a grenade launcher inconvenienced by having an assault rifle placed above it, or a grenade launcher with an assault rifle grip)  but that is a complaint for another subject.

Last edited by h4r13quin (2005-12-15 22:53:04)

+0|7040|New Brunswick Canada
A different situation altogether arises with both teams having uncappable (NOCAP) flags.  I don't think it’s very sportsmanlike to enter these bases as anything other than spec ops with the tactical intent of destroying the other teams.  Otherwise it’s just like MEC on Karkand, you are leaving your objective, take and hold the location, to chase "shadows" (we all know where the other team is coming from and where they spawn). 

I think its fair game, if you are within reasonable distance of your objectives (flags) that if you can see it you should shoot at it on Karkand as MEC you don't need to take the tank much outside city limits to be able to shoot most of what you want to, that isn't camping when you shoot what you see from within city limits.  It's when you leave the city with the tank to go shoot the other team at their NOCAP flag before their armor respawns that is campish, you know where they are without guarantee they are there.

I half agree. If there are Capable flags to be had and you roll up in a tank to a noncap just to get points this is not so much unsportsmanlike, as useless to your team. What I hate are servers who have the rule that you CANNOT attack a NOCAP, with anything. If I (YES i PERSONALLY ;P) have captured all the flags on a map and all you have left is a NOCAP then i am going to roll up in every tank, apc, helo, jet, and arty, and blitzkrieg your ass into next week. If say I am MEC on Karland then i will most likely not go to the uncap since I am therefor not defending our teams flag, and SOMEONE will get past me and start winning. IF it is to help your team then fine if it serves no purpose then why bother, but don't ban me for attacking an uncap after i have fought my way to it and captured all the other flags
+0|7040|New Brunswick Canada
top two paragraphs should be in quotes, sorry
I see what you mean WildBlueYonder.

I'm just trying to explain some of the things that people find unfair, and complain about, such as waking up to bullets for a period of 5 minutes. 

Personally I think the uncappable flags are silly.  The game is a sort of simulation of warfare.  The realism does depend on how people play it. 

Some people say, and kick/ban, for attacking uncappable flags because they represent a type of rienforcement.  The concept of the NOCAP (this is what I assume) is a safe place to respawn even after you have lost your foothold in the main map.  As the NOCAP bases are generally on the edge of the map they seem to represent reinforcements.

It's dumb, I'll agree, when they ban or kick for attacking an enemy base.  But some prefer that you don't sit in their uncappable base just raking in the kills as they respawn.  The reason might be these troops in theory should be coming from over the hills and come into the battle already fighting rather than standing still for a good couple seconds, just for the express purposes of getting shot.  That's the way I see it.

However, you bring up the other reasonable point that an army wouldn't normally let a losing enemy flee, they would take the fight to them.  I just have difficulty interpreting the significance of NOCAP mains, they are a fairly open ended metaphor for war.  I like Sharqi better where there are multiple reinforcement points making it more difficult to just harass one and win, rather than the linear arrangement like Karkand.

Some servers just prefer you let them settle in before fighting.
get a few seconds to spawn, survey the surroundings and then start fighting.  As the simulation is more enjoyable, and accurate (both sides get more intense fighting), when as a reinforcement you get to at least face your enemy before getting shot.

I know it sounds stupid to let your enemy have a running start on your base when it's easier to finish a game between two NOCAP flags by sitting in their and shooting them.  Its just that while we know from experience where these NOCAP flags are, they aren't really a part of the objective for winning, they make winning easier, but that is the fault of the game design, I don't believe they are supposed to be a target after all CAP flags are taken.  But that is just my opinion, and simple survey would show it's only my opinion.

btw I'm not an admin, and even if I were, I still wouldn't ban people for attacking a NOCAP, just if it induces whinning from the other team, don't get upset with them or act surprised it just naturally pisses people off being beaten thouroughly for five minutes without any real retaliation.
It's the matter of the spawn system,not the spawn camper.
if you don't spawn in front of enemy,there is no spawn camper,but in bf2?yes,you always spawn in front of enemy.
harlequin... now that's probably the best description i have ever heard... kudus to you for being so good to describe it...
+0|7040|New Brunswick Canada
h4r13quin, you make good points and i agree that the NOCAP flags are kind of rediculus, i would prefer to see them gone, since i would much rather cap the flag and win, than sit at a nocap and score kills (unless i am working on a ribbon lol) I much prefer being in a good squad as to tank/jet/helo whoreing. But alas sometimes your team needs the help *sigh*, I have been on maps where we are getting owned by jets/ helos and our attack helo and both jets are just sitting there!! but to get back on track, I am also glad this thread hasn't taken the childish namecalling direction yet. It is a good civilized discussion

h4r13quin wrote:

I see what you mean WildBlueYonder.

It's dumb, I'll agree, when they ban or kick for attacking an enemy base.  But some prefer that you don't sit in their uncappable base just raking in the kills as they respawn.  The reason might be these troops in theory should be coming from over the hills and come into the battle already fighting rather than standing still for a good couple seconds, just for the express purposes of getting shot.  That's the way I see it.

btw I'm not an admin, and even if I were, I still wouldn't ban people for attacking a NOCAP, just if it induces whinning from the other team, don't get upset with them or act surprised it just naturally pisses people off being beaten thouroughly for five minutes without any real retaliation.
Exactly , I my self was just using the Karkand map for this topic because it seems to be one of the more
popular maps for every one as well it seems to be a very good map to make some good kill ratios.

And i was just roughly trying to explain some tactics to these people who constantly yell "spawn camper".
Call it what you will gentlemen.

I go in-game to win ( i have fun when my side wins lol )  and  i do roll up front with the tank or lav with the intent to kill as many as possible during the round .
Ofcourse that depends how MEC side is handeling them selfs to combat me.

Now on the other side ' i've seen MEC side win quite a few times on that map , simply because they were very agressive at the start of the round .

You guys ever notice on Karkland map when The USMC side wins' they generaly win by a land slide if tickets ?
and then if MEC side wins it's always generaly only by a few tickets .

That map MEC side team has to be on the ball and yes  they have to deal with the perverbel "spawn camper"
and the only reason you could even begin to call some like that is simply some poor sap is spawning on the same point over and over and OVER! again.

So it's not a "spawn camper" whos winning the game ' its the  SUPER DUMMY that's constanly spawning  at the same flag in which the armour is sitting at and just blamin' away at the same guys over and over.
Ah, that clarifies it for me.  Thanks

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