mr. LuxusLexus wrote:
I may not be a hardcore BF2 player, but i really liked the new map.
Barren dessert landscape, loads of tanks, planes buzzing by and no attack choppers to worry about.
One of the better maps if you ask me.
Too bad it was another MEC vs. USA map though.
I would like to see an even bigger map, but sunny as wake, and a huge town smack in the middle.
Download PR, have a look at the Al Basrah map. Big city with lots of open countryside between the British Airfield and insurgent held city. Even has destroyable buildings among many other great additions
EA really are skimpy though, mods are realising big patches every few maps with tons of maps and new armies, for free with no ads. I've heard that this map isn't even a new map, just one that was scrapped earlier.