Thread Ender
+58|7026|New Hampshire
I pine for the day when people will stop bitching about the M95...
You with the face!
YES! It is how you use it, not how good it is.
i prefer the m94
Banned - for ever.
+231|7011|Wilmington, DE, US
M95 is only used by teammates who unlocked it so they could shoot you out of the cockpit of the jet you just got in, only to crash the plane approximately 6 seconds after takeoff.
Mass Media Casualty

If you can't use the M95 sucessfully you shouldn't consider yourself a good Sniper.

The M95 is loud yes, but if you are a decent Sniper people will not know where you are anyway.
The M95 is bolt action yes, so place your shots skillfully. Learn to lead a target, or pick your moment to fire. Try to hit with 100% of your bullets, (this will never happen. Even the preachy one, me, only has a Sniper Rifle accuracy of 40.9%)
A Semi-Auto rifle is not recommended for the 'great' sniper. The urge to pepper bullets around a target rather than taking a skilled one-shot-kill is too great with these weapons. A good Sniper fires one shot, and hit or miss, relocate.

There is nothing better than a Sniper headshot. It is the utmost in professionalism in the game of Battlefield 2, (can you think of another one?) The M95 is a very very good rifle, just learn to Snipe.

"A poor workman blames his tools."

Or something.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
m95 is good for one sole reason. camping the enemy helipad base on ghost town and racking up kills just shooting unsuspecting heli pilots as they wait for their rotors to warm up for take off. best part is that most people won't even try to find you!
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7058|NH - USA
I think the m95 went downhill with the last patch.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

"A poor workman blames his tools." said Tyferra.

It is actually 'A poor CARPENTER blames his tools."


Ub3r-ElitE wrote:

The m95 has bullet drop what means that you need to aim a bit over the head depending on your distance to the target.
thats bullshit..... there is no bullet drop... you shoot and the bullet is there... depends which ping u have if higher the later u hit the target

and i have neither problems using the m95 giving headshots from one point to the other... try the m95 with bots and you see that it rocks
+0|7046|Vienna- Austria
before th patch i could hit very nice with the m-24 and shit with the m95..now after i can hit well with m95 and shit with m-24 lol..
+271|7058|United States of America
I prefer the M24 over the M95.  There is no comparison between them.  M95 cant hit a target, M24 can, M95 can pierce glass but not hit the target, M24 cant, i just snipe out the openings in hummer windows and stuff. M24 you can see your target, it is more accurate, has slight bullet drop (test the M24 on Wake and spawn on the little island, if people get a jeep and try to shoot you with the .50 drop 'em)  The M24 is actually a gun doesnt tempt you to unload and a target and hope to hit him out of his chopper.  I always go for the head with my snipers,and everynow and then ill notice i hit the guy in the head, but he didnt die. Is his helmet somehow saving him from a bullet designed to destroy anything in its way?
+0|7038|Almere, Holland

Niccko_Tyme wrote:

I dont understand why i can only get max 5 kills per map with this stupid m95. With the SVD or the 88 one i can get up to 30 kill with per match. It makes the game frustrating when u have a guy in your crosshairs while in prone position and u cant hit him. ive been testing differnt placments of the person in the crosshairs and i still cant hit him. and when i do get a kill i do the same point in the crosshairs and its not the same. Anyone know how to work this damn thing or some kind of help is good.
certainly is you i played Wake Island yesterday and got 28 kills with the m95 .. so i guess it is just you..
+0|7038|Almere, Holland

Miller wrote:

I prefer the M24 over the M95.  There is no comparison between them.  M95 cant hit a target, M24 can, M95 can pierce glass but not hit the target, M24 cant, i just snipe out the openings in hummer windows and stuff. M24 you can see your target, it is more accurate, has slight bullet drop (test the M24 on Wake and spawn on the little island, if people get a jeep and try to shoot you with the .50 drop 'em)  The M24 is actually a gun doesnt tempt you to unload and a target and hope to hit him out of his chopper.  I always go for the head with my snipers,and everynow and then ill notice i hit the guy in the head, but he didnt die. Is his helmet somehow saving him from a bullet designed to destroy anything in its way?
well i tried to shoot a hoverin chopper pilot and it never works.. but yesterday I ran to the chinese Airfield and hid in a bush.. a pilot hops in their chopper and bang right through his head and i stole the chopper lol so m95 does shoot through glass and hits the driver/pilot
Last of the Uchiha
+4|7015|Hong Kong, China

RDMC wrote:

Miller wrote:

I prefer the M24 over the M95.  There is no comparison between them.  M95 cant hit a target, M24 can, M95 can pierce glass but not hit the target, M24 cant, i just snipe out the openings in hummer windows and stuff. M24 you can see your target, it is more accurate, has slight bullet drop (test the M24 on Wake and spawn on the little island, if people get a jeep and try to shoot you with the .50 drop 'em)  The M24 is actually a gun doesnt tempt you to unload and a target and hope to hit him out of his chopper.  I always go for the head with my snipers,and everynow and then ill notice i hit the guy in the head, but he didnt die. Is his helmet somehow saving him from a bullet designed to destroy anything in its way?
well i tried to shoot a hoverin chopper pilot and it never works.. but yesterday I ran to the chinese Airfield and hid in a bush.. a pilot hops in their chopper and bang right through his head and i stole the chopper lol so m95 does shoot through glass and hits the driver/pilot
Oh, you FINALLY found out?

I seriously don't find what the fuss it about, "It's a game, not real life. Deal with it." That's what I would say
, if you like semi-autos , then go semi-auto, even if it means charging around with a pistol if you're US trying to pick up a enemy sniper's kit. If you like bolt-actions, then go for bolt-actions with the US's kit or with the M95, it's pretty easy to solve. And to one of the members saying the Chinese's weapons sucks, I disagree.
And bullet drop does exist, unless EA or DICE makes it offical that bullet drop is no real, then I will say it's real since I'm pretty damn obivous.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7011|Wilmington, DE, US
I had a beautiful round on gulf of oman the other day.  I was on the server for the last 10 minutes and in the first 4 I had racked up 3 of 5 head shots that I'd get that round while using the M24 as a change of pace. I fell in love with that gun again. Some beautiful shots too, like the guy running for the APC.

Semi Auto or Bolt Action to me depends on the cirumstance. In Karkand I think the semi-autos have an edge since it's pretty close quarters, but anything long range I use the bolt actions for.
Have you people taken a peek at the UBAR info on weapons?

M95 = SVD with M24 damage. thats all the M95 is, is an SVD with M24 damage. otherwise its exactly as accurate as the SVD, *exactly*.

Bullet drop has been proven and documented, but no in-engine references have been found, i belive.
+0|7014|Pomfrett, MD

The_Lone_N00b wrote:

Look, I only play Strike at karkand, prettym uch.

If USMC: Use M24

If MEC: Use M95

If China: Try to switch to USMC, their weapons suck
nah i would have to say that some of the chinese weapons are pretty awsome, like their SF gun, and their Support LMG, but the AT weapon does suck :\
+0|7016|Sacramento, California
In real life, the M-24 has approximately  a 1 inch drop at 600 meters.   Since you can't see that far on any BF2 map, the trajectory should be fairley flat.  The M-95 should just as if not  more accurate within the range limitations of the game.  With either of these weapons, with a damage rating of 90; one shot one kill should be the rule.  Any shot aimed at the head should destroy your targets brain housing group.
Last of the Uchiha
+4|7015|Hong Kong, China

<-URS->Firefly wrote:

The_Lone_N00b wrote:

Look, I only play Strike at karkand, prettym uch.

If USMC: Use M24

If MEC: Use M95

If China: Try to switch to USMC, their weapons suck
nah i would have to say that some of the chinese weapons are pretty awsome, like their SF gun, and their Support LMG, but the AT weapon does suck :\
It just looks like it sucks, but it's just a MP5 without the semi-auto mode.

Last edited by Aquastorm (2005-12-15 11:07:25)

+45|7045|Toronto, Canada
No matter what the circumstances, I use a bolt-action sniper rifle, if it doesn't then I switch to another kit.  I prefer the M24 over the M95, but I have a soft spot for M95 because of some amazing kills I have done with it, including shooting out jet pilots, blackhawk pilots, gunners and occupants, attack helicopter pilots and gunners, transport gunners and drivers. You name it, I've killed them with the M95.  Both the bolt-actions have sweet rechambering animations as well awesome sounds when fired. If you have a decent subwoofer, the M95 (and the PKM for that matter) is your gun.

I've only used the semi-autos sparingly and frankly I think they are 22 calibre or BB guns.

Bolt-actions force you to place each round carefully.  I like sniping from different areas including cranes (where I spot more than I shoot to help out), but I can't fathom shooting someone 3 or 4 times with a sniper rifle to drop them.  It should be one shot one kill.

There are many times where a semi-auto sniper hits me once and only once and I hear his rifle cracking quickly afterwards.  Sometimes I type in "you suck at sniping" those are the guys that I counter-snipe with a pistol with some kind of regularity.  The bolt-actions I hightail it out of there and try to either knife or grenade them.  Preferrably knife them.

You'd be surprised at how many knife kills I have gained from defending myself (me being a sniper) against other knife wielding wannabes trying to skewer me while I was sniping. Another benefit of a bolt-action is you get out of scope when you chamber another round. This allows you to see your surroundings much better after each shot.  I also frequently look around for any nearby enemies that pose an immediate or not-so-immediate threat to me.

Bolt-action rifles for life!
M95 kicks ass after the last patch im using it alot now w/ 44% accuracy and going up i feel i can hit a fair amount of "reds" love being a sniper while im commanding and taking out the poor spc ops that come near my assets.
+81|7072|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
if there wasn't any form of bullet drop and you coul far enogh say you were on mashtuur you could spawn at the us abas snipe people at the opposite MEC base.
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.
+114|7053|England : East Yorkshire
K As i have said so many times those who carn't use the m95 are not fit to call there self a sniper.
AS I HAVE SAID SOOO MANY TIMES ITS U THAT SUX NOT THE RILFE. and to comfirm there is bullet drop watch this. http://media.putfile.com/M95-Bullet-Drop
Personally, I use the M95 in all large helo maps and at Mashtuur. If I'm in sharqi or karkand, I'll stick with the semi's for non USMC and M24 in sharqi for USMC.

The differences in aim between the M95 and M24 aren't noticeable as long as you take your time with the shot and let the shot settle. The M95's crosshairs are a bit fat, which is why I prefer to use it only in maps that have helo's.
cacknballz - what other bolt action rifle is in the game other than M24?

one shot one kill would detriment the game. if there was a one-shot-one-kill gun, *EVERY* noob under the sun would use it like it was the lance of freaking longinus.

bear this in mind - the SVD was developed not as a sniper rifle but as a battlefield combat weapon. it is not designed for "one-shot-one-kill". it was designed to be used in intermediate battlefield distances, especially in urban environments, where the distance to the target is not so great that you need a sniper rifle, but their distance rules out using conventional sniper rifles. however, the designers saw the need for semi automatic fire, because in closer-in ranges that the weapon is designed for, so that the weapon would be much more effective in a close combat situation.

and as for your bolt-action loving tendancies, all i have to say is PSG-1.

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