+0|7028|cork city Ireland
THANK sweet fuck to jesus no more bunny wabbits jumping like fools he he
+3|7028|Evanston, WY

[64]-Spud wrote:

THANK sweet fuck to jesus no more bunny wabbits jumping like fools he he
no doubt.  got waxed by two little faggot bunnies and a dolphin diver last night.  Learn some skills bizzatches!
a little tale to help ease the pain of bunnyhoppers while they can still do it.

last night on ghost town SW spawn, i get up to the roof to take the flag to find 2 clanmates bunny hopping around like tards while 1 more watched the ladders.  shot the ladder guy in the face then noob tubed the ground right where the 2 clanmates were hopping towards each other, got em both with one shot as they landed from their jumps.
I enjoy the run jump dive shoot,  but owell if they are tweaking the accurcey on the weapons it will help.  The only reason I find my self doing the run jump dive,  is when I find myself in close combat.  Its a good way not to get killed if your any good at it.

Im giong to miss running up to a jeep/hummer/tank and jumping and shooting the gunner.....

Last edited by Crypto_420 (2005-12-16 14:27:17)

Honostly i wont miss the dolphin diving except on some sf maps. On some sf maps there are windows or other places you can only get in or out of by divigin.(well you czn use the grappled but you have to throw it so that rope sticks out on your side of the window or whatever. but thats time consuming and you don't want to be caught stadning by a window with no no weapon out do ya.
+1|7158|San Antonio, TX
So is the patch out or when will it?
I can't wait to get rid of those damn bunny rabbits!
instead of making it so that you cant shoot while jumping make it so you can't use any of the grenade launchers but can still use hand grenades and c4 and make guns alot less accurite
HaHa, this means that like 25,000 people will stop playing BF2 cause they cant jump and shoot a nade launcher, haha. bye bye noobs, go find another game to play.

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

HaHa, this means that like 25,000 people will stop playing BF2 cause they cant jump and shoot a nade launcher, haha. bye bye noobs, go find another game to play.
just saying that makes me have a happy feeling in my shorts
As pleased as I am to see the Bunnyhoppers and Dolphindivers going for another game I'll kinda miss those dolphindives. Some of them are just "pro" with it and can shoot straight. Those guys must be stopped. But the noob dolphin divers are the best! They are helping my kdratio going up because I always shoot 'em in the face. Also I'll miss the funny knife fights where you dive upon someone. Or when your a medic, diving on a dead one to revive. Or diving over an onstacle to have some cover. Diving was fun in sorta ways, I'll miss that. But I won't miss the @)&@( dolphin divers who do it all the time. They suck!
J-10 whore

ifixphns2 wrote:

[64]-Spud wrote:

THANK sweet fuck to jesus no more bunny wabbits jumping like fools he he
no doubt.  got waxed by two little faggot bunnies and a dolphin diver last night.  Learn some skills bizzatches!
Its rather easy to kill a bunny hopper. Just bunny hop and spray your bullets on them. They are sure to die.
oh well so they got rid of the dolpin dive and bunny hopping. i do it, couldn't care less what u think. it takes a bit of skill to become good at this. and i can bet half the people here have to. stop talking ur selfs up, nearly every game i play its a reality. the only ones who don't are the ones who don't know how. by the way i'll keep playing and owning.

God bless

Last edited by Dilbert2468 (2005-12-18 13:35:17)

+0|7048|Long Island

dobbs wrote:

Kriznik wrote:

if this is serious... so:

they gonna ruin BF2 (except last medic one > pretty good) BUT

why reduce hit point? so we will not be able to destroy tank with antitank / tank or whatever ... ok or we should shoot 10times to single tank to destroy it? ... it sux
What the hell are you talking about, it said reduce AIR hit points.  Means it will take less to take down a heli.  Didnt say anything about tanks, god i wish people would read before bitching.

This patch is gonna kick ass!
I think he thought that Hit Points meant the amount of damage Air can dish out per landed hit.  Coming from RPGs HP means your max health but i believe he misunderstood that so give him a break next time please.

Dilbert2468 wrote:

oh well so they got rid of the dolpin dive and bunny hopping. i do it, couldn't care less what u think. it takes a bit of skill to become good at this. and i can bet half the people here have to. stop talking ur selfs up, nearly every game i play its a reality. the only ones who don't are the ones who don't know how. by the way i'll keep playing and owning.

God bless
It takes skill to bunnyhop?  Since when?

random n00b bunnyhopper wrote:

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!1one  Someone's shooting....  Time to mash space again.  I should setup a macro to make that SUPER TURBO!!!!!!1!!!!!11one
ok man. we can all see. that u have tried and sucked at it. have u seen those noobs jumping around not knowing what the hell there doing there the ones who can't do it properly. take ur top 10 players for example. i will bet all i have that they do as i do. so you get can off ur high horse.

and if u think i don't know what im talking about. look me up. user name is the same.

Last edited by Dilbert2468 (2005-12-19 07:28:50)

Dilbert is right, if you look the last 11 pages have been about people bitchin at bunny hoppers. Don't get me wrong I DON'T bunny hop or 'noob tube.' I'm not saying I havn't or won't bunny hopping, because in real life, if I'm getting shot at by a tank, i'm not going to lay down in the middle of the street and tank shoot me. I'll do whatever I have to, to stay alive. As far as skill being involved in bunny hopping, I'm not sure. . .I know I can't aim worth a shit whille jumping up and down. Also, I've never had any problems with dolphin divers, those here you are complaining obviously just can't aim. They are diving head first. . .so it's almost always 1 hit kill, and an ever easier pistol kill.

By hit points, they are referring your own health. How many hits you can survive before dieing. For instance, say the chopper has 100 % hit points now, and they reduce it. . to maybe 80%. It will take 20% less shots to kill one. They didn't say anything about changing the strength or damage of choppers missles, just reducing the number that you get. So unless your accurate with them, you'll find the land vehicles are still over powered. NO! I'm not complaining about tanks/apcs being strong. This is an AOW game, tanks are a part of it. . as are the grenade launchers, deal with it or don't play. Don't bitch at other people to leave cause they are using weapons that are in the game, and tactics that are in the game. IF you can't handle maybe this game isn't for you.

Grenade launchers aren't as bad as people say either. From my experience. I have a pretty bad computer. . So I play alot of Karkand. I've never EVER been killed by a grenade launcher twice in a row. EVER! The only complaint I have with the grenade launchers are they don't always show the explosions. Sometimes you just fall over and die.

Anyway, my point is. . .if something annoys you. . .then maybe YOU should deal with it. . instead of wasting everybodies time making stupid 1 line posts about shit 20 other people have already said. Don't make, I quote"25,000" other people leave the game just cause you 50-100 people can't handle it. Just a little addition, people who say bunny hopping takes no skills, must suck. . cause they obviously sound to get owned by it ALOT. Funny, how people are getting raped by kids with no skill huh?

Dilbert2468 wrote:

ok man. we can all see. that u have tried and sucked at it. have u seen those noobs jumping around not knowing what the hell there doing there the ones who can't do it properly. take ur top 10 players for example. i will bet all i have that they do as i do. so you get can off ur high horse.

and if u think i don't know what im talking about. look me up. user name is the same.
Honestly, I prefer, and always have preferred to go prone for the accuracy increase while shooting back.  I just find it incredibly annoying when someone can do a strafe jump while shooting the n00b tube at your feet from less than 6 feet away and cause you to die, but not get hurt themselves.  I have no problem with the people who use the tube from a distance like it's supposed to use, nor the people who hop from a distance, as I'll just go prone, and shoot 'em either way.

I still say that rather than focusing on actually fighting in a realistic manner and bunnyhopping doesn't take much skill, as it makes it so you can miss alot more because you have increased time to fire before you die.  Also, Dilbert, you have something like 4 hours with the tube out.  I've got 6 minutes.  That should show you that I have not really tried that tactic.  I am not one to say oh, I hate that, but it works so I may as well do it.  I think along the lines of the golden rule, so if it annoys me when someone uses what I consider a cheap tactic against me, I do not respond in kind.  I simply use what I consider to be a more valid tactic against them.
Bunny hopping from side to side while shooting and throwing med packs under yourself is a skill I acquired after 300hrs of playing.  Not many can do it, so it requires skill. Anyway, so i won't even be able to jump and shoot with a pistol - ffs.
Horseman 77

Crypto_420 wrote:

I enjoy the run jump dive shoot,  but owell if they are tweaking the accurcey on the weapons it will help.  The only reason I find my self doing the run jump dive,  is when I find myself in close combat.  Its a good way not to get killed if your any good at it.

Im giong to miss running up to a jeep/hummer/tank and jumping and shooting the gunner.....
Bunny Bunny bo Funny Fe Fi fo guny --- Bunny
Rabbit Rabbit bo babbabit bananaran go gabit --- Rabitt
I think EA should bring out a real patch and a n00b patch (full of all their favorite activities; including Bunny-Hopping, Dolphin Diving, n00b tubing.. etc. etc. ) That way everyone is happy.
oh well so they got rid of the dolpin dive and bunny hopping. i do it, couldn't care less what u think. it takes a bit of skill to become good at this. and i can bet half the people here have to. stop talking ur selfs up, nearly every game i play its a reality. the only ones who don't are the ones who don't know how. by the way i'll keep playing and owning.
You might keep playing.
You might keep owning.
But your giong to be doing it with your feet on the GROUND. beeeeyotch.

Sorry, could not help myself.
Most of these are awesome. I personally, however, don't like the 'no shooting while jumping' rule. Anyone can realistically unload while jumping over someone. I can understand the need to kill off bunny hoppers, but that's less of a problem in BF2 than in CS... the only jump/shoot issue I have is with the noobtube, which is a weapon specific issue and shouldn't be applied to the whole game.

I don't know, there's something immensely satisfying about jumping off a cliff and clipping off a guy (or three) before you hit the chute. Style points ++... it seems as though the game will just get more bland, and start lacking in total glory moments.

And I certainly hope they're not nerfing sniper accuracy... they're fine the way they are. I wouldn't even say that they should be improved, either... though a new scope on the M95 would be nice.

Last edited by TigrisJK (2006-01-02 21:06:14)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
Having read through this entire thread I see that this has not been posted yet. So I'm adding it now.

Source: http://www.totalbf2.com/features/interv … -dice3.php

Since the last interview with DICE, there have been a few unanswered questions that many of you have asked. We gathered all of these questions from the community and sent them off to DICE for round 2.

TotalBF2.com: There are many comments being made about the helicopter missiles. Can you go into more detail on why this was changed?

Armando: When we began the patch process, there were many complaints about the power of the air vehicles. We take the input from the community seriously. The first suggestion, was to reduce the missile count. This limits the way a helicopter can attack an area. Frankly, I'm rather puzzled by the reaction to this. Lars, our franchise director, lives and breathes this game. The game is what it is because of his direction. He felt this would be a change for the better, and so he suggested it to me. I have the final say on what goes into the patch, so I evaluated the suggestion. In my opinion, it will make the game play better overall.

TotalBF2.com: What ever happened to BFTV?

Armando: BFTV is not dead yet. It was actually something that was proposed for one of the patches. I'm sorry to say though that, at this time, it is not on our agenda for a patch. BFTV is one of those features that has more complexity to it than one might think, complexity beyond just the technical implementation.

TotalBF2.com: It still appears that many people are being affected by the Red Name Tag problem. Will this be resolved in the next patch?

Armando: My policy is to not say anything about what may not make its way into a patch. I don't want the community to get worked up about something that may not happen. However, on this point I will make an exception. We are working on this bug. The problem we are having is that we need a reproducible case in order to know exactly what needs to be fixed. I have asked the community for any information that they know of regarding the server they were playing on, whether autobalance was on or not, how many players where in the game, and whether the players with the incorrect nametag color were team switched or not.

Even if we don't nail it down for 1.2, we will continue to search for the cause.

TotalBF2.com: What about new content? Can we expect some new maps or weapons to make the list in this patch, or possibly even a future patch?

Armando: Other than the addition of two new unlock weapons (for the sniper and AT), there will not be more content in the patch. There is a plan for additional content as we move forward, but patches will not be the means of delivering this new content.

TotalBF2.com: Is there any news on the Final build of the editor? A possible ETA on the release?

Armando: The eta on the next build of the editor looks to be the same as the patch date. As we continue to create content, we continue to work with the editor and find areas where it can be improved.

TotalBF2.com: Will there be any possible performance issues resolved, such as lag or performance enhancements like faster load times?

Armando: We are addressing performance issues. Whether they will be completely resolved or not is a different matter. We have found gains in the game that have yielded an improvement in frame rate. We are looking into improving lag, but I have no news on that matter as of yet. As far as load times go, if we find something that will help, we will surely include it.

TotalBF2.com: We noticed an issue on maps with rough terrain. We have found a problem with the invisible collision mesh on some vehicles, the most noticeable being the M1A1 as illustrated here verses the T90 model seen here. What happens is they take an EXTREME amount of damage when they hit the rough terrain, so much more than the other it is a HUGE disadvantage.

Armando: Yes, we are aware of this. The issue isn't as straight forward as you might expect. Altering the collision creates other issues. We need to find a solution that fixes the problem without creating another in its wake.

We'd like to thank Armando Marini from DICE for taking the time to answer our questions once again! Remember, DICE always reads the forums to find out what you guys are looking for in the next patches. The more feedback available for them, the faster they can come out with patches and prioritize the more important bugs.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7068|Gold Coast, Australia
What A Shit Ass Patch, It Almost Ruins Anything To Do With Flying. And Its Probably Gonna Be 150mb Just To Ruin The Bloody Game, Ffs I Hate All The People That Complained About The Wrong Things.

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