
Habba669 wrote:

Stalking that guy Simmy.uk.

His thread here was pretty entertaining and it cause some copycats to join the stalking.
Why you hate simmy? Did he t-bag you once and you did'nt like it? Or did he have a one time t-bag with you and your mad he left?

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-05-22 18:25:35)

Flashbanging a helicopter and saying it wasn't me
I can haz titanium paancakez?
LOL i also have an asshat account,and so does my friend,so we go together and tk.
I tried a trick (someone here posted a thread like top 10 ways to tk) so i tried some of emm.My best was the driving-out-of-range roflcopter.I had like 5 ppl in my chopper and wend out of bounds,so everyone died and if u took a look on the chatbox u saw:
Somerandomdumb:FFS NOOB PILOT U SUCK
Somerandomkid: FUCK U U SUCK BIG COCK ******* !@#%$

So i spawn at the carrier again,it was at oman,and starting c4 ppl into the sea(FF was off) and they always got pissed off,they start shouting on teh mic,so i put some techno music on radio(this is true,im not joking)then everyone started tking me,trying to change team but fail bcuz autobalance was on,or dissconnecting.Yeah I brought chaos to about 12 ppl.AWESOME!!!!  hihihihi teh 3v1l man!!!11!
+26|6682|England, UK
I get pissed when people take my chopper on Wake as USMC. Some noobs took it, crashed it and ran back to the Heli-pad trying to get it, then another 2 people came over all camping for, I noticed an F35 had spawned and no-one was going for it. So I hop in the F-35, fly up spin it around, as I'm coming in to attempt to wing clip TK, I notice the chopper's spawn and 2 guys are in it with 3 guys trying to jump on it..etc so I bailed from the the F-35....*BOOM*, the F-35 slams into the chopper, exploding in a horrible mess, the chopper pilot (I think) got all the TK's and a suicide, I did hitting the carrier quite fast, no time to spam '9'.

The guy got booted something to do with several punishes, XD. Surprisingly no-one was waiting for the chopper when I re-spawned.
The odd one out
Well, when i fucked up bored I just go into a crowded server, choose special ops get a little fast car and just load it with C4 and yeah drive into enemy cars and detonate. Pisses a lot of people of, ive managed to drive to the enemys airfield and actually get a plane before it took off, he got so pissed at me I think he initiated 10 or so votekicks in a row against me :p
Wannabe Heli Whore
Oh easily all the redlining ive been doing lately...
+131|6776|the guy in the hind on gator
tking a noob after he revived me , when i wanted to spawn with a differnt kit, oh wait thats not smacktardiness, thats being smart
Hack into people's rcon and ban them from their own server, make up random rules like no unlocks or claymores and kick anyone that doesn't comply.

Last edited by dynamic.Nick_Burnes (2007-06-30 20:20:38)


dynamic.Nick_Burnes wrote:

Hack into people's rcon and ban them from their own server, make up random rules like no unlocks or claymores and kick anyone that doesn't comply.
How the fuck do you hack into rcon? I've tried everything but i cant seem to do it.
Well usually before i left servers, I use to spawn as Special Forces, apply C4 to all about-to-be-moving friendly vehicles, wait for all my fellow comrades to enter them, and BOOOM!  Sometimes I managed to disconnect before i got kicked or banned.

David.Podedworny wrote:

dynamic.Nick_Burnes wrote:

Hack into people's rcon and ban them from their own server, make up random rules like no unlocks or claymores and kick anyone that doesn't comply.
How the fuck do you hack into rcon? I've tried everything but i cant seem to do it.
Some servers have standard rcon login,so if you type in: rcon login super123 in console you will become an ingame admin
+26|6817|Brisbane Australia

derstralle wrote:

I always run into friendly claymores and punish...
well at least if you can clearly see that they are not used to protect the sniper hideout.
Well even then sometimes...
I hate smaktards like this
I HATE you

velocitychaos wrote:

derstralle wrote:

I always run into friendly claymores and punish...
well at least if you can clearly see that they are not used to protect the sniper hideout.
Well even then sometimes...
I hate smaktards like this
I think he's great.
BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6708|Vancouver, BC, Canada

swe:D wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

dynamic.Nick_Burnes wrote:

Hack into people's rcon and ban them from their own server, make up random rules like no unlocks or claymores and kick anyone that doesn't comply.
How the fuck do you hack into rcon? I've tried everything but i cant seem to do it.
Some servers have standard rcon login,so if you type in: rcon login super123 in console you will become an ingame admin
Hmm I believe in his case they were dumb enough to leave the password as password or something like that, there is a thread complaining about im doing it somewhere on the TBF2 forums. The whole story made me laugh.

SilentscoutIX wrote:

swe:D wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

How the fuck do you hack into rcon? I've tried everything but i cant seem to do it.
Some servers have standard rcon login,so if you type in: rcon login super123 in console you will become an ingame admin
Hmm I believe in his case they were dumb enough to leave the password as password or something like that, there is a thread complaining about im doing it somewhere on the TBF2 forums. The whole story made me laugh.
Nice but lets not discuss this here i dont want this thread to get closed. Its about smacktarding not hacking. And on that note...

I was smacktarding on hbd ghosttown with my clansucks account 30 minutes ago(Sorry sniped ) And this asshole armor raper by the name of duron60 was killing my team on upper south/north so i go spec ops, I blow him twice in nearly the same spot, Southwest by Upper south on the hills i take russian heli bail and plant 2 c4 tell him good bye and blow  him, I request a vehicle drop(Thank you muya!) Get it i see him coming back with linebacker again, I get in my fav jump right over him(Thank god he did'nt notice me) Plant another 2 c4 and boom dead, A minute later i keep toying with him blowing him with 1 c4 and such, When this guy by the name of celticpride30 starts raping my team, So i whip out my c4 and go to town, I ram him 3 times, He's pissed! I'm laughing, I see duron is killing people again, I type outloud "duron stop armor raping" Some one by the name of ancon tells me to shut up about armor rape, So i tell him "I dont like armor rapers" Proceed to fuck with duron and celtic and when the round ends i'm 51-Negative 3-27-9! Because of my smacktarding on the armor whores i help my team immensely! Because they were too busy too fight my team had capped nearly all the flags! Next round i plan to do the same thing but i'm switched to the same side as them. Before i leave i tell them bye because i cant smacktard duron anymore and warn everyone if you armor rape i will get you! It was fun. I'm gonna do it again soon on another server.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-06-30 21:47:01)

+8|6486|at your base...killing you!
once i climbed on top of a really tall building and my team mate was up there withe the DAO and he shot me 2 tor 3 times, maybe on accident i dont know...then i went over to him with my 50 cal sniper rifle and blew him in the head and then teabagged him and shot his dead corpse with my pistol...showed him...sure was funny to me.

Last edited by lmancuso (2007-07-01 09:09:23)

+73|7055|Perth, Western Australia
I don't leave servers by pressing escape and clicking disconnect anymore. Whenever I want to leave a server I go on a mad Tking rampage until I'm finally kicked. Much more enjoyable that way.
+630|6964|The Netherlands
driving full cars with clanmates into friendly tanks and punish them.
run into friendly gaymores and punish.
fly an full blackhawk on wake straight into the redzone.
I'd never be a server smacktard.................i'm a saint
sophisticated slacker
+334|6644|Graz, Austria
I punished for a teamkill once.
Le fuck?
I was on Karkand, driving a FULL Humvee to Hotel at the beginning of the round. I think, 'Oh, it's too early in the round to lay down mines!'
So I continue only to see mines. I slow down just enough and I stop in front of them. I then back up, make a slight turn, then veer back into the mines.
Fear is a Leash
+85|6492|New Austin, Not
So I was playing OP clean sweep a few weeks ago and I saw an admin get tk'ed for a jet by some noob with an m-95. Admin warns the guy (why no kick??). Later that round I get into that jet and get tked by the guy who was warned. I get pissed off, and tked the asshole who tked me as a medic. I revive and shoot him again. Rinse and repeat several times. Admin sees me, but instead of banning/kicking me he joins into the fun. Both of us "kidnapped" the douche bag for 5+ minutes before admin gave him a ban. ( I also wonder why that noob didn't hit the escape button...)
+9|6667|Queen Creek, AZ USA

David.Podedworny wrote:

Mines was 10 minutes ago. On my asshole account(Which shall remain nameless since i use it to piss some people here that i dont like) I was on wake as american, I was going for the f-35b when somebody tk'ed me for it, I call the guy out and start a kick vote against him, He tells me that it will never work then i say i'll get an admin to ban you! The game freezes and this big warning comes down.

"Do not fuck with me ********* I am an admin!"

So i stfu and play, Next round starts i'm chinese got my f2000 i'm heading for the heli to take to the carrier and flash the guys waiting for planes, When the top screen says the guy is tk'ing people for the j-10. So i decide to teach him a lesson. As he's taking off i whip out a flash, Nade the runway and blind him. He crashes into a tree i'm laughing my fucken ass off so hard. Then the server freezes and he starts typing. "Allright whoever the fuck did that is getting a perm ban!" He respawns and starts tk'ing again, So i whip out another flash and boom he crashes, Now he's pissed server freezes and he yells "I saw that!" Some guy gets banned for being an asshole!

20 seconds later with my last flashbang i get him again right when he gets in the jet, But this time he takes off and in the air i'm watching him, It's hilarious hes going up and down up and down, Then he just dives down for some reason and tk's a teammate. Now this is the fucken funny part the server freezes and he kicks like 3 people from the opposite team. The other team says wtf why kick? he says they were disrupting gameplay. So i switch to usmc side get another F2000, I join this squad and we take 3 flags, I'm sneak into airfield with my sl and i'm flashbanging the bastard while he's killing him with the sraw.

My sl gets kicked by him i take my sl's kit and kill him with the last round, Boom i'm kicked. Oh well it was fun while it lasted he did'nt get in the air for enough of a time to score anypoints. At the end he had like -30 something. Now please share your stories.
That's freakin awesome!! + 1 for the laugh!!
+0|6489|Springfield VA USA
I am usually too caught up in my own general suckiness to engage in intentional smacktardery, lol.... however, recently I was commanding the PLA on Wake as sniper. I usually stay in command screen when commander, and so did not notice that the USMC had capped every flag and killed every Chinese soldier, except me!  I was at the airfield, laying on top of the UAV hut, which the comments must be true, you are evidently hard to see up there because both USMC tanks, jeeps, choppers and a bunch of foot dudes were running all around, searching, but did not see me.

My deceased team mates were screaming to cap a flag, but what could I do with two tanks and all those guys right in front of me? So I just sat there, watching the bad guys run around, shooting randomly at rooftops, tossing nades into various bunkers, zooming around in the jeeps, it was hilarious! Why didn't they UAV me? How long could this go on?!? Eventually people started leaving the server, so I hopped off and got into the transport chopper. I actually got airborne and was heading for the village when somebody in a jet shot me down. The end.

THinking back, I should have started dropping arty on the airfield and killed the bad guys, but I did not think of that! Please see my first sentence RE suckiness, LOL :-)

+127|6707|Jesus Land aka Canada
with my rpk i shoot the humvees in karkand till they are only 2 bars of health and then i got on them and then i drive and find a friendly tank. I then step the pedal to the metal and smash my humvee against the tank. my humvee blows up and i did and i press page down to punish that goddamn "teamkiller" in the tank.

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