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- Having fun "breaking the rules" on pistols/knives padding...
In BF2 Yes.
Hope around laying C4 everywhere, and then rack in the kills as most servers have FF off
Hope around laying C4 everywhere, and then rack in the kills as most servers have FF off
And they did what to you to deserve this?
They were stat padding if they want to play pistol and knife they should go on unranked servers to do it. I don't see the point of cheating like that. I got my knife expert in BF2 and BF2142 the legit way just have to be more sneaky since everyone has a machine gun in there hands and blasts you as fast as they see you.
I joined a server that did not have pistol and knife in its name but in the loading screen it said that K/P only so I loaded in and I saw a bunch of retards running in circles knifing each other so I took a walker and just killed them all. Then they started bitching so I told them I didn't break the BF ROE they they can kiss my ass.
I try to stay away from K/P servers I just wonder why servers that are called K/P and are ranked are still online.
I joined a server that did not have pistol and knife in its name but in the loading screen it said that K/P only so I loaded in and I saw a bunch of retards running in circles knifing each other so I took a walker and just killed them all. Then they started bitching so I told them I didn't break the BF ROE they they can kiss my ass.
I try to stay away from K/P servers I just wonder why servers that are called K/P and are ranked are still online.
Wow seriously guys, kill yourselves. Let people play however the fuck they want to. Its a game, they paid the money, they spend the time, no sweat off any of your backs!
wow, stats mean that much to you? Sad.Then they started bitching so I told them I didn't break the BF ROE they they can kiss my ass.
Well it's just kinda sad these people need to stoop so low for their beloved knife badge.
A good raping should send the right message too them.
And as for why these P/K servers are still online, it's becaue EA is too busy thinking up ways to milk us for more money.
A good raping should send the right message too them.
And as for why these P/K servers are still online, it's becaue EA is too busy thinking up ways to milk us for more money.
lol i do the same thing all the time go find a kp server and just nade spam or ak em all and pisses em all off until i get kicked duno why i waste my time doing that just seems fun watching little pad whores get blown up like 10 at a time
just leave them alone, what did they ever do to you? so what if you want to go in and ruin their fun? just leave them alone
Last edited by InfectiousShadow (2007-04-05 22:06:02)
Wow, Irony much.stryyker wrote:
Wow seriously guys, kill yourselves. Let people play however the fuck they want to. Its a game, they paid the money, they spend the time, no sweat off any of your backs!
What? I like to play on these servers. And it gets annoying when a random smurf pops on and goes to town (usually sucking ass at that).LT.Victim wrote:
Wow, Irony much.stryyker wrote:
Wow seriously guys, kill yourselves. Let people play however the fuck they want to. Its a game, they paid the money, they spend the time, no sweat off any of your backs!
But then again, thank god I stopped playing 2142. Then again again, thank god I have better things to do tonight than be here. hurrah! /end
i wish there was such thing as a unranked knife only server. that would be fun.
P&K servers = Statspadding
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
it was irony because you were telling him how to play when saying let others play how they want to play.stryyker wrote:
What? I like to play on these servers. And it gets annoying when a random smurf pops on and goes to town (usually sucking ass at that).LT.Victim wrote:
Wow, Irony much.stryyker wrote:
Wow seriously guys, kill yourselves. Let people play however the fuck they want to. Its a game, they paid the money, they spend the time, no sweat off any of your backs!
But then again, thank god I stopped playing 2142. Then again again, thank god I have better things to do tonight than be here. hurrah! /end
The way i see it they paid for the server let them run it how they like if you don't like that play elsewhere, i mean i play pistol and knife servers sometimes just because i find it's a different style of playing and can actually be relaxing and fun sometimes when your trying to pistol or knife someone and that is all anyone is using. Who cares how these people get their darn scores what does it matter to you just because someone has a really high score doesn't mean they are the best damn player around. If you have to go on and ruin other peoples fun i mean yah it may be fun to go in and run them over i will admit sometimes that might be a laugh but did you ever think of how your ruining the fun they are trying to have maybe you should stop being smack tards and let other people enjoy themselves that is why some servers kick for the stupidist things is because people like you ruin their gameplay so you really can't blame them for kicking you.
But that's my opinion and everyone else has their own but i don't really care what you do to be honest because to me in the end it's just a damn game.
But that's my opinion and everyone else has their own but i don't really care what you do to be honest because to me in the end it's just a damn game.
you realize that you are also technically breaking the ROE, right? You are gaining an unfair advantage by killing people who can't really defend them selfs. You are also unrightfully boosting your stats. Therefore you are just as good/bad as the k&p padders themselfs
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
I would so love to see EA reset someone for going on a server and using a tank or walker!!PMSL!!.max wrote:
you realize that you are also technically breaking the ROE, right? You are gaining an unfair advantage by killing people who can't really defend them selfs. You are also unrightfully boosting your stats. Therefore you are just as good/bad as the k&p padders themselfs
You really do have no point at all, if you wanna play these server knock ya self out, I don't really care. But dont try to think up some crap to try and justify it, their team has tanks as well.
Infact no by your argument you could never use a tank on infantry or a sniper rifle on a engineer with a SMG at distance etc, as you have a advantage.
Then I should be reset for extreme Walker Whoring.max wrote:
you realize that you are also technically breaking the ROE, right? You are gaining an unfair advantage by killing people who can't really defend them selfs. You are also unrightfully boosting your stats. Therefore you are just as good/bad as the k&p padders themselfs
Titan Commanders should be reset because they can't be killed, thus gaining an unfair advantage.
Geez, Max, did you actually read what you just said. "Can't really defend themselves", uhm? Rorsch Cannon? Engineer kit? Orbital/EMP strike?
By the way:, that is a far more better way to ruin their day.
well technically they can defend themselfs, but they don't. Its still stats padding to play on a p&k server "normally". Because they are "bound" to the p&k rules there is nothing really they can do about it. You artificially inflate your stats.Bernadictus wrote:
Then I should be reset for extreme Walker Whoring.max wrote:
you realize that you are also technically breaking the ROE, right? You are gaining an unfair advantage by killing people who can't really defend them selfs. You are also unrightfully boosting your stats. Therefore you are just as good/bad as the k&p padders themselfs
Titan Commanders should be reset because they can't be killed, thus gaining an unfair advantage.
Geez, Max, did you actually read what you just said. "Can't really defend themselves", uhm? Rorsch Cannon? Engineer kit? Orbital/EMP strike?
By the way:, that is a far more better way to ruin their day.
When you go and kidnap somebody and do the revive & knife thing, theoretically the guy on the other team could kill you, but they don't. All you do is kill the kidnapped (which is allowed) and not attack to other one (which is allowed as well). However due to the "rules" imposed you gain an unfair advantage. Surely you must be able to see the similarities.
BFROE (or whatever they are called now) surely won't reset for "normal play", but just by the ROE itself its not allowed. I study law. I know how to read "contracts" (in the search for a better word)
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
When kidnapped you press "Suicide". Kidnap over.max wrote:
well technically they can defend themselfs, but they don't. Its still stats padding to play on a p&k server "normally". Because they are "bound" to the p&k rules there is nothing really they can do about it. You artificially inflate your stats.Bernadictus wrote:
Then I should be reset for extreme Walker Whoring.max wrote:
you realize that you are also technically breaking the ROE, right? You are gaining an unfair advantage by killing people who can't really defend them selfs. You are also unrightfully boosting your stats. Therefore you are just as good/bad as the k&p padders themselfs
Titan Commanders should be reset because they can't be killed, thus gaining an unfair advantage.
Geez, Max, did you actually read what you just said. "Can't really defend themselves", uhm? Rorsch Cannon? Engineer kit? Orbital/EMP strike?
By the way:, that is a far more better way to ruin their day.
When you go and kidnap somebody and do the revive & knife thing, theoretically the guy on the other team could kill you, but they don't. All you do is kill the kidnapped (which is allowed) and not attack to other one (which is allowed as well). However due to the "rules" imposed you gain an unfair advantage. Surely you must be able to see the similarities.
BFROE (or whatever they are called now) surely won't reset for "normal play", but just by the ROE itself its not allowed. I study law. I know how to read "contracts" (in the search for a better word)
I don't know what all the fuzz is about. Let people play their K&P games, thus keeping their skill less asses out of the other server.
all right; voluntary kidnap then.Bernadictus wrote:
When kidnapped you press "Suicide". Kidnap over.max wrote:
well technically they can defend themselfs, but they don't. Its still stats padding to play on a p&k server "normally". Because they are "bound" to the p&k rules there is nothing really they can do about it. You artificially inflate your stats.Bernadictus wrote:
Then I should be reset for extreme Walker Whoring.
Titan Commanders should be reset because they can't be killed, thus gaining an unfair advantage.
Geez, Max, did you actually read what you just said. "Can't really defend themselves", uhm? Rorsch Cannon? Engineer kit? Orbital/EMP strike?
By the way:, that is a far more better way to ruin their day.
When you go and kidnap somebody and do the revive & knife thing, theoretically the guy on the other team could kill you, but they don't. All you do is kill the kidnapped (which is allowed) and not attack to other one (which is allowed as well). However due to the "rules" imposed you gain an unfair advantage. Surely you must be able to see the similarities.
BFROE (or whatever they are called now) surely won't reset for "normal play", but just by the ROE itself its not allowed. I study law. I know how to read "contracts" (in the search for a better word)
I don't know what all the fuzz is about. Let people play their K&P games, thus keeping their skill less asses out of the other server.
I reword my statement: When you play normally on a p&k server, you have an advantage over guys playing normally on normal servers, because you can get huge scores in a way the game was not intended to be played => forbidden by ROE
I personally have no problem with k&p servers, if people want to play there I'm fine with that. It doesn't affect me. Only thing that I don't like is people ruining the fun (for the K&P guys) and expecting to be praised for "punishing" the padders for breaking a rule, which technically they breaking them selfs. If you want to do something about it, report the server/players. Or with a little analogy: someone hits your sister and so you go and beat him up. Is it legal? no. Do the police care? no. Is it the right thing to do? maybe, but its not up to you to decide. The state has the power
Last edited by max (2007-04-06 04:55:00)
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
Lol, I just had more fun than those k/p pistol guys on those servers getting like 6 wheels of hazard pins just doing that with my buddy... Honestly, I could care less if they paid or not, it's a free server, if they want to be pusses about using pistol and knives that's fine, but I'm using my shotgun.
The Best is taking the transport ship, and crashing it right in the middle of them all...
The Best is taking the transport ship, and crashing it right in the middle of them all...
Last edited by ReDevilJR (2007-04-06 06:04:15)
Max please your talking utter rubbish mate.
If they are Bound by the K&P rule why arn't I, reason because no-one is "BOUND" by it, just please stop trying to justify!!, there is no other way than its how some people want to play. just play then and accept they are against the ROE.
It does artificially inflate your score!, so is stat padding but to my understanding only against ROE if it is enforced on people, so if you moan and bitch and kick etc then its against ROE.
I for one play because I like the game, if someone like's to play K&P then fine.
If however I join the server and mow them down they shouldn't be able to kick me for it END OF!, as when you rent a server you agree to the ROE.
If K&P rules so much and they have no care for the points go unranked!!FFS, its only done ranked to pad your score.
If you got a K&P server and made it unranked do you really think it would fill in the same manor they do ranked???.
(I've had afew beers sorry for my rubbish typing)
If they are Bound by the K&P rule why arn't I, reason because no-one is "BOUND" by it, just please stop trying to justify!!, there is no other way than its how some people want to play. just play then and accept they are against the ROE.
It does artificially inflate your score!, so is stat padding but to my understanding only against ROE if it is enforced on people, so if you moan and bitch and kick etc then its against ROE.
I for one play because I like the game, if someone like's to play K&P then fine.
If however I join the server and mow them down they shouldn't be able to kick me for it END OF!, as when you rent a server you agree to the ROE.
If K&P rules so much and they have no care for the points go unranked!!FFS, its only done ranked to pad your score.
If you got a K&P server and made it unranked do you really think it would fill in the same manor they do ranked???.
(I've had afew beers sorry for my rubbish typing)
Last edited by Slickfish (2007-04-06 06:14:01)
ROE doesn't exist on 2142 anymore.max wrote:
I reword my statement: When you play normally on a p&k server, you have an advantage over guys playing normally on normal servers, because you can get huge scores in a way the game was not intended to be played => forbidden by ROE
Jupp, BF2142 is going under the ROC nowleetkyle wrote:
ROE doesn't exist on 2142 anymore.max wrote:
I reword my statement: When you play normally on a p&k server, you have an advantage over guys playing normally on normal servers, because you can get huge scores in a way the game was not intended to be played => forbidden by ROE
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- Having fun "breaking the rules" on pistols/knives padding...