It's not just which pole the media is aligned to, it's overexposure to media period. Most people here sit in their rooms all day and base their opinion of the world off of what they see and hear on the news and websites. For example, oug stated that the US today is no different than Nazi Germany. Many others think the US is some oppressive dictatorship because they read a story here or there about phone-tapping, etc. The fact of the matter is that the lives of these people have not been effected...they just think they have been because the media tells them so.Braddock wrote:
Question all your media, left, right and middle. Expose yourself to as many news sources as you can and always look for hard facts in your news reports. Don't just accept vague assertions that aren't backed up and if a news network is privately owned, question the possibility of the stations interests being incorporated into or compromised by certain slants on stories.
Keep what America's supposed to be about alive. Freedom... freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom to question your leaders. Viva la revolucion!
Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2007-02-21 16:45:46)