This makes me think of Cartmans vendetta against ginger kids. I've got nothing against them, in fact, redheads are a turn on.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina
Actually, you overreacted, because the OP was joking.
daywalkers can be hot, but yeah gingers just don't do it for me.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6627|Foothills of S. Carolina

I can honestly say that I have never heard of this. And honestly, I have known a few redheaded women that were quite good looking, course they also had a mean disposition, ( or maybe they didnt like me...   ). Anyhow, bout the only redhead I cant stand is Carrot Top. I just tend to find him grating.
we call them rangas, red nuts or randews
+52|6907|Christchurch New Zealand

Braddock wrote:

The French sometimes refer to ginger people as Albinos! I heard the term used in the film 'Betty Blue' directed by Jean-Jacques Beineix in reference to a character who was just a normal red head! They reckon as it's a recessive gene that it will be phased out completely in the not too distant future; we'll only be found in the Natural History Museum, a bit like the native Americans!
Natural Selection at work!

Widow_Warrior wrote:

I had a ginger girlfriend once , she was pretty and all , but her pubes were like a wire brush
I've only ever been with one ginga, but she shaved her pubes and dyed her hair brown.

Braddock wrote:

It would seem it's been fashionable for the last 25 years at least! They probably thought it was fashionable to call black people names back in the day too.
But its never been hateful though...remember the blonde hassling that was all the rage a while back?
Do One Ya Mug !!!
ive heard that ginger birds pubes smell of piss,

anybody want to shed some light on the matter?
+43|6545|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Gingers appear in every racial sub-type. The genetic difference is not calculated to improve survival, causing sunburn, barely visible eyebrows, and extreme allergies to any substance known to man, therefore its existence is detrimental to the race as a whole.

I believe they were put on Earth as a comic relief for the rest of us.......
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
We call redheads 'spam'.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Lizzard
Let's face it: redheads are just plain inferior, same as black people, Jews and Asians.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2007-02-19 23:29:36)

Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6807|Teesside, UK

Braddock wrote:

Some people attribute anti ginger sentiment to the fact that Judas Iscariot supposedly had red hair, what do you think ...why do red heads get such a hard time from childhood through to adulthood?
I think it's because different is seen as wrong.  If you look radically different to everyone you draw attention to yourself and that is unacceptable and people assume that you deserve to be picked on.  Individuality Bad...Conformity Good.

I've seen people in the street who can barely even form a coherent sentence but if they say the word ginger to someone it's like they've just delivered the funniest stand up comedy set ever.  People with no ability to think up witty insults can just use the tried and tested ginger insults that have been around for years.

Bubbalo wrote:

Let's face it: redheads are just plain inferior, same as black people, Jews and Asians.
That's you off my Christmas card list then

*Stands Up*
I am also a ginger.and proud!!!! Seams the three vocal Irish men on here are all gingers. Is There a link between gingers and opinionated personalities?
Anyway enjoy bellow, really funny;

Biggest n00blet around!
I literly cooked marshmellows on a stick over a rangger's hair. Also i touched it and i got second degree burns.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

how can you be racist to someone with red hair?

Pubic wrote:

But its never been hateful though...remember the blonde hassling that was all the rage a while back?
Yeah but blondes have more fun!

I think redhead guys have it much tougher than redhead girls. There are plenty of girls out there who have a blanket no-ginger policy but you know guys, we'll fuck anything so a ginger chick will always find some guy with a ginger fetish.

Did you know that recent research has discovered that redheads can take more pain than 'normal' people (see: http://www.news-medical.net/?id=12380)?
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6616|Tyne & Wear, England
During my recent trip to Scotland I turned ginger for a day.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Support fanatic :-)

Gingers is the last remains of Elves and a sign of higher intelligence !

*We are hot headed
*Can adjust the rotation speed of the earth
*And shoot laser beams from our freckles

Last edited by Varegg (2007-02-20 06:03:00)

Wait behind the line ..............................................................

A couple of my friends were redheads. They were teased more because of their freckles than their hair.
The Lizzard

crimson_grunt wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Let's face it: redheads are just plain inferior, same as black people, Jews and Asians.
That's you off my Christmas card list then
D'you remember when I got banned for racism?
+72|6735|Scotland's Capital
@ OP: Shhhhhhh we wanna keep this quiet, people will forget and teh teasing will stop! Although some of those names are pretty good, haven’t heard them before.  I used to get teased when I was younger until i got bigger than everyone else and threatened to kick the shit out of them TBH I haven’t had any trouble since I’ve been 11!

Gingers are the evolution of the human race: we are smarter, quicker and naturally more stylish! Also we have a secret plan with all the other Ethnic Minorities to over throw you "Whites"
Ambitious but Rubbish
Ginger/redheads are dying out, they could become extinct as soon as 2060.

http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/20 … e_dead.php

Right we must save the redhead gene, I recomend that everyone must sleep with at lest one redhead to save this dying race.
+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.
I'm ginger and I gots afro genes, beat that!

Despite both my brothers being ginger, I don't have a problem with ginger people. It's hardly racism though...
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6807|Teesside, UK

Bubbalo wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Let's face it: redheads are just plain inferior, same as black people, Jews and Asians.
That's you off my Christmas card list then
D'you remember when I got banned for racism?

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