Confused Pothead
+1,101|6867|SE London

bullit wrote:

I played a little skirmish with UEF against UEF on easy, I send 20 Level 3 Assault bots in to their base and the stupid AI nuked his own base and i didnt even build my battle fortress yet
I doubt that's the case. You've just killed the enemy commander, which results in a bit of a bang.
I bought this game today!!!

Bertster7 wrote:

bullit wrote:

I played a little skirmish with UEF against UEF on easy, I send 20 Level 3 Assault bots in to their base and the stupid AI nuked his own base and i didnt even build my battle fortress yet
I doubt that's the case. You've just killed the enemy commander, which results in a bit of a bang.
As I now know only too well, decided to overcharge the enemy commander on mission 1 of the Aeon campaign. Unsurprising was the fact that the boom destroyed me commander, hence another boom. What was I thinking lol?

I bought this game today!
Tank Troll
+71|6975|London, UK
Yeh i moved some of my units away from the commander before he blew up then their tactical missile launchers left me with 3 units left but half their base blown lol. Their was around 2 big explosions and i was like wtf pfff stupid nubs.

I dont think i can play online cause to download something it says i need more diskspace

Last edited by bullit (2007-02-25 15:33:03)

+86|6820|Edmonton Alberta
i downloaded the demo today and played a few rounds.... i think im going to go and buy the full game tomorrow

Vilham wrote:

bullit wrote:

I made some screenies with xfire but it fookin didnt take any now i kno the screenshot button for SC (ctrl-f)


Iam on the third mission for GEF and have learnt to build loads of units to attack a base
lol bad spelling day i guess

Yeah im on the UEF mission now, it fucking kicks ass, got 4 of the exp subs, 1 fat boy 3 massive cannons and am nuking shit. Although i did just lose before i closed the game down, when you beat the 2nd obj you get attacked right near your base by shit loads of spider bots.
Happened to me. Overkill spoiler solution?

1. Wipe out all but one southeast Aeon building. This will give you time to build a base worthy of Dr. Evil.
2. Reinforce the northeast of your base with a shit load of shielding and anti-air. Artillery and GD optional.
3. Build anti-nukes at every outpost. Build eight fat boys. Two for northwest shore defense, two for east shore defense, four for anti spider defense (you know where they're coming from. One to two sub-commanders per fat boy.
4. Build clusters of anti-air and torpedo tubes in the sea east and northwest. Reinforce with 2-3 carrier subs on each side, and as many battleships as you can muster. Subs out front, battleships out at the rear. Two sub-commanders in each water defense area optional.
5. Four nuke silos.
6. Make sure there's plenty of landing pads. Keep 20-40 interceptors on patrol around your northern outposts.

You can ignore west, southwest, south, southeast and east. The final wave will be generally from a northerly direction.

Final Waves - Finish off the Aeon building to begin.

Spider waves: If the fat boys don't get them, your upgraded sub-commanders will.
Map expansion: Keep nukes on standby to deal with fleets and land forces that are coming in. Sea stragglers taken out by twin fleets, land stragglers taken out by fat boys. Sub-commanders repair as needed. T3 air-to-air fighters smash rogue bombers.
Nuke waves: Ignore. Your defense silos will take care of it.
CZAR: OMG, this thing is slow. Nuke it with all you've got, or just let your massive AA take it out.


'...they're destroying our core worlds! We have lost...'

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-25 19:50:57)


A rare photo of a mated pair of the elusive Cybran destroyer. Eleven years hence, if the couple are lucky, they will enjoy the company of a litter of newborn frigatelings.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-26 16:12:58)


unnamednewbie13 wrote: … mating.jpg

A rare photo of a mated pair of the elusive Cybran destroyer. Eleven years hence, if the couple are lucky, they will enjoy the company of a litter of newborn frigatelings.
haha wtf?
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6725|Brisbane, Australia

unnamednewbie13 wrote: … mating.jpg

A rare photo of a mated pair of the elusive Cybran destroyer. Eleven years hence, if the couple are lucky, they will enjoy the company of a litter of newborn frigatelings.
LOL +1 for making me smile, and btw is it just me or does the UEF experimental artillery take a REALLY LONG time to build (even with 15 guys helping and enough resources)?

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote: … mating.jpg

A rare photo of a mated pair of the elusive Cybran destroyer. Eleven years hence, if the couple are lucky, they will enjoy the company of a litter of newborn frigatelings.
LOL +1 for making me smile, and btw is it just me or does the UEF experimental artillery take a REALLY LONG time to build (even with 15 guys helping and enough resources)?
It does. But once it's done, it's like launching a mininuke very often. Your opponent will be occupied either trying to take it down or building enough shield generators to weather the storm.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-27 00:10:49)

Fantasma Parastasie
Is there any way to actually control the retarded AI in this game? It gets on my nerves so much - decent formations have devolved since the days of Homeworld 1. Remember building a 100 scouts, setting them to sphere formation, and watching them slowly decimate a frigate as it tried to take defend itself from the globe of scouts around it?

Proper formations are very important - If you have 5 lines of 10 amphibious tanks coming out of the sea to rush their base and take out any AA installations, you dont want them forming a line, getting stuck in each other, and then getting obliterated one at a time from a single Point Defence guns. Aircraft are so much more effective when in a delta-formation instead of just randomly flying about. Units should stick together in clean groups, and there should be a way to specify the shape.

Shame on Supreme Commander.
Negative Ping
The game rocks...plain and simple.  Well worth the 10 year wait from TA.  Still true to the "series" nearly every aspect, but instead of just aiming for Big Berthas and Nukes, you have so many other things to aim the colossus, Monkey Lord, or that massive battle tank base for UEF.  My brother rushed me with 3 of those colossus things and one of those ID4 lookin spaceships (i say it looks like a sprinkled donut)...and it just reminded me of those good old Krogoth rushes...alas, the memories. 
One of the best things tho...was goin onto GPGNet chat, and seeing ppl my brother and I haven't talked to in years, Navyseal2, the gnugs, Blackbee, too many to mention.    Still have yet to see Mr. Zerbit or butcher7 tho.

Last edited by 0ktane (2007-02-27 05:48:42)


SargeV1.4 wrote:

Is there any way to actually control the retarded AI in this game? It gets on my nerves so much - decent formations have devolved since the days of Homeworld 1. Remember building a 100 scouts, setting them to sphere formation, and watching them slowly decimate a frigate as it tried to take defend itself from the globe of scouts around it?
Alas, pathing is the game's biggest problem.

Who's up for Homeworld 3?
I'm never going to play an 81x81km sized map anymore...I don't find it very fun watching the bombers fly to his base in oh...5 minutes

I just installed the demo, and... removed it after 45 minutes of playtime. I simple hate the interface, hate the gameplay. I'll live happy with CnC3 and W40K:DoW no SC for me.

MagiCandy wrote:

I'm never going to play an 81x81km sized map anymore...I don't find it very fun watching the bombers fly to his base in oh...5 minutes
Use the 'numberpad +' to speed things up.
Fantasma Parastasie

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Is there any way to actually control the retarded AI in this game? It gets on my nerves so much - decent formations have devolved since the days of Homeworld 1. Remember building a 100 scouts, setting them to sphere formation, and watching them slowly decimate a frigate as it tried to take defend itself from the globe of scouts around it?
Alas, pathing is the game's biggest problem.

Who's up for Homeworld 3?
The ending of Homeworld 2 was very clear on that: The golden age of peace that lasts for eternity. Kinda hard to make a HW3 with that in mind.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Is there any way to actually control the retarded AI in this game? It gets on my nerves so much - decent formations have devolved since the days of Homeworld 1. Remember building a 100 scouts, setting them to sphere formation, and watching them slowly decimate a frigate as it tried to take defend itself from the globe of scouts around it?
Alas, pathing is the game's biggest problem.

Who's up for Homeworld 3?
The ending of Homeworld 2 was very clear on that: The golden age of peace that lasts for eternity. Kinda hard to make a HW3 with that in mind.
the bad guys make a time machine and go into the future where they sow various seeds that allow them to take revenge and literally rise from the grave when real chronological time catches up

or do the old easy version which is easier to explain but basically the same thing, where they go into the past and plant the seeds of destruction (you know bury troops underground chronologically frozen or something)
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6867|SE London

sfarrar33 wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Alas, pathing is the game's biggest problem.

Who's up for Homeworld 3?
The ending of Homeworld 2 was very clear on that: The golden age of peace that lasts for eternity. Kinda hard to make a HW3 with that in mind.
the bad guys make a time machine and go into the future where they sow various seeds that allow them to take revenge and literally rise from the grave when real chronological time catches up

or do the old easy version which is easier to explain but basically the same thing, where they go into the past and plant the seeds of destruction (you know bury troops underground chronologically frozen or something)
Or they could just do a prequel.

Bertster7 wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

The ending of Homeworld 2 was very clear on that: The golden age of peace that lasts for eternity. Kinda hard to make a HW3 with that in mind.
the bad guys make a time machine and go into the future where they sow various seeds that allow them to take revenge and literally rise from the grave when real chronological time catches up

or do the old easy version which is easier to explain but basically the same thing, where they go into the past and plant the seeds of destruction (you know bury troops underground chronologically frozen or something)
Or they could just do a prequel.
with my version the opening movie has shinier lights and plasma

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

MagiCandy wrote:

I'm never going to play an 81x81km sized map anymore...I don't find it very fun watching the bombers fly to his base in oh...5 minutes
Use the 'numberpad +' to speed things up.
Can't speed up multiplayer games.

Bertster7 wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

The ending of Homeworld 2 was very clear on that: The golden age of peace that lasts for eternity. Kinda hard to make a HW3 with that in mind.
the bad guys make a time machine and go into the future where they sow various seeds that allow them to take revenge and literally rise from the grave when real chronological time catches up

or do the old easy version which is easier to explain but basically the same thing, where they go into the past and plant the seeds of destruction (you know bury troops underground chronologically frozen or something)
Or they could just do a prequel.
Unfortunately, they screwed up Homeworld 2 so much that HW3 would have to exist "in the spirit" of Homeworld. Which means no prequel or sequel, but something similar.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote: … mating.jpg

A rare photo of a mated pair of the elusive Cybran destroyer. Eleven years hence, if the couple are lucky, they will enjoy the company of a litter of newborn frigatelings.
LOL +1 for making me smile, and btw is it just me or does the UEF experimental artillery take a REALLY LONG time to build (even with 15 guys helping and enough resources)?
It does. But once it's done, it's like launching a mininuke very often. Your opponent will be occupied either trying to take it down or building enough shield generators to weather the storm.
Didn't cross my mind when i replied, but were you using engineers or scdrs, because scdrs are alot faster at putting up experimental units, especially with the 'suite upgrade.

MagiCandy wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

MagiCandy wrote:

I'm never going to play an 81x81km sized map anymore...I don't find it very fun watching the bombers fly to his base in oh...5 minutes
Use the 'numberpad +' to speed things up.
Can't speed up multiplayer games.
You should be able if the user put the speed option on adjustable what I know or at least that's possible in Skirmish. You can pick like normal, fast or adjustable.

But yea those BIIIIIIIIIIIIG maps are quite anoying to play.

The time it takes for you to send all your units down to their other base only means you got a 3x times larger army when the reach the base. XD

Oh and people do try to build the Arty cannon on the Experimental units. Just gather like 20+ lvl 3 Engineers to just speed it up somewhat and build like 5-6 of them. They are GODlike XD They just don't miss moving targets.

Zefar wrote:

MagiCandy wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Use the 'numberpad +' to speed things up.
Can't speed up multiplayer games.
You should be able if the user put the speed option on adjustable what I know or at least that's possible in Skirmish. You can pick like normal, fast or adjustable.

But yea those BIIIIIIIIIIIIG maps are quite anoying to play.

The time it takes for you to send all your units down to their other base only means you got a 3x times larger army when the reach the base. XD

Oh and people do try to build the Arty cannon on the Experimental units. Just gather like 20+ lvl 3 Engineers to just speed it up somewhat and build like 5-6 of them. They are GODlike XD They just don't miss moving targets.
Just make sure you surround your cannons with shield generators before you invest too much buildage into them. And use your sCDR's. They build a shit load faster than '3e's. Nothing quite like pumping out cybran '4arty's in quick succession.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-03-01 09:15:30)

Say wat!?
Well im back after my 3 day ban for posting a pic of supreme commander that happened to be on-topic... anyway...

Ive been playing a nother guy at my uni, and i have to say some people have a lot to learn, i beat him 3 times now, no matter what way i win be it t1 rush, t3 rush, turtle, he complains about the way i play. lol

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