I've got an idea on how to solve this:
In the USA, isn't there a law against descecrating the flag? If that's the case, then put up a flag on the offended lady's house somehow (Is it ok with a stapler?). Then, if she removes it violently, as I believe she might be inclined to do that, you just send the police on her.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
I am Australian, but if it were here and that lady told me to pull the Australian Flag down I would rip her a new one. There is no chance I would take it down.
if its the doorstep of the whole building, then they should be able to decide as a group how its decorated. if we are talking about someones personal door step then by all means decorate it as you will.

Elamdri wrote:

...geez, way to open a can of worms....

gg stupid lady, gg
That's like offending a group of dutch Marines in a Scandinavian bar.
Americans, just when you thought you heard it all, another weirdo pop's up.
I'd say, put her over the border into Canada, Mexico, or even better, the Atlantic.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

Political correctness run rampant.

If you wish to fly your country's flag in your country, by all means, go for it. Don't let anybody tell you not to.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Re: The flag.

The woman's neighbour should buy A)A bottle of whiskey, B)A linkin park, simple plan or my chemical romance CD, C)A pack of razors.  If that woman is proud of her country and wants to fly its flag, she should be able to do it without some PC fucktard having a cry about it.  If the neighbour is so offended by the flag of her country of residence she should just fucking leave.

Re: Aussie vs. USA in a war.
Think Iraq.  But more spread out.  And the enemy is much smarter, better armed, and has fought alongside you (Iraq, Afghanistan) and thus knows how you work.  And is a former ally.  An actual ally, the kind that isn't just an ally because they share a border with your latest much shit would the US get for that?  Who would the UK/continental Europe side with?  (at a guess neutral, but hey)  What would the US do about the nukes its got on loan to Australia?  Why the fuck has this subject even been bought up?

Last edited by Pubic (2007-02-05 02:19:03)

+10|6655|San Francisco, CA, USA
This is the way I see it...I believe it is patriotic to be critical of your country and the actions it takes, but I don't believe hating your country is correct. Perhaps this woman does not hate America, but feels that the flag is a symbol of blind patriotism, which is bad. However, she's making an assumption which is probably not true. Whether you agree or disagree, you have to stand behind your country to make it work and there is no problem with showing your pride with a flag. ESPECIALLY when you have loved ones fighting for every decision a country makes, for better or for worse. If she can't recognize that, I do not believe she belongs here. If anyone hates the country they live in but do not see the benefits it provides, they do not deserve to be a citizen.

People make the mistake of perceiving America and many other (especially western) countries as places that everyone can go and create their own micronation. NOT TRUE....if you're in a country, you must assimilate to some degree to make a cohesive nation. The multicultural values are great and should definitely exist and be respected, but as long as anyone calls themselves American through and through, I will call them my countryman. This applies to anyone in any country.

Edit - I hope she keeps the flag at whatever cost.

Last edited by ryanv12 (2007-02-05 02:25:43)


deeznutz1245 wrote:

Ok, as many of you know I am a former Marine. I am also in the American Legion Post #40 in East Windsor, CT. Tonight I was attending a super bowl party at the Legion Hall and a petition came across the table. I began to read the petition and almost lost my mind. A woman in town who is a widower, owns a condo and has an American Flag mounted on her porch. Her late husband is a Veteran and her son is currently serving in Iraq so she is especially patriotic. A woman (neighbor) is protesting her having the Flag on display and the Condo Association has told her to remove it. The Condo Association rules state that you are allowed to have flags no larger than a certain size (this one is within regulation) if they do not impose a threat or likewise offend any other Condo owners. This particular woman says she is "offended" and wants it gone. She is refusing to remove it and I dont blame her. Our local news station is supposed to go there this week so when they do I will provide a link if there is one available but I wanted to hear your thoughts on this before hand. My thoughts: Fuck that bitch, hippy fucking dueche bag anti American whore. She feels she is offended that the Flag is there, I would feel equally offended if it wasnt. I do not know the womans ethnicity or political affiliation but I swear to God if she is a fucking Muslim I am going to go apeshit. Discuss.
And then you have city governments after guys waving branch flags around because they're an 'eyesore' (and the giant Burger King billboard next to them is not). Welcome to America...

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-05 02:30:58)

=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6815|Houston, TX

R3v4n wrote:

Flecco wrote:

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Actually, I'm not provoked.  But yes, you are right that he is after that sort of reaction.  That only works on 12 year olds though...I'm way past that in my life.

Uranium deposits are worthless without the ability to turn it into weapon grade material.   I believe there are something like 6,000 nuclear warheads in the world.  All but 100 or so are in the U.S. or Russia.
We could have the ability if we wanted it. As it is, the government is pushing for more reactors.
And to add to it, We were the first force to stop the jap's in WWII and they were conscripts that did it.  We live on an island that is heavily defended,  We have the same up-to-date tech as the US.  F35's, Eurocopters,  Kit weapons.  There are 22 million of us and you think you can take us?  Our defense force is regarded very highly among the world, higher then the US (no offense).
I never doubted your military capabilites, or the Australian's militaries' effectiveness in combat.  I merely said that numbers don't lie.  My state in the U.S. has a higher population than your entire country.  Anyways, this has gotten way sidetracked, and should never have turned into a U.S.A. VS Australia pissing match.  I just want to know how one person can claim that Australia owns all other countries.
+123|6777| Heaven
A lot of Americans think they own everyone. And they now they think they owe America.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

This is what happens when liberals make rules.
So, you've spoken to the landlord then?  Or are you just making an ass of youself like usual?
What country do you live in?  Trust me, this is the work of liberal pussies.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

This is what happens when liberals make rules.
So, you've spoken to the landlord then?  Or are you just making an ass of youself like usual?
What country do you live in?  Trust me, this is the work of liberal pussies.
He's from Japan.

And it's only a flag.  Get over it.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

And it's only a flag.  Get over it.
ORly?  Funny you should say that.  Here in the states, I see many people who work here from the UK who have their flag EVERYWHERE...way more than any American.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

And it's only a flag.  Get over it.
ORly?  Funny you should say that.  Here in the states, I see many people who work here from the UK who have their flag EVERYWHERE...way more than any American.
Well good for them.  Still doesn't distract from the fact its only a flag.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

Well good for them.  Still doesn't distract from the fact its only a flag.
If it is only a flag, what is the point of them having it everywhere?
Death by Indecency

usmarine2007 wrote:

TigerXtrm wrote:

Maybe, maybe not. But I can't think of anything thats going on right now which would make me proud to be American. But if you do I'd love to hear it.
Lets talk about your country.

How is your space program?  Any satellites or planet exploration?

How are you car manufacturers?

Any good airplanes produced?
Okay I'll just respond to this and then I think I'm gonna drop it, since counter views are obviously welcomed with loaded shotguns around here...

The flag of the United States of America stands primarily for freedom, liberty and rights given to you by your constitution and Declaration of Independence. Your flag doesn't stand for space programs, car manufacturers or airplane companies so keep them out of your crazy list of things to be proud off... Seriously are you proud of your entire country because you have a Boeing factory around the corner? Good thinking mate...

The point I tried to make entirely may shock some people, but is true whether you like it or not. Everything that flag stands for is gone.
Freedom? You lost it after 9/11, dispite what people might think, putting a building there and calling it the freedom tower isn't gonna give it back to you. Your government is allowed to tap your phone, track your creditcard records, track what you do online, track what your kids do in school and what your husband does when he's out getting icecream and they don't even need a valid reason to do so. On top of that, they may arrest you and hold you even if you are somehow indirectly suspected of terrorism. If thats freedom then thanks but no thanks. You're being imprisoned by your own government at this point.
Also rights given to you by the constitution and the Declaration of Independance have slowly started vanishing. Separation of church and state for example has been thrown out the window years ago. Taxes have been trough the roof there as far as I know and gas prices apparently are even worse then over here.
What about the right to have the people vote for their leader as it is given in, I think, the constitution? Both elections were rigged, which has been pretty much proven, so thats not a right you have anymore either.

In the traditional sense of the values of America, do you have anything left to be proud off? Knowing what that flag represents, do you still believe you are putting out on your porch in good faith and that everything that flag stands for is still upheld? If so, you are mistaking, just like that patriotic woman who is just blindly patriotic, like someone else put it for me so nicely.
And yes of course, being the people living under that flag it is your duty to make sure those morals are upheld at all times. But I don't see any of you extreme pro Americans do anything to fix it. Maybe because you deny everything I just said is true, or maybe because you are to cowardly to step up and choose to hide behind a flag instead. I don't care for the reason, but the things that flag stands for have been lost a long time ago, and I stand by my opinion of that.

Now, I hope I'm gonna get some mature responses to this because I'm not even gonna pay attention to all you 'OMG LOSER ANTI AMERICAN FAG' idiots. If you have a valid counter point to make and you can make it in a mature fashion, then please do so. Otherwise, don't waste my time.

+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio
Don't start shit if you want a "mature" response.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Well good for them.  Still doesn't distract from the fact its only a flag.
If it is only a flag, what is the point of them having it everywhere?
Go ask them.

(Yes indeed ladies, I am a brit.  Wanna fuck?)
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Well good for them.  Still doesn't distract from the fact its only a flag.
If it is only a flag, what is the point of them having it everywhere?
Go ask them.

(Yes indeed ladies, I am a brit.  Wanna fuck?)
If it is just a flag, why do your friends always burn them on TV? 

Oh..and those guys need more than a flag.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

If it is only a flag, what is the point of them having it everywhere?
Go ask them.

(Yes indeed ladies, I am a brit.  Wanna fuck?)
If it is just a flag, why do your friends always burn them on TV? 

Oh..and those guys need more than a flag.
My homeboyz like to burn flags cos it pisses off you dyed cloth lovers muppets.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Go ask them.

(Yes indeed ladies, I am a brit.  Wanna fuck?)
If it is just a flag, why do your friends always burn them on TV? 

Oh..and those guys need more than a flag.
My homeboyz like to burn flags cos it pisses off you dyed cloth lovers muppets.
Are you in college or high school?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

If it is just a flag, why do your friends always burn them on TV? 

Oh..and those guys need more than a flag.
My homeboyz like to burn flags cos it pisses off you dyed cloth lovers muppets.
Are you in college or high school?
Tell me why you are so attached to a piece of cloth?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

Tell me why you are so attached to a piece of cloth?
After you answer me.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Tell me why you are so attached to a piece of cloth?
After you answer me.
I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more educated than you.

And im not attached to any cloth.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Tell me why you are so attached to a piece of cloth?
After you answer me.
I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more educated than you.

And im not attached to any cloth.
College?  Graduate school?

And being more educated than me is not something to be proud of.  I know two things, Airplanes and Marines.

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