
Do claymores suck?

No, they are part of battlefield243%43% - 143
Yes23%23% - 78
You suck14%14% - 49
Hilary Clinton8%8% - 27
Coca-cola6%6% - 20
wtf?3%3% - 13
Total: 330
+6|6453|The Battlefield
I use clays commonly as i like the sniper role ( but i'm a gold medic )
I find them very useful... with those toys a sniper can continue to concentrate on a direction because he knows he is protected behind....that's an advantage.

I also put them to defend flags , but not under the flag... for example in the palace in Warlord or in TV Staion in Sharqi , in critical defense points. They save tickets
Find your center.

And YOU SUCK is coming in a close tie with second place, YES!
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
+55|6841|Indianapolis, IN, U.S.

CommieChipmunk wrote:

I <3 claymores and everything, but they should be like they are in PR, where you actually have to detonate them.
I whole heartedly agree. At least then it would be more realistic.

LT.Victim wrote:

I fucking hate it when people make like 6 options in the poll when all you need is 2. Yes or no.

If you ever want the poll to actually show results, that how you make one.
QFT - Everybody thinks they are fucking hilarious and pick the random options...
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6808|Lancaster Ohio, USA
The thing I hate about the claymores themselves is their inconsistent detonation range, I can be like 10 feet from one and it blows up, ok I was too close god-damn claymore, re spawn, oh look there's a claymore over there about 30 feet away, it blows up I die, what the fuck? Also when I see one, I stop and then the god-damn thing blows up, after I stop, and I'm the only poor son-of-a-bitch around. Most of all though I hate claymore suicide runs, that seriously pisses me off, I want go through my damn computer screen and the seriously beat the hell out of the person that does that, fight me like a damn man. That's my two cents.
+100|6652|State of RETOXification
75% of the time I claymore my ladders and hiding spaces only.

The other 25% is for sanity saving asshatery and I'm proud of it!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
As bad as claymoring is in BF2 it is nothing compared to how bad it is in Medieval 2 Total War

Last edited by doctastrangelove1964 (2007-02-01 18:06:32)

+105|6784|Lexington, KY
I have said it once, and will say it again.  Most people do not try to adapt to claymores and complain against them.  Quit using the easiest, and more popular way to get to a flag, and start adapting.  Claymores are weapons that are used to defend, either this be a flag, or the sniper.  Any good player would learn to adapt and aviod claymores. 

If this was patch 1.3, I would tell you that they do suck since snipers could lay as many as then wanted, but they are only allowed two now.  If you can not predict where those two claymores may be at then you should not complain. 

I also do not approve of snipers that run and lay them down while in a gun fight so that they will kill you after you have killed them.  I have used them for defence in a gun battled, for example run around the corner, lay one behind me, and defend the other side with my pistol.  Then a noob runs into the claymore, and calls me a claywhore.  I was using them as they are designed, not abusing them like other snipers do.

Overall, do not complain, adapt and get over it.
+163|6799|Odessa, Ukraine
Claymores were perfect in patch 1.12 ; DICE had only to make AT mines invulnerable to explosions . Atleast you had chances against claymore . Now - you see it and if you are stucked because of it you now it is the two possible ways -
1) wait untill it will dissapear ( fucking too long )
2) die and give a claywhore his fucking frag .
+127|6498|Twyford, UK

Longbow wrote:

Claymores were perfect in patch 1.12 ; DICE had only to make AT mines invulnerable to explosions . Atleast you had chances against claymore . Now - you see it and if you are stucked because of it you now it is the two possible ways -
1) wait untill it will dissapear ( fucking too long )
2) die and give a claywhore his fucking frag .
Option 3: Send someone else over it.
Option 4: Go around and enter another way.
rapes face
Yeah. Claymores shouldn't even be in BF2, imo.
They don't suck. They blow                                                                              up.
Real Хорошо
+826|6672|Adelaide, South Australia

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

As bad as claymoring is in BF2 it is nothing compared to how bad it is in Medieval 2 Total War
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 3bce79.png
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 92bfa8.png
If I place them, No
If I don't, yes
The Photographer.
+81|6857|Central Valley,California
They are part of Battlefield 2 but abused, that's what is sad.
Cylons' my kinda frak
The only reason people complain about Claymores, is because they get killed by them.

Well get over it.

Claymores are a snipers' only protection. You take em away is just like taking the re-supply ability from Support.

It's your own fault you get killed by them. If you see a sniper on a roof, walk slowly up the ladder and check for claymores.
There are ways to get around them. It's not a damn one way street.
Dropped on request

Macca wrote:

Claymores are a snipers' only protection. You take em away is just like taking the re-supply ability from Support.
Oh I don't know. I think you forgot about their fucking gun.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6874|Sydney, Australia

arson wrote:

Let the gaymore spammers have their cheap kill.... think of that little retarded kid out there who just wet his pants because he finally got a "no skill" kill.
Wow, what an informed post.

I have put claymores to good effect in actually attacking (!) a flag. As a sniper, most enemy players will take delight when they see you...

...this is when you duck around the corner and lay a claymore. Hell, if they are stupid enough to follow, they deserve it.

I do, however, hate claymores when it is blatantly obvious that it is there, but some jackass still TKs on it to mess your points up.

Fantasma Parastasie
claymores are not part of Battlefield 2. They were introduced because of the stupidity of the player base. Claymores are supposed to kill teammates and blow up when they hit by a couple of kilotons worth of TNT from an F-15. It was never DICE's intention to make a claymore a weapon to be used as flag defence, let alone OFFENSIVE use (claymore suiciders).

Claymores are meant to cover a snipers ass when he's is sniping said body part of the enemy. I do not mind a claymore guarding a sniper who is actually sniping. That's what they're for. I do mind idiots who use them for any other purpose, and regularly harass them untill they have a mental breakdown, scream at me, and disconnect.


Last edited by SargeV1.4 (2007-02-02 04:26:05)

Hilary Clinton. I mean cmon, she has more claymores than anybody on BF2.
Aiming for the head
+88|6702|EUtopia | Austria
It's just lame that many snipers actually use them as an attack weapon and build deadly traps instead of just sheltering themselves with them. Oh hell, but there are few snipers left who snipe long-range anyway.

CruZ4dR wrote:

Zero!. wrote:

they shud either be used for flag defends or self defence
Flag defends? Are you mad? Only self defence. It's retarded to place these "intelligent" mines on own flags so that they can take out the enemy while you whore another place. They are only to protect your own back. Period.
Flags = life. Therefore it's good to use them for flag defence. You don't agree that's fine; you play the kit your way other people will play it theirs.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Claymores are supposed to kill teammates and blow up when they hit by a couple of kilotons worth of TNT from an F-15.
What about mines?

SargeV1.4 wrote:

It was never DICE's intention to make a claymore a weapon to be used as flag defence, let alone OFFENSIVE use (claymore suiciders).
So? What's your point?

I'm 100% sure it wasn't Dice's intention to make the medic kit so strong. And yet, strangely, we don't get posts from people week in week out complaining about it.

The medic kit gets the ability to heal itself after every encounter, if necessary, while having some of the best full-auto guns in the game, and the ability to rack up lots of team points (also good for the team undeniably). The sniper kit is usually played with a single-shot weapon that has very little ammo so it needs something to balance it out (you vaguely remember that idea... balance... right?) and as we all know this only helps to approach parity, it doesn't nearly compensate enough, now does it? No it doesn't, otherwise the medic kit wouldn't be the #1 infantry choice among point whores and competitive players.

It was never Dice's intention to make the J-10 practically invincible on Wake.

It was never Dice's intention that players should be able to avoid enemy fire by exploiting movement dynamics.

I do believe that anyone who has taken advantage of any of those things shouldn't really be preaching about how other people should play the game.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Claymores are meant to cover a snipers ass when he's is sniping said body part of the enemy.
Nice subtle dig there.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I do not mind a claymore guarding a sniper who is actually sniping.
And yet you'll use any opportunity to say that players shouldn't snipe, period. Sniping is not one thing, the kit can be used in multiple ways.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I do mind idiots who use them for any other purpose, and regularly harass them untill they have a mental breakdown, scream at me, and disconnect.
Oh aren't you the hero. Pull the wings off flies and pinch puppies too?

SargeV1.4 wrote:

claymores are not part of Battlefield 2. They were introduced because of the stupidity of the player base.... IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED BATTLEFIELD 2 BEFORE 1.2, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING RELATING TO IT.
How 'bout no.

And stop living in the past; the game has changed, get over it or go back to CS... in fact didn't you say you weren't going to play BF2 any more after 1.4? So were you just posting that to get attention or what?

P.S. you don't have to SHOUT! just because you think your opinion counts more than others'.
I have a serious question for those of you that think that using claymores offensively is cheap and lame; not overusing them, just offensive use.

You spawn at a flag that's being attacked and sucky luck, there are three players running your way; we'll say around 4m from you. Pick their classes yourself but all armed with automatic weapons.

If you were support you'd drop to the ground and try to mow them down with your PKM or whatever.

If you were medic you'd probably drop to the ground and try to mow them down with your AK or whatever (I won't be an ass and suggest you'd drop two and then hop around a corner to heal before taking on the last guy)

So we're agreed the goal is to kill the enemy, without dying, right?

Now imagine the same scenario exactly but you're playing sniper (for just a second forget that you don't like the kit and think nobody should play it ). Your desire hasn't altered: you'd still want to, and should, kill the enemy, preferably without getting killed yourself.

Regardless of kit the goal of the moment remained the same: kill the enemy without getting killed yourself. Different means at your disposal so you use what you got; and don't come back with any of this, "You should have used your rifle, pistol and grenades." crap. Lemme see you do it FFS! Unless you're one of the best players out there (and you don't get zoom lag, and you have reliable hitreg) you're not going to be able to zoom and get three headshots boom boom boom before getting smoked, even if you were armed with the SVD or the Type 88. So instead you drop a claymore in their path and beat a retreat, maybe selecting grenades as you run and toss one back from where you came.

So the questions is: is there really that much difference between the three tactics? If the other three guys end up dead and you're still around that's good for your team. Bad for them and they're probably furious about getting killed that way but that's their problem, just like it would be if you tossed a 'nade into a flag getting captured and happen to kill three guys.
Gaymores are for faggots. Running around throwing them at your feet is idiotic. People that do that should be castrated with a dull butter knife.
Cylons' my kinda frak
Snipers only get 2 Claymores....

Spec Ops gets 5 wads of  C4.

What the hell are you complaining about?

Last edited by Macca (2007-02-02 15:50:27)

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