Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK
Wow according to anonymous karma I'm a paki lover.  Guess I /fail for not hating people who are a different race

So 1 of my best friends is Indian, another Chinese, a couple are Muslim.  Don't know anyone from Pakistan so have no opinion of them other than if they're here paying taxes, working hard and being a decent member of society i don't give a shit, they're welcome to live here.  Thats more of a contribution than the white trash benefit claiming scum who do nothing but leech from society, steal and vandalize other peoples hard earned stuff.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

crimson_grunt wrote:

Wow according to anonymous karma I'm a paki lover.  Guess I /fail for not hating people who are a different race

So 1 of my best friends is Indian, another Chinese, a couple are Muslim.  Don't know anyone from Pakistan so have no opinion of them other than if they're here paying taxes, working hard and being a decent member of society i don't give a shit, they're welcome to live here.  Thats more of a contribution than the white trash benefit claiming scum who do nothing but leech from society, steal and vandalize other peoples hard earned stuff.
It wasn't me.

usmarine2007 wrote:

Who cares if someone hates muslims?  I hate most muslims, or do not trust them for that matter.  If you are going to preach acceptance, accept my view and don't be a hypocrite.
That figures. You post nothing but anti-muslim, 'USA! USA! USA! Let's kick some fucking arab ass! We are the best! Woooooh for me!' nonsense. You only serve to have the decent respectable Americans like Kmarion, ThomasMorgan, unnamednewbie13, GunSlinger OIF II, Pug, KEN-JENNINGS and the rest frowned upon/lambasted by the equally stupid less discerning non-American people out there who are also fond of generalisations. Your paranoid over-hyped desire for pointless self-perpetuating cycles of violence (for which viable alternatives exist) sicken me.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-17 15:30:51)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

crimson_grunt wrote:

Wow according to anonymous karma I'm a paki lover.  Guess I /fail for not hating people who are a different race

So 1 of my best friends is Indian, another Chinese, a couple are Muslim.  Don't know anyone from Pakistan so have no opinion of them other than if they're here paying taxes, working hard and being a decent member of society i don't give a shit, they're welcome to live here.  Thats more of a contribution than the white trash benefit claiming scum who do nothing but leech from society, steal and vandalize other peoples hard earned stuff.
pm an admin.  They can trace the karma to the offending racist.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

ATG wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

Wow according to anonymous karma I'm a paki lover.  Guess I /fail for not hating people who are a different race

So 1 of my best friends is Indian, another Chinese, a couple are Muslim.  Don't know anyone from Pakistan so have no opinion of them other than if they're here paying taxes, working hard and being a decent member of society i don't give a shit, they're welcome to live here.  Thats more of a contribution than the white trash benefit claiming scum who do nothing but leech from society, steal and vandalize other peoples hard earned stuff.
It wasn't me.
Yeah i know.  You put your name on the last one.  Besides you couldn't have karmad me again so quickly there's a daily limit.
Hey guys, guess what, none of the approximately over 2000 muslims attending the Dearborn Public School District have ever killed another student in one of my schools. Surprising? No, not at all.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

jonsimon wrote:

Hey guys, guess what, none of the approximately over 2000 muslims attending the Dearborn Public School District have ever killed another student in one of my schools. Surprising? No, not at all.
And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?

( sound of crickets )

Last edited by ATG (2007-01-17 15:32:32)


ATG wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Hey guys, guess what, none of the approximately over 2000 muslims attending the Dearborn Public School District have ever killed another student in one of my schools. Surprising? No, not at all.
And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?

( sound of crickets )
LOL. What have you done ATG?

What have I done about the IRA?

What has Kmarion done about the KKK?

What has crimson_grunt done about the BNP?

etc., etc.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-17 15:39:13)

Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

ATG wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Hey guys, guess what, none of the approximately over 2000 muslims attending the Dearborn Public School District have ever killed another student in one of my schools. Surprising? No, not at all.
And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?
I don't think thats a school kids job to stand up to hate preachers that task belongs to the grown ups.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

ATG wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Hey guys, guess what, none of the approximately over 2000 muslims attending the Dearborn Public School District have ever killed another student in one of my schools. Surprising? No, not at all.
And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?

( sound of crickets )
What would you like them to do?  go on provide some inspiration.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

m3thod wrote:

ATG wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Hey guys, guess what, none of the approximately over 2000 muslims attending the Dearborn Public School District have ever killed another student in one of my schools. Surprising? No, not at all.
And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?

( sound of crickets )
What would you like them to do?  go on provide some inspiration.
As I said before, they need to be writting a lot of letter to newspaper, doing a lot of call ins to talk radio, write editorials.

Ya know, do something, anything to demonstrate that they are the mainstream.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6801|Menlo Park, CA

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Those muslims in the video maybe a "minority" in Great Britain. . . .scary might I add, even if they are the minority. . .

However those thoughts, sayings, and ideals are very much instilled in Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Pakistani schools/mosques etc. Therefore, radical Islam is very "alive and well" in that part of the world.  The trick is getting these people into the 21st century and adopting more modern ways of dealing with the world community (i.e. abandoning terrorism and jihad as a way of communicating). 

Too bad Europe doesnt seem to give a shit one way or another. . . .that is of course when terrorism strikes their countries in a profound manner. . .

They have a MAJOR muslim immigration problem over there, and its only a matter of time (till they get drilled). . . .
In what way is allowing Muslims to immigrate a MAJOR problem?
Dont get me wrong, I dont have a problem with people immigrating to another country. . . .

What I DO have a problem with, is those immigrants not assimilating, and spewing hate about the country in which they are now living (i.e. that radical Imam in UK).  THAT is the major problem Europe is having to deal with (just ask the French!), and thats a lack of assimilation and cooperation with the immigrants. 

Having this lack of assimilation mixed with the radical side of Islam created a serious problem.  Like I said before, Europe is a powder keg waiting to go off! Its only a matter of time till the muslims in Europe eventually turn on their new nation(s)! YOU WATCH how Europe will react when this eventually DOES happen!

Last edited by fadedsteve (2007-01-17 16:18:49)

Junglist Massive

ATG wrote:

Ya know, do something, anything to demonstrate that they are the mainstream.
What about defending themselves against your nonsense on publicly accessible forum?  I've seen that happening in this very thread.  And I haven't seen any extremists posting, so therefore the current ratio in my personal experience is some to none, or infinity as it's otherwise known.  The ratio of non-extremists to extremists is therefore mathematically infinity in these forums.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

ATG wrote:

m3thod wrote:

ATG wrote:

And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?

( sound of crickets )
What would you like them to do?  go on provide some inspiration.
As I said before, they need to be writting a lot of letter to newspaper, doing a lot of call ins to talk radio, write editorials.

Ya know, do something, anything to demonstrate that they are the mainstream.
Well they do, certainly in the UK, I’ve seen them on BBC/ITV/SKY news, i've heard them on radio 4, I’ve read interview transcripts in the daily broadsheets.  It's just that they don't make such a sensational footprint as say Mr I want to blow up Yankee troops, and as such are readily forgotten.  And anyway it won't count for much really, maybe provide to short term reassurance to people like you....until some neo-con manages to get your blood boiling again.  The problem is ATG you’re not delving deeper enough.  You want short term answers to a long term problem.

Extremism in the UK emanates from social and economic deprivation.  I would know, I have first hand knowledge of it.  I've had them come up to me as a kid and try to convince me to hate the Kuffir.  I’ve seen them outside the mosque as they are not welcome inside.  I've known kids fail at school turn to people associated with extreme views as they provide them with the answers they want to hear.  Moderates can help but they are concentrating on preventing their own kids from turning to the darkside, coupled with the fact they have their own families, jobs and careers to manage and so on and so forth.   Failing schools, poverty, alienation and discrimination feeds the extremists cause, these issues need to be fundamentally addressed by government not Joe moderate.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

fadedsteve wrote:

What I DO have a problem with, is those immigrants not assimilating, and spewing hate about the country in which they are now living (i.e. that radical Imam in UK).  THAT is the major problem Europe is having to deal with (just ask the French!), and thats a lack of assimilation and cooperation with the immigrants.
I agree with that, however I'm seeing a lot of assimilations and next to no spewing hate.  Yeah a few nut jobs preach hate on tv but many many many thousands don't.
Go Ducks.
in response to my first and only post on this thread (page 4), i recieved a karma saying this

"     you fucking muslim CUNT! reading the quran!... wtf! its a book of hate! lots of 15yr olds like you know nothing, you should have been killed at birth.. go fuck your self paki lover. "

Now, i don't know who wrote this... I have a few guesses. If it was a joke, i'd like someone to say so... it WAS in a karma (+1)... so...

If not, i'm very sorry, but you are a fascist, a bigot, and frankly, the reason why the world will not survive much longer. If you consider yourself much different than the people you hate, look again, because you just suggested that I be killed for: my beliefs, expressing my freedom, and being a Muslim (which I am not).
I read the Qur'an when I was 17... I am now 18, but obviously more mature than you, however old you are.

Sending a message like this in a Karma is a move that perfectly exhibits your immaturity. I don't know who you are... it's untracable. If a Mod knows how to trace the karma, i would like to know who it is. I'm not asking for someone to be kicked or Banned from BF2S, because they don't deserve it. I would just like to talk to them.

I'm sorry for you, you obviously don't understand how to be a human being.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

djphetal wrote:

in response to my first and only post on this thread (page 4), i recieved a karma saying this

"     you fucking muslim CUNT! reading the quran!... wtf! its a book of hate! lots of 15yr olds like you know nothing, you should have been killed at birth.. go fuck your self paki lover. "

Now, i don't know who wrote this... I have a few guesses. If it was a joke, i'd like someone to say so... it WAS in a karma (+1)... so...

If not, i'm very sorry, but you are a fascist, a bigot, and frankly, the reason why the world will not survive much longer. If you consider yourself much different than the people you hate, look again, because you just suggested that I be killed for: my beliefs, expressing my freedom, and being a Muslim (which I am not).
I read the Qur'an when I was 17... I am now 18, but obviously more mature than you, however old you are.

Sending a message like this in a Karma is a move that perfectly exhibits your immaturity. I don't know who you are... it's untracable. If a Mod knows how to trace the karma, i would like to know who it is. I'm not asking for someone to be kicked or Banned from BF2S, because they don't deserve it. I would just like to talk to them.

I'm sorry for you, you obviously don't understand how to be a human being.
Yeah probably the same kid who insulted me.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6801|Menlo Park, CA

crimson_grunt wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

What I DO have a problem with, is those immigrants not assimilating, and spewing hate about the country in which they are now living (i.e. that radical Imam in UK).  THAT is the major problem Europe is having to deal with (just ask the French!), and thats a lack of assimilation and cooperation with the immigrants.
I agree with that, however I'm seeing a lot of assimilations and next to no spewing hate.  Yeah a few nut jobs preach hate on tv but many many many thousands don't.
Well, I guess we will just see what happens wont we. 

But I will tell you this. . . I will NOT be surprised if a terrorist act happens as a DIRECT result of radical Islam penetrating itself into moderate muslim communities(in Europe)!
Δ > x > ¥

ATG wrote:

m3thod wrote:

ATG wrote:

And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?

( sound of crickets )
What would you like them to do?  go on provide some inspiration.
As I said before, they need to be writting a lot of letter to newspaper, doing a lot of call ins to talk radio, write editorials.

Ya know, do something, anything to demonstrate that they are the mainstream.
And as I've said before, moderate muslims do that.  But you just won't accept it.  You're going round in circles asking for action and then decrying such action as worthless.
Cheeseburger Logicist

ATG wrote:

m3thod wrote:

ATG wrote:

And what have they done to counter the radical Islamic fanatics making news everyday?

( sound of crickets )
What would you like them to do?  go on provide some inspiration.
As I said before, they need to be writting a lot of letter to newspaper, doing a lot of call ins to talk radio, write editorials.

Ya know, do something, anything to demonstrate that they are the mainstream.
They shouldn't have to prove that they are not extremist. Should you prove that you are not a criminal, by expressing certain views to newspapers and talk radio? Most people cannot be bothered to do this, especially children, because they are trying to live their lives without interference, and are likely bothered because there is suspicion against them. All they need to do is act as normal citizens, which they do. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be enough, and I doubt anything would satisfy you. You insist that they are at fault for not attempting to distinguish themselves- What a ridiculous statement. No one should be forced to complete such a task. Like most people, they likely oppose violence. They are no different than you or I, and we do not need to prove. In their homes, they may decry it. They are not ignoring what occurs. Certainly, they are aware of the current situation in the world of Islam.

To counter Islamic radicals, they are probably the ones within their religion that disapproves of it. They share this disapproval with their fellows, and share their religion as something better than an excuse to violence. But, there is no need to publicize this. Instead, we should be less ignorant than thinking that unless they do distinguish themselves, they must be lacking opposition to radical Islam.

If we do not want the radical minority to incorporate itself into Europe, there must be actions made to make this violence unnecessary.  Perhaps if the quality of life of Muslims increase, there will be less radicals. We can blame the religion all we want, or get suspicious of normal Muslims, but it will accomplish nothing.
GunSlinger OIF II
gotta a few more weeks left here.  learned a whole lot.  like my new mos.  i kick ass.  but honestly, if i felt any ill will towards the muslim population, then i couldnt do my job properly.  i chose a good MOS to change the world, i think.  and the more im in these classes the more i realize i shouldnt be posting anything on this website that doesnt pertain to a computer game.  well, thats my SITREP (back in uniform and im back to milspeak) if anyone is interested.  still got plenty of more time to learn how to prevent the IED's instead of finding the IED's.  peace in the middle east
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

Drakef wrote:

They shouldn't have to prove that they are not extremist. Should you prove that you are not a criminal, by expressing certain views to newspapers and talk radio?
I'd be happy to if someone was trying to hijack my religion or my beliefs, and I would not be offended in doing so. There is nothing wrong with being outspoken against hate.

KKK , fuck those uneducated assholes (And I'm from the south).. feel better .. .

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."....Edmund Burke, an Irish political philosopher
Xbone Stormsurgezz
correct me if i am wrong !!!! according to THE LEFT in America, WE need to understand Islam!! there ARE no Radical Islam..Listen to see what Islam want and thanks i pass on this one, i had live under communist and know what it is like, i am so afraid to find out what life would be like under Islam.........Is there a State in America that only republican live? i would like to move there please........
+374|6677|Columbus, Ohio

CameronPoe wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Who cares if someone hates muslims?  I hate most muslims, or do not trust them for that matter.  If you are going to preach acceptance, accept my view and don't be a hypocrite.
That figures. You post nothing but anti-muslim, 'USA! USA! USA! Let's kick some fucking arab ass! We are the best! Woooooh for me!' nonsense. You only serve to have the decent respectable Americans like Kmarion, ThomasMorgan, unnamednewbie13, GunSlinger OIF II, Pug, KEN-JENNINGS and the rest frowned upon/lambasted by the equally stupid less discerning non-American people out there who are also fond of generalisations. Your paranoid over-hyped desire for pointless self-perpetuating cycles of violence (for which viable alternatives exist) sicken me.
I see you get more mad at what I say and yet you never get mad when insurgents kill need to check yourself.  I never see you post anything about insurgents killing people.  Just anti US babble.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7151|Cologne, Germany

wel, I have seen a lot of posts in which Cam has expressed his anger and disgust about terrorists who kill innocent people.

And I guess the only reason why he only seems to be mad about you, is because the insurgents don't come here to debate their shit...

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