
JahManRed wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
You know, it's amazing how much destruction a miniscule minority of crackpots can bring about. I know you didn't bring up the number in serious thought, but 0.0001% of 1.5 million people is still fifteen individuals.
Should those 15 people mean that the other 15 000 000 should have their freedom eroded? Their civil liberties take away? Surely a competent home land security agency should be able to keep tabs on these 15 people allowing the other 15million to go about their daily lives? Maybe the US military should redirect the trillions spent on assuring "Iraqi Freedom" to ensuring "American Freedom" with some decent homeland security and constitutional protection.
You mean 1,500,000, right? And the 0.0001% figure was whimsical, just so you know. No, I don't advocate stripping the rights of a cultural category, but I also do not advocate ignoring threats posed by elements of these groups. Of course, all this comes down to police and intelligence communities being allowed to do their jobs without fear of some overblown complaint in regards to discrimination.
+21|6669|The Great South Land
How come noone ever differentiates the muslims into their respective countries...

Its always just "the muslims"..

here in Oz there is many muslim nationalities,including,Syrian,Lebanese and Egyptians+many more...but the extremist views,rape, assault and robbery..etc..for the last decade always eminate from the one or two specific community, you never hear from the other ones...bagging them all up dont seem right.. I know direct racism is supposedly zipped, but religious persecusion wont wash either so why go there..

I reckon a FEW of their nations are fugged up and thats why their people are pissed at the West..but also the greed,immorality and hate comin outta the U.s fuels them ALL to the cause....

In politically correct Oz there are many weak people when it comes to international/racial crime/terror issues, but i agree, let the West give them the strong fist..
+5,233|6839|Global Command

djphetal wrote:

ATG wrote:

These are things being said in mainstream mosques in England Cameron.
This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.

Why deny the obvious?
That is NOT mainstream islam! If you haven't checked it out yourself, don't talk about it! As somebody who has read the Qur'an and studied islam, i can tell you that this is NOT what the religion is about. Beliefs like these are very extreme.

The Qur'an itself is not much different than the bible or any other religious text, and people from all religions have views like these.

Go ahead explain how Jihad is a spiritual concept and has nothing to do with murder.
Explain how the passages  calling for the murder of infidels is simply being misunderstood.
Explain how other religions are less tollerant than Islam.

I'm not trying to be unfair, I'd sweep away all religions like plague infected rat droppings.
Islam is simply the worst example of religion gone mad today.

Sorry dood, no offense meant.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7151|Cologne, Germany

I don't know what people are so afraid of. Those are radical extremists, not much different from radical white power movements or other radicals. Criminals, essentially, and they will be dealt with by the police.

Are those groups a threat to western nations in general ? Of course not. They can car-bomb us, or fly planes into high buildings, but what are they going to achieve ? Nothing, I say. They are nothing more than criminals, and they will be dealt with according to the law.

The idea that there is some kind of big-time international radical muslim movement that will one day attack non-muslim western nations is riduculous. What are they supposed to do ? Get into landing boats and cross the meditteranean (sp?) sea ? please...

Or can you imagine Iran attacking China ? laughable..

They don't have the weapons, they don't have the ressources, they don't have the equipment, they don't have the numbers. We buy their freakin' oil. If it wasn't for us, they'd still be living in tents in the desert.

Folks, face the facts. There is no worldwide muslim conspiracy to overthrow the western nations.
What we are seeing are small, isolated terrorist groups that use Islam as a pretext to push their agenda through. What are they going to achieve, I ask you ?

The only thing they can do is push fear in our hearts and force us to give up freedoms that make up the core of democracy as we know it. Freedom of speech, privacy, habeas corpus.

I do hope we won't fall for that.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

fadedsteve wrote:

Too bad Europe doesnt seem to give a shit one way or another. . . .that is of course when terrorism strikes their countries in a profound manner. . .
We don't give a shit?  No, were not cowering in fear every time a person with different colour skin walks past our house and thats a big difference. 

Consider that we've seen a long running terrorist threat ended and it wasn't with guns or bombs so were allowed to be cynical about the current methods being used.  I've seen terrorism all my life on TV, IRA ambushes British soldiers, car bombs in London etc kill innocents.  Did that make me think all the Irish were guilty?  No because it was a fucking minority of people working outside the mainstream beliefs.  The Irish were probably just as scared that the fuckers would kill them if they were a threat.  Same with non extremest Muslims. 

I trust that our army, police, MI5, security services and everyone else working to stop this threat will do their job so i don't have too huddle in terror in the heavily mixed ethnicity estate i live on.

Just for information the only hate and violence I've witness over the last few years have all been by white people.  In fact in the last week my gf had a white guy spit in her face because she saw him assaulting his gf in broad daylight and I saw some chavs (white teen scum) calling the owners of an Indian Takeaway Paki's.  I was impressed that the owners didn't run over and smash their skulls.  The way I perceive it it would like calling an American a Mexican or Canadian.  Seems to me the main people trying to cause fear are the whites.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-01-17 08:08:04)

Troll has returned.

ATG wrote:

Go ahead explain how Jihad is a spiritual concept and has nothing to do with murder.
go read quran. answer is there.

and if you hate hate islam, dont create meaningless topics, just say it.

Last edited by Ottomania (2007-01-17 07:48:51)

+5,233|6839|Global Command

Ottomania wrote:

ATG wrote:

Go ahead explain how Jihad is a spiritual concept and has nothing to do with murder.
go read quran. answer is there.

and if you hate hate islam, dont create meaningless topics, just say it.

I fucking hate Islam and all the conflict it has brought to the world.
I hate Christianity for all the conflict and discrimination it has brought into the world.

I hate politians the most.

Fine. No more Islam threads for a while.
I don't think it's the religion's problem, it's the people. Just compare the ME Muslims and South east Asian Muslims. Big fucking difference. Although it seems a bit racist, but I must say that some people in the ME are FUBAR. They kill because people criticizes their religion, but what has the Muslims in SE Asia done? Pretty much nothing (Except for Bali).

aardfrith wrote:

UON wrote:

The BNP preach an extreme message of racism wherever they can, usually in large community centres.  There is plenty of undercover footage of that.  Does that therefore mean that the entire community in Britain feels the same way, since it was in their community centres? 

That's the logic I'm seeing here.
Thankfully they don't.   My council ward and parliamentary seat are some of their most sought after targets.  The Labour party has seen its vote diminish over the last few years and at the last election, the Lib Dems took it.  Thank God for small mercies.

Fuck the BNP.

At least I can stay anonymous on here.  They have a history of "outing" the activists against them and people who have appeared on their websites have been targeted for violence and robbery.  See www.redwatch.org for more details.

By the way, while I campaign for freedom of speech, these people really push the limits.  I wholly disagree with the message they are peddling but FoS means they should have a voice.   Just so long as no crimes are committed.
White Supremacist scare me far more than any Muslims. And that's coming from a white guy.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

ATG wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

ATG wrote:

Go ahead explain how Jihad is a spiritual concept and has nothing to do with murder.
go read quran. answer is there.

and if you hate hate islam, dont create meaningless topics, just say it.

I fucking hate Islam and all the conflict it has brought to the world.
I hate Christianity for all the conflict and discrimination it has brought into the world.

I hate politians the most.

Fine. No more Islam threads for a while.
Hate gets you nowhere darling.  Hate is why people ram aeroplanes into buildings.  Hate is why countries are invaded without much thought for the consequences.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

ghettoperson wrote:

White Supremacist scare me far more than any Muslims. And that's coming from a white guy.
Yeah it was scary as fuck when people started listening to the xenophobic BNP.  I'm glad they didn't get more votes.

ATG wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

ATG wrote:

Go ahead explain how Jihad is a spiritual concept and has nothing to do with murder.
go read quran. answer is there.

and if you hate hate islam, dont create meaningless topics, just say it.

I fucking hate Islam and all the conflict it has brought to the world.
I hate Christianity for all the conflict and discrimination it has brought into the world.

I hate politians the most.

Fine. No more Islam threads for a while.
You are an anti-islamite and an anti-christianite.

You deserve a ban

+5,233|6839|Global Command

[UTQ]_Ausch88 wrote:

ATG wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

go read quran. answer is there.

and if you hate hate islam, dont create meaningless topics, just say it.

I fucking hate Islam and all the conflict it has brought to the world.
I hate Christianity for all the conflict and discrimination it has brought into the world.

I hate politians the most.

Fine. No more Islam threads for a while.
You are an anti-islamite and an anti-christianite.

You deserve a ban

If I was some shit fo brains simply posting " I hate Islam" then I'd say you are right.
"I fucking hate Islam and all the conflict it has brought to the world."  that is the first time I have ever said that. Notice what it was followed by.
I have tried to make a point. It may be lost on many, or maybe they are tired of hearing it.
I have never said to myself; " hey, this thread idea will make me popular."
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

[TP~Bravo]Wiggy wrote:

Kill them all, take no prisoners.. they've drained our society, raised crime/un-employment/drugs..
Are you talking about muslims or chavs here?  Sounds like chavs imo
A generally unremarkable member
yes we do (its not a problem and IM NOT RACIST)
+72|6892|Scotland's Capital

ghettoperson wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

UON wrote:

The BNP preach an extreme message of racism wherever they can, usually in large community centres.  There is plenty of undercover footage of that.  Does that therefore mean that the entire community in Britain feels the same way, since it was in their community centres? 

That's the logic I'm seeing here.
Thankfully they don't.   My council ward and parliamentary seat are some of their most sought after targets.  The Labour party has seen its vote diminish over the last few years and at the last election, the Lib Dems took it.  Thank God for small mercies.

Fuck the BNP.

At least I can stay anonymous on here.  They have a history of "outing" the activists against them and people who have appeared on their websites have been targeted for violence and robbery.  See www.redwatch.org for more details.

By the way, while I campaign for freedom of speech, these people really push the limits.  I wholly disagree with the message they are peddling but FoS means they should have a voice.   Just so long as no crimes are committed.
White Supremacist scare me far more than any Muslims. And that's coming from a white guy.
With you on that one!!

m3thod wrote:

ATG wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

go read quran. answer is there.

and if you hate hate islam, dont create meaningless topics, just say it.

I fucking hate Islam and all the conflict it has brought to the world.
I hate Christianity for all the conflict and discrimination it has brought into the world.

I hate politians the most.

Fine. No more Islam threads for a while.
Hate gets you nowhere darling.  Hate is why people ram aeroplanes into buildings.  Hate is why countries are invaded without much thought for the consequences.
and hate also turns you too the dark side and created darth vader
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

sfarrar33 wrote:

and hate also turns you too the dark side and created darth vader
Meet the lord Sith
http://mfile.akamai.com/6713/wmv/glennb … 0-06-2.asx

And his loyal subjects

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-01-17 12:40:35)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Say wat!?
I think im going to make a thread "USA has a Anti-Muslim Problem" then just quote you guys...
+52|6801|Perth. Western Australia

Vilham wrote:

I think im going to make a thread "USA has a Anti-Muslim Problem" then just quote you guys...
You can just write down racial or ignorance problem it will dwindle down to the same. Those that pick to blame a whole religion because of a few fanatics should review their thinking. I can just say that all catholics are people who go to burials of dead US soldiers and say they are going to hell all think homosexuals should die etc etc. Judging a whole entire religion because of a bunch of fanatics isn't the way to go.

Im not saying all the US is racist or ignorant just parts of it and there's certainly a lot more of it then I see in different countries.
+25|6961|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
they should jail all the immams/muslims that say these kind of thing and then send them in exile on a remote island or something afterwards. Many muslims are really good people they might be a bit different but non the less good people, but these so called preachers of the true islams should be humiliatet like the girls that sleept with germans in ww2, cut off their hair or something else and then send them to prison where they belong.
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

ATG wrote:

Doods, that footage is from a hidden camera from inside the mosques.
Denial can be fatal.
so can stupidity... dont believe everything you see or read in mainstream media, i study islamology at the univeristy in lund, and cameron is right. not even 0.00001% of muslims in sweden or any other western country would agree with these people! and a mosque can be a whole lot of things, someones garage for instance... what matters is how many people really listen to it... and thats not very many...
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

Vilham wrote:

I think im going to make a thread "USA has a Anti-Muslim Problem" then just quote you guys...
Exploding planes and buildings tend to generate such things.. How about "radical Islam has a anti-Westerner problem" ..lol
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Say wat!?

Kmarion wrote:

Vilham wrote:

I think im going to make a thread "USA has a Anti-Muslim Problem" then just quote you guys...
Exploding planes and buildings tend to generate such things.. How about "radical Islam has a anti-Westerner problem" ..lol
Yeah well done for stating the obvious.

K ill rename to "USA groups all Muslims under one banner"
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Vilham wrote:

I think im going to make a thread "USA has a Anti-Muslim Problem" then just quote you guys...
Exploding planes and buildings tend to generate such things.. How about "radical Islam has a anti-Westerner problem" ..lol
Yeah well done for stating the obvious.

K ill rename to "USA groups all Muslims under one banner"
Sure thing then I can make one "Vilham groups all Americans under one banner".
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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