Δ > x > ¥

ATG wrote:

Bottom line; there is a lot of denial going around. It's a disease. Like religion.
There is a lot of denial going around.  It's mostly Lowing and yourself denying the truth that we who live here can see with our very own eyes.  There is no more of a "muslim problem" in Great Britain than there is a "jewish problem" in the US or a "christian problem" in Israel. 

If you want to whip up Islamaphobia, do it in your own country, not mine.

I'm done with this thread now.
The Lizzard
What's funny, is they haven't posted a thread about Australian having an extremist problem when white people here went a lot further than threats.............
Do One Ya Mug !!!
send the buggers back!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6985|Canberra, AUS

Bubbalo wrote:

What's funny, is they haven't posted a thread about Australian having an extremist problem when white people here went a lot further than threats.............
I think it's because no one really cares about it any more (GTA Cronulla FTW)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Junglist Massive

motherdear wrote:

what did they call this documentary anyway, i have to know since i have a project about terror in about a week.
It's called dispatches.

http://www.channel4.com/news/dispatches … _home.html
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q … rch=Search

Last night's one was pretty good, second half of a two parter on the Iraqi death squads.  Basically they provided new evidence that US policy directly led to the bulk of the sectarian violence in Iraq today, by allowing death squads to operate without consequence and supporting corrupt politicians who put existing Shia militias on to the Iraqi government payroll directly with no training and no background checking.  And they showed testimony from many high ranking generals and advisors who have been reassigned or outright sacked when they pointing out the risks of the policies.  One guy had even told Rumsfeld directly and he just shrugged it off as the Iraqi's problem.  They also talked about the secret prisons run by these death squads (or Police Commandos as they are also known) which contain nothing but Sunnis and showed footage from inside.  They talked about the ethnic cleansing going in the mixed Sunni/Shia regions which these police commandos are engaged in, the shooting in hospitals and at check points of people with Sunni names and the tit-for-tat revenge killing / revenge bombing cycle which is going on now that the government has managed to oust all the Sunnis and there is no legimate recourse against the death squads.

Last edited by UON (2007-01-30 14:12:05)


aardfrith wrote:

lowing wrote:

What does a muslim area in Britain have to do with this post and my needing to shut the fuck up??

Instead of trying to censor yet another person you disagree with, how about you address the post?
Read the fucking title of this thread.  It's about Great Britain - if you haven't been to this sceptered isle, if you haven't seen a muslim area in Britain except on a television screen, shut the fuck up because you obviously know nothing about the subject except what your media has seen fit to tell you.

Instead of trying to derail yet another thread, how about you address the topic at hand?

EDIT for the sake of proving a point.  The thread title has been edited.  It started out as Great Britain has a Muslim problem.  I guess someone had a problem with that title and I would bet money they aren't a follower of Islam.
I read the title of the OP, I was responding to subsequent posts, addressed to ME. So why don't you lighten up Francis??

Yeah it isn't the Muslims responsible for the car bombings and Mosque bombings, and market bombings etc......, it is the media doing it. Got it.

A ninth person has been arrested in Birmingham over what senior security sources say was an alleged plot to kidnap a member of the armed forces.

+35|7066|UK - England

JahManRed wrote:

A ninth person has been arrested in Birmingham over what senior security sources say was an alleged plot to kidnap a member of the armed forces.

Somehting you forgot to mention, this armed forces member who they planning on kidnapping and murdering was a british muslim.

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

mcminty wrote:

-   -   -   -   LETS ALL HAVE A MOTHERFUCKIN' TIME OUT   -   -   -   -

Lowing. Have you ever been to an islamic country?

I doubt it.

Those who occasionally pull their heads of of their arses might have noticed I have been away for the last month. During that time I spent 2 weeks in Morocco. An Islamic country.

Your comment is the most disgraceful thing I have read in a very long time. Now I understand that you have no fucking clue as to what the religion is about. It's a shame that so many people are uneducated in this area. If they were, this viewpoint might not exist and the world would be a better place.

Did you know that Muslims not only believe in their religion, but all others before it. Islam was founded about 600 AD. It is believed that Islam is in improvement on the older religions, so they must believe in them as well. So part of their "bullshit ideology" is to believe in Christianity?

You also wrongly believe the religion itself says to badly treat women. That is utter bullshit. It is said, on the topic of dress, that both men and women shall dress in a modest sense. What you see in the news, from countries like Afghanistan where women are fully covered up, is part of LOCAL TRIBAL CUSTOMS.

The stuff I see on the news was a far cry from what I saw in Morocco... oh my god, they are both Islamic. Ergo, it is not the religion that treats women like that, but the local customs.


EDIT: Humor me lowing.. truthfully, how old are you?
Nope never been to an Islamic country.

You going on a vacation as a tourist hardly makes you a expert on Islam

I have a clue as to what is being done in the name of their religion, and that the Muslim community ISN'T doing anything about it. Christianity has its radicals as well, it is called the KKK and the "moderate level headed Christians, stomp a mud hole in the KKK's ass every time they stick their heads out. They have been completely disarmed by moderation. If the radical belief is sooooooo small, why is it not being stomped out by the so called moderate Muslims??

This world would be a better place without Islamic terrorists.

I couldn't care less about the history of Islam, it has no bearing on current events

Are you going to tell me that women in Islamic nations are not treated as second class citzens and have very few rights as compared to the men??

If it matters, I am 40. Now what?
And you view Muslims as SECOND CLASS HUMANS? You are, to be perfectly honest, not far from being a neo-Nazi.

And have you fucking EVER fucking heard of Indonesia? Have you heard of how THEY'RE dealing with the terrorist problem? How they've done it QUITE SUCCESSFULLY? And that they fucking treat women as equals (hell, the last Indonesian president was female, albeit quite a lazy one AFAIK)? And how they're the fucking biggest Islamic nation in the world?

Ignorance must truly be bliss for this attitude to run through.

EDIT: Damn. In hindsight, the last time I exploded like this is when I went off at Jamdude... (see sig)
No I do not view Muslims as "second class citizens" perhaps you can show when I said that. I don't give 2 shits about Muslims any more than they give 2 shits about us. I hate terrorism period. I hate Timothy Mcviegh. I don't give a shit where it is coming from. I despise anyone or group that tries to deny or actually denies the persuit of life liberty and happiness from anyone period. If it is radical islamic factions so be it. If it is the KKK, them to as soon as act up again, if ever. Groups like these need to be hunted down and put to sleep, not appeased or negotiated with. Why is my point of view on this so hated by you all??

by the way, Indonesia's fight against terrorism doesn't seem to be as rosey as you make out.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:T … _Indonesia

Last edited by lowing (2007-01-31 14:58:03)

+5,233|6839|Global Command

lowing wrote:

Spark wrote:

EDIT: Damn. In hindsight, the last time I exploded like this is when I went off at Jamdude... (see sig)
Sub cuts off letters  Sup doesn't  Superscript ftw
+123|6774| Heaven
(whats so) Great Britain does have a Muslim problem. Maybe just an extremist problem but a problem none the less. Just look at the news, war death etc. mostly Muslim, but we are talking about the UK. First things first, I am English but my great grand parents on side were Irish (hence the the surname Toomey) and Iraqi on the other (hhmmm nice mix).
I am not a racist of any sort, if I hate you it's because you deserve it.
The problem here is quite small at the moment but will increase over the years. Muslims owe their allegiance to the Koran and not any country, a lot more younger Muslims want to introduce Shai Law to this country and I am sure some will fight (violently) to achieve that aim. (there was survey done here in the UK sometime this week, check the BBC website it's there somewhere).

Not all Muslims are bad the vast majority aren't , some are the friendliest people I have ever met and wish me no harm. But some do not want to integrate to our society but wish to change us to their way of life (in the Bible you are told to spread the word, Christian missionary's anyone).

Did we have a Communist problem since WW2. Yes, does not mean all communists were bad.

What I would like to see are the Muslims that are opposed to the extremist element doing something about it. If the extremist Muslims can hold a rally in London condemning the pictures of the Mohamed why can't the mainstream Muslim majority hold a similar rally opposing what these extremists are doing in their name.

And I haven't (unless someone can show me a link) heard one single Imam saying these killers will go to hell as murder is (so) called against their religion.

Thanks for your time.

Last edited by commissargizz (2007-02-01 09:48:34)

Troll has returned.

ATG wrote:

These are things being said in mainstream mosques in England Cameron.
This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.

Why deny the obvious?
next time please dont blame all for the actions of some supercharged ignorants.
+123|6774| Heaven
Next time you see Muslim friends ask them this question. If we (Europe and the US) went to war against say a MEC, would they fight for their country or with fellow followers of their religion?

I am trying to stir things up here ( I actually dislike the UK tremendously) I would like to know.

Would any one like to do a survey?
+2|6623|Geordie Land
Commissargizz, as someone has already stated today the soldier in question IS a Britsh Muslim in service.

So at least one then?
+5,233|6839|Global Command

Ottomania wrote:

ATG wrote:

These are things being said in mainstream mosques in England Cameron.
This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.

Why deny the obvious?
next time please dont blame all for the actions of some supercharged ignorants.
Islam is a religion hell bent on world wide domination. Thanks for asking me nicely, but no, I can't help you as things stand now.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

ATG wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

ATG wrote:

These are things being said in mainstream mosques in England Cameron.
This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.

Why deny the obvious?
next time please dont blame all for the actions of some supercharged ignorants.
Islam is a religion hell bent on world wide domination. Thanks for asking me nicely, but no, I can't help you as things stand now.
LOL, you're so wrong i fear for your mental state, you're scare mongering is not only absolutely rubbish it nothing short of pathetic.

Extremists are using the name of Islam to kill 'infidels'.  GET IT RIGHT.

World domination? You need to stop focusing on Ming the Merciless when you sit down to watch defenders of the Earth.

(BTW Phantom Ruled ass)

Last edited by m3thod (2007-02-01 16:16:19)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Cheeseburger Logicist

commissargizz wrote:

Next time you see Muslim friends ask them this question. If we (Europe and the US) went to war against say a MEC, would they fight for their country or with fellow followers of their religion?

I am trying to stir things up here ( I actually dislike the UK tremendously) I would like to know.

Would any one like to do a survey?
Firstly, most people, including Muslims, would prefer not to fight at all. They want to live peacefully.

Secondly, Muslims who have come to the West are mostly in favour of the better living standards in our nations. Likely, they would not want to reduce these standards.
The Lizzard

commissargizz wrote:

Next time you see Muslim friends ask them this question. If we (Europe and the US) went to war against say a MEC, would they fight for their country or with fellow followers of their religion?

I am trying to stir things up here ( I actually dislike the UK tremendously) I would like to know.

Would any one like to do a survey?
The same question could be asked of Christians.  And the answer would probably be the same: if my religion were persecuted, I would defend it.

Bubbalo wrote:

commissargizz wrote:

Next time you see Muslim friends ask them this question. If we (Europe and the US) went to war against say a MEC, would they fight for their country or with fellow followers of their religion?

I am trying to stir things up here ( I actually dislike the UK tremendously) I would like to know.

Would any one like to do a survey?
The same question could be asked of Christians.  And the answer would probably be the same: if my religion were persecuted, I would defend it.
LOL yeah, right!!!
The Lizzard
So you think Christians would just lay down and die?
Junglist Massive
Onward Christian soldiers....

Bubbalo wrote:

So you think Christians would just lay down and die?
Oh no, I meant that YOU, would actually defend something
The Lizzard

lowing wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

So you think Christians would just lay down and die?
Oh no, I meant that YOU, would actually defend something
I'm niether Christian nor Muslim, so the statement had no relevance.
+46|6762|Bradford UK
My uncle was in the brit documentary about the BNP!!!! british national party.  I think hes a fucking legend. he was on tv, he speaks his mind, and i feel we need to in this day and age. lmfao, however i dont agree with racism, i agree in a party wanting what the nationality want whats best for their country. thats my view.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

[=][=]DADDYOFDEATH wrote:

My uncle was in the brit documentary about the BNP!!!! british national party.  I think hes a fucking legend. he was on tv, he speaks his mind, and i feel we need to in this day and age. lmfao, however i dont agree with racism, i agree in a party wanting what the nationality want whats best for their country. thats my view.
When i first heard about the bnp I though they had some valid points but the more i heard the more I could never vote for them as i think they are way too extreme.

Mind you i had a good laugh reading an anti Gay article on their site that claimed if gays were allowed to have partnerships then that would lead to the legalization of bestiality and prostitution

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-02-01 17:26:55)

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