(whats so) Great Britain does have a Muslim problem. Maybe just an extremist problem but a problem none the less. Just look at the news, war death etc. mostly Muslim, but we are talking about the UK. First things first, I am English but my great grand parents on side were Irish (hence the the surname Toomey) and Iraqi on the other (hhmmm nice mix).
I am not a racist of any sort, if I hate you it's because you deserve it.
The problem here is quite small at the moment but will increase over the years. Muslims owe their allegiance to the Koran and not any country, a lot more younger Muslims want to introduce Shai Law to this country and I am sure some will fight (violently) to achieve that aim. (there was survey done here in the UK sometime this week, check the BBC website it's there somewhere).
Not all Muslims are bad the vast majority aren't , some are the friendliest people I have ever met and wish me no harm. But some do not want to integrate to our society but wish to change us to their way of life (in the Bible you are told to spread the word, Christian missionary's anyone).
Did we have a Communist problem since WW2. Yes, does not mean all communists were bad.
What I would like to see are the Muslims that are opposed to the extremist element doing something about it. If the extremist Muslims can hold a rally in London condemning the pictures of the Mohamed why can't the mainstream Muslim majority hold a similar rally opposing what these extremists are doing in their name.
And I haven't (unless someone can show me a link) heard one single Imam saying these killers will go to hell as murder is (so) called against their religion.
Thanks for your time.
Last edited by commissargizz (2007-02-01 09:48:34)