
usmarine2007 wrote:

Some people on here think leaving Iraq would stop all the insurgent attacks.  Some people say because the US is involved in many operation world wide, that is why we (and our allies) are attacked.  They claim that if we just pulled out of every country we are in, terrorism would stop.

If there was a terror attack in Ireland by a group traced to lets say Indonesia, what would Ireland do in your opinion?
Well I'll say some things:

a) I agreed with the Afghanistan campaign. Their government supported and nurtured Al Qaeda - the perpetrators of 9/11.

b) Iraqis never, with the explicit or hush-hush support of their government, perpetrated an act of terror against the US on US soil, if that is how you're trying to justify your presence there (correct me if I'm wrong).

c) Terrorism will not stop if you pull out. Terrorism will never stop. It cannot be totally defeated. THat is just a plain and simple fact. It doesn't matter how many of them you think you've killed. I don't think terrorism will stop when the US pull out but then there has only been two Islamic extremists terror attacks on US soil in the entire history of the US so it isn't exactly a persistent problem. It's a problem that could be effectively dealt with through isolationism, homeland and border security and vigilance.

d) If there was a terror attack in Ireland by a group traced to Indonesia I'd be asking where the fuck our security forces went wrong and how the fuck did these criminals slip through the security net. I certainly wouldn't blow up Indonesia because some Indonesian 'Timothy McVeigh' decided he wanted to blow some of my countrymen up. Personally I don't dig collective punishment. The sooner people realise that collective punishment produces more terrorists than there were before the better. Attacking Indonesia would do nothing to keep Irish citizens secure from terror. Nothing.


Ask a Londoner or a Madrileno. Or potentially another US citizen in a few years, it's only a matter of time before they strike again on US soil. The Iraq mission will have done nothing to prevent it. I can't understand the argument that the 'Iraq campaign is combatting/preventing terrorism'.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-19 08:33:08)

The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Some people on here think leaving Iraq would stop all the insurgent attacks.
Duh.  But in the example for Ireland, which is not in the same paragraph, I am not talking about Iraq, and I think Cam can see that.
Then you can still answer the rest.

Either way, as CamPoe says above (for the umpteenth time) he supported the attack on Afghanistan.  In fact, the US recieved widespread support for Afghanistan.
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Duh.  But in the example for Ireland, which is not in the same paragraph, I am not talking about Iraq, and I think Cam can see that.
Then you can still answer the rest.

Either way, as CamPoe says above (for the umpteenth time) he supported the attack on Afghanistan.  In fact, the US recieved widespread support for Afghanistan.
I wasn't talking about Afghanistan either.  I just wanted to know what Ireland would do in that situation.   Or you could have just let him answer, since nor he or I was talking to you.
+52|6802|Perth. Western Australia
Like fuck right to free speach and free viewing all the youtube video's have been removed. I supported Afghanistan but not Iraq. The US went too far now the only people I give a fuck are the troops stuck in that shithole.
+3|7021|Wisconsin, USA
IMHO, I feel that we are in Iraq for the second time to deal with a problem that we created....Saddam....and that he bit the hand that was feeding him (oil for food). In Desert Shield/Storm, I had the utmost confidence in our commanders and leaders...and we didn't take out Saddam....Why? This is not to derail.
+226|7053|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
We're well used to terrorist attacks in Ireland, we don't need outside forces from Indonesia to do it, thank you very much, we can do it ourselves

IG-Calibre wrote:

We're well used to terrorist attacks in Ireland, we don't need outside forces from Indonesia to do it, thank you very much, we can do it ourselves
haha feel proud
Anyway enjoy the arguments I'm off to Glasgow, Scotland to watch Celtic play. Ciao..
+226|7053|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

sfarrar33 wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

We're well used to terrorist attacks in Ireland, we don't need outside forces from Indonesia to do it, thank you very much, we can do it ourselves
haha feel proud
Yeah strictly "local crew" here, you know how it is with the union's
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

CameronPoe wrote:

Anyway enjoy the arguments I'm off to Glasgow, Scotland to watch Celtic play. Ciao..
Would have been better if you said you were off to help solve the worlds problems and correct the mistakes of the USA like you do on here, but go enjoy your soccer match.
The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Duh.  But in the example for Ireland, which is not in the same paragraph, I am not talking about Iraq, and I think Cam can see that.
Then you can still answer the rest.

Either way, as CamPoe says above (for the umpteenth time) he supported the attack on Afghanistan.  In fact, the US recieved widespread support for Afghanistan.
I wasn't talking about Afghanistan either.  I just wanted to know what Ireland would do in that situation.   Or you could have just let him answer, since nor he or I was talking to you.
If that's how you feel, I suggest you use the forum's PM feature.

I do love how your comments apparently were completely unrelated to anything, though.
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Then you can still answer the rest.

Either way, as CamPoe says above (for the umpteenth time) he supported the attack on Afghanistan.  In fact, the US recieved widespread support for Afghanistan.
I wasn't talking about Afghanistan either.  I just wanted to know what Ireland would do in that situation.   Or you could have just let him answer, since nor he or I was talking to you.
If that's how you feel, I suggest you use the forum's PM feature.

I do love how your comments apparently were completely unrelated to anything, though.
I love how you are a self appointed judge of peoples responses.
The Lizzard
How did I judge?  I asked for an explanation of one of your posts, and you seems to desperately want to avoid it.

IG-Calibre wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

We're well used to terrorist attacks in Ireland, we don't need outside forces from Indonesia to do it, thank you very much, we can do it ourselves
haha feel proud
Yeah strictly "local crew" here, you know how it is with the union's
simply pointing out and making light of an irony
no need to bring bureaucracy into it
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

How did I judge?  I asked for an explanation of one of your posts, and you seems to desperately want to avoid it.
I did answer the rest.  Sorry it was not up to your standards.
The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Some people on here think leaving Iraq would stop all the insurgent attacks.
Which people?  I'm not aware of any who feel that.

usmarine2007 wrote:

Some people say because the US is involved in many operation world wide, that is why we (and our allies) are attacked.
Yep.  As a very powerful nation who frequently uses that power, you attract alot of attention.

usmarine2007 wrote:

They claim that if we just pulled out of every country we are in, terrorism would stop.
Again, which people?

usmarine2007 wrote:

If there was a terror attack in Ireland by a group traced to lets say Indonesia, what would Ireland do in your opinion?
Irrelevant in the context of Iraq, as Iraq had not link to the attacks on the US which sparke the War on Terror.  In fact, so far as I'm aware, the only stuff they're known or proven to be involved in was Palestenian nationalist terrorism.
Again...not talking about Iraq. I partially blind, 'cos I don't see any answers.

Also, waiting to hear how I judged.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2007-01-19 09:06:47)

+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Some people on here think leaving Iraq would stop all the insurgent attacks.
Which people?  I'm not aware of any who feel that.

usmarine2007 wrote:

Some people say because the US is involved in many operation world wide, that is why we (and our allies) are attacked.
Yep.  As a very powerful nation who frequently uses that power, you attract alot of attention.

usmarine2007 wrote:

They claim that if we just pulled out of every country we are in, terrorism would stop.
Again, which people?

Irrelevant in the context of Iraq, as Iraq had not link to the attacks on the US which sparke the War on Terror.  In fact, so far as I'm aware, the only stuff they're known or proven to be involved in was Palestenian nationalist terrorism.
Again...not talking about Iraq. I partially blind, 'cos I don't see any answers.

Also, waiting to hear how I judged.
I hit the post button.....weird.

Anyway, I have seen those comments before that I am talking about, and I am not going to go thru thousands of pages to find them.  I know other people have seen them also.  But it is not just comments about the US, people have said that Israel should leave and it would solve everything.  As to what people, I do not remember nor could I possibly remember every response in every thread.
Hi people,

This is my first time posting here and its good to find that there are some really hot topics that have made food for thought.

I wanted to post about the original subject matter. I have seen the documentory that Channel 4 aired.
I am an Englishman bought up,born and bread in the midlands. Living in a city called birmingham and attending the mosque that was the focal point of this "documentary" in the opening 15 mins.

So approching this from my personal experiences at the mosque, and having heard first hand on what the American Revert Imaam Abu Usamah has been teaching and preaching. I can say that the producers of the so called 'Documentary' Have done a reach hachet job of the quotes and statements that have been made in order to discredit ,hurt and villify the Muslims in this country and especially at the mosque.

I have my own ideas on what the agenda is but i will refrain from posting my thoughts on that at the moment.

This Imaam has been preaching tolerance for many years and has been at the forefront of exposing the reality of the  REAL extremists before any of us knew who Osama bin ladin was. He has been preaching against terrorism for over a decade yet we do not see Channel 4 show clips of those DVD's and Recordings.

The journalist that was filiming for the best part of a year needed to make a sale, he needed to get paid for that effort, so which is the best way to cash in?  As you seen in the documentory that there was no need for hidden cameras in many of the clips as there were many people making their own videos and recordings at the time in the mosque.

cut abit here...paste abit there..... add abit of spicey sound may be a halloween music.... a few close ups and slow motions of imaams getting expressive....WHAM! you have your sale.

There is a fear culture being created here in England and alot of people have fallen for the channel 4 sucker punch.
+226|7053|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
great then, if people have been openly filming this Imaam preaching in that Mosque, no doubt the Internet will be flooded with footage of him preaching tolerance, thus discrediting the dispatches documentary makers, so could you link me to such footage then please?
+276|6965|United States of America

CameronPoe wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Dude you live in fucking Ireland. . . . aka A bunch of pale white fuckers getting drunk with bad tempers flarring!!! Not too mention getting rained on constantly!! I mean what else is there to say, other than Ireland is insignificant as far as world politics are concerned.

I mean you guys still dont have your freedom from the English. . .Sounds like you have some home house cleaning to attend to before you start taking the USA's inventory on world affairs.

I AM ALSO IRISH TOO!! Grandma's from Galway! Dont get me wrong Ireland is a gorgeous beautiful awesome awe inspiring country, but as far as world politics. . .  You can rant all you want about me and my country, but you live in a bubble dude. . .

BTW I have never said the world is going to end anytime soon. . .if anything global warming will kill us before some diaper heads bombs will!!

also. . .how are my historical analogies innappropriate and misguided? on what ground. . . btw do you have a minor or major in history?? You seem to major in liberal spin in my opinion. . .
Cheers for the absolutely unrepetently blatant racist comments. I happen to live in the Republic of Ireland whose only association with the UK is that we are both in the EU. It's an independent sovereign nation with a Uachtaráin (President), not a queen. You might want to read up on your 'ancestral' homeland.
Your just jealous because his family escaped from Ireland and you are stuck there dreaming about America.  That must be why you spend so much time talking about America on this site.

CameronPoe wrote:

Anyway enjoy the arguments I'm off to Glasgow, Scotland to watch Celtic play. Ciao..
That sucks. Horrible city Glasgow. Enjoy though.

Oh btw, some of the replies in this thread are pure comedy.
The New Johnnie Cochran

HornyToady wrote:

IMHO, I feel that we are in Iraq for the second time to deal with a problem that we created....Saddam....and that he bit the hand that was feeding him (oil for food). In Desert Shield/Storm, I had the utmost confidence in our commanders and leaders...and we didn't take out Saddam....Why? This is not to derail.
Despite the criticism he received for not attacking Iraq and removing Saddam during Desert Storm, Bush Sr. Actually made the correct decision. He knew that Saddam was not only a stabilizing factor in Iraq, but that Saddam created a buffer between the US and Iran. Bush Sr. also knew that if the fighting moved from the desert  into the cities, we'd start seeing US troops die and give the enemy the advantage.

While people are very critical of the UN (and for good reason), Desert Storm was probably the greatest success that the UN has ever had. Bush masterfully constructed through the UN the Coalition Forces of over 30 countries, including other Muslim countries in the region, which is in itself quite a feat, and successfully expelled Iraq with minimal losses and maximum damage to the Iraqi forces (just look at the destruction of the Hammurabi Armored Division on Highway 80).

In all reality, Bush Jr. made the exact mistake his father was smart enough not to make, and that was to go into Iraq, into the cities, and remove Saddam from power.
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Elamdri wrote:

HornyToady wrote:

IMHO, I feel that we are in Iraq for the second time to deal with a problem that we created....Saddam....and that he bit the hand that was feeding him (oil for food). In Desert Shield/Storm, I had the utmost confidence in our commanders and leaders...and we didn't take out Saddam....Why? This is not to derail.
Despite the criticism he received for not attacking Iraq and removing Saddam during Desert Storm, Bush Sr. Actually made the correct decision. He knew that Saddam was not only a stabilizing factor in Iraq, but that Saddam created a buffer between the US and Iran. Bush Sr. also knew that if the fighting moved from the desert  into the cities, we'd start seeing US troops die and give the enemy the advantage.

While people are very critical of the UN (and for good reason), Desert Storm was probably the greatest success that the UN has ever had. Bush masterfully constructed through the UN the Coalition Forces of over 30 countries, including other Muslim countries in the region, which is in itself quite a feat, and successfully expelled Iraq with minimal losses and maximum damage to the Iraqi forces (just look at the destruction of the Hammurabi Armored Division on Highway 80).

In all reality, Bush Jr. made the exact mistake his father was smart enough not to make, and that was to go into Iraq, into the cities, and remove Saddam from power.
So you will agree that the only way to keep the Iraqi people in line is thru rape rooms and mass killings right?  Because it sure as hell worked.  You see what they do with freedom.
The New Johnnie Cochran

usmarine2007 wrote:

Elamdri wrote:

HornyToady wrote:

IMHO, I feel that we are in Iraq for the second time to deal with a problem that we created....Saddam....and that he bit the hand that was feeding him (oil for food). In Desert Shield/Storm, I had the utmost confidence in our commanders and leaders...and we didn't take out Saddam....Why? This is not to derail.
Despite the criticism he received for not attacking Iraq and removing Saddam during Desert Storm, Bush Sr. Actually made the correct decision. He knew that Saddam was not only a stabilizing factor in Iraq, but that Saddam created a buffer between the US and Iran. Bush Sr. also knew that if the fighting moved from the desert  into the cities, we'd start seeing US troops die and give the enemy the advantage.

While people are very critical of the UN (and for good reason), Desert Storm was probably the greatest success that the UN has ever had. Bush masterfully constructed through the UN the Coalition Forces of over 30 countries, including other Muslim countries in the region, which is in itself quite a feat, and successfully expelled Iraq with minimal losses and maximum damage to the Iraqi forces (just look at the destruction of the Hammurabi Armored Division on Highway 80).

In all reality, Bush Jr. made the exact mistake his father was smart enough not to make, and that was to go into Iraq, into the cities, and remove Saddam from power.
So you will agree that the only way to keep the Iraqi people in line is thru rape rooms and mass killings right?  Because it sure as hell worked.  You see what they do with freedom.
Its not the only way, but its the easiest. Dictators can keep the populous in line in ways that republics just can't. They can wantonly infringe human rights and control with Machiavellian tactics.

The US likes dictators in power in Third World countries because it benefits us. We put people in power who will control the populous through fear, allowing us to reap benefits from the country. Its been foreign policy for decades.

Carter actually was the reason Saddam came to power in Iraq. Carter was big on human rights and was adamant about exposing the human rights violations that the Shah committed against his people. However, since we put the Shah in power, he was our ally and thus Carter had to back him in the political arena.

This caused a problem, by criticizing the Shah, he undermined the power of the Shah to effectively rule and spurred rebellion. However, by BACKING the Shah at the same time, he cast the US in with the Shah as hypocritical and evil. This paved the way for Saddam to take over the country.

IG-Calibre wrote:

great then, if people have been openly filming this Imaam preaching in that Mosque, no doubt the Internet will be flooded with footage of him preaching tolerance, thus discrediting the dispatches documentary makers, so could you link me to such footage then please?
I know there are alot of DVDs and videos out there. dont know what has been uploaded, what i can say is i just now seen a video on google that you can view

What i can do is try get exactly what was quoted and post the full statements, so everyone can see the devious nature of the media.


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