ATG wrote:
These are things being said in mainstream mosques in England Cameron.
This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.
Why deny the obvious?
Where do you dig up this ancient stuff?! The authorities are aware of these idiots since the early 90's, when they essentially came to prominence. It's normally idiots from an outlawed group called Hizb Ut-Tahrir. They also used to be pretty active on University Campuses in cities where there was a large Muslim population i.e. Bradford, Coventry, Manchester, Birmingham, London etc. Easily recognisable, young males in their twenties sporting a beard....can't miss em.
I used to laugh at their attempts of conversion, usually talking in very loud voices at the back of a school bus blaming social and economic problems on the police and ruling white elite. Admittedly some people i know swallowed the bullshit and became honorary Hizb Ut-Tahrir nutters.....who have since seen the light and gone back to old ways! If you think these videos are indicative of Muslims the UK, you are sorely, sorely wrong.
Last edited by m3thod (2007-01-16 15:49:00)
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