KuSTaV wrote:
tazz. wrote:
KuSTaV wrote:
fuckingfuck fuck. fucked up uni offers i think.
shitfuck. goddamn.
Dunno how the NSW system works, but in QLD we had to put university course preferences in a list. Now, I thought out of this list the university takes into consideration all of your preferences, not just the first. This list is prioritised, so I had a couse which I was unsure about first, followed by another which I was also unsure about, and then another course which I was pretty confident I may end up doing, but was still unsure at the time. I didnt know that they only offer your first preference, or first preference that is able to be submitted since the cours first applied for may be full due to smarter people getting in before. So, like a dick, I didn not know this, and got offered a course I didnt want. The next day, I decide I want to do something else. However, you can only get offered different couses on different dates. I found my first prefference was offered yesterday, and today I changed preferences. The universities offer on the 14th of January and the 4th of February. So I have to wait until the 4th of February until I can be considered/see if there are any places still available for my new preference.
tl;dr, picked a uni course I dont want, have to wait another 3 weeks until I can be offered a course I want to do.
Here it works as follows:
You have a list.. and you put on the list in order, the courses you want to do.. so 1st would be your absolute DREAM etc... going down to if i bum out of HSC i'll do this lul..
Then they go.. Did he make the requirements for course 1? Yes --> Send Offer | No? --> Go to 2nd Course... Did he make the requirments for this course? etc etc... untill you get to one that you did meet the requirements..
Lucky for me.. my dream course which i've had #1 since day 1.. i got early entry for.. that is.. I had my interview with the uni prior to the HSC.. and they said i was in regardless
So now when they get to my pref. list.. Course 1.. Did he meet the requirements? Yes. Early entry. --> Mail offer
I get my offer on the 20th.