+250|6564|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

PvtStPoK wrote:

killer21 wrote:

It's funny.  All the supposed great pilots absolutely blow when it comes to using a gun.  Irony?
no. they are pilot, thats all
Exactly. You wouldn't ask a pilot to fight a ground battle, and you wouldn't ask a grunt to fight an air war.  They just aren't as good in those fields.
oBy| Back In Business
lol hax!

This guy used to be in the top10, got reset, and surpassed me in a matter of months.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6743|Reisterstown, MD

SplinterStrike wrote:

Exactly. You wouldn't ask a pilot to fight a ground battle, and you wouldn't ask a grunt to fight an air war.  They just aren't as good in those fields.
So what you are saying is that you should be good in only one area and not be able to shoot a gun or fly a jet?  Cool deal.  So if there are no jets available, are these people just supposed to sit on the air strip waiting for jet since they obviously are useless to their team otherwise? 
+374|6520|Columbus, Ohio

killer21 wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

Exactly. You wouldn't ask a pilot to fight a ground battle, and you wouldn't ask a grunt to fight an air war.  They just aren't as good in those fields.
So what you are saying is that you should be good in only one area and not be able to shoot a gun or fly a jet?  Cool deal.  So if there are no jets available, are these people just supposed to sit on the air strip waiting for jet since they obviously are useless to their team otherwise? 
I was a grunt and I am also a pilot.

+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

killer21 wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

Exactly. You wouldn't ask a pilot to fight a ground battle, and you wouldn't ask a grunt to fight an air war.  They just aren't as good in those fields.
So what you are saying is that you should be good in only one area and not be able to shoot a gun or fly a jet?  Cool deal.  So if there are no jets available, are these people just supposed to sit on the air strip waiting for jet since they obviously are useless to their team otherwise? 
Should they get the jet, then it will probably turn the tide of battle if they're very good. Besides, if you're Mr. Leetzorz 'Im Too Good For Vehicles' Infantry shouldn't you be able to bring down the entire enemy military with a single shot of your AK?
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA
Calm the hell down guys. Just because you have better infantry stats than somebody else doesn't mean you're better than them. Just because you have better aviator stats doesn't mean you're better than them. If you really want to see who's the better player, stop comparing stats and play them! Stats don't mean much. You could have off days and you could just rape other days. Besides, who cares if somebody's better than you? Can't you still just play the game and have fun with it? I hate when people get angry and shit over a video game. It's one thing to leave a server if you're constantly getting bombed, but to argue with them that you're a better player than them? What's the point? Do you really think it bothers them? They're just happy to know it bothers you and make you an even bigger target for themselves. Seriously, just calm the hell down and stop taking the game so seriously.

BTW, does anybody know what Sarge's aviator account is? I was looking for it the other day to show my bro his aviator ratio but couldn't find it.
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

BTW, does anybody know what Sarge's aviator account is? I was looking for it the other day to show my bro his aviator ratio but couldn't find it.
Rock|SargeV1.5 has nice numbers.
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA
That's the one! Thanks, +1 for the hell of it.

Shadow893 wrote:

it still amazes me that people actually care about their stats for bf2
If you don't care about your stats, then why do you play on ranked servers?
+70|6468|Newcastle UK

Mike_J wrote:


This guy used to be in the top10, got reset, and surpassed me in a matter of months.
2nd worst j-10 whore ever now post a fucking decent pilot next time k.
We shall beat to quarters!

Two Pilots of which i have respect for:

Hutchy52 - Was third best in the world
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Shadow893 wrote:

it still amazes me that people actually care about their stats for bf2
If you don't care about your stats, then why do you play on ranked servers?
Do you want a bandaid for that burn?
M24 Abuser
+99|6653|Valley of the Dragons

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Shadow893 wrote:

it still amazes me that people actually care about their stats for bf2
If you don't care about your stats, then why do you play on ranked servers?
Do you want a bandaid for that burn?
Lol double pwnd
i only say one word: califragilistic
He is the best of the best, belive me. have played i the same clan as he. Catch.
Fantasma Parastasie

penguin.killer wrote:

i only say one word: califragilistic
He is the best of the best, belive me. have played i the same clan as he. Catch.
Phantom was better, you'd know that.
There is.
+1,380|6843|Devon, England
I still know that Two-Cookers was the best pilot I ever played against.

From the beginning of BF2 all the way up to 1.3, he wiped the floor with everyone he came accross. He was unbelievably amazing in a jet. I remember I got so pissed off with him killing me all the while, lol.

I miss him, what a player...

Lol, has one of my clan members as his favourite victim, Crazy_Antimon

Last edited by FFLink13 (2007-01-14 14:35:15)

Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6807|Teesside, UK

Shadow893 wrote:

it still amazes me that people actually care about their stats for bf2
This is a site for comparing stats.  expect to find some people here who care about them.

The stats element means you can set yourself challenges and keep playing long after you would have finished or got bored with other games.
I cant count the number of pilots that I've flown against that bail out of their planes just so they die from the exploding plane, run over by their own plane, or try to dodge death with a HALO. They have awesome stats for planes only because they ditch their jets.

Never impressed. I love a good dog fight. I have my days where I'm in the zone and get 30 to 0 kills in a game, While in an american jet. I have my days where USMC fighter jets cant shoot me down while in the bomber.

I also have my days wher I feel rusty as all bent and hit nearly every tree that wasnt there the last time I made  a 90 degree dive bomb run. Love hitting AA's that cant see you.

I stopped caring about KDR in vehicles when everyone I killed died by a plane/chopper/tank I shot because they hit 'E'.

They are just stat whore n00bs trying to peak their vehcile stats. Most of the low levels that you are quoting probably have Colonel or higher ranks on their primary character. Once they reach General they start a new character and focus on combat stats and making the best they can. bailing from planes. True, they/we are some darn good pilots. When starting over we trash some serious numbers. But be weiry of the KDR in planes. they likely TK for the plane and likely bail to remove any chance of dying in the plane.
Phantom was better, you'd know that.
mm but i think cali is better...
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6905|Toronto, ON
Um.. BushViper k bye.
Alpha as fuck.
+138|6659|New Zealand
(oga). Cr1ppl3 - http://www.bf2s.com/player/47679552/ - 32.14 Jet KDR
The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|6925|California, US
colony2142 is really good at pubbing : http://bf2s.com/player/70076202/

heard he isnt that great in a dogfight but does really good in the f-35 against the j-10 flew with him acouple times were either of us died the round.

and no this isnt the colony that got caught hacking
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6743|Reisterstown, MD

I've only seen three people who have these crazy k/d with a jet and anything respectable with a weapon.  Coincidence?  I think not.

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Calm the hell down guys. Just because you have better infantry stats than somebody else doesn't mean you're better than them. Just because you have better aviator stats doesn't mean you're better than them. If you really want to see who's the better player, stop comparing stats and play them! Stats don't mean much. You could have off days and you could just rape other days. Besides, who cares if somebody's better than you? Can't you still just play the game and have fun with it? I hate when people get angry and shit over a video game. It's one thing to leave a server if you're constantly getting bombed, but to argue with them that you're a better player than them? What's the point? Do you really think it bothers them? They're just happy to know it bothers you and make you an even bigger target for themselves. Seriously, just calm the hell down and stop taking the game so seriously.

Only a fukkin video game. I like BF2 alot don't get me wrong. But it's only a game...

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