
GATOR591957 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

I would argue that God made it possible for you to have food on your table.
I would argue otherwise. Pointless stalemate leading ultimately to an infinity of circular arguments. There is not one good reason to suggest why some higher being has a hand in anything, in my mind.

If, in any of our lives, we wandered through life without having been exposed to the concept of 'god' (especially during our formative years) there is a distinct possibility thoughts of one would never cross our minds.
I will agree to your point of endless debate.  I will never change your mind because you have already made your decision on where you stand.  I would like to point out the mathematical side to this.  Programmers need a code to program, correct.  All life has DNA, correct?  All DNA has a code, correct?  Who designed the code?  If someone designed the code,  wouldn't that make them the "creator?"

I would ask you to read "The signature of God."  It has some compelling facts.  I did not make my decision strictly on this book.  Over my lifetime I've been pondering this very question.  Through deduction and observation I have made my stance, as you will over your lifetime.
Why does there have to be a creator of DNA? Why must a creator take credit for what could very well just be the product of chemical reactions in primordial times under the conditions that existed on earth at that time? Is not our lack of understanding about where DNA originated simply another barrier we have to overcome: like believing the earth was flat? God just seems to me to be a term that gets applied to anything as yet unexplained or to get over man's difficulty in comprehending the infinite/perpetual.

Again - stalemate.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-04 15:51:30)

I play at night... mostly
+47|6857|the best galaxy
Q: To the religious: Why do you believe in God?
A1: Because the Bible says so.
A2: Because I have faith.
A3: Because I can't understand the univers.
This seems to be the answers.

If I believed in Santa Claus because of those reasons You would think I was a nutcase.
If I believed in God because of those reasons You would think I was a god christian.

King_County_Downy wrote:

I have a question for the religious folk here. What would happen if everyone on earth died tomorrow from say, a meteor or a pandemic.

Would everyone who got killed get a pass because they didn't get to change religions to "the right one" before it was too late? Would everyone in Africa go to hell that didn't believe in your god? I've always been confused about that. What happens to all the other people from all the other religions out there?

Why can't anyone just except the fact that when you die, you just die? Nothing more. Nothing less.

And why can't animals go to heaven? What kind of pompous shit is that? I wish I could instill the fear of god into my cat so it behaves better.
If I'm not mistaken your cat can go to heaven, you may not, but your cat will. lol

It's not beyond belief that there is contradiction.  The Bible as written has been derived from Greek and Hebrew text.  Thus many conflicting and confusing items arise.  Slavery in the Bible is not slavery as we understand it.  In those times anyone who owed money or was indebted in some way was called a slave.  Basically in present terms we are all slaves.

Freke1 wrote:

Q: To the religious: Why do you believe in God?
A1: Because the Bible says so.
A2: Because I have faith.
A3: Because I can't understand the univers.
This seems to be the answers.

If I believed in Santa Claus because of those reasons You would think I was a nutcase.
If I believed in God because of those reasons You would think I was a god christian.
How about because over my 50 years of life I've observed, read, and investigated this question to come to a reasonable and defendable position.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2007-01-04 14:48:40)

the god dont exist
religions are false

how i know ?

well im a believer ! i have faith !
yes i have faith that all that is false and that there is no god
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6755|The Land of Scott Walker

Mogura wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

A correction in your syntax, sir: Saying the Theory of Evolution is "just a theory" is an inadequate argument. You are using the literal definition of the term "theory" not the scientific one. The scientific definition of the word theory is an idea, fully supported by evidence, but not proven. In fact, there are VERY few "facts" in science, mostly theories.
He is not incorrect.  The theory of evolution is just that, theory, or it would be call the facts of evolution.  What I don't understand from the evolutionist is who or what created life.  In the theory, there is no beginning.  Do you want the odds on life creating itself?

Evolution is occuring as we speak, that is a fact.  What is not a fact is life was created through evolution, it is theory!
and bible is fact ? quran is fact ? .... ? they are not even theories, just stories for kids ....

VladTheImpaler79 wrote:

I personally refuse to believe anything that was spread on the edge of a sword.
Well, there goes atheism.  Agnosticism is still an option I guess.   

VladTheImpaler79 wrote:

On another note, do you ever sit back and look at the moral and ethical ramifications to having a belief of "because the bible says so"?  Does it matter to you that you may hurt, offend or cause harm to others because "the bible says so".
The Bible does not teach us to hurt or harm others.  Offend?  There’s that darned political correctness again.

VladTheImpaler79 wrote:

There have been many people who asked you why does the bible say so?  You are unable to give a complete and concise answer.  Like many christians I know, they don't know why they believe what they believe, it always comes back to "because the bible says so".
I was in my late teens, early twenties before I felt I could jump into a forum like this and adequately express my beliefs and I’m still studying as an adult.  There are many threads in this forum that offer quite insightful answers regarding questions of God, the Bible and Christianity.  Not exactly fair to pick on the one guy who couldn’t give you the answer for which you were looking.  It is always easier for the critic in a forum such as this.  All they have to do is call things into question and they look smart without having to defend anything.  Books have been written on these subjects.  To fully answer some of these questions in the format of a forum is not realistic.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6755|The Land of Scott Walker

Mogura wrote:

the god dont exist
religions are false

how i know ?

well im a believer ! i have faith !
yes i have faith that all that is false and that there is no god
correct.  Only faith can support the belief that there is no God.  It is impossible to prove He does not exist.

Stingray24 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

the god dont exist
religions are false

how i know ?

well im a believer ! i have faith !
yes i have faith that all that is false and that there is no god
correct.  Only faith can support the belief that there is no God.  It is impossible to prove He does not exist.
bah, you can prove yourself that God exists with dying, but not that he doesn't.. unfair

Stingray24 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

the god dont exist
religions are false

how i know ?

well im a believer ! i have faith !
yes i have faith that all that is false and that there is no god
correct.  Only faith can support the belief that there is no God.  It is impossible to prove He does not exist.
Here i'll help you prove he doesn't, and by he i mean the Christian God.

From a Christian view point you have a Deity which is all powerful, all knowing, present, future, past etc. So now here is the kicker. You have this all powerful being create angels one of which is Lucifer. This being is all knowing so he knows very well what this Lucifer is going to do. So here is the catch he willingly creates a being which will now bring about the "fall" of man. So now you have a situation where man is now fallen, imperfect and stuck in this world which he apparently isn't from. So what better way to send himself via incarnation to save them from that which he put them into. You have Jesus whom is now going to save you from that which he created. So essentially you would have no reason for Jesus to save mankind if he had not created Lucifer. So now we have a dilemma here, this perfect Deity, essentially, his left hand is Lucifer and his right had is Jesus, but the catch is we pretend he doesn't know what the left hand is doing and go along with the entire story.

Please explain why God created Lucifer.....and we pretend....that he doesn't know of all the supposed bad things he will do to mankind.

Its all an illusion, a good one at that, but it does not work too well when you have a perfect Deity creating the problems before they start especially since he knows the outcome of everything apparently.

You can't show mercy for something you began, not only that, but to think that God IS portrayed to be the likeness of HUMANS is the ultimate arrogance of this religion. Arrogance in the sense that some how the deity of the Cosmos is going to end up being in the likeness of Humans, which make up a insignificant fraction of not only our Galaxy, but of this Universe.
+917|6928|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
God works in mysterious ways. We cannot comprehend God as we cannot comprehend infinity or the universe.

Thats why I dont ponder it, I just live a good Christian life and believe in Him and follow what He asks me too.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
hehe i begging to wonder if anyone reads what i post...he isn't asking you to do anything

RedTwizzler wrote:

[I understand this is a VERY touchy subject and would appreciate it if we kept the shit slinging out of this thread. I'm asking a simple question.]

The thread title is basically my question. If you believe in God (Or Allah, or whomever), why? I am toeing the line between agnostic and atheist, and would like to know. I'm not here to question your beliefs, or tell you that what you think is wrong. I just want to know. Thanks.
I believe in God, because first of all someone had to create everything, it just didn't happen by itself, someone had to begin doing it (or something for that matter). Also miracles happen, some things are just too incredible to say 'oh, it was plain luck', for example, people who've had cancer and one day later doctors can't find a trace of it left. And most of all because of my brother, he had meningitis, TWICE, doctors said he would die in a few eeks and there was nothing that could've been done, and a few days later no trace of the meningitis could be 'seen'; When he got it again same thing happened after my mom & dad, and family prayed for him quietly as its supposed to, he got cured. He's now 21yo and very healthy.

Another example, My Cousin had brain cancer and had only a few months to live, we prayed for her, all our family did, and when she went for her regular checkup the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with her, luck? No sir, that's what I call a miracle of God.

And thats part of why I believe in God, there's certainly more to it, but perhaps later, I'm going to play EF now, .

Fen321 wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

the god dont exist
religions are false

how i know ?

well im a believer ! i have faith !
yes i have faith that all that is false and that there is no god
correct.  Only faith can support the belief that there is no God.  It is impossible to prove He does not exist.
Here i'll help you prove he doesn't, and by he i mean the Christian God.

From a Christian view point you have a Deity which is all powerful, all knowing, present, future, past etc. So now here is the kicker. You have this all powerful being create angels one of which is Lucifer. This being is all knowing so he knows very well what this Lucifer is going to do. So here is the catch he willingly creates a being which will now bring about the "fall" of man. So now you have a situation where man is now fallen, imperfect and stuck in this world which he apparently isn't from. So what better way to send himself via incarnation to save them from that which he put them into. You have Jesus whom is now going to save you from that which he created. So essentially you would have no reason for Jesus to save mankind if he had not created Lucifer. So now we have a dilemma here, this perfect Deity, essentially, his left hand is Lucifer and his right had is Jesus, but the catch is we pretend he doesn't know what the left hand is doing and go along with the entire story.

Please explain why God created Lucifer.....and we pretend....that he doesn't know of all the supposed bad things he will do to mankind.

Its all an illusion, a good one at that, but it does not work too well when you have a perfect Deity creating the problems before they start especially since he knows the outcome of everything apparently.

You can't show mercy for something you began, not only that, but to think that God IS portrayed to be the likeness of HUMANS is the ultimate arrogance of this religion. Arrogance in the sense that some how the deity of the Cosmos is going to end up being in the likeness of Humans, which make up a insignificant fraction of not only our Galaxy, but of this Universe.
Interesting but erroneous. God created Lucifer to punish the wicked, he created him in order to be a balance, this was of course before humanity was created, therefore a balance was created and free will could exist.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6994|West Yorkshire, U.K
Stupid thread people have too many opinions and its almost impossible to know if god is real

Kurazoo wrote:

Stupid thread people have too many opinions and its almost impossible to know if god is real
oh he dont exist
This thread will be better of closed in my opinion, everyone here either believes in God or doesn't, it's like politics, two things that should almost never be brought up as subject in a conversation unless you know the other person believes in the same things as you, otherwise conflicts will develop.

|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:

This thread will be better of closed in my opinion, everyone here either believes in God or doesn't, it's like politics, two things that should almost never be brought up as subject in a conversation unless you know the other person believes in the same things as you, otherwise conflicts will develop.
Welcome to Debate and Serious Talk. Junk Drawer is on your left.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-04 15:56:16)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6848|Long Island, New York
I don't really know at this point if I believe in god...but I believe if there is one and you helped others and helped make the earth a better place, you'll get into heaven, no matter what religion.

But that's off topic.


Last edited by Poseidon (2007-01-04 15:55:15)

Pheasant Plucker
+440|6994|West Yorkshire, U.K

|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:

This thread will be better of closed in my opinion, everyone here either believes in God or doesn't, it's like politics, two things that should almost never be brought up as subject in a conversation unless you know the other person believes in the same things as you, otherwise conflicts will develop.

Kurazoo wrote:

|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:

This thread will be better of closed in my opinion, everyone here either believes in God or doesn't, it's like politics, two things that should almost never be brought up as subject in a conversation unless you know the other person believes in the same things as you, otherwise conflicts will develop.
and if both persons believe but 1 follow bible, and the other quran ?

Kurazoo wrote:

|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:

This thread will be better of closed in my opinion, everyone here either believes in God or doesn't, it's like politics, two things that should almost never be brought up as subject in a conversation unless you know the other person believes in the same things as you, otherwise conflicts will develop.
Out of the many religion thredas there has been over the last few months this has been the most 'flame-retardent'. Don't kill a relatively flame-free and serious thread.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6994|West Yorkshire, U.K
The thing is CameronPoe we are not flaming just expressing our views, flaming is totally different so get your facts right.
Everybody needs a little bit of faith sometime or other.

I don't believe anything about religion, but I have faith in other things.

People who don't have faith in religion put their faith into many things. They just don't realise it.

Last edited by ShowMeTheMonkey (2007-01-04 16:06:29)

+18|6852|Outer Space

|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:

I believe in God, because first of all someone had to create everything, it just didn't happen by itself, someone had to begin doing it (or something for that matter).
HAD to create everything? I see a major problem with this theory. It assumes time. It assumes that time is the same through the entire universe(black holes anyone?), in fact that time exists in the entire universe(and all its dimensions).

But what if we assume for a moment that there is no time in parts of the universe. Did they need to be created too? Is there even a beginning and end if there is no time? Can there be change without time?

Kurazoo wrote:

The thing is CameronPoe we are not flaming just expressing our views, flaming is totally different so get your facts right.
No I completely realise that but what I'm saying is that asking for the closure of a relatively flame-free thread on such a contentious issue is a bad thing.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-04 16:12:30)

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