Because I am God fearing.
Good Lord. We all know that this debate will go on forever.
If you choose to believe in a higher being, then that's great. Don't shove your belief down other people's throats and they won't do it either. By believing in God or whatever you decide to believe, it doesn't make you better than anyone else, your shit still stinks.
If you choose to not believe in anything then fine. That doesn't mean that you have to rip on religious people for being "ignorant" or "fearful".
Believe what you like, but for Christ's sake, keep it to yourself. You can't change anyone's view on issues like abortion or the war in Iraq, so there is no way in hell you will change someone's religious beliefs.
If you choose to believe in a higher being, then that's great. Don't shove your belief down other people's throats and they won't do it either. By believing in God or whatever you decide to believe, it doesn't make you better than anyone else, your shit still stinks.
If you choose to not believe in anything then fine. That doesn't mean that you have to rip on religious people for being "ignorant" or "fearful".
Believe what you like, but for Christ's sake, keep it to yourself. You can't change anyone's view on issues like abortion or the war in Iraq, so there is no way in hell you will change someone's religious beliefs.
Last edited by CommieChipmunk (2007-01-06 00:57:11)
It's true, just like I mentioned earlier, this debate will bring nothing good and we can't change people's opinion, some of us believe in God, some don't, the choice is yours not our to make for you, I say close this thread, it only brings out the worst of us .CommieChipmunk wrote:
Good Lord. We all know that this debate will go on forever.
If you choose to believe in a higher being, then that's great. Don't shove your belief down other people's throats and they won't do it either. By believing in God or whatever you decide to believe, it doesn't make you better than anyone else, your shit still stinks.
If you choose to not believe in anything then fine. That doesn't mean that you have to rip on religious people for being "ignorant" or "fearful".
Believe what you like, but for Christ's sake, keep it to yourself. You can't change anyone's view on issues like abortion or the war in Iraq, so there is no way in hell you will change someone's religious beliefs.
Agreed. This is just going to waste time and space. Some one should close it!|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:
It's true, just like I mentioned earlier, this debate will bring nothing good and we can't change people's opinion, some of us believe in God, some don't, the choice is yours not our to make for you, I say close this thread, it only brings out the worst of us .CommieChipmunk wrote:
Good Lord. We all know that this debate will go on forever.
If you choose to believe in a higher being, then that's great. Don't shove your belief down other people's throats and they won't do it either. By believing in God or whatever you decide to believe, it doesn't make you better than anyone else, your shit still stinks.
If you choose to not believe in anything then fine. That doesn't mean that you have to rip on religious people for being "ignorant" or "fearful".
Believe what you like, but for Christ's sake, keep it to yourself. You can't change anyone's view on issues like abortion or the war in Iraq, so there is no way in hell you will change someone's religious beliefs.
I actually know a few people that changed from christian to muslim, now if that's not proof we are just trying to fill a empty void, what is? There is no God and if there is, he/it's/she is one sick fuck to have planned this shit or to allow it to happen. Yeah close this shit! Pointless, but isn't it all?CommieChipmunk wrote:
Good Lord. We all know that this debate will go on forever.
If you choose to believe in a higher being, then that's great. Don't shove your belief down other people's throats and they won't do it either. By believing in God or whatever you decide to believe, it doesn't make you better than anyone else, your shit still stinks.
If you choose to not believe in anything then fine. That doesn't mean that you have to rip on religious people for being "ignorant" or "fearful".
Believe what you like, but for Christ's sake, keep it to yourself. You can't change anyone's view on issues like abortion or the war in Iraq, so there is no way in hell you will change someone's religious beliefs.
Last edited by Religion=WAR (2007-01-06 06:57:33)
It's a well known fact we don't use a high percentage of our brain, don't prove my point.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
The idea that we only use 10-20% of our brain is, I'm sorry to say, just plain wrong. We use all of our brain, pretty much all of the time, except when sleeping.Religion=WAR wrote:
I believe God is in each and every one of us, and it is up to us to discover the potential, and unlock the abilities of a "God". Let's say a man could live a 100% completely sin free life; and educated himself about everything on the planet. If that man could do this, he would probably have developed his brain a lot more than anyone else on the planet. The average human uses 11% to 18% of their brain. This is not a lot but still amazingly enough, equal to an 11 million gigabyte computer. We can't even speculate as to what a computer of this caliber could be capable of.
There are people on the planet that have developed certain aspects of their brain to a point. ie: Shaolin monks, speed readers, surgeons, pro-athletes, etc., and have god-like abilities in their field, and more than likely, use a higher percentage of a certain part of their brain. If we could use 50 or 80% maybe we could walk on water, turn water to wine, levitate, read minds, etc, etc, etc.
My point is, I believe in God, but not your typical God, but an internal one. We can not base beliefs on theory, as it only results in argument. No one knows the real truth, it is our history, and we can't go back in time.(yet!), so to base your life on circumstantial evidence and theology is the same as believing there is no God.
I also believe we have already been here and beyond, on a technological level anyway, and have made all the same mistakes we are making now. Curios? Prob not. Karma me if you agree pls. I NEED KARMA! Don't know why! And write about other topics if you care, or want to. Peace
Fen321 wrote:
Nicely said, but the problem is people don't usually understand or even address the dilemma i present to them they simply trail off into the Bible says....but doesn't answer the question. I merely, as did Drakef, ask how does the all powerful deity place you into a situation then some how becomes the same person that is going to save you from the situation but in the process BLAME IT ON YOU?!?!?! FAWK, what a shitty deal.Drakef wrote:
All people who have to have answers are weak, that's why y'all group up and form religions!!! Safety in numbers! BLAST!!!!!!!!! I understand that the people we would go to for answers are just going to say the same stupid shit they were taught to say. You could make someone believe that Mickey Mouse is god, ever heard of cults? No different than any other religion!GATOR591957 wrote:
Lucifer is a fallen Angel. One who couldn't seem to conform to the heavenly way so to speak. God allows you the freedom to make your own choices. You are the one who has to live with the consequences of those choices. As a Father I allow my children to choose their own path. I give them guidance and oversight to make sure the mistakes are not detrimental to their life. I believe God allows us the same freedom. He has rules, as most Fathers do. Follow them, or pay the consequences. Rather simple.
The Bible states "man was made in his likeness" meaning we were made after his image. It's not meant to be arrogant, just a comforting passage that we are alike in image.
What's troubling to me is those who blast religion without making an honest effort to understand it. It's not hard, you pick up a book and read it. See a minister, priest, rabbi, whoever and talk with them. They know the answers you seek. I think some are afraid they will be portrayed as weak so they chose to live in ignorance and shoot from the hip.
You seek a human comparison to God. But you are not an all-powerful, omnipotent being. Your God is. He knows all. He would know what Lucifer would accomplish, would he not? He knows of Lucifer's betrayal, and of his temptation of man. He knows what Adam and Eve would do, would he not? Merely some interesting theological and philosophical questions.
I see the passage stating that "man was made in his likeness" as an example of man's creation of religion. Would it not seem like humans to create a religion that believes we are the superior beings, and the we are a god's vested interest, first and foremost? It is a view incomprehendable of anything but humanity. Of course, this is not proof per se of religion being false, but one view that I take from religion.
Last edited by Religion=WAR (2007-01-06 07:16:10)
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Plain wrong. Vanilla wrong. The "well known fact" that "we don't use a high percentage of our brain" is an urban myth. It's bollox. Bullshit. Rubbish. It is not true.Religion=WAR wrote:
It's a well known fact we don't use a high percentage of our brain, don't prove my point.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
The idea that we only use 10-20% of our brain is, I'm sorry to say, just plain wrong. We use all of our brain, pretty much all of the time, except when sleeping.Religion=WAR wrote:
I believe God is in each and every one of us, and it is up to us to discover the potential, and unlock the abilities of a "God". Let's say a man could live a 100% completely sin free life; and educated himself about everything on the planet. If that man could do this, he would probably have developed his brain a lot more than anyone else on the planet. The average human uses 11% to 18% of their brain. This is not a lot but still amazingly enough, equal to an 11 million gigabyte computer. We can't even speculate as to what a computer of this caliber could be capable of.
There are people on the planet that have developed certain aspects of their brain to a point. ie: Shaolin monks, speed readers, surgeons, pro-athletes, etc., and have god-like abilities in their field, and more than likely, use a higher percentage of a certain part of their brain. If we could use 50 or 80% maybe we could walk on water, turn water to wine, levitate, read minds, etc, etc, etc.
My point is, I believe in God, but not your typical God, but an internal one. We can not base beliefs on theory, as it only results in argument. No one knows the real truth, it is our history, and we can't go back in time.(yet!), so to base your life on circumstantial evidence and theology is the same as believing there is no God.
I also believe we have already been here and beyond, on a technological level anyway, and have made all the same mistakes we are making now. Curios? Prob not. Karma me if you agree pls. I NEED KARMA! Don't know why! And write about other topics if you care, or want to. Peace
This thread will addresses the all-powerful diety/free will dilemma.Fen321 wrote:
Nicely said, but the problem is people don't usually understand or even address the dilemma i present to them they simply trail off into the Bible says....but doesn't answer the question. I merely, as did Drakef, ask how does the all powerful deity place you into a situation then some how becomes the same person that is going to save you from the situation but in the process BLAME IT ON YOU?!?!?! FAWK, what a shitty deal.
I suggest reading some books by Christian philosophers that specifically address the subject, rather than questioning folks here to get a full satisfactory answer. I do my best, but we can't possible cover all the angles in here when volumes of books have been written on that subject.
Mine doesn't....lolCommieChipmunk wrote:
your shit still stinks.
Seriously though, I have read so many science books that it has come round to me believing that something had to start it all. Whether you believe in creationism, the big bang or inflation, they come back to "something had to start it all off". The only thing that contradicts that is if you believe the universe has always been here (there?) but that is extremely unlikely as we have night skies with dark areas. If the universe had been around forever, then the light from enough stars would reach our planet to make night as light as day as there would be a star in every single position you look at.
However, it could also be that it is human psychology to need something to believe in, or religion was started as a way for people to come to an agreement on what constitutes good behaviour. The fear that you would end up in hell if you misbehaved quite possibly stopped the world from going to hell in a hand basket a long time ago (pun intended btw).
As for the Bible, the Koran or the Talmud (sorry if spelling is incorrect), I can't help but think they were written by humans and therefore are subject to those individuals personal perception. They may well have been inspired or guided bu God/Allah, but it would be like one of us writing up a book about something we cannot possibly understand and therefore need to bring it back to ideas and thoughts we can comprehend.
The belief that the universe is infinite isnt that it does have big bangs etc. Its that everytime a bang happens a crush will follow which then causes another bang. Thus it repeats itself forever.
i believe in GOD, i am a Christian. Everything in the Bible matches physically matches evidence.
ahahahahahah you know the bible is mostly bollocks right. Lies that have been proven with science.$eXXXyCabbage wrote:
i believe in GOD, i am a Christian. Everything in the Bible matches physically matches evidence.
I didn't read the whole thread, so maybe someone pointed out your blatant mistake.Bosjesman1 wrote:
kiteboarderni wrote:
God aint black
are there people that think that god is a man with a beard?
I think that if there is a god, he doesnt look like us.....
if he is almighty then he is much more then we will every be....
The Bible clearly states the God created Man in his image. Therefore, God looks as men do.
On a second note, God may or may not have been black, but Jesus was definetly not the blue eyed, blonde haired man he is portrayed as. He was born in Jerusalem, which is in the Middle East. He was born Jewish. He probably had brown eyes, brown hair, and tanned skin.
Not true- stars die all the time!TuataraDude wrote:
Mine doesn't....lolCommieChipmunk wrote:
your shit still stinks.
Seriously though, I have read so many science books that it has come round to me believing that something had to start it all. Whether you believe in creationism, the big bang or inflation, they come back to "something had to start it all off". The only thing that contradicts that is if you believe the universe has always been here (there?) but that is extremely unlikely as we have night skies with dark areas. If the universe had been around forever, then the light from enough stars would reach our planet to make night as light as day as there would be a star in every single position you look at.
I've just always believed. I see why people don't, but I stand by my beliefs.
Santa Claus is real, so why not God?
You were so eager to answer other simple Christian questions does this prove to much of a burden that you cannot find a reason not even you can explain to me, what on earth could someone even more set in his ways can possibly shed light on the paradox.Stingray24 wrote:
This thread will addresses the all-powerful diety/free will dilemma.Fen321 wrote:
Nicely said, but the problem is people don't usually understand or even address the dilemma i present to them they simply trail off into the Bible says....but doesn't answer the question. I merely, as did Drakef, ask how does the all powerful deity place you into a situation then some how becomes the same person that is going to save you from the situation but in the process BLAME IT ON YOU?!?!?! FAWK, what a shitty deal.
I suggest reading some books by Christian philosophers that specifically address the subject, rather than questioning folks here to get a full satisfactory answer. I do my best, but we can't possible cover all the angles in here when volumes of books have been written on that subject.
Once again you confuse my argument entirely on free will for whatever reason. Human free will has zero to do with the Supreme God's choice in creating the cause of the fall of man. That was his sole choice after which being taken place he already knew all choices that would come about from this creation consequently he knew he already had to "save" man from his own bidding. Come on now even you can realize how much of a pointless argument it becomes to argue any "free will" mumbo jumbo after you realize it was all "started" so to speak buy some short sighted deity.
For whatever reason if that is still not enough ask yourself how the creater of this Universe....i'm assuming we can agree on this much....will punish one being for acts that are taking place in the fringes of his Universe and condemn him for "eternity" when paradoxically --> (He created you into this reality of existence, remember you have no choice into coming here you are CREATED HERE) Unless of course you want to go all out and decide that we have free will before God creates us and we are freely choosing to come to earth to play his game of life. hmm not to good now, personally i find this highly improbable
Last edited by Fen321 (2007-01-07 16:44:44)
Also see:Daysniper wrote:
Not true- stars die all the time!TuataraDude wrote:
Mine doesn't....lolCommieChipmunk wrote:
your shit still stinks.
Seriously though, I have read so many science books that it has come round to me believing that something had to start it all. Whether you believe in creationism, the big bang or inflation, they come back to "something had to start it all off". The only thing that contradicts that is if you believe the universe has always been here (there?) but that is extremely unlikely as we have night skies with dark areas. If the universe had been around forever, then the light from enough stars would reach our planet to make night as light as day as there would be a star in every single position you look at.
( answers wrote:
Q. So. Why is space black?
A. NASA has a great answer: "There are two things to think about here.
Let's take the easy one first and ask "why is the daytime sky blue
here on Earth?" That is a question we can answer. The daytime sky is
blue because light from the nearby Sun hits molecules in the Earth's
atmosphere and scatters off in all directions. The blue color of the
sky is a result of this scattering process. At night, when that part
of Earth is facing away from the Sun, space looks black because there
is no nearby bright source of light, like the Sun, to be scattered. If
you were on the Moon, which has no atmosphere, the sky would be black
both night and day. You can see this in photographs taken during the
Apollo Moon landings.
So, now on to the harder part - if the Universe is full of stars, why
doesn't the light from all of them add up to make the whole sky bright
all the time? It turns out that if the Universe was infinitely large
and infinitely old, then we would expect the night sky to be bright
from the light of all those stars. Every direction you looked in space
you would be looking at a star. Yet we know from experience that space
is black! This paradox is known as Olbers' Paradox. It is a paradox
because of the apparent contradiction between our expectation that the
night sky be bright and our experience that it is black.
Many different explanations have been put forward to resolve Olbers'
Paradox. The best solution at present is that the Universe is not
infinitely old; it is somewhere around 15 billion years old. That
means we can only see objects as far away as the distance light can
travel in 15 billion years. The light from stars farther away than
that has not yet had time to reach us and so can't contribute to
making the sky bright.
Another reason that the sky may not be bright with the visible light
of all the stars is because when a source of light is moving away from
you, the wavelength of that light is made longer (which for light
means more red.) This means that the light from stars that are moving
away from us will become shifted towards red, and may shift so far
that it is no longer visible at all. (Note: You hear the same effect
when an ambulance passes you, and the pitch of the siren gets lower as
the ambulance travels away from you; this effect is called the Doppler
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Why is Space Black?
I hope this helps!
Edit: to Fen321
Many who posted had some very deep questions that I did my best to answer, yours are no exception. Given the number of threads and posts on various "religious" subjects I'm forced to bounce in and out of threads depending on my free time. So you'll have to wait for my answer. In the mean time, if you read some of the posts in the referenced thread you will find some posts by those who think free will does relate to the subject.
The reason I suggested the authors is because, from what I've read in your posts, it sounds as if you've been asking this question for awhile. You say you haven't received an answer, so I assume a fair number of people have not answered to your satisfaction. With that in mind, I doubt I can do much better. The writings of those who have explored the subject to a much deeper level would provide a much more thorough response to the question at hand. It seemed logical to me that you would want to go to the best source if you're really serious about getting a proper answer from a Christian. If you stop at a couple paragraphs in a forum and don't tap into the writings of theologians, you'll be doing yourself a disservice in your quest for an answer. I do not know what you've read, so perhaps you are currently doing what I've suggested.
Also, as the critic, you have to acknowledge you have the easier position. All you have to do is ask a couple questions that call a belief into question and seemingly refute it. You don't have to answer tough questions or defend anything - all you have to do is keep asking questions. In contrast, anyone responding may have to write several paragraphs. I will do my best, but I doubt I have the silver bullet for your questions. Someone else may, however and I have several authors to recomemend if your interested.
Many who posted had some very deep questions that I did my best to answer, yours are no exception. Given the number of threads and posts on various "religious" subjects I'm forced to bounce in and out of threads depending on my free time. So you'll have to wait for my answer. In the mean time, if you read some of the posts in the referenced thread you will find some posts by those who think free will does relate to the subject.
The reason I suggested the authors is because, from what I've read in your posts, it sounds as if you've been asking this question for awhile. You say you haven't received an answer, so I assume a fair number of people have not answered to your satisfaction. With that in mind, I doubt I can do much better. The writings of those who have explored the subject to a much deeper level would provide a much more thorough response to the question at hand. It seemed logical to me that you would want to go to the best source if you're really serious about getting a proper answer from a Christian. If you stop at a couple paragraphs in a forum and don't tap into the writings of theologians, you'll be doing yourself a disservice in your quest for an answer. I do not know what you've read, so perhaps you are currently doing what I've suggested.
Also, as the critic, you have to acknowledge you have the easier position. All you have to do is ask a couple questions that call a belief into question and seemingly refute it. You don't have to answer tough questions or defend anything - all you have to do is keep asking questions. In contrast, anyone responding may have to write several paragraphs. I will do my best, but I doubt I have the silver bullet for your questions. Someone else may, however and I have several authors to recomemend if your interested.
Last edited by Stingray24 (2007-01-07 19:56:57)
Is love logical? Can you prove you love someone?Drakef wrote:
My argument is that it is an unknown. Therefore, no reason to worship a god because we do not know why life exists. You provide an explaination for life, without proof, and claim that when we cannot explain something, it must be because God created it. That is false.GATOR591957 wrote:
The same can be said for your argument as well.Drakef wrote:
Simply because we truly don't understand the universe is not proof of the Bible being true. What we cannot explain does not automatically become a supernatural explaination. We will understand it one day. But for now, it becomes an unknown.
Still looking for your reasons.
Why do I think the Bible is fake? I believe that the Bible is a creation of man. If you encourage us to "analyze the facts", then I respond with that religion has no room for facts, but instead conjecture and claims without proof. It is a story that would be met with the same reaction as an insane man's cries, or a fairy tale, except that centuries of persecution and violence have cemented its reputation as something to take serious. It is because we are an ignorant race, that needs an explaination. We cannot accept an unknown, but instead must choose what we believe in is that unknown. But it does not help when the fear of Hell is place into the situation, that the beliefs of a religion must be followed or the wrath of a god may be placed upon you. I look at the philosophical implications of a deity, and I see no logic in why this deity insists upon the worship of his being, no logic in the idea of free will, and no logic in Heaven or Hell other than a brilliant idea to frighten the masses. Every scientific implication over the centuries has been downplayed and condemned by the churches because it created an atmosphere of knowledge that could escape the religion's grasp, and contradicted what the church had told us about the unknown. Yet, science eventually explained the unknown, and the church became less powerful when we became more intelligent. The printing press allowed this to occur, and so did the expanding of human rights. Slowly we have become less religious, more intelligent, and more objective to the horrible past of the church, and a certain book that claims to be holy, but is nothing more than an ancient book. It is a book that permitted such persecution. It is a book that has no proof whatsoever.
We cannot simply assume the unknown is the work of a god. That is terrible logic. It is not proof of God's work in any way. The onus is on the religious to prove the existance of the gods, not for us to prove the unknown, because the unknown is what there is. What the religious have is a theory of what the unknown is, and to assume that there is a creator by logic is false. You may believe by faith, but in no way does anything give logic to God. Simply because man has invented technology is no proof of God's existance as a creator. That is illogical. I have no problem with your faith in God, but to claim that logically a deity exists by such means is an argument of no logic.
I'll agree the churches have not served Christianity well in the past. What we fail to forget is the word of God has been handed down and just as telling a story becomes watered down to basically nothing like the original story after the forth or fifth time it's recounted so has the Bible.
For the record I do not attend church. I have several Rabbi, minister and priest acquaintances that I debate, and converse with on a regular basis. I have chosen to investigate the word of God on my own. I feel everyone should do their own work to come to an understanding of exactly what they are believing and why, or why they don't believe..
Here is your proof: St. Anselms Ontogogical arguement(Paraphrased by me)
Let us call God "That than which nothing greater can be concieved", because that seems the only thing that all
monotheistic religions are able to agree on. Now existence in reality is more relavent than existance in mind, so "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must exist in reality, because if "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" did not exist, than "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" could not be "That than which nothing greater can be concieved".
Or even better:
God is "That than which nothing greater can be concieved". It is greater to be necessasary than not. "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must be necessary, so it must exist.
The fact that the creation of this absurd little arguement is possible should be in itself proof that God exists!
Let us call God "That than which nothing greater can be concieved", because that seems the only thing that all
monotheistic religions are able to agree on. Now existence in reality is more relavent than existance in mind, so "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must exist in reality, because if "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" did not exist, than "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" could not be "That than which nothing greater can be concieved".
Or even better:
God is "That than which nothing greater can be concieved". It is greater to be necessasary than not. "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must be necessary, so it must exist.
The fact that the creation of this absurd little arguement is possible should be in itself proof that God exists!
Last edited by Deadmonkiefart (2007-02-08 18:28:37)
Hans Albert FTW.topal63 wrote:
NOT...Deadmonkiefart wrote:
Here is your proof: St. Anselms Ontogogical arguement(Paraphrased by me)
Let us call God "That than which nothing greater can be concieved", because that seems the only thing that all
monotheistic religions are able to agree on. Now existence in reality is more relavent than existance in mind, so "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must exist in reality, because if "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" did not exist, than "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" could not be "That than which nothing greater can be concieved".
Or even better:
God is "That than which nothing greater can be concieved". It is greater to be necessasary than not. "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must be necessary, so it must exist.
The fact that the creation of this absurd little arguement is possible should be in itself proof that God exists!
If you would like me to illustrate why... respond. And I will demonstrate the error of all ontology's; and that this was not written by Anselm as a proof(!) but rather merely as a meditation upon a possibility; not the reality of it; else if not-respond then FUCK-IT; I won't.
Go ahead. I already know why this doesn't work. It is just entertaining to thinik about.topal63 wrote:
NOT...Deadmonkiefart wrote:
Here is your proof: St. Anselms Ontogogical arguement(Paraphrased by me)
Let us call God "That than which nothing greater can be concieved", because that seems the only thing that all
monotheistic religions are able to agree on. Now existence in reality is more relavent than existance in mind, so "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must exist in reality, because if "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" did not exist, than "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" could not be "That than which nothing greater can be concieved".
Or even better:
God is "That than which nothing greater can be concieved". It is greater to be necessasary than not. "That than which nothing greater can be concieved" must be necessary, so it must exist.
The fact that the creation of this absurd little arguement is possible should be in itself proof that God exists!
If you would like me to illustrate why... respond. And I will demonstrate the error of all ontology's; and that this was not written by Anselm as a proof(!) but rather merely as a meditation upon a possibility; not the reality of it; else if not-respond then FUCK-IT; I won't.
Monkiefart! You disturbed the peace this topic had in death. The curse of Hava Nagila has been released now! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ()