+1,352|6533|N. Ireland
Have you moved from BF2? I think I finally have. I don't think I'll be going back to the joy of BF2, I'm seriously addicted to 2142 (40+ hours this week).

Do One Ya Mug !!!
yep i love 2142 , cant get enough of it, bf2 sucks donkey shit.
+783|6883|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Same here, sick of BF2, BF2142 is the shizzle. I tried playing some BF2 the other day, and guess what, insta artillery, raped by something else and another rape.

BF2142 is just much better balanced IMO.
fuck it
I went back to BF2 from 2142. Once you hit general there is nothing to look forward to. Jets and helis in BF2 are more fun than anything in 2142.
+106|6421|UMass Amherst
Oh, I moved from BF2 a long time ago.  2142 is so much more intense in many regards (titan mode, is just plain nuts) and is a long step from being bombed again and again by one god-like pilot who helps his team dominate the entire round (Wake=most unbalanced map ever, unless the Chinese have retarded pilots).  Guns=better, balance=better, and vehicles=better (jet whores who bitch the gunship is underpowered, you simply need to adapt; it's quite capable of dealing mass death, as I have found out).
+783|6883|Reykjavík, Iceland.
The gunship in BF2142 is a freaking killer if you have a good pilot/gunner with you.
2142 all the way, gameplay rocks, everything feels smooth, polished and loading times are great. Good GUI and menu interface and excellent unlock system. And the gunship isnt underpowered by any means, I went 30 kills for like 2 deaths soloing it yesterday.
Over the line!
+70|6789|Mark it zero.

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

I went back to BF2 from 2142. Once you hit general there is nothing to look forward to. Jets and helis in BF2 are more fun than anything in 2142.
i've mainly gone back to bf2 for the same reason. i play 2142 with a few friends though
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6605|Area 51
Yeah...I'm now totally addicted to this gamee..just because I'm climbing up the rankings and getting new unlocks and shitt, its just a new twist..BF2 was just the same, with noo goal..I allready had all unlocks and shit and having to play to 200.000 points for 3 star general was just too I quit at 140.000..
Frosties > Cornflakes

I got Brig General the other day in 2142 so have went back to BF2 to finially atain Colonel, once I do that I will head back to 2142 again, but I want more ranks in 2142 dammit!

Get those special ranks Bell. They might be harder to get. Though I wanna know how to get all of them and to lazy to search. :3

Anyway I don't think I'll be going back to BF2 for a while, I still got plenty of things to do in BF2142 before I'm bored. :3

Edit: What does FAO means anyway? For All Of??

Last edited by Zefar (2006-12-29 11:44:57)

+1,352|6533|N. Ireland
I'm a Sgt. Major of the Army, but I may just be a Chief Petty Officer Silver by the end of tonight
Go Ducks.
I'm a (relatively new) BF2 player, and i've been meaning to buy 2142, but i'm waiting for a new computer just because.........

I love BF2, and 2142 looks cool, but i do wonder... are most of the bugs out? Every battlefield game so far has launched with tons of bugs... i need to know...

maybe this is for a different thread... but i just need a simple answer... Buy it now? Wait 2 months?
buy it now mate, even in 2 months there will be bugs, but you learn how to combat them, ive stopped playing bf2 alltogether
+1,352|6533|N. Ireland
there aren't as many bugs as I expected, but there are still lots. a few to your advantage, such as non-rendered frames so you can go straight through them (usually located behind the signs in gibraltar - allows you snipe very well.

edit// fao means for attention of.

Last edited by leetkyle (2006-12-29 13:28:51)

+1,230|6883|Alberta, Canada

I'm waiting for all the noobs to dissappear before I play again.

ryan_14 wrote:

I'm waiting for all the noobs to dissappear before I play again.
oh GOOD LUCK. XD It's the same with BF2. There are still noobs there.
+783|6883|Reykjavík, Iceland.
600 more points for me until General in BF2142, then I'll just play for fun with my friends, it never gets boring IMO when you are playing with your friends on TS.
gunship rules
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6740|MoVal So-Cal
I dont play 2142 to get get ranks. I play because I want to see my name at the top of the boards in every match I play. Until that happens, I'm addicted
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6415|Inside the AR Rockets.
I moved from BF2 right when the DEMO came out xD

leetkyle wrote:

Have you moved from BF2? I think I finally have. I don't think I'll be going back to the joy of BF2, I'm seriously addicted to 2142 (40+ hours this week).


You don't have EA whine privileges unless you have successfully created and coded a game that has sold millions of copies in retail stores. SO JUST SHUT UP AND PLAY!
Ive coded many games.. several dozen.. some before you were born probably..  I can say without
a doubt in my mind that EA (DICE) are the worst programmers on the market.  2142 is a step up from
BF2.. but hell, it only took them, what, 19 months to tweak it ?  The game engine blows. Many games on
the market use less resources and function much better with yes, better graphics.

BF2 was only a success in one aspect, SALES. In all other regards, it was lousy as could be. There were
more bugs in that game than you could count, some still remain to this day, 19 months after release.
2142 finally addressed some of them, but gee, thanks for making us pay for another game that has the

As far as switching from BF2 to 2142... Nah.. 2142 isnt bad.. but its much too spammy, titan mode is
pathetic and boring.  800 medics running around and Im the only one who revives anybody..Walker
noobs...claymore noobs.. silly gay ass turrets skill...

BF2 even with all its bugs is much funner to play but only on certain maps.. EA once again rules the
admins, game server providers.. gestapo type control.. same ole maps will get boring over and over..

I wish EPIC would have made Battlefield series games... We;d all have 10,000 maps to play right now
and the game would have 1/100th the bugs.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6597|Brisbane, Aus

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

I went back to BF2 from 2142. Once you hit general there is nothing to look forward to. Jets and helis in BF2 are more fun than anything in 2142.
same, plus play titan mode for a day or so and go back to BF2 it seems so lag free lol
J-10 whore
Bf2 is more fun than 2142, seriously, i love the maps design maybe cause its modern?
+40|6696|Land of the Very Cold
Can't get the hang of bf2142. I still see it has a BF2 mod more than anything else. Guess I spent 50$ for nothing.

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