clan servers are the worst to play on.  Even the more well known clannie servers kick/ban
you if you own them. Same story as with BF2.... worst admin group out of any game title
I have ever seen.  Its like 4000 daddys bought their kiddies BF2/2142 servers for their
birthdays or something.

Ive been kick/banned from BF2 so many times for simply killing clannies its pathetic. Then
I usually register their forum and ask why and get banned from there too.

Why is the BF series games filled with so many kiddies ?? Or, worse, grown ups who act like
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6715|Canberra, AUS

dyfu wrote:

You are quite welcome. I'm glad I could put a smile on your face. While I see where you are coming from please understand one thing. I too appreciate your input. The entire thread was nothing other then a flame-fest. I 'defended' or just gave the other side of the story. I myself am not a clan member, but I hate one sided arguements where a bunch of people flame away on someone. I just wanted to offer the other side of the story. I am just as guilty as all of you of flaming and that is a big problem with this site. There are some interesting threads that provide alot of input, but the flaming is out of control. As a newcomer it shows that there is no respect for others.
Feel free to flame me on that because 'im new and havent put in time and paid my dues' but that is how it looks to others. And sure we all have snappy little comebacks like yours and people get a chuckle out of it, but it gets old. And you continue the cycle with your witty little snaps. So congrats to you.

I 'defended' no one other then the other side of the story. Do I think he was in the wrong? Personally we ALL were in the wrong, but I look at both sides regardless of the story.  Just like how instead of judging the forums and members of from what I heard, I came and saw for myself.
Who the fuck are you?

We don't know who you are or where you came from, but we'd appreciate it if you FUCKED OFF.

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6715|Canberra, AUS

Linus wrote:

clan servers are the worst to play on.  Even the more well known clannie servers kick/ban
you if you own them. Same story as with BF2.... worst admin group out of any game title
I have ever seen.  Its like 4000 daddys bought their kiddies BF2/2142 servers for their
birthdays or something.

Ive been kick/banned from BF2 so many times for simply killing clannies its pathetic. Then
I usually register their forum and ask why and get banned from there too.

Why is the BF series games filled with so many kiddies ?? Or, worse, grown ups who act like
We don't...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Frosties > Cornflakes

Hacking dolphin diving cheat ugly face bastard!

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

dyfu wrote:

Go Fuck YourSelf

btw ---im really excited to see all the tard responses
Only on the weekend.
LOL at this thread, I know both clans, their well both below average, but as long as they're having fun...
So far when I have played I haven't really meet any tards admins but in CSS they banned me because they thought I used an aimbot. After I said I didn't I made 3 head shots in a row with TMP in close combat to and that was the last straw. I did kill 2 other people with MP5 but I made sure I didn't aim at the head and killed them normally. Oh and they where Germans to.

In BF2142 there was an noob that said he where gonna report my score on the EA forum. Like wth man what did I do wrong? Some dude on the other team had 25+ more points than me to. They though I hacked because I whooped their ass pretty good. In the end I had a round score on 117 something but I made the mistake to use RDX on the Core and DAMN MAN, NO ONE will clear the area for it to. I got banned for TK to many people. Meh screw them and I bet the little noob was glad about it. On the other hand maybe I can search him up. :3
+106|6422|UMass Amherst
I think I know a way to eliminate these n00b admins, smacktard clans, and otherwise complete retards in the gaming world.  I take a page out of my brothers' book for this.

They must pass a series of tests, each more difficult than the last...and if they pass, they gain the priviledge of playing online with the rest of the cool and calm people.

Phase 1:  Subject is thrown into a random BF2142 server where one team is losing badly; they are put on the losing team.  The objective for the player is to simply NOT bitch about how the teams are stacked, how badly they are losing, or accusing of hacking.  You'd be amazed how many people cannot keep their mouth shut on this...hell, I'm guilty of it too at one point or another, but we're talking super-raping of the carrier on Wake kinda beat-down for me;

Phase 2: Same conditions as Phase 1, except you are thrown in with random clanners in a squad.  The objective is to rally your troops into following your lead and make a dent in the enemy's offensive...or preferrably, push them back all the way back to their main base.  VOIP skills are a plus, however bitching at your teammates or being a smacktard automatically fails you.  Bonus points awarded if your team pulls a victory out of their ass and you were the one leading the way.

Phase 3: You are given administrative rights on a server; your objective is to simply not ABUSE them; people always are tempted by power far too easily.  However, to throw in a curveball, random people will be thrown in who will be deliberately trying to ruin the game (i.e. stat padding, glitching, hacking, etc).  The subject must deal with each situation accordingly, or at least be aware of it and issue warnings/kicks/bans where deemed necessary. 

Phase 4: similar to phase three, except they become a member of a forum and must post a certain amount of times; being a smacktard here fails you, and conversely, positively contributing to the community (tips, tactics, good advice, clean messages) earns you respect.  Passing all four of these allows the player to join a game at will, the end.

Before you say 'oh those are so easy to fake out' I remind you that some people cannot resist being morons, even for the shortest amount of time.  This process would weed out the whiners, and the blatant smacktards, and definitely thin out the number of annoying people online.  Of course, it's merely a nice fantasy, because no one would ever want to administer this test, and theres' just simply not enough time to weed out the numerous idiots online; 60% of the time, they outnumber the smart people all of the time.
+3|6665|Canberra ACT
hey Panderiz..... come find us online sometime... maybe i can make a video for you too
+519|6661|Gold coast, Aus.

instakill wrote:

hey Panderiz..... come find us online sometime... maybe i can make a video for you too
Good luck.....Panderiz is fucking pro....
+3|6665|Canberra ACT
Panderiz is fucking a pro????.... hope he wears a condom
i hate you all

dyfu wrote:

DOMS---nice job telling everyone how you play on K/P servers.....granted EA could care less, but it just lets me know that if you are ever on my server that I can automatically BAN you for being a complete waste of a human life. Dont worry I'm pretty sure your "manfriend" will let you cry on his shoulder once you read him this.............tard

Your an admin? Geez...

dyfu wrote:

A couple of things

1st) Dont ever assume that all clan members are like this. For every douchebag numbnut retard clan member there are 10 that are not like him.

2nd) On a skill level of 1-10 Battlefield 2142 is a -2. So pat yourself on the back for pwning a 12 year old. Your mom might just soil herself once you tell her what you did.

DOMS---nice job telling everyone how you play on K/P servers.....granted EA could care less, but it just lets me know that if you are ever on my server that I can automatically BAN you for being a complete waste of a human life. Dont worry I'm pretty sure your "manfriend" will let you cry on his shoulder once you read him this.............tard

Agreed with the first thing, but went back on yourself in the last few things (If you're in a clan)
+617|6446|NSW, Australia

gene_pool wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

dyfu wrote:

A couple of things

1st) Dont ever assume that all clan members are like this. For every douchebag numbnut retard clan member there are 10 that are not like him.

2nd) On a skill level of 1-10 Battlefield 2142 is a -2. So pat yourself on the back for pwning a 12 year old. Your mom might just soil herself once you tell her what you did.

DOMS---nice job telling everyone how you play on K/P servers.....granted EA could care less, but it just lets me know that if you are ever on my server that I can automatically BAN you for being a complete waste of a human life. Dont worry I'm pretty sure your "manfriend" will let you cry on his shoulder once you read him this.............tard

Indeed. also what does GFYS mean?

Get Fucked You Slut was the only thing that came to mind.
i think its go fuck your self
I had some gay telling me I was a titwank the other day because I placed APM's near there SLSB, the only reason I did this was because it was one of those 'indestructable' beacons, carefully placed by the squad leader to glitch under a piece of metal on the titan.  I tried using RDX and shooting it but it just sat there and smiled at me.  So I thought fair enough, I'll just blow you to bits when you land.

Do you think thats noobish??
i hate you all

SAF.Skellen wrote:

I had some gay telling me I was a titwank the other day because I placed APM's near there SLSB, the only reason I did this was because it was one of those 'indestructable' beacons, carefully placed by the squad leader to glitch under a piece of metal on the titan.  I tried using RDX and shooting it but it just sat there and smiled at me.  So I thought fair enough, I'll just blow you to bits when you land.

Do you think thats noobish??
Yes, i think you should have camped them with the knife as they spawned. Definitely noobish
+519|6661|Gold coast, Aus.

Fredrik wrote:

SAF.Skellen wrote:

I had some gay telling me I was a titwank the other day because I placed APM's near there SLSB, the only reason I did this was because it was one of those 'indestructable' beacons, carefully placed by the squad leader to glitch under a piece of metal on the titan.  I tried using RDX and shooting it but it just sat there and smiled at me.  So I thought fair enough, I'll just blow you to bits when you land.

Do you think thats noobish??
Yes, i think you should have camped them with the knife as they spawned. Definitely noobish
I saw someone do that! it was so funny!

He would look up and see where the pod is, stand right under it (not enough to get squished though) and when it hit and he heard the enemy do the little puncy scream he knew he was out of the pod (because all the dust, it is hard to see if hes out) and he would stab straight away. I joined his squad, and helped him. Later we had about 4 people camping this one squad beacon with nothing but knives and not even attempting to destroy it.

The enemy squad must of been full or near full cause there were tonnes of people spawning and they were trying everything to get away. Bunnyhopping straight after hitting the ground and one even tried to C4 us when he landed. Didn't work. Anyway, after some camping i got a message sent to me.

Oops, apparently someone doesn't like me

dyfu wrote:

DOMS---nice job telling everyone how you play on K/P servers.....granted EA could care less, but it just lets me know that if you are ever on my server that I can automatically BAN you for being a complete waste of a human life. Dont worry I'm pretty sure your "manfriend" will let you cry on his shoulder once you read him this.............tard
With the avatar writing "in your mum" i don't think i would be playing on your server anyway fucktard. And whats with the flaming response? What the fuck is K/P servers anyway? manfriend? what are you, fucking retarded? you sir, should be shot, i hope to god that you won't wake up tommorow. I think you are the biggest FUCK i have seen on this site.

instakill wrote:

i agree 100% Dom
Thankyou, im glad to see somebody agreeing with me and not saying that i can cry on my "manfriend".

Last edited by Doms (2006-12-18 05:03:12)

i hate you all
Of course we agree with you Doms, thrust me.

What the hell was up with that guy anyway? I think he have some issues concerning Knife/pistol server players but ffs why get personal about where people like to play and stating that he would ban you from his server?

I think someone should put "the ancient art of self ownage" in his forum title, that post was so retarded that it actually scared me
+1,153|6670|Washington, DC

dyfu wrote:

You are all absolutely correct. And the other internet forums are correct as well when referring to members and their posts on I figured I would test it out and see for myself just to be sure and not 'prejudge' anything or anyone. But now I know. Thank you for your help

and by the way

Registered: 2006-12-17

Fuck off, I hate this influx of new retarded users. This is the only time I'd want to see Trigg back on the forums, just for a few weeks to ban all of you idiots who just prance in here thinking you have the right to flame anyone.

No. That's not how it works. This is BF2S, not You show respect for others or you will NOT get a warm welcome to this forum. I'm no moderator, but if I was I'd ban you and your kind from anything and everything BF2S.

gene_pool wrote:

Fredrik wrote:

SAF.Skellen wrote:

I had some gay telling me I was a titwank the other day because I placed APM's near there SLSB, the only reason I did this was because it was one of those 'indestructable' beacons, carefully placed by the squad leader to glitch under a piece of metal on the titan.  I tried using RDX and shooting it but it just sat there and smiled at me.  So I thought fair enough, I'll just blow you to bits when you land.

Do you think thats noobish??
Yes, i think you should have camped them with the knife as they spawned. Definitely noobish
I saw someone do that! it was so funny!

He would look up and see where the pod is, stand right under it (not enough to get squished though) and when it hit and he heard the enemy do the little puncy scream he knew he was out of the pod (because all the dust, it is hard to see if hes out) and he would stab straight away. I joined his squad, and helped him. Later we had about 4 people camping this one squad beacon with nothing but knives and not even attempting to destroy it.

The enemy squad must of been full or near full cause there were tonnes of people spawning and they were trying everything to get away. Bunnyhopping straight after hitting the ground and one even tried to C4 us when he landed. Didn't work. Anyway, after some camping i got a message sent to me. …

Oops, apparently someone doesn't like me
wtf dude? How do you get Kill Damage Assists if you were just knifing..
Isn't it when you knife someone that it's supposed to be one hit, one kill?
Or have I been playing the wrong game? lol.

Fredrik wrote:

Of course we agree with you Doms, thrust me.

What the hell was up with that guy anyway? I think he have some issues concerning Knife/pistol server players but ffs why get personal about where people like to play and stating that he would ban you from his server?

I think someone should put "the ancient art of self ownage" in his forum title, that post was so retarded that it actually scared me
I played on K/P servers to get the tagger's knife, now i have it, and now i play on K/P servers only when im sick of whores on other servers. Im imagining that you see his server "dyfu's hectic server" with 0/64. You would be the biggest fuck of an admin.

Last edited by Doms (2006-12-18 16:02:22)


dyfu wrote:

You are right. I stated how not all clan members are douchebags.
So did the thread title. Learn to read.
Lol, I have not laughed so hard for a while.
Get your body beat.
Clan PFPN (one australias top outsider) is apart of 45th both which on internode and GA have been banned for everything from exploiting, to hacking and statspadding.

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