+262|6676|North Norway

ok, just a reminder this is the last day I'm online for a couple of weeks... Cya all after christmas
Support fanatic :-)

God Jul Hallvard
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+262|6676|North Norway

Takk, takk
God jul te deg og

God jul alle sammen = Merry Christmas everyone
+383|6873|The Netherlands
Good games today everyone.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

hm, I call it weekend ping: I wasn't able to join a server with more than 30 ppl without lagging today
+262|6676|North Norway

found a computer
soup fly mod

no word from the gillinator...so i guess it either went really well or really bad
---hates you
+1,137|6910|Hell, p.o box 666

Maybe he´s still doing it
soup fly mod

Sl4y3r wrote:

Maybe he´s still doing it
yeah, that's what I meant about it going really well!
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
You people remembered it.
Actually, nothing happened yet. She was totally exhausted.
She had worked all day and was suffering from low blood pressure.
But I don't really mind. Just taking it easy. It will happen eventually.
The weekend was good anyway.
And I really appreciate all the support I got from you guys.
Man! I'm in love.

Last edited by Gillenator (2006-12-18 01:53:56)

soup fly mod

Gillenator wrote:

Man! I'm in love.
Caution: That's the hormones talking!! Don't confuse love with lust...

If you still feel the same way after you've been banging her for a year then you'll know.
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
Okay! I think I'm sort of in love a bit.
Or something like that!
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6700|Doncaster, UK
Be afraid...... be very afraid.

I always remember a line from one of my favourite films, Ferris Bueller's, when he says of Cameron (and I paraphrase cos I can't remember it exactly), "He'll marry the first person he ever lays, and she'll make his life a misery".

There is more to 'love' than sex my good man. Enjoy it while you're having it (eventually) but don't go falling head over heels with someone just because of it.
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
I'm not in 'love' because of the sex, I'm in 'love' with who she is.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6700|Doncaster, UK
That's a good thing then. Hope it lasts for you. Seriously.
soup fly mod

Gillenator wrote:

I'm not in 'love' because of the sex, I'm in 'love' with who she is.
been there, done that...you can't really be sure that its love or lust at this point.

sorry if i'm being cynical but the truth is that it took me a while to figure out what truly loving a girl means.  a number of times (early on) i was certain that i was in love only to then realize that it was lust (physical attraction) more than anything else.  besides, you can't really love somebody until you get to know them.  and you can't really get to know anybody while you're in the honeymoon period.  this is the beginning of a relationship where everything is honey and roses and you only get to see the side of the other person that they want you to see.  only after the honeymoon period ends (6 months to a year) and you start to really find out who the person really is, can you really know.

i've had experiences with short, medium and long term relationships (i'm on my third 2.5+ year relationship now and this is definitely the one...yahoo!) and i only got it a couple of years ago!

as docfruityloop said, i hope you're right and that she is the girl of your dreams...just keep in mind what i wrote.

love-doctor superfly

Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-12-18 02:56:10)

---hates you
+1,137|6910|Hell, p.o box 666

hear hear!!! Wise spoken words Soup!
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
You're probaly right about that.
Oh well! We'll see what happens.
---hates you
+1,137|6910|Hell, p.o box 666

I know NooBesT, but nobody knows what we are talking about now
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6700|Doncaster, UK
Well my good lady and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary yesterday and I still love her after all this time.

I've done the short term relationships where you think you 'love' her and then when you break up you think, "Oh well...... NEXT!".

Heed the wise words of the Supe! It's very good advice.

Now you deleted my post.

That's very very easily predicted... Yes, I did it again.

talking about bf2142 or sex is good but lets not talk about love and comitment
Gillmaan sorry she had a "headache"
And greetings from Bosnia
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
Haha! Headache.
No really, I really don't mind it didn't happen yet.
Just taking it slowly.
BTW. Shaving is a pain.  And it itches like hell.
Cool member
Listen to what Superfly has said. This is very good advice, because it is always lust at the start, and lust does not have to be about the sex.
soup fly mod

But until you get the sex out of the way, us men can't really think clearly.  We'll think, say or do just about anything to get it on! 

Funny Story: a little over four years ago i had the hottest girlfriend i've ever had: she was 21 then, 180cm, great body, huge rack, intelligent, very very pretty...awesome to say the least.  i was absolutely head over heals over this girl...had those butterflies (well let's call em superflies) in my stomach when i was around her!  only problem is i was completely ignoring the fact that she smoked (alot), was really spoiled, had a nasty mean streak, very moody, didn't have the highest moral grounds and was psychotically jealous.  somehow i talked myself into overlooked these small details!  6 months later she cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend (and immediately told me) to get back at me because she was convinced that i had messed around (which i hadn't)...how could i have missed the signs

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