Fancy_Pollux wrote:
While torturing him I would make it clear that if he does not provide the correct information, he would be cryogenically frozen and hidden away somewhere so he couldn't die and get his 72 virgins. After he gives up the information, I'd freeze him anyway.
LOL, your such a prick Fancy, thats why I love you (platonically of course).
Btw, since some of you brought it up, and its my fault for not clarifying in OP, assume for all intensive purposes that the terrorist WILL talk. The point of the situation is not to discuss the merits of torture as a interigation methods and whether its effective, but rather what lenghts of utility people are willing to explore. Heck, if your worried about modern tech and nuclear weapons, just substitute a virulent pathogen for a nuclear weapon that will be released in a crowded area in 2 hours.
Sure, you'll lie to your wife by telling her those pants don't make her look fat
Sure you'll kill a bad person to save a good person
Sure you'd kill a bad person to save a million people.
But would you kill/harm an innocent person to save a million people? Act ulitarianism says yes, because the utility gained by that one loss of life is incomparable to the lives gained, but rule ulitariansim says that by breaking the law to gain that utility, we really have experienced no true gains.
Last edited by Elamdri (2006-12-08 16:58:06)