+101|6986|Southern California

HUNDaemon wrote:

I dont belive in religion for many reasons:

1. Too much thought that wont actually get anywhere

2. Too much complications that'll create disputes over something ridiculous (like this forum)

3. Religion is like imaginary friends for adults

4. Religion is for weak people who can't accept that there's NOTHING after we die

5. Because Religion (mainly the 'God' ones) killed millions of people in the past over crusades

6. Because churches collect money. Why? Definatly not for God! For themselves! Because they're greedy assholes

7. Because H-core religious people are blind to reality and destroy anything that proves that something invisible in every sense is ACTUALLY not there.

8. Because if God exists, he's on vacation and has been for hella long time.

9. Because he doesn't actually exist.

[/start reality check/no proof just opinion/can't end commonsense that didn't start]

I'll bet if you go back and restudy all those so called "religious wars" you will find GREED and IMPOSTER "GUARDIANS OF THE FAITHS" as the true culprit. If you fight in the name of Ronald McDonald that doesn't mean you are a hamburger.

Based on your comments it appears you are confused with antitheistic propaganda and not the substance of religious spirituality. In that alone I can agree is a common experience and maybe sense. We are all a little duped sooner or later

OpsChief wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

I only know a few athiests, but most of the people I talk to who don't believe in God are antitheists who actively seek out and attempt to discredit or silence anything that refers to the higher power.
That's what Atheism is. Any sort of acknowledgement of the possibility of there being a God or higher power is Agnosticism.
Atheism is the belief there is no God. antitheism is the active effort to discredit God. Here is the difference. If you don't belive in God why waste time eliminating something that doesn't exist? Antitheists spend time attacking the messengers (believers) instead of seeking proof that their atheistic doctrine is fact.
trying to discredit a religion is called heretiscism (did i spell it  right?). a person who does so is a heretic. an atheist is a person who just doesn't believe in it, they don't care what other ppl think, they don't actively seek out "believers" and discredit them.
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6686|Inside the AR Rockets.

KORdaemon wrote:

stef10 wrote:

Wtf is that bullshit. May I ask. Scientists have already said, that somebody gave a hand to make the evolution begin. It is impossible for it to begin on its own.
what scientist said that? the pope?

life CAN begin on its own, scientist's just arn't 100% sure how it happened.
Parasite Rex is a good book on this subject, although it mostly is about parasites there's a good chapter about how life was made scientifically.

and besides, the only HAND that could've helped out was planetary conditions and placement and the sun's quality.
if the planet has the right gravity, right chemical compounds in the atmosphere, the right temperature and the right amount of sunlight and warmth, life will exist.
certain chemical bonds attract some molecules that were randomly created along with the planet and eventually, the right molecules and maybe a powerful source of heat turns it into a protein molecule.  after a certain amount of protein combine together, other molecules start attaching themselves and the substance becomes a quazi living being.  kind of like living goo except microscopic.
they can only do simple things like reproduce and absorb food and eventually some of these proteins evolved into more specialized bacteria that can feed off of the other quazi living beings.

okay maybe im not that convincing but i'm bad at explaining things. just look up parasite rex at ur local library and find the chapter or section or w/e about how life started.
Exactly, if the suns composition wasnt exact down to the 0.0000000000000000001%, it would either fail to turn into a sun or explode right away. But we wouldn't be there to care about it.

God wrote:

"We would all be happy little angels in oblivion being happy"
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6686|Inside the AR Rockets.

OpsChief wrote:

HUNDaemon wrote:

I dont belive in religion for many reasons:

1. Too much thought that wont actually get anywhere

2. Too much complications that'll create disputes over something ridiculous (like this forum)

3. Religion is like imaginary friends for adults

4. Religion is for weak people who can't accept that there's NOTHING after we die

5. Because Religion (mainly the 'God' ones) killed millions of people in the past over crusades

6. Because churches collect money. Why? Definatly not for God! For themselves! Because they're greedy assholes

7. Because H-core religious people are blind to reality and destroy anything that proves that something invisible in every sense is ACTUALLY not there.

8. Because if God exists, he's on vacation and has been for hella long time.

9. Because he doesn't actually exist.

[/start reality check/no proof just opinion/can't end commonsense that didn't start]

I'll bet if you go back and restudy all those so called "religious wars" you will find GREED and IMPOSTER "GUARDIANS OF THE FAITHS" as the true culprit. If you fight in the name of Ronald McDonald that doesn't mean you are a hamburger.

Based on your comments it appears you are confused with antitheistic propaganda and not the substance of religious spirituality. In that alone I can agree is a common experience and maybe sense. We are all a little duped sooner or later
I'm sorry, I know what you're saying but R. McDonald was a bad example, he's not a religion xDD
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6891|SE London

OpsChief wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

I only know a few athiests, but most of the people I talk to who don't believe in God are antitheists who actively seek out and attempt to discredit or silence anything that refers to the higher power.
That's what Atheism is. Any sort of acknowledgement of the possibility of there being a God or higher power is Agnosticism.
Atheism is the belief there is no God. antitheism is the active effort to discredit God. Here is the difference. If you don't belive in God why waste time eliminating something that doesn't exist? Antitheists spend time attacking the messengers (believers) instead of seeking proof that their atheistic doctrine is fact.
Religious people don't do that too? Ever have some Mormons or Jehovahs Witnesses knocking on your door? Atheists don't do that. Being vocal about your beliefs does not change what they are.

Why waste time eliminating something that doesn't exist? Because the social and political consequences of this something that doesn't exist are all too real.

Yet somehow, Atheists who express their beliefs are regarded as intolerant of religion. Whereas people who try to push religion on others are looked upon in a very different way.

KORdaemon wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

That's what Atheism is. Any sort of acknowledgement of the possibility of there being a God or higher power is Agnosticism.
Atheism is the belief there is no God. antitheism is the active effort to discredit God. Here is the difference. If you don't belive in God why waste time eliminating something that doesn't exist? Antitheists spend time attacking the messengers (believers) instead of seeking proof that their atheistic doctrine is fact.
trying to discredit a religion is called heretiscism (did i spell it  right?). a person who does so is a heretic. an atheist is a person who just doesn't believe in it, they don't care what other ppl think, they don't actively seek out "believers" and discredit them.
To add to what you said, heretics, if they do not believe in any god, may fall under athiesm. Athiests may or may not actively dispute religion.
+783|7153|Reykjavík, Iceland.
God didn't make man, man made god.

If I will burn in hell for not believing in god, lets go! Heaven is for boring people who like to talk to god, pray, water pot plants, etc. while hell will rock on!

PBAsydney wrote:

God didn't make man, man made god.

If I will burn in hell for not believing in god, lets go! Heaven is for boring people who like to talk to god, pray, water pot plants, etc. while hell will rock on!
Dude, watering plants owns! It's something hitmen do.
+783|7153|Reykjavík, Iceland.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

PBAsydney wrote:

God didn't make man, man made god.

If I will burn in hell for not believing in god, lets go! Heaven is for boring people who like to talk to god, pray, water pot plants, etc. while hell will rock on!
Dude, watering plants owns! It's something hitmen do.
It's only cool if they are carnivore plants.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6891|SE London

PBAsydney wrote:

God didn't make man, man made god.
Nicely said.
what is paradise ? all people are different from each other ? how paradise can be same for everyone ?

stef10 wrote:

The science we know today is maybe only 10% of the science, that really is. Like we do not even know everything about the atom. Who knows what the smallets part is. Like what are quarkes made of and after that. What about blackholes. And do not start about the bullshit about us knowning how big the universe is. We do not know shit. Hell even our own mathsystem is fucked up in some areas.
like, like, like zomgz. like it was so cool! god is like the most awesome like thing ever like totally!

HUNDaemon wrote:

Exactly, if the suns composition wasnt exact down to the 0.0000000000000000001%, it would either fail to turn into a sun or explode right away. But we wouldn't be there to care about it.
How can a sun turn into a sun if it's already a sun?


stef10 wrote:

The science we know today is maybe only 10% of the science, that really is. Like we do not even know everything about the atom. Who knows what the smallets part is. Like what are quarkes made of and after that. What about blackholes. And do not start about the bullshit about us knowning how big the universe is. We do not know shit. Hell even our own mathsystem is fucked up in some areas.
Try 0.0000000000000000001%. And even then, that'd be overly optimistic.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-12-07 12:22:16)

+783|7153|Reykjavík, Iceland.
lol, imagine if we were to fit everyone's personal fetish into paradise, how awesome would that be LOL.

IsaacLeavitt wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

IsaacLeavitt wrote:

the book is not accredited as being true by any honest historian.
One can say the same about the bible.
FAIL...lol ur a joke, the bible is one of the most historically accredited books, lol there are 11 other books written by non Christian authors from the dates 70- 500 A.D. that mention the bible and the Christans... even the Jews. lol that is proof

sergeriver wrote:

Today almost 1,2 billion persons are atheists or agnostics. 
Why do you think people stopped believing?
Does science prove everything to such a point that people can't believe in God anymore?
Is Organized Religion making people lose faith in God?
Those who choose to believe, do they actually believe, or do they fear to be alone?
Who knows? Myself I'm a catholic, not an extremist or extremely devoted (i.e. I dont go to church or pray like theres no tomorrow, I do pray though), but I am proud to be catholic and I love God, Jesus and the holy spirit and the virgin mary. I do believe in them and I worship them, however if you want to be an atheist or agnostic then be, its your choice I don't get mad, I am tolerant against other religion and atheism, etc. What I don't like is when atheists or agnostics start going at us folks who do believe in a higher power telling us we're stupid for believing in them, etc, etc. And THEN they go saying we're not tolerant, those kinds of hipocryts are the ones I dislike, other than that I let them be.

And about people goign from believing to not believing, well, the current situation is to blame, I for one was really unhappy with God to some degree I insulted him and cursed him and for a time I became so angry I was becoming an atheist saying if God exists why do these things happen to us and the people around us?? Then I realized free will exists and that we forge our future, and the people who do bad things to us are doing their free will to us, however God does protect us if we ask for it (yeah thats my belief), and bad things happen because some assholes choose to do bad things (i.e. murderers, burglars, rapists, etc.) and sadly we have to be in the same place they are.

On September 2006 my cousin who was like a brother to me was shot in the heart and killed by an asshole, his ex and a friend of his ex and another guy, he is now in jail and frankly I'm still depressed, I don't really find comfort at all, even knowing the asswipe who shot my cousin is in jail, I 1st started going at it that there's no God, etc. Then I remembered what free will was, I still hate the fucking asshole who shot him, his ex, his ex's friend and the other idiotic moron and I sure want them dead, yes, I want them to die a painfull excrutiating death, and I hate their guts.

Point is, the current happenings of the world and their life are what might turn them to atheism, not all, but perhaps a lot, some might say "if there's a God why does this happen to me, him, her, etc?" and I don't blame them, life is extremely hard for most people, and thats why I have tolerance towads atheists and other religions or beliefs, hope this helps.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6850|The Lost Highway

spray_and_pray wrote:

Because religion sounds like bullshit theres some big man up in the clouds who lets people live there iv they are good and they go under ground if they are bad what kind of bs is that? And a virgin mary bs i bet you she was a slut. If anyone reads the Da Vinci code it gives a lotta reasons why not to beleive.
Basing your argument on the 'Da Vanci' code is fucking retarted, considering it is fiction. Let me guess... You're a Scientologist?
+783|7153|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Here's a fun fact: If you are religious you have to believe that all other religions and theories are wrong, or you wouldn't be religious.

Or am I too tired to think rational right now?

mKmalfunction wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

Because religion sounds like bullshit theres some big man up in the clouds who lets people live there iv they are good and they go under ground if they are bad what kind of bs is that? And a virgin mary bs i bet you she was a slut. If anyone reads the Da Vinci code it gives a lotta reasons why not to beleive.
Basing your argument on the 'Da Vanci' code is fucking retarted, considering it is fiction. Let me guess... You're a Scientologist?
For the sake of argument, if one were to base their opinion on 'The Da Vinci Code', it would only serve to 'disprove' accepted religious form, but not God.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-12-07 12:33:28)

+12|6980|Aberdeen, Uk, SF Bay Area 1st
wow, another uninformed anti religion thread made by people who love to hear themselves speak. how original, especially for this site.  this site's headed wayyy down the tubes
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6850|The Lost Highway

PBAsydney wrote:

Here's a fun fact: If you are religious you have to believe that all other religions and theories are wrong, or you wouldn't be religious.

Or am I too tired to think rational right now?
I was born Christian, a Baptist at that.. and I don't necessarily believe all other religions and theories are wrong. I'm a Christian Buddhist in certain ways, if that makes any sense.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

For the sake of argument, if one were to base their opinion on 'The Da Vinci Code', it would only serve to 'disprove' accepted religious form, but not God.
True. Dogma can be scary, people need to try to form some of their own opinions, rather then blindly accepting others. (That goes for religous folks, and athiests alike.)

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Adam and Eve are the real thing too? So we're all West Virginian?
This dude says the Church he went to said the 'N' word, which I find highly doubtful, unless he went to one of those Aryan churches... Then he says 'So we're all West Virginian' implying that the nice people from WV are inbred... What a fucking hypocrite.

jarhedch wrote:

wow, another uninformed anti religion thread made by people who love to hear themselves speak. how original, especially for this site.  this site's headed wayyy down the tubes
Please by all means inform us.
+374|6677|Columbus, Ohio

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

jarhedch wrote:

wow, another uninformed anti religion thread made by people who love to hear themselves speak. how original, especially for this site.  this site's headed wayyy down the tubes
Please by all means inform us.
opens bag of popcorn

Stingray24 wrote:

If we're truly the masters of our own destiny, why haven't we grasped the details of our universe by now?  Because we have finite minds.  We can't possibly fully understand the complete depth of our universe.  All we have are scientific theories that are a feeble attempt to explain things in terms we can wrap our minds around.
I can't belive I missed this post.

'Feeble' attempt: you're advocating an 'attempt to explain things' that is based upon men walking on water, parting seas, magically mutiplying loaves and fish and building a big fuckoff boat to house two of every animal (I wonder how many penguins there were in the middle east back then).

PS Tell Noah he forgot to pack the dinosaurs.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-07 12:53:30)


mKmalfunction wrote:

PBAsydney wrote:

Here's a fun fact: If you are religious you have to believe that all other religions and theories are wrong, or you wouldn't be religious.

Or am I too tired to think rational right now?
I was born Christian, a Baptist at that.. and I don't necessarily believe all other religions and theories are wrong. I'm a Christian Buddhist in certain ways, if that makes any sense.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

For the sake of argument, if one were to base their opinion on 'The Da Vinci Code', it would only serve to 'disprove' accepted religious form, but not God.
True. Dogma can be scary, people need to try to form some of their own opinions, rather then blindly accepting others. (That goes for religous folks, and athiests alike.)

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Adam and Eve are the real thing too? So we're all West Virginian?
This dude says the Church he went to said the 'N' word, which I find highly doubtful, unless he went to one of those Aryan churches... Then he says 'So we're all West Virginian' implying that the nice people from WV are inbred... What a fucking hypocrite.
To be more detailed. In both churches, the sermon was "anything that keeps you from church is your god."

The preacher took things from the audience.

One lady said "BINGO!"

Priest says,"Money is your god"

Another guy say the "NBA Finals".

Priest says,"Ahhhh the N***** Ball Association"

Everyone laughs.

Except me and my brother. And there were black people in the church too.

I know what I believe and I choose to believe in myself. THe Adam and Eve comment was sarcastic.

At age 25 I am succesful in job, family, and finances to my satisfaction. And god had no part in any of it.

As I stated before, if the gates of hell are waiting for me, check me off the list cause Im coming in.

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