sergeriver wrote:
Today almost 1,2 billion persons are atheists or agnostics.
Why do you think people stopped believing?
Does science prove everything to such a point that people can't believe in God anymore?
Is Organized Religion making people lose faith in God?
Those who choose to believe, do they actually believe, or do they fear to be alone?
MY opinion
I've been to church twice in my life. In both churches the N word was used during a sermon. Then the Catholic Pedofile Reachout program where we hide pedophiles among different churches in the country to avoid prosecution. THen the church reaping benefits via tax breaks and such, but they want to have an impact on US Policy. THe radicals thinking the bible is meant to be taken word for word. The radicals believing they are better than an aetheist or agnostic person.
Agnostic I am. And proud. I spend my Sunday morning doing for me. Not for a God. Because I work to hard the other days of the week.
Overall the religious community is a massive gathering of hypocrits who can flick people off in traffic, wish death to thier boss, or have an affair; then go to church Sunday and be forgiven.
You don't need a building of brick or stone to worship what you believe.
If hell is what is waiting for me, I'm lined up and ready.