Last night, ive been playing on the TSC server, was good, no lag... I was playing spec ops, and ofcourse i was jihading their tanks and planes, and sometimes was going on the carrier to plant my explosives... then a TSC asshole came to kill me, i pwned his ass and then ..... !k Colonelioan FOR BASERAPING. I came back and asked why the fuck they kicked me, they said i was baseraping... no i was blowing assets and i defended myself.... later i go in the mec base to plant my explosives and then, the most retarded kick reson ive ever had.. !k Colonelioan PISS OFF NOOBLET, I Screenshoted it and came back asking wtf was that for, they said baseraping, i was planting explosives, then the fun part I WARNED THEM THAT IF THEY KICK AGAIN FOR A LAME REASON, I REPORT THEIR SERVER. well they banned me for: !b Colonelioan FOR DISRESPECT, FUCK OFF NOOB.... I reported em, and i hope this server will get removed.

Sorry i searched and dint find anything

I needed to post this, i feel better now

Discuss, i sure there alot more playeres that have been kicked fom this server in a lame way
find a new server.
Hey Colonelioan
I'm the one who kicked and banned you....well first ill discuss why you where kicked....well first you where in our main just killing people you where not defending yourself like as soon as they spawned u killed them so i had no choice but to kick you.....then you came back and started talking shit about our server and the admins so i was like don't argue and just play then you where like fuck you and all that shit so i banned u....if u want ill give you the logs so stop complaining
Logs FTW
Well this is getting interesting. Not often the admin of the servers respond back.  Why dont we get the screenshots posted and the log posted and let us decide?  Just to make it interesting.
Wiki Contributor

ncc6206 wrote:

Well this is getting interesting. Not often the admin of the servers respond back.  Why dont we get the screenshots posted and the log posted and let us decide?  Just to make it interesting.

"Don't post while intoxicated."

=TSC=russiandude11 wrote:

Hey Colonelioan
I'm the one who kicked and banned you....well first ill discuss why you where kicked....well first you where in our main just killing people you where not defending yourself like as soon as they spawned u killed them so i had no choice but to kick you.....then you came back and started talking shit about our server and the admins so i was like don't argue and just play then you where like fuck you and all that shit so i banned u....if u want ill give you the logs so stop complaining
One of your admins (can remember his name... was a low rank and had CCC in the name...) threatened to kick me a couple of times in one round for the SU34... then i get kicked...

I find with Oman it can be really cool, or really ghay, same with the Admins. TSC admins like Russian, Kiotee, [Major]Specs are cool, but then there are others....

Last edited by =Karma-Kills= (2006-12-04 12:30:30)

Bring on the screen shots and logs and let the hearing begin.
+3|6875|U S A
Well as I was also on at the time I can confirm what russian has posted.  Colonelioan was kicked for a valid reason.  It was only a Kick he could have rejoined and learned from his mistake instead he chose to be disrespectfull and now that he is banned he came here to whine some more.  We have very simple rules on the TSC servers , they are constantly appearing on the screen.   Most people are given a warning before they are kicked if they dont heed the warning they are kicked, if they persist in their rule breaking or become disrespectful they may be banned.   Pretty simple actually.

Karma I will admit like any clans we are not perfect but most of our admins are very fair and easy to get along with and any time you have an issue with someone you are free to post in our forums and I'm sure it will be taken care of.

Last edited by maddogjj (2006-12-04 13:07:48)

"Don't post while intoxicated."

maddogjj wrote:

Karma I will admit like any clans we are not perfect but most of our admins are very fair and easy to get along with and any time you have an issue with someone you are free to post in our forums and I'm sure it will be taken care of.
Yay its that guy from teh choppers! Yeh i know my comment was not at all admins, just 1 or 2. Anyways i might come on later tonight. Actually, my main problem with your server is that you kick for chopper soloing... but whatever... when people like you or Capone are on that isnt a problem.
Tell me ho we post the screen shot and ull get it
"Don't post while intoxicated."
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Oh yeh its coming back to me now. The name of the admin was... See SS... and i got kicked for flash bangs and c4 on runway to get jet... odd as i was only Spec Ops (not assualt) and didnt C4 at all... hmmm....

Anyways ill play TSC later, cos there probs the best 24/7 Oman server out there.

Here is the proof that i wasent kicked for base rape, and ive gone in mec base to plant explosives, but i hand some on my car so why not blow em? guess you guys are playing arent playing war

Last edited by colonelioan (2006-12-04 14:31:15)

HMMMM good evidence on your part especially the Nooblet part.  Wish we could see the logs.
Logs, you mean scorebord? sorry dont had time, but i remenber i had between 15 and 25 points i think, all C4 kills, i was splosive happy that night

colonelioan wrote:

Logs, you mean scorebord? sorry dont had time, but i remenber i had between 15 and 25 points i think, all C4 kills, i was splosive happy that night
=TSC=russiandude11 stated he had a log of the conversation and would show it to explain what transpired.
Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

colonelioan wrote:

Logs, you mean scorebord? sorry dont had time, but i remenber i had between 15 and 25 points i think, all C4 kills, i was splosive happy that night
chat logs...

EDIT: beat to the punch....

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2006-12-04 14:48:53)

OK, show em, i dont care, ull help me prove it

Last edited by colonelioan (2006-12-04 14:51:23)

+13|6474|St.Louis, Missouri
All I can say judging on the screenshots and complaints, TSC clan abuses their admin powers and that really shows how horrible and immature their clan is. TSC is almost as bad as TSH clan...their admins abuse their power too.

All in all, I believe that people need to come to UTI clan server at :16567 and play fun games with trustworthy admins. UTI clan rules all.   

Server has logs of what happens during the game. In case if someone is cheating or being an asshat, admin of the server can go back to the logs of during that session to see what happened.
Nice plug for yalls server. I might actually check it out.

eyesteponbabies wrote:

All I can say judging on the screenshots and complaints, TSC clan abuses their admin powers and that really shows how horrible and immature their clan is. TSC is almost as bad as TSH clan...their admins abuse their power too.

All in all, I believe that people need to come to UTI clan server at :16567 and play fun games with trustworthy admins. UTI clan rules all.   

ur so fucking right dude. Haha lol looks like these TSC pricks have nothing more to say - owned, who the noob now?

PS: just wanna know, do this shitty ass server got wiped by BFROE, if yes, I thank em.

Last edited by colonelioan (2006-12-04 15:17:28)

TCS, there's a BF2 one, i could only find the SF one
+85|6432|Manchester, UK
Will nobody post the logs so we can see for ourselves?
The media awaits on this breaking news story.  LOL

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